Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 17, 1999, Page 9, Image 9

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November 17, 1999
(Cljv -|3iiriÌanò (©bseruer
Christian radio raises
funds to feed homeless
for T he
P ortland O bserver
Pepper Ann is torn
between celebrating
Hannukah with her
mother and
Christmas with her
father in a new
episode o f
"Disney's Pepper
Ann ” entitled "A
Kosher Christmas, ”
December 18 within
"Disney's One
Saturday Morning, ”
8:30 -1 0 :3 0 AM
AM (PT) on ABC.
This Thanksgiving, K -LOVE Radio and a consortium o f 37 rescue missions are
joining forces to raise m oney to feed hungry in Portland and across the nation.
The fund-raiser began Nov. 8 on the K -LO V E Radio Netw ork and ends Nov.
23 with A nnouncer M ike N ovak broadcasting live from the Portland Rescue
Mission. All funds from Portland listeners will go to feed the hom eless at
Portland area rescue m issions.
Feed The H ungry ’99 is a project that will span the country, giving m oney to
mission m inistries in cities w here K -LOVE broadcasts. V olunteers will take
donations calls through Nov. 23 and will keep tra c k o f all pledges. Callers will
be instructed how to m ake donations to the Portland Rescue M ission and City
Team M inistries, a Portland-based organization dedicated to feeding the
homeless. In the last three years, this program has been used to successfully
raise m oney to feed the hungry in Portland. This is the first time the program
has been launched nationw ide in all K -LO V E broadcasting areas.
K-LOVE President D ick Jenkins believes Feed the Hungry ’99 will be the
beginning o f an ongoing project to help the homeless.
“ It is a privilege for K -LO V E R adio to be able to partner with rescue missions
from across the country on the Feed the H ungry ’99 project, Jenkins said. “We
are hoping this cam paign is so successful that it becom es an annual event for
David H arm s, president o f The Idea A gency and chairm an o f the board at
Portland R escue M ission, said Feed the Hungry ’99 could touch from 50,000
to 100,000 lives this Thanksgiving. The impact will depend on the am ount o f
money raised.
The cost to feed a hungry person is on average about $1.83 per meal. All
participating rescue m issions are affiliated with the International Union o f
G ospel M issions.
Those w ho w ish to help hungry people this Thanksgiving may call from 6 a.m.
io 9 p.m. toll free at (877) Hungry99. K -LOVE will be giving regular updates to
tell listeners how m uch m oney has been raised for their local missions.
K-LOVE R adio N etw ork broadcasts at 88.7 FM 96.3 FM and 1040 AM in
Come get your praise on
Accepting God’s miracle of healing
for T he
P ortland O bserver
“ I d o n ’t know w hether he (Jesus) is a sinner but I
know this: I w as blind and now I can see!” (Jesus
healing the blind m a n ... John 9:25) Last w eek, I
utilized the story o f Jesus healing a blind m an and
receiving criticism instead o f gratitude to write
about a healing service I attended that seem ed to
offer m iracles but left m e with m ore questions than
answers. A re special services necessary for G od
to heal? How did the preacher know so much about
m e? W as the w om en healed o f blood disorder
sim ply because hands w ere placed on her? W hat
about those who are not healed? A re there other,
less dramatic w ays we can be involved in a healing
m inistry? For years, I struggled w ith feelings o f
inadequacy as a pastor and Christian. Should I be
leading healing services? C ould G od heal others
though me? In other words, w hy w as I so afraid to
take action? So recently, along w ith several leaders
o f our church, w e began to look into the m iracle o f
G od’s healing. Our first Step was to study scripture.
Several m onths ago we invited leaders from another
church to talk about their healing m inistry. They
em phasized that as Christians we are already deeply
involved in g o d ’s miracle ofhealing. Every time we
visit som eone in need, send a card, deliver a basket
o f food, bake a cake, offer a prayer or sim ply share
a conversation over a soothing cup ofcoffee we are
offering G o d 's miracle ofhealing. W e could stop
feeling inadequate and start learning how to
improve. Then the miracle o f G od’s healing began.
for T he
P ortland O bserver
A lb in a M in is te r ia l A llia n c e
culm inates its fiscal yearly service in
the formofaHarvestPraiseGathering!
Sunday N ovem ber 21, 1999 at the
M aranatha Church o f G od located at
12th and Skidm ore at 6:00 pm
Advertise Your Church
Religion briefs
Rosenthal and
Safyan Concert is
just in time for
Award-winning local perform ers and
recording artists, M argie Rosenthal
and Ilene Safyan will give a special
Hanukkah C oncert at the M ittlem an
Je w is h C o m m u n ity C e n te r on
Saturday, D ecem ber 4 at 7:30 PM.
The concert w ill feature m usic from
their best-selling Hanukkah album
“Just in tim e for H anukkah."
The singing duo has recorded six
albums and has perform ed all over
the United States. “Just in T im e for
H anukkah” w on a 1994 P aren ts’
Choice G old A w ard and was featured
on the nationally syndicated radio
p ro g ra m “ A d v e n tu re s in G o o d
M usic.” R osenthal and S a fy a n ’s
Jewish lullaby album, “W here Dreams
are Bom ,” was a 1992 Parents’ Choice
Honor w inner M oment M agazine has
lis te d th e m as o n e o f th e top
perform ing groups for Jew ish family
The M ittlem an Jewish Com m unity
Center is located at 6651 SW Capitol
Hwy. In Portland. For more information
and cost o f tickets, call 244-0 111.
JCP Hanukkah
party is the place to
The Jewish Connections o f Portland
(JCP) will hold their annual Hanukah
Party on Saturday, Decem ber 4,1999
at 8pm. This H anukkah party, the
prem ier JCP event o f the year, will be
h eld at C o n g re g a tio n H a v u ra h
Shalom , 825 N W 18th A venue,
P o rtland. T h e festiv e fu n -fille d
evening will include dinner, dancing
and H anukkah candle lighting as well
as some special surprises.
The Jewish C onnections o f Portland
which is affiliated with the Mittleman
Jewish Com m unity Center, provides
¿The P o r t i a n i » ( O b s e r v e r
Call (503) 288-0033
social, professional, educational and
civic activities for all adults in their
2 0 ’s to 4 0 ’s in the Portland Jewish
com m unity. The group is for singles,
m arried and single parents and is
designed to form friendships, build
relationships and provide volunteer
opportunities w hile forging Jewish
C o m m u n ity c o n n e c tio n s fo r
new com ers and long tim e residents
Reserve your spot by N ovem ber 22,
to get the spec ial rate for JCP members
and for N on-M embers. R eservations
are required for this gala event. For
paym ent and m ore inform ation, call
C raft projects for children will be
offered. Hanukkah singing and a
candle lightmg ceremony with KBOO
Y iddish Hour hosts Amy Shapiro and
J e f f O len ick w ill round out the
festivities. Potato Latkes (traditional
H anukkah fare) and hot dogs will be
available for purchase.
Admission to the Citywide Hanukkah
C elebration is $5 general, $4 senior/
student, $3 under 12.. Children 2 years
o ld an d y o u n g e r are free. The
M ittleman Jewish Community Center
is located at 6651 SW Capitol Hwy. In
P o rtla n d . C a ll 2 4 4 -0 1 1 1 fo r
Celebrate Hanukkah
at the Center!
Celebrate Hanukkah at the Mittleman
J e w is h C o m m u n ity C e n te r on
M onday, December 6 from 6:00 PM -
9:00 PM.
This cityw ide celebration is the main
ev en t o f the P o rtland H anukkah
season. It is open to everyone - you
d o n ’t have to be Jew ish to enjoy the
holiday! K lezm er music for the party
will be provided by Jack Falk and
friends, with dancing encouraged for
N A T U R E ’ S?
iaoC at the dffeAence.
YlsihiAsJi JuAtceq,
Smart Start Child Care
Hours 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Ifyou are eligible for state, or other agency assistance, you
must provide the proper documentation before your child may
attend. Hourly, weekly & monthly rates
call 503 284-3828 for more information.
Director: Charlene Buckner.
Emmanuel Tem ple Choir along with
other great Choirs will be singing,
Albina M misterial Alliance will show
a video presentation and Bishop AA
W ells be the Speaker! Bishop A.R.
H opkins, Fellow ship Chair, Dr. T.
A llen Bethel, Host Pastor. For more
information call (503)288-7241 or(503)
to- oA-deA,
Pre-order your Nature’s turkey beginning
Wednesday, November 3rd at any Nature's
Northwest Store. They’re available while supplies last and will be ready to pick up beginning
Sunday, November 21st through Wednesday, November 24th by 7pm during store hours.
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