Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 24, 1999, Image 1

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( O m m ilted h» ( tilitiin i Diversity
Volume X X IX . N um ber 46
The Boston
Pops Esplanade
Orchestra hits
the Rose
Garden Dec. 4
medieval art
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1999 Christmas
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37 days
until the
• * millennia
Novem ber 24. 1999
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Portland, OR
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U niversity o f O regon
K night L ibrary
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Newport Bay Restaurant hosts Albina Head Start
CONTRIBUTED STORY_______________________
Oregon 25, Oregon
State 14
PORTLAND, OR - If you’re going to
fight a “Civil W ar”, you’d might as well
do it in your own backyard. Reuben
Droughns rushed for 197 yards and a
touchdow n as O regon tied a school
record with its 14"' consecutive home
win, 25-14 over Pac-10 and intrastate
rival Oregon State in the W est coast’s
longest-running series.
T he P ortland O bserver
The Newport Bay Restaurant at Jantzen Beach
hosted 19 Albina Head Start students for
lunch on Wednesday, N ovem berl7th. The
three and four year-olds rode two Tri-Met
buses then enjoyed strawberry lemonade,
fish and chips and brownie with ice cream for
dessert. Newport Bay provided coloring
crayons andplace mats with pictureofdifferent
kinds o f seafood as entertainment for the
high-energy guests.
The Albina Head Start program includes a
Country Life/City Life program where students
are encouraged to learn and do new things.
C linton
Bulgaria’s Progress
SOFIA, Bulgaria - In a cobblestone
square where protesters rebelled against
co m m u n ist ru le , P re sid e n t C lin to n
prom ised tens o f thousands o f cheering
Bulgarians that “you too shall overcome”
in their difficult struggle for democracy
and prosperity.
Repetitive Motion
Rules Announced
W A SH IN G T O N - T he 27 m illio n
Americans who labor on assembly lines,
at computer work stations or in jobs
involving heavy lifting could benefit
from a government proposal aimed at
lessening repetitive-m otion injuries,
supporters say.
Gretzky Joins Hall of
TORONTO - Not far from where he
first played hockey, W ayne G retzky
took up a new residence today - the Hall
o f Fame. The Great O ne received his
Hall o f Fame blazer and ring along with
former referee Andy Van Hellemond.
Washington may not
help pay for dredging
W ASHINGTON, D C. - The state may
not be able to pay its $28 million share
o f a Colum bia River channel deepening
project due to Initiative 695 cutbacks in
transportation spending officials say.
E lephant
B rings
Something New to The
PORTLAND, O R - O regon Z oo’s
celebrity elephant has something
m a k e s h e r im p o rta n t b e y o n d
boundaries o f the zoo— her genes.
six-year-old youngest has a fresh,
bloodline from a remote group o f
th e
Public Meetings Begin
On New Train Line
PORTLAND, OR - Public m eetings
b e g a n M o n d a y o n a p la n to run
c o m m u te r tra in se rv ic e b e tw e e n
Beaverton and W ilsonville. The 18-mile
line w ould run during m orning and
evening rush hour along highway 217
and Interstate 5.
(Above) An Albina Head Start student
enjoys her lunch at Newport Bay. The
Students were taken to lunch to learn
about eating in a full-service restaurant.
And (Above right) Shawnery Sullivan
serves up dessert to Albina Head Start
students learning about eating at a full-
service restaurant during their recent trip
to Newport Bay.
Inpreparation for the field trip, the student set
up a mock restaurant and role-played the
different aspects o f a full- service restaurant.
The students take turns being restaurant
guests, wait staff, cooks and hosts.
" Many o f these student have never eaten in
a full-service restaurant or been served by
wait staff at a restaurant such as Newport
Bay. This is real treat for them," said Nancy
Smith, a family advocate at Albina Head Start.
“Newport Bay has a great kids’ menu and
always provides coloring place mats and
crayons w hen fam ilies com e into the
restaurant. We really enjoyed having them
here.” saidTimJackson.managerat the Jantzen
Beach Newport Bay. “There were no picky
eaters in the bunch, the fish and chips were a
big hit with all 19 kids.”
Before leaving, the students sang a song for
the staff and other guests at Newport bay, to
thank then for lunch.
Local 9-1-1 center assures public Y2K confident
reliability o f all technical systems within the
“All critical 9-1-1 communication systems
have been upgraded and modified and are
prepared for Y2K,” states ITiera Bradshaw,
Executive Director. The systems referenced
include the 800 MHz radio system used for
voice communications, the 9-1-1 telephone
system, theComputer Aided Dispatch System
(CAD) that identifies the closest available
emergency responder, and M obile Data
Computers (MDCs) located in the emergency
vehicles, linking public safety professionals
to CAD. The regional 9-1-1 center relies
heavily upon computer technology in its daily
operations. Y2K or not, in such a technology-
_________________ __
T he P ortland O bserver
The spotlight o f national concern recently
focused on the Y2K readiness ofthe nation’s
9-1-1 centers. Clark Regional Communications
Agency (CRCA), the regional 9-1-1 center
serving all of the cities and unincorporated
areas o f Clark County, indicates that, at least
for the residents ofClark County, the concern
is unfounded.
Throughout 1999, employees ofCRC A, along
w ith outside contractors, have w orked
diligently on various Y2K projects. A
November 17 technical report to the CRCA
Administrative Board emphasizes the Y2K
saturated working environment personnel are
always prepared for the possibility that the
computers could go down. Trough scheduled
maintenance and testing CRC A stays familiar
with dispatching the “old fashioned" way
without missing a beat.
“While manual methods are slower, we still do
a v ery e ffic ie n t jo b g ettin g task s
accomplished.” says Rich Foster, a 26 year
veteran in public safety telecommunication,
and one o f six dispatch supervisors. CRCA
also has a back up 9-1-1 center that can be
utilized should the primary center need to be
Expressing confidence in the technical and
operations staff o f CRCA. Bradshaw praises
are highly trained professionals who deal
with the unexpected every day. Whatever
comes o f Y2K. our professionals are ready
and able to handle it.”
Ongoing training throughout the summer and
fall has the CRCA administrative staff and
other local government employees also ready.
A N ovem ber 4 Y2K exercise held in
co n ju n c tio n w ith a n a tio n a l F ederal
Emergency Management Adm inistration
exercise went very smoothly according to
John Wheeler ofthe CRCA, “Everyone did a
very good job in fielding all o f the simulated
information and responding accordingly. Our
Y2K Coordination Center is ready".
Red Lion Inn adds nine hotels in the west
partners with N orthw est and American
Airlines. Now each stay will allow our guest
to eam either 250 or 500 miles depending on
the qualifying rates, rhis is the most requested
travel reward and we re excited to offer our
guests the ability to eam free travel even more
rapidly. But not everything is changing...
you'll continue to receive the same caring
service, comfortable accommodations and
the outstanding value you have come to
expect from the Red Lion over the years. We
sincerely appreciate your business and look
forward to serving you in the future.
T he P ortland O bserver
Have you heard the great news/ Red Lion is
back... better than ever. On October4th, with
the addition o f 9 full service hotels in
Washington, Oregon and California, we were
on our way to re-launching the Red Lion
brand in the western United States. We are
proud to join a collection ofhotels that will be
dedicated to delivering care, comfort and
value to our guest, every stay!
Just recap our good news:
Renovation: We are investing over $400,000
to update the Red Lion Hotel Portland
Coliseum. You’ll see great improvements in
guestrooms to include electronic voicemail,
electronic locks, room service, laundry
facilities, exercise room, express checkout,
business center and in late November we will
have new carpet throughout the lobby,
restaurant, meeting and banquet rooms.
Distribution: Y ou’ll now find 29 Red Lion
Hotel and Inns in 9 different western states,
but keep your eye on us for exciting updates
at W W W .iedlionoregon.com.
Red Lion Club: A frequent guest program
where our loyal patrons are able to earn great
travel rewards. You' 11 find it easy to accumulate
the stays needed to eam:
A complimentary overnight stay
George Rogers, Regional Director o f Sales, Red Lion Hotels & Inns and Steve Hunter,
General Manager, Red Lion Hotel Coliseum
$50 US savings bond
$ 1,000 bonus miles with American or
Northwest Airlines
Royal Rewards: From now until January 31 st
2000 you get twice the credit for each nights
stay allowing you to reach our travel rewards
for as little as four overnight stays.
Frequent Flyer Awards: We are proud to be
rhere was an erroneous report in the
November 10,1999 issue o f
®b«»ni»r regarding the Red Lion Hotel
in Portland. The Coliseum is under the
corporate umbrella o f Promus and Phase I
o f their $400,000 renovation will entail
improving the guestroom s to include
electronic voicemail, electronic locks, room
service, laundry facilities, exercise room,
express checkout, business center and in
late November they will have new carpet
throughout the lobby, restaurant, meeting
and banquet rooms.