Page B2 November 17,1999 (£hv JJovUani» ©beeruer detro/Sports fio r t ia n b (F b s rru rr Ducks, Beavers set to play most important Civil War in 35 years T he A ssociated P rfs > Oregon ,md O regon State are breaking from their late- N ovem ber tradition: For the first tim e in 35 years, both teams have m ore to lose in the Civil W ar than just pride. Oregon (7-3 overall, 5-2 P ac-10) and Oregon State (7-3,4- OREGON STATE - E 3) are both going to a bowl gam e, the first time that has happened since 1949. This S aturday’s gam e at Autzen Stadium will be the m ost im portant in the series since 1964, when both team s needed the win to go to the Rose Bowl. O regon State w on that day, 7-6. The Beavers later lost to M ichigan 34-7, O S U ’s last trip to the p ostseason. This tim e the Beavers need a victory to clinch at leas t third place in the P ac-10, an accom plishm ent that seemed years away at the beginning o f the season, when O S U ’s primary goal was ending its 28-season streak o f losing records. “ I’m so excited for Oregon State,” said D ucks defensive back Michael Fletcher. “I’m excited for the state ofOregon. Everything is on the line here — state bragging rights, bow l gam es, everything.” Stanford (6-1 P a c -10) can earn a berth in the Rose Bowl against W isconsin if it beats California on Saturday. And W ashington (5-2) will go to the Holiday Bowl if it defeats W ashington State, as expected. T hat leaves third place — and the Sun Bow l in El Paso, Texas — up for grabs. The w inner between Oregon and O regon State likely w ill go to that game, and the loser Joey Galloway has Mike H olm gren’s attention. W ith a f o u r- c a tc h , 8 8 -y a rd perform ance in Seattle’s victory over defending Super Bowl cham pion D enver, G allow ay show ed his coach and bargaining nem esis that he’s a unique player. G allow ay’s achievem ent cam e with three days o f practice. He missed training camp, the exhibition season and the first eight gam es in his 100- day contract holdout. “ He m ade two great catches. They were important catches in the outcome team that prides itself on in- your-face defense. M ia m i has sh o w e d u n c h a ra c te ristic o ffe n siv e f la ir so fa r th is se a so n , disposing archrival New York 94-88 at M adison Square G arden on Sunday. U nlike Portland, w hich made over its roster follow ing a d is a p p o in tin g p o sts e a s o n run, the Heat have stuck to probably will end up going to Hawaii for either the A loha or Oahu bow ls on Christm as Day. O f course, should Stanford lose and W ashington win, the Huskies would get the Rose Bowl berth, and the D ucks would be in line for the Holiday Bowl. Ifboth Stanford and W'ashington lose, the Civil W ar would take on monumental importance, as Oregon would be playing for a spot in the Rose Bowl, and O regon State a spot in the Holiday. “ I have no idea,” Beavers coach D ennis Erickson said when asked about the bow l possibilities. “ I ju st coach. I ju st know w e’re at least in H aw aii for sure, and that’s a pretty good deal.” The last tim e both the Ducks and Beavers both w ent to a D U C K S bowl was Jan. 1,1949, when Oregon lost in the Cotton Bowl to Southern M ethodist 21-13, and O regon State lost in the Pineapple Bowl to Hawaii 47-27. Since 1974, Oregon has won 19 o f 24 against the Beavers. The Ducks are 3-1 under coach Mike Bellotti, w ith the only loss coming last year in Corvallis, 44-41 in double overtime. Both teams have w on four straight this season, but the Beavers m ight be the favorite, considering both their offense and defense has been better statistically than O regon’s. After 29 years ofpent-up frustrations, O SU also might have the em otional edge. “ It’s been a very important gam e for us every year for bowl aspirations, and it’s not been that w ay for the B eavers,” Bellotti said. “This year it is. You w ant to play som ebody that is a w orthy opponent, and O regon State is a very w orthy opponent.” o f the game,” Holmgren said M onday after his Seahaw ks took a tw o-gam e lead in the AFC W est with a 20-17 victory o ver the B roncos in the Kingdome. P laying 22 plays, G allow ay had catches o f 39 and 28 yards to help set up a field goal and the w inning touchdow n in the fourth quarter as Seattle (7-2) w on its fourth straight gam e.Not since 1984, when they won 12 o f their first 14 gam es, have the Seahaw ks had such a good start. H olm gren m ade a prom ise to the six team s left on S eattle’s schedule; K ansas City (tw ice), Tam pa Bay, O akland, San Diego, D enver and the N ew Y ork Jets: They will see a lot more o f Galloway. For exam ple, H olm gren anticipates G allow ay to be in about 3 0 p lay sn ex t Sunday in K ansas City. H e said G allow ay reported he was not sore M onday. “W e’ 11 m ake a real concerted effort to use him in certain situations and do certain things with him,” he said. “W e co u ld n ’t do that last w eek.” H olm gren said he d idn’t m ake up his m ind about using G allow ay against D enver until S aturday, w hen he activated him. He was w orried about getting G allow ay injured in the game after the holdout. A ssociated P ress for T h e P ortand O bserver On the strength o f Portland State U niversity’s m ost successful football season since m oving to the N CA A 1- AA level in 1996, H ead Coach Tim W a lsh an d q u a rte rb a c k Jim m y B lanchard have been nam ed to their respective ballots for national honors. W alsh is a finalist for the Eddie R obinson 1-AA Coach o f the Year Award, while Blanchard is acandidate for the W alter Payton 1-A A P layerof the Y ear Award. Both nam es will be listed w hen the ballots are released to 85 voter next week. The w inners will be announced M onday, D ec.6. W alsh has been the architect o f the P S U ’s v ery su c ce ssfu l b u ild in g project at N CA A 1_AA level. This season, he has led PSU to a ranking o f 13th in the nation, and the V ikings are on the cusp o f their first Big Sky Comference championship going into Saturday’s game at Northern Arizona. A win w ould give PSU a share o f the Big Sky tittle and an autom atic berth into the N CA A playoffs. It would likely m ean hom e-field advantage w hen the playoffs begin on N ov.27, as well. All w ould be firsts for the V iking since m oving to 1-AA level, and w o u ld o cc u r in ju s t P S U ’s second year o f p lay o ff eligibility. In leading PSU at an 8-2 record this season, W alsh's Viking are already guaranteed theirbestyearsince 1994. The seventh-year head coach has also m oved up to num ber tw o on PSU ’s all-tim e coaching victory list with4S. W alsh has m asterm inded the building o f program s that includes an extrem ely talented jun io r class, with A ll- A m e r ic a n c a n d id a te s in B lanchard, running back C harlie Dunn and wide receiver Terry Charles. Rem arkably, W alsh has built the r Isaiah Rider will miss tonight’s gam e against th e C h arlo tte H ornets b e c a u s e th e A tla n ta H aw ks suspended him for a series o f violations that date back to the start o f training camp. R ider’s one-gam e suspension was announced after he skipped practice M onday to take care o f a personal problem. “W e felt J.R .'s conduct has been detrim ental to team chemistry, not ju st to his checkbook. From Day 1, his ta rd in ess has been a problem , and the only step we have left is su sp e n d him for a g am e,” Hawks general m anager Pete Babcock said. Rider will also be fin e d $65,853.66,or I-82nd o f his $ 5 .4 m illio n salary. Rider said he n o tif ie d th e team at the start o f practice he w o u ld not p a rtic ip a te Mike Dunleavy A ssociated P ress T he c a le n d a r m ig h t o n ly re a d November, but if early season play is any indication, T u esd ay ’s m eeting between the Portland Trail Blazers and M iami Heat could take place once again in June. Steve Sm ith, Scottie Pippen and the rest o f the new -look Blazers visit M iam i A rena on T uesday night in a p o s s ib le N B A F in a ls p re v ie w betw een two o f three team s that are o ff to a 6-1 start. Portland w arm ed up for the clash o f co n feren ce titan s w ith a 131-95 thrashing o f A tlanta on Saturday night. T he gam e proved to be an exhibition o f the Blazers athleticism , depth and versatility that could lead them to a title. “W e w eren ’t running it up, w e w ere ju st playing b asketball, and they happened to run into us on a bad night for them ,” D am on Stoudam ire said. “T his is the first tim e this year that w e ’ve really pot a team aw ay w hen w e were supposed to .” The Blazers will b e hard-pressed to m atch those gaudy num bers Tuesday night against a Pat R iley-led H eat Walsh, Blanchard in line for national football awards CONTRIBUTED STORY________________________________ p rogram w ith far less than the NCA A 1-AA limit o f 63 scholarship number in the high 30’s at the division ii level 55 this season. W alsh has put the success o f his program in the capable hands o f Jim m y Blanchard. The junio r quarterback has simply been the m ost accurate quarterback in the nation. This season he has set a new NCAA all-division record by throw ing 310 passes w ithout an interception. He has shattered the old 1-AA mark by almost 100 and is still going. Overall, Blanchard has thrown 28 touchdowns and ju st one interception. He ranks fifth in the nation in passing efficiency after leading the nation in 1998. In the past two years, he has 42 touchdowns and ju st tw o interceptions. B lanchard’s 5 5 0 -y ard p assin g e ffo rt ag a in st M ontana on O ct.2 led the V ikings to a 51-48 win over the than-second ranked G rizzlies and set the stage for possible Big sky title Blanchard has com pleted m ore than 60% o f his passes for 2,745 yards in an offense that is equally balanced run and passes. In fact, the Viking has called m o re ru n n in g p la y (3 8 7 ) th an Blanchard has throw n passes (315). Portland State concludes its regular season this Saturday at N orthern Arizona. Game time is 5 :05 p.m. PDT. The gam e can be heard on KFXX 910 AM - The Fan. 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Hawks suspend Rider UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Seahawks have 2-game division lead A ssociated P ress Blazers, Heat to meet in clash of division leaders because two o f his three vehicles were dam aged w hile parked in the Omni H otel’s valet parking, and items were m issing from his room. Rider cam e to the H aw ks in A ugust from the Portland Trail Blazers, saying he was looking forw ard to a new start in A tlanta, but began by m issing the opening o f training camp. Rider, whose history ofN B A offenses dates back to his first pro practice with the M innesota Tim berw olves in 1993, w hen he show ed up late, has been adding to his list o f offenses ever since. It includes feuds with c o a c h e s a n d c o n v ic tio n s fo r m a riju a n a possessio n a n d assault. B abcock s a id he does not re g re t the d e a l th a t b ro u g h t Rider to the Hawks. " W e knew his history e x tre m e ly w e ll," B abcock sa id ." This is n ’t a s u rp ris e . 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