November 17, 1999 Page A5 (Ülje ^ìorthmò (ßbseruer Insurance company unveils new name on Rose Parade float CONTRIBUTED STORY tor T he P ortland O bserver W hile there is som e debate over w hether the new m illennium should actually begin w ith the year 2000, or 2 0 0 1 , 2 0 ,h C e n tu r y I n s u ra n c e Com pany is seizing upon the earlier occasion to change its corporate name for the new century and using the w orld’s m ost fam ous N ew Y ear’s Parade to m ake the announcem ent to millions. 20*h C entury Industries, the parent com pany o f 20,h C entury Insurance Com pany, w ill becom e 21 ” C entury Insurance G roup on Jan. 1,2000, with the new nam e first appearing on the com pany’s m agnificent 55-foot-long float entry in the 11,h T ournam ent o f Roses Parade in Pasadena. The com pany ’ s float, nam ed V isions o f W isdom and Im agination, echoes the parade them e, V isions o f the Future. The float concept, by designer Raul Rodriguez, is being built by Fiesta Parade Floats in Duarte, Calif. It features reading as a fundamental tool for learning, the key to wisdom, e n te rta in m e n t ad v e n tu re , fu tu re worlds, times and dimensions. Merlin, the artful wizard is featured bringing visions from his im agination to life, including a spectacular two- headed anim ated dragon. T he nam e change and float design w ere celebrated at the com pany’s W oodland Hills, Calif, headquarters on N ov. 5, w hen the Rose Parade Q ueen, Sophia Bush, and her Royal C o u rt help ed u n v eil the d esig n incorporating the new name. The Nov. 5 kick-off for the name change announcem ent signaled a busy tim e for the subsidiary o f 20,h Century Industries, the nation’s ninth la r g e s t p e r s o n a l a u to m o b ile insurance stock company. According to President and C EO W illiam L M ellick, “O ur new nam e is not ju st a change to note passage into a new c e n tu ry , it a lso c e le b ra te s o u r financial stability, our expansion o f b u s in e s s o p e r a tio n s o u ts id e California, and the upcoming opening o f the addition to o u r co rp o rate h eadquaters b u ild in g , m ore than doubling our current headquarters size.” Founded in 1958, the com pany w as a p io n e e r o f th e d ire c t re sp o n se m aketing o f personal autom obile insurance and specializes in selling low -cost autom obile insurance to good drivers only. T he com p an y ’s insurance is currently available in California, Arizona, N evada, Oregon and W ashington. V is it th e m o n th e in te r n e t at and the com pany is traded on the N ew York Stock Exchange. We’re Changing our Name to 21st Century Insurance Group... And the Whole World is Celebrating on the Streets of Pasadena on New Year’s Day Effective January 1,2000, the first day of the New Millennium, 20th Century becomes 21st Century Insurance Group...and our float in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade marks the coming out party for that new name. Holiday game plans can tackle family’s unhealthy habits CONTRIBUTED STORY for T he P ortland O bserver IfT hanksgiving kicks o ff non-stop noshing and sports- channel surfing at your house you m ight w ant to call a pre-season tim e -o u t. “Fam ilies w ho engage in too little exercise and too m any high-calorie snacks are setting their kid up to becom e overw eight, sedentary adults p ro n e to c a r d io v a s c u la r d is e a s e , d ia b e te s an d hypertension,” said Becky G orham , research dietitian w ith the U SD A /A R S C hildren’s N utrition Research C enter at B aylor C ollege o f M edicine in Houston. To help parents develop a strong defense against these unhealthy habits, G orham offers these tips: Call interference on excessive television, video and com puter tim e that keep kids inactive. H old a team m eeting to negotiate sitting-tim e lim its. B reak up boredom by sending kids outside to play, help prepare meals. Negotiate trade-offs involving free-time activities. Trade participation in fam ily touch football gam es, 20 m inute w alks or other physical activities for extra tim e to view those m ust-see football gam es. B uild “team spirit” by asking the kids to help plan holiday activities, decorate the yard or prepare hom em ade gifts. Take turns being th e “ to u r g u id e ” fo r a f te r - d in n e r w a lk s p a s t neighborhood holiday displays. Plan a fam ily w eekend tree-cutting excursion, get kids involved in organizing a neighborhood T urkey T rot or Jingle Bell Run, lead a canned food drive o r host a holiday skating party. Stock up on nutritous snacks such as low -fat cheeses, flavored hum m us dips, low -fat ranch-style dip, ready-to-eat vegetables, hom em ade cereal and nut m ixes, dried and canned fruit, ready-to-eat fresh fruit w edges and peanut butter. Stick to a gam e plan o fbalance and m oderation for family m eals and activities. Kids and their parents need to m aintain some routine some structure, especially during the busy holiday season. “ Parents ca n ’t expect a couch-potato kid to m iraculously grow up to be a healthy, active adult. But, by setting a good e x a m p le , ta c k lin g u n h e a lth y e a tin g p a tte rn s and encouraging physical activities every day o f the year, parents can help kid develop winning habits that are likely to stay w ith them as they grow," G orham said. Watch for us in the Rose Parade...and all over. Because our new name is not just a reflection of the new century, it represents our continuing commitment to being your premier source for value-priced insurance and the finest customer service. And the best is yet to come. 21st Century Insurance Group (800) 2 1 1 -SAVE Open adoption records cause controversy CONTRIBUTED STORY____________________________________________ ___________ for T he P ortland O bserver W hat are the pros and cons o f opening adoption records? W hat is the history and w hy are we discussing this issue now ? Dr. C onnie D aw son, PhD, co-author o f G row ing Up Again: Parenting O urselves. Parenting O ur Children will discuss the im pact o f sealed records on parties involved during a special w orkshop sponsored by P S U ’s S chool o f E xtended S tudies.T he d a y ’s activities will include presentations by representatives on both sides o f the argum ent, discussion o f the basic elem ents o f decision m aking involved in an inform ed problem -solving approach, and close look at the history o f this em otional topic and w hy w e are, once again, re­ examining our current social policy. Partic ipants will join in structured Exercises that encourage decisions based on facts rather than hearsay o r the opinions o f som eone with presum ed authority. W hat are the barriers to arriving at consensus? Is it alw ays possible to reach consensus? How do you justify your position and w hat are the factors that im pact the decision m aking process? A, w orkshops end, participants will be asked to m ake a forced choice on the topic. Date: Decem ber 2 , 1999Time: 8 :30am 4pm (Sam check­ in) Location: PSU Smith Memorial Center, Room 327 Fee: $99 CEU s available Registration: (503) 725-4832 ) i >