Page 4 November 17,1999 i __________________ $ O r t b m h © b s W U e r C o u n t d o w n t o t h e n e w M i l l e n n i a _______ Z Law enforcement agencies brace for Y2K-related terrorism A ssociated P ress While companies scramble to ensure their computer systems are KZAT-compliant, police departments across the country and the FBI are preparing for potential violence on the part o f religious extremists and other groups hoping the world ends on Jan. 1,2000. Dominic Venturi, the supervisory agent in charge o f the FBI field office in Boise, said a special command post will be staffed around the clock from Dec. 29 through Jan. 5 in Idaho as well as other states. “W e’re prepared to respond whether an incident is urban or rural,” Venturi said. Opinions vary on how much o fa threat fringe groups pose, but a 34-page report from the FB I’s dom estic-terrorism unit warns o f militias and racist groups acquiring weapons and surveying targets. “ Several relig io u sly m otivated groups envision a quick, fiery ending in an apocalyptic battle,” the report said. “Armed with the urgency o f the millennium as a motivating fa c to r, new c la n d e stin e g ro u p s m ay conceivably form to engage in violence toward the U.S. Government or its citizens.” And while FBI officials view large cities as more likely to be terrorist targets, they are not ruling out other locations. But Venturi, and officials with the Boise Police Department, are tightlipped when it comes to security specifics. Lt. Larry Jones said officers have received additional training to deal with potential violence on New Y ear’s Eve and there will be more o f them on the streets. The department also has worked to protect potential targets. “We are aware o f certain areas that are o f a high visibility and high value as targets, and w e’re working with the security personnel from those areas to coordinate security efforts,” Jones said. Meridian Police Chief Bill Gordon, prompted by concerns over rioting, asked for $ 18,000 from the City Council to buy rifles, helmets, sh ie ld s, am m unition, clubs and o ther equipment. He later withdrew the special request amid skepticism. “Everybody wants to be ready for anything that could take place,” Gordon said. “Our main concern is the availability o f the officer. W e’re not going to run more shifts, but everyone will be available like years past on New Year’s Eve.” While academics who study extremist groups are doubtful there will be violence, they are well-aware the groups can be unpredictable. James Richardson, a professor o f Sociology and Judicial Studies at the University o f Nevada, Reno, said irrational beliefs, coupled with an approaching millennium, can be a lethal combination. “There may be some people who think not only is the world going to come to an end, but they are a chosen instrument that is supposed to help it along,” Richardson said. “All it takes is som ebody w ith a little plastic explosive in a backpack and they can do a lot o f damage.” And Richardson, who advises the FBI on dealing with extremists, said organized groups sometimes are not the culprits in terrorist acts. “ O ne n o te w o rth y th in g a b o u t th is phenomenon is that it’s often not groups but loners who think they’re doing the Lord’s w ill or th ey ’re doing the right thing, Richardson said. Some o f the advice he gives to the FBI is to develop a thorough understanding o f fringe groups. “I ’ve been working to convince them they really need to understand the mind set and worldview o f these groups,” Richardson said. “If you do that, you may figure out openings and ways to get some leverage on them. It doesn’t do any good to denigrate those people.” The FBI said one o f those groups. Concerned C hristians, has tried to initiate violent c o n fro n ta tio n s in an e ffo rt to sta rt Armageddon. Monte Kim Miller, the group s leader, claims to be one o f the two witnesses or prophets described in the B ook of Revelation who will die on the streets o f Jerusalem prior to the second coming of Christ. Members o f the group traveled to Israel in 1998 to prepare for next month. Fourteen have since been deported by the Israeli government. T H EATER M l/M l N A M IN S SI. JOHNS I’ UB M ovies N ightly with W eekend M atinees For schedule & information call: Live Music • G roup Events D elicio u s P ub Fare • G reat S pecials H an d crafted Ales & W ines 2 8 8 -2 1 8 0 McMenamins Kennedy School 5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon 8203 \ Ivanhoe Street ■ P ortland • (303) 283-8320 w w-w .in c m e n a m in s .c o m I II foiul, tiles nml wines nvnilnble to go I I w w w .m cm enam ■