November 17, 1999 l i i . ; • ’ L a u n a © ® CC ths I id w M o n tlir / t \ u l o in d a Carpet cleaning * Upholstery cleaning A ir duct cleaning and Restoration services " A lw a y s “ I Areas Portland, OR. 97217 503.493.7355 E L O Z M e x ic a n a n d MEXICAN MENU SAMPLE: 503.282-0787 Y o u r neighborhood pharm acy f includes: I hall free Cascade Plaza 4134 N . Vancouver, O w ner-O perator M a x -D a w n -D e si Tri-m et tickets & passes prescriptions 3002 NE. Ainsworth Your neighborhood cleaning Service or more A i NSWORTH D rug Utility paystation Western Union Martin Cleaning Service Owned by th e Strongs We serve mighty good food L I t o 7212N.E.MLKBlvd. 20 years o f Portland OR . 97211 ph:5O3.285.1249 Honesty - Q uality - Integrity ii': V Ma ìi Pa Strongs A step into the year 2000 coMdceu Page B 6 $ lj e ^ J a rtla n ò © b s m w r C C am arones C on Aros Shrimp with Rice............ $7.95 A L O Every Last Detail F o o d Machine Buffing - Polishing - Waxing Complete In terio r/E xterio r Cleaning Engine Steam Cleaning Overspray Removal Page Eric @ 503.237-0934 (503)247-9132 825 N. Killingsworth • Portland, OR 97217 Thomas M a rtin Owner/Operator For appointments: 503.281.3949 SALVADOREN MENU SAMPLE: Pupusa De Q ueso C heese Pupusa................................. $2.50 Pupusa De C hicaron Y Q ueso C heese and Pork Pupusa................$2.50 Yuca Sancochada Boiled Yuca.........................................$2.50 Plántanos Fritos C on Crem a Fried Plantain with C ream ............... $3.75 C am ita De Puerco Pork Steak........................$7.95 (2 room minimum) PO Box 12171, Portland OR 97212-0171 S a lv a d o r e n C am e Asada Broiled Steak................... $7.95 U2.95 each area B U Y A N D SE L L SAVE BIG ON ' * • ' s «fe FLOOR COVERING — AI Type# at Plate and Window Giese Skxw, Ooon and Mnemw »r»d 12X13 Rem S69ü" S mall E ngine R epair S harpning Laminate • FW M E A*J» J» LORRAINE MLAWNKA Woman Oeneo C-C84 12238, JAY’S MOWER & CHAINSAW Commercial CARPET z UNJOFTAVENOEó CUÁSVCGÍMPANY Portlands Costless Carpet 4818 N. Interstate Ave. Portland. OR 97217 503.287.6225 Flooring S l^ q . f t . Vinyl $ 4 22Sq.yd. 9:30 To 3:00 S at 328 NE SHAVER ST. 287 6610 PORTLAND OR 97212 Chase and Weil Open 7 days a week M o n -F ri 7:30-7:00 Sat. 9:00-6:00 Sun 10:00-6:00 Q uality at low prices 8:30 To 5:30 T hru F ROXANE BARTLETT Owner R o jta n e ’s D aycare attorneys at law Quality Childcare 722 SW 2nd Ave. Suite 240 Portland, Oregon 97204 503.294.1414 722 N. Sumner Portland, OR 503.460.3830 PH1LLY CAFE 445 N.E. KILLINGSW ORTH 288-9367 Fish & Chips Terriyaki Chicken & Beef .Hamburgers MONDAY - SATURDAY, 8:30 a.m. ; 9:00 p.m. SUNDAY, 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 2nd Avenue Records N a ’im ’s H A IR State Reg A M A . Food Program <503)331 -0110 D ow ntow n's Best S elec tio n Full Service Salon New Releases and Classics We buy co llectio n s o f LPs, Tapes 8» CDs, and esp ecially seek 50s, 60s, 7 0s LP co llectio n s SPECIAL ORDERS WELCOME 400 SW 2nd Ave. Portland 503-222-3783 4603 N W illia m s Ave Portland, Oregon 97217 503-288-3171 Check-Mart Agents 1^8BB»A>TRACKS 1 -8 8 8 -2 8 7 -2 2 5 7 racks Alarm I Security in stallation/ Repa,. for Western Union Oregon (503) 288-7716 ' Washington (360) 885-2001 Fax (360) 892-0761 E-ma'l: atracks@le!eport com OAME Cascade Plaza • Room 107A 4134 North Vancouver Avenue • Portland. OR 97217 Aon. Ltd Energy • JLE Oregon / Washington • C C.B #115473 • ALARMT‘016J3 A ffo rd a b le E fficien t S ecurity J u s t Fur You! S erving B reakfast , L unch & D inner S p e c ia liz in g in B a r b e q u e R ib s & B e e f Tues - Thurs ■ 10 am - 6 pm MONEY 1 Financial A Fri - Sat ■ 10 am - 7 pm 3217 N Williams Ave . Portland, OR 97212 Raymond E. Love Or Refinance a nd Lower Your M onthly Payments 503-643-8002 • Fax 503-643-6671 T h e B ill C o lle c to rs M a n u a l Money Delight Send $11.95 to 7835 N Brandon • Portland, OR 97217 express = n m Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs C atering & Take-O ut Wayne & JOanita Cannon Sales A m • Portland. OR 97212 (Proprietors) Our Specialty: Real Hickory Smoked Bar-B-Q Mon thur 11:30am-9:00pm • FRI-SAT11:30am-11:00pm • Sun 1:00pm-7:00pm 2 8 8 -3 8 3 6 3328 N.E. KILLINGSWORTH Larry Matthews Owner YAM YAM’S 5 0 3 /2 8 4 -1 2 7 2 WWCMknr, «S O œ M M rrum P K cn aM 1 ,2 NE Kertgaworth Si Portion d Oregon »721 ' Men -T h x# 1 1 A M -V 0 0 A M Frt-Ssi 11 A M - 3 AM CtOMdonSun Fuel Oil Furnace Repair HARTLEY OIL INC. ”WE CARE” T elephone Dispatched (503)331-3442 506 N E A lberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 CANNON’S M c M u r p h y 's A p p lia n c e C e n te r ' 4011 ME Martin Luther Krtg Jr. Bvd. 1610N.E. Broadway 503.287.6581 P re s id e n t Be among the first to get the updated 1999 version of 3% Down Buys Your First Home 5132 N.E. M .L .K . B lvd . 503.284.5443 NATE HARTLEY >e Smart.... Mortgage Division * C h « cashing ¥ *Westen * Western Union agent * M oney order sales * Payday loans 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -8 6 9 6 Licensed • Bonded • Insured SI w RAP, RnB, FUNK, SOUL 6 b m ore C O N N E C T IO N B a rb er Shop Wed • Friday - 9 00 am - 6 30 pm by Appointment • Saturday Walk-Ins 5 0 3 /2 4 9 -5 0 6 8 Pgr. .503/441-3269 1726 N.E. Alberta St. Portland, Oregon 97211 Reggie BfOWIl Berber/StyHst Kalia Durham iRICAN FAMILY IN S U R A N C E «uro nomi business health uh 5700 NE Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 Fan503 282 6001 COOT 503.282.3798 Fax: 503.282.3225 Rhonda Smith Offk«*SO3-7t1 5030 Nu-Concepts, Inc. Indipendent Technology Consultant in • 503 259 WOZ nu-eoncepts/í»