Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 24, 1999, Page 11, Image 11

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N ovem ber 2 4 ,1 9 9 9
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Notice Of Opportunity For Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Tri-County
Metropolitan Transportation District o f Oregon (Tri-Met) in Mezzanine
Rooms 3 and 4 (Second Floor), Two W orldTradeCenter, 121 S.W.Salmon,
Portland at 8:00 - 10:00 AM on Wednesday, December 8lh, 1999. The
purpose o f this hearing is to invite partic ipation in a community-wide public
forum to discuss the allocation o f new state funding for elderly and disabled
transportation services.
The purpose o f the forum is to receive public and community comment on
how to best allocate new state funding forelderly anddisabled transportation
services in the Portland metropolitan area.
The 1999 Oregon Legislature approved expanded funding for elderly and
disabled transportation services. A portion o f the new funds will be
allocated to Tri-Met and the greater Portland area. Over the next two years,
the region could receive up to approximately $7 million in capital and
operating funds to improve and expand elderly and disabled transportation
The Elderly and Disabled Transportation Forum is being held to receive
public and community comments on the expenditure o f these new state
funds and on the need for additional elderly and disabled transit services.
Tri-Met invites the public, agency representatives, community and social
service providers and others interested in elderly and disabled transportation
issues and services to attend and participate on the forum. All are welcome.
A person requesting a sign language interpreter shall give Tri-Met at least
48 hours notice o f the request by contacting Tri-Met at 962-4831 or TDD
962-5811, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Please call Bemie Bottomly at (503)962-4890 for additional information or
send e-mails to Bottomlb(a:tri-met.org. Written request may be sent to Tri-
Met, Government Affairs, 4012 S.E. 17,h Avenue, Portland, OR 97202.
Oregon State University Athletic Complex Addition
Request for Qualifications
Oregon State University is seeking qualifications from architectural firms
interested in providing master planning and design through construction
phase services for the OSU Athletic Complex Addition. Oregon State
University (OSU) is preparing to add a new field house, softball stadium,
and auxiliary gym annex to Gill Coliseum on the OSU Campus. The phased
development program will begin with the construction ofthe field house and
softball stadium. The annex to Gill will occur once appropriate funding is in
The proposed 85,000 square foot field house will provide indoor practice
space for seven sports teams. The teams include football, baseball, softball,
men’s and women’s golf, and men’s and women’s soccer. The new 500-750
seat softball stadium is envisioned to include locker rooms for the softball
team as well as men’s and women’s soccer teams, concessions, ticketing
and changing rooms for officials. The annex to Gill Coliseum is to be adjacent
to, and function integrally with. Gill. The proposed 46,000 square foot
addition will include new courts for basketball and volleyball with seating
for 1,500-2,000, locker rooms, administrative offices, weight training space,
medical training room, wrestling room and academic space. Some minor
renovation ofG ill will be required to ensure that circulation and code issues
are addressed adequately for the entire complex. Gill Coliseum must remain
fully operational throughout construction.
The qualification responses will be used to develop a “short list” o f three
to five firms who will be invited to prepare proposals and participate in an
Interested firms should contact Lori Fulton, University Architect, OSU
Facilities Services, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-200 l.o r at Fax
(541) 737-3724, to obtain a copy ofthe Request for Qualifications (RFQ).
Responses to the RFQ will be due by 5PM, Thursday, December2,1999. No
responses will be accepted after the specified date and time. Responses may
be rejected for non-compliance with all response requirements and
procedures, or for good cause upon a finding that it is in the interest ofOSU
to do so.
Employment Employment Employment Employment
Program Advocate
Working with youth 13-17 yrs old.
P ro v id in g se rv ic e acc e ss and
coordination, advocacy, support and
development. Req'sB.A .orexper. In
social work or related field.
Apply at Portland Impact 4707 SE
Hawthorne Blvd. Must complete
agency application to be considered.
Senior Advocate
Im m ediate o p en in g , p ro v id in g
service access and coordination,
advocacy and support. Req’s B. A. or
exper in social work or related field
and computer literate. $9.25-$ 10.25/
HR. Apply at Portland Impact4707 SE
Hawthorne Blvd. Must complete
agency application to be considered.
$150 Em ploym ent Bonus -
See Hiring Office for details.
Immediate opening for full and part-
time lot attendants with Portland’s
leading parking Co. We are seeking
dependable individuals with a neat
appearance and a positive attitude.
$7.60 + starting wage
Huge overtime potential
Advancement opportunities
Medical, Dental, 401K available
Applicants must submit to drug test
and background check.
Apply in person daily between
12-1 PM, M onday-Friday.
215SW 6thPortland,OR
Manager of Project Respond
O utreach
S erv ices
Portland Workwithahighlyskilled
dynamic team that is nationally
honored and is dedicated to providing
a skilled response to behaviorally
challenged individuals on the street,
in jails and in their own home. Ideal
candidate is a master’s level clinician
with experience working with serious
and persistently mentally ill persons,
homelessness, crisis and outreach.
Knowledge and abilities in managing
complex community and systems
relationships, collecting data, report
and g ra n t w ritin g , c o n tra c t
management and public speaking.
Competitive wage and great benefits
Please send cover letter and resume
to Unity Inc., Attn: Dolores Morgan,
710 SW 2nd, 4,h floor, Portland, OR
97204. Equal Opportunity Employer.
r o w t l x o w i w i l I ■ l r l o 1
M cM enam ins
Substation Operator
High Voltage Electrician
Applications accepted: 11/22/99 - 12/23/99
Lim ited Employment O pportunity
Call or visit website for eligibility information
C all 1-877-W R K 4B P A (1-877-975-4272) or see www.bpa.gov
Assignments in Oregon, Washington, Idaho & Montana
Call Your Date Now!!!
Ext 7137
$2.99 per min. must be 18yrs.
Serv-U (619) 645-8434
Wildlife Jobe to S21.60/HR
Inc. Benefits. Game Wardens.
Security, Maintenance, Park Rangers.
No Exp Needed. For APP. And Exam
Info Call 1 8 0 0 813-3585,EXT 6605
8 am - 7 pm , 7 Days fds inc
Franz Bakery
Imed. Opening for computer opr.
W orking k n o w le d g e o f D O S,
Windows Environm ent, & Exel.
Includes batch, data processing, &
reporting. Min. supervision. Will train
to use customized software & related
equip. Comp. Salary. Apply directly:
No. Port. Emp. Ofc, 30 N. Webster.
Cars From $500!
Police impounds & tax repo's
For listings call 1800319^3323
ext. A603.
♦ Columbia
Sportswear Company®
Work for OneTough Mother!
Columbia Sportswear has proven that
quality construction, engineering and
innovation in sports apparel is a
formula for success. Join our team in
the following position:
W arehouse A ssistant/M ailroom
Assist to ensure the timely, accurate
and efficient shipping and receiving
o f m aterials in o u r c o rp o ra te
headquarters warehouse area.
Ensure all FEDEX/UPS packages are
ready for dailypickup. Log and deliver
all FEDEXUPS packages received
and deliver to recipients. Act as a
backup for M ailroom duties as
Please send resume to: Columbia
S p o rtsw e a r C o m pany, H um an
Resources, Dept. WHASST, Box
83239, Portland, OR 97283 or FAX
(503) 735-4597. Equal Opportunity
Social Service:
Engineer I, Associate - City o f
Milwaukie, OR Salary: $2.971 to $3,723
per month, DOQ. With excellent
benefits. Looking for civil engineer
Work for One Tough Mother! with training or experience in the
Columbia Sportswear has proven that design and management o f public
quality construction, engineering and im p ro v em en ts.
M in im u m
innovation in sports apparel is a R e q u ire m e n ts : G eneral: M ust
formula forsuccess. Join our Planning possess, or be able to obtain by time
Department in the following position:
o f hire, a valid area driver’s license
International Production Assistant
without record o f suspension or
Work with planner and offshore
revocation in any State and insurable
offices to accommodate international
byCity insurance carrier. Education:
production needs. Coordinate all
a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited
production communications between
u n iv e rsity or c o lle g e in c iv il
the International Department and
engineering, or related field, or any
offshore offices. Maintain sty lemaster equivalent combination o f education
for International Divisions.
and experience. T rain in g : Must
Qualified candidate will possess 1 + possess or be able to obtain within six
years experience in a business
(6) months from date o f hire an
environment, strong interpersonal
Engineer in Training Certificate. Prior
skills and attention to detail. Position
W ork Experience: Must have a
requires high level o f organization
w orking kn o w led g e o f c iv il
and ability to work within a team
engineering and applicable City rules
atmosphere. Proficiency in Excel and
and regulations, skill in use o f
Production planning experience
personal computer and applicable
office and engineering software, skill
Please send resume to: Columbia
in cost estimates and design and
S p o rtsw e a r C om pany, H um an
management o f projects preferably
Resources, Dept. IPA, POBox 83239,
related to public im provem ents,
Portland, OR97283 orFAX (503)735-
e x c e lle n t oral and w ritte n
4597. Equal Opportunity Employer.
communications or any combination
o f d e m o n stra te d e x p e rie n c e ,
education and/or training that shows
ability to perform assigned work.
Sportswear Company® Application materials include cover
Work for OneTough Mother! letter and City o f Milwaukie job
application. The City o f Milwaukie,
Columbia Sportswear has proven that
Human Resources, 10722 SE Main
quality construction, engineering and
Street, Milwaukie, OR 97222 must
innovation in sports apparel is a
receive all application materials no
formula for success. Join our team in
later than 4:00 P M , T u e sd a y ,
the following position:
D e c e m b e r 21, 1999 for m ore
Mailroom Clerk
information: (503) 786-7507 or TDD
Sort and distribute all daily incoming
#(503) 786-7555 or Fax #(503) 652-
post office, express and inter-office
4433 P rio r to h irin g , re q u ire
mail within established schedule.
satisfactory completion o f drug test.
Prepare outgoing post office mail and
All qualified applicants encouraged
express mail for mailing. Act as a
to apply. EOE.
back-up to switchboard operator
when necessary.
Fiscal Manager
Please send resume to: Columbia
The Youth Services Consortium
S p o rtsw e a r C om pany, H um an
(YSC) is seeking an individual to be
Resources, Dept. MLRM, PO Box
responsible for the day-to-day fiscal
83239, Portland, OR 97283 or FAX
management ofthe organization. This
(503) 735-4597. Equal Opportunity
includes, but is not lim ited to,
bookkeeping, accounts payable,
Sportswear Company®
Therapeutic Mentor/Individual Skills
Trainer needed 5-19 hrs/wk. Provide
o n e -o n -o n e sk ill b u ild in g and
b e h a v io r
m a n ag em en t w ith
emotionally disturbed children and
adolescents. Flexible hours primarily
afternoons, evenings, and weekends.
Bachelors degree in social sciences
or minimum o f 4 years working with
children and youth. Submit resume
and cover letter to: MC Skills Trainer,
707 NECouchSt, Portland, OR97232.
Legislative Budget Analyst
The Legislative Budget Analyst
analyzes budgets and conducts
program evaluation. Salary is $4,104
- $6,059. For application information
call (503) 986-1373. Em ployee
Services, Room 140-B State Capitol
Salem OR TTY: (503) 986-1374 Fax:
(503) 986-1684. Application materials
m ust be received in E m ployee
Services by 5:00 p.m. December 20,
Now hiring FT Hosts, FT Catering
Cook, and PT Catering Servers at
M cM enam ins K ennedy School.
Flexible schedule including wknd avail
a must. We offer excellent benefits
and w ages! A p p ly at any
McMenamins location or on line at
www.mcmenamins.com No phone
calls please! E.O.E.
Cooks, Bartenders And
Security Guards NeededFor
501(c)(3), Aerospace based youth
program. Extracurricular learning
project with aviation focus for youth.
20 hour week.
Various Shifts At Cleo-Lilliann
Social Club (CLEO’s). Call Xavier
For Appointment At 284-7150
Between 1:00P.M. To4:00P.M .
Needed: 63 people to lose up to 30
lbs. By 12/15/99.
Dr. recommended, all natural. 888-
812-6503 www.loseweight123.com
Clerical - Clerk-Warranty
Join a growing, company located near the PDX airport. Leatherman Tool
Group, Inc., a manufacturer o f quality, compact tools, is seeking a person
to support warranty programs. Warranty clerks process incoming warranty
items, enter data in warranty database, prepare routine and special reports.
Requires data entry exp, attention to detail, and ability to meet quality and
productivity standards.
Qualified applicants will be able to read and interpret customer requests and
accurately log information. Swing Shift position, 2:24 p.m. to Midnight.
Mon-Fri, after 2 months training on days.
We offer excellent benefits, competitive wages and a friendly professional
work environment. Pre-employment drug and alcohol screening is required.
Equal Opportunity Employer. Please send resume and cover letter to
Move To Sunny Las Vegas
Las Vegas’s biggest and best chain
o f Auto Body repair shops needs
qualified, professional Auto Body
Techs and Paint Preppers
Fax resume to: 702-558-1986 or
Mail to: G. V.C.C.
700N. Gibson Rd.
Henderson, NV 89015
K ennedy
Deputy Sheriff
State Certified & Experienced
Officers Only
$3006 to $3847 per m onth*
C lackam as C o unty S h e r if f s
Department is developing an eligibility
list for Deputy Sheriff. Deputy Sheriffs
are experienced sworn peace officers
responsible for law enforcement,
patrol, and general investigative work.
M ust possess at least 1 yr. O f
experience as a DPSST certified sworn
p o lic e o ffic e r or c o m p a ra b le
experience & certification in another
state. Excellent benefits include
♦county-paid PERS retire m e n t
contribution, 4% deferred comp, and
incentive pay.
County Em ploym ent A pplication
R equired. Application m aterials
available at C lackam as C ounty
Personnel, 900 Main Street, Oregon
City, OR 97045, (503) 655-8459.
Website: http://www.co.clackamas
.or.uspersonnel/iobs.html. Closing
date December 10,1999 5:00PM. EEO
Employer___________________ ___
. / n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide,
competitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the
following agencies:
Transportation Maintenance Specialist
Drawbridge Maintenance Crew
Your maintenance, equipment operation and team skills are needed for
this temporary position in Portland As a member of the Interstate Bridge
crew, you will perform maintenance and repair of the drawbridge and
other structures and ensure safe and efficient traffic and pedestrian
control to facilitate drawbridge operation. Prefer experience operating
heavy and/or light motorized equipment, using hand and power tools,
performing minor servicing of equipment and applying safety
procedures. Must have a valid driver s license and a good driving record.
Shift work required. Salary $1,778 ■ $2.691/month. depending on
experience or training, plus excellent benefits. Final applicants must
pass drug screen and physical abilities test. Position Is expected to last
six months but may be extended. Call (503) 988-4030 (TTY (503)
986-3854 for the hearing Impaired), or visit your local employment
department office for a State Employment Application (P0100). Send
completed application to OOOT, District 2B Maintenance Offlce. Attn:
Interstate Bridge. 9200 SE Lawnfleld Rd, Clackamas. OR 97015.
ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce.
Deadline is December 1, 1999. at 5:00 p.m.
or professional-level experience; a) advising
and/or instructing the public concerning
specific programs or processes; or b)
monitoring programs; or c) performing
participant reviews. This is a full-time
position, located in Portland. We offer a
monthly salary of $2,338 to $3,255 and an
excellent benefits package, including the
PERS retirement plan For application
materials, please contact (503) 731-3443.
Deadline is December 3,1999.
° F
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Executive Director
The State of Oregon is seeking a highly skilled administrator to serve as
Executive Director of the Health Licensing Office (HLO), headquartered In
Salem, Oregon, responsible tor protecting the public through the licensing
and regulation of healtfwelated provisions and occupations. The
Executive Director is responsible for the overall administration of the
agency, including the responsibility for the performance of duties and
functions of the boards, councils and programs administered by the
agency. Candidates must have extensive upper level managerial
experience in a public or private sector organization that has a similar
scope and complexity of programs related to this position. Candidates
should also have a proven track record In facilitating consensus between
groups and organizations with diverse viewpoints and interests.
Demonstrated experience and skills should include: effective oral and
written communication, interpersonal relations, negotiation techniques,
public speaking, management in multi-issue program administration,
budget development and administration, policy decision making, and
strong planning, and human resource management experience For a
complete description of duties and qualifications, please refer to the
announcement listing. Salary is $46,836 to $69,300 annually, plus
excellent benefits. Final salary is negotiable and based on qualifications
and experience Application process. Job Announcement PE5HL0002
and an Executive Service Applicant Information form, may bo obtained
Health Division
Center for Child and Family Health - WIC Section
WIC Program Representative 1
Vendor Training Coordinator
Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.
P.O.Box 20595
Portland. OR 97220
accounts receivable, grants and
c o n tracts m an ag em en t, and
preparation o f internal financial
Preferred qualifications include a
bachelor’s degree with 2 years of
fiscal management experience, strong
communication and organizational
skills, and the ability to w ork
independently w ith in assigned
Send cover letter, resume and the
names o f three references to:
Karen Knight
4839NEM LKJr. Blvd. #8
Portland OR 97211
YSC is an affirmative action/equal
opportunity employer
The Oregon Health Division. WIC program is a nationally recognized public
health nutrition education provider tor at risk Women. Infants and Children
designed to improve health and influence lifetime nutrition behaviors. We
have an Immediate opening tor a Vendor Training Coordinator (Program
Representative 1). The ideal candidate will have two years of staff-technical
by contacting the Department of Administrative Services at (5 0 3 )
375-2793, or visiting the state web site at www.oregonlobs.org.
Deadline to apply is December 10.1999.
/h o s e are lust some of the current openings available with the
State of Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the S ta te of
Oregon Application Form and a more compléta announcement liltin g ,
call the State Job line (Oregonian Inside U ne) (5 0 1 ) 2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 ext.
7 77 7 , TTV (5 0 3 ) 37B -4572. visit your local employment departm ent
or visit our web site at www.eregenlebs.org. The S tate of Oregon and
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