Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 17, 1999, Page 11, Image 11

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Novem ber 17, 1999
(The ^Portland ©baemer
fio rtla n b
(P b e r r u e r
Planning and Marketing assistant
W a te r T re a tm e n t P la n t O p e r a to r
T rainee
Requires a m inim um o f two years-
college level course w ork in w ater
treatm ent and hydraulics. O ne year
o f college level chem istry and one
year o f college level m icrobiology/
bacteriology preferred. V aliddrivers
license. Must obtain O regon W ater
O perations C ertifications w ithin the
required time. T rainee is encouraged
to progress through steps tow ard
journey level w hich requires O regon
State H ealth D ivision approved for
bacteriological analyses, H azM at
F irs t R e s p o n d e r tr a in in g an d
dem onstrated skill in m aintaining
w a te r tre a tm e n t s tru c tu re s and
equipm ent. W ork on assigned shift
which may requires shift rotation with
Journey Level O perators. $15.21 -
$21,69/perhour. Application process
closes at 5:00p.m . Friday, D ecem ber
3,1999. E W EB requires a com pleted
jo b application form for all positions.
All em ploym ent offers are contingent
o n s u c c e s s f u l r e s u lts o f p r e ­
e m p lo y m e n t d r u g /a lc o h o l a n d
physical assessm ent screening. For
inform ation and application packet
contact: Eugene W ater & Electric
Board, PO Box 10148,500 E 4 th Avenue,
E ugene O R 97440 A ttn: H um an
Resources. Call (541)484-3769 Job
In fo r m a tio n L in e , o r e - m a il
Brenda.W assonfeeweb.eugene.or.us.
V isit our w eb site at w w w .ew eb.org.
Sportswear Company®
Senior Footwear Designer
C olum bia Sportsw ear Com pany is
seeking a Footw ear D esigner to join
our international footw ear design
team. Inthis position, you will perform
a wide variety o f product design tasks
in c lu d in g d e v e lo p m e n t o f n ew
footw earproducts; researching color,
m aterials, com ponents, and design
.cepts; collecting inform ation &
feedback from sales reps on custom er
n e e d s ; a n d r e s e a r c h in g g lo b a l
m arketplace tren ds for footw ear
Q ualified candidates will possess 5+
yrs experience in footw ear design
and developm ent, at least 2+ yrs o f
w hich focused on outdoor footw ear
categories, or equivalent combination
o f education and w ork experience.
Thorough know ledge o f com puter
design softw are as w ell as the talent
and ability to perform free hand
d raw in g s. S tro n g k n o w led g e o f
fo o tw e a r d e s ig n , m a te ria ls and
p ro d u c tio n te c h n iq u e s req u ired .
A bility to w rite m aterial for clear
product presentation and m arketing.
C o lu m b ia S p o r tsw e a r o ffe r s
competitive compensation andagreat
benefits package.
P le a se se n d re su m e to H u m an
Resources, Dept. FTD ES, PO Box
83239, Portland, O R 97283 or Fax to
(503) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity
Sportswear Company®
Business Is Boom ing A nd W e
N eed Help!
Do you have w hat it takes to work
for the leading seller o f skiw ear in
the country? I f so, jo in our Sales
departm ent in the following
R etail A nalyst: Plan and im plem ent
product assortm ent, inventory
plan, sales reporting processes and
analysis for C olum bia Sportsw ear’s
Concept Shop program . D evelop
and execute concept shop sales
reporting procedures, and
com m unicate analysis.
Requirem ents: possess advanced
know ledge o f visual retail
m arketing and retail sales reporting.
Bachelors degree specializing in
Retail Sales or V isual M arketing
M anagem ent and three to five
years experience in retail visual
C olum bia S p o rtsw e ar offers
com petitive com pensation an d a
g re a t benefits package.
Please send resum e to H um an
Resources, Dept. RA , PO Box
83239, Portland, O R 97283 or Fax to
(503) 735-4597. Equal Opportunity
Sportswear Company®
W ork for O ne Tough M other
C olum bia Sportsw ear Com pany has
proven that q uality construction,
engineering and innovation in sports
apparel is a form ula for success. Join
our Product D evelopm ent group in
the follow ing position:
Sewing Supervisor: Ensure that
C olum bia S portsw ear’s sew ing and
cutting room operates at m axim um
efficiency and safety. Position is
responsible forproviding training and
d ir e c tio n to a ll s e w in g ro o m
personnel including monitor mg wore
flow, providing technical feedback
and feedback on finished garm ent
quality. Requirem ents: Requires a
High School diplom a or equivalent.
Also requires a m inim um of3 years o f
journeym an experience as a garm ent
maker, w ith 3 to 5 o f those years spent
as a department lead person, assuming
increasing responsibilities. M ust be
a b le to d e m o n s tr a te w o rk in g
know ledge o f m ath, pattern reading,
g a rm e n t
c o n s tr u c tio n s
an d
know ledge o f various types o f styles
and fabrics.
C o lu m b ia S p o r tsw e a r o ffe r s
competitive compensation/benefits
package, and a business-oriented
team environment
P lea se se n d re su m e to H u m an
Resources, Dept. SW SUP, PO Box
83239, Portland, O R 97283 or Fax to
(503) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity
Cafeteria Assistant
Special Accounts Underwriting
A nalyze and evaluate risk for new
groups, proposals and am endm ents
and provide advanced underw riting
support for the Special A ccounts
D epartm ent to co n trib u te to the
acquisition and retention o f large and
com plex accounts. Requires a degree
in B u s in e s s a n d /o r tw o y e a rs
p ro g re ssiv e ly re sp o n s ib le w o rk
e x p e r ie n c e w ith e m p h a s is in
underw riting or sim ilar analytical
capacity. D em onstrated experience
w ith
w o rd
p r o c e s s in g
s p r e a d s h e e t s o f t w a re ; o r th e
equivalent com bination o f education
and/or relevant experience. To apply,
access ou r o n lin e applicatio n at
w w w.stancorpfinancial.com /carcers
o r v is it o u r H u m an R e so u rc e s
D epartm ent at the address below.
W e are p ro u d to b e an E q u al
Opportunity Em ployer.
The Standard Insurance
1100 SW Sixth Avenue
Portland, OR 97204
Cooks, Bartenders And
Security Guards N eeded For
Various Shifts At Cleo-Lilliann
Social Club (C L E O ’s). Call Xavier
For A ppointm ent A t 284-7150
Between 1:00P.M . T o4:00P .M .
F u ll-tim e p e r m a n e n t C a fe te ria
A ssistant needed to perform a variety
o f tasks in the student/staff cafeteria
area. Duties include assistance in food
preparation, as w ell as cleaning and
s a n itiz a tio n d u tie s. V a lid fo o d
handler’s perm it required. Previous
experience in food service preferred.
High school diplom a or equivalent
preferred. Salary minimum $8.06 with
benefits. Please subm it resum e or
com e into fill out application:
Human Resources
31224 E. Historic Columbia River
Troutdale, OR 97060
Responses M ust Be Received No
Later Than Friday, Nov. 2 6,1999
As an affirm ative action em ployer,
we are seeking qualified m inority,
fe m a le , v e te r a n a n d d is a b le d
applications; how ever, all qualified
applicants will be considered.
Move To Sunny Las Vegas
Las V egas's biggest and best chain
o f A uto B ody repair shops needs
quafified, professional A uto Body
Techs and Paint Preppers.
Fax resume to: 702-558-1986 or
M ailto:G.V .C.C.
700 N. G ibson Rd.
Henderson, NV 89015
C’ « i&jbj
i-' - ?
Domestic V iolence/Social Change/
S ocial S erv ices. B ra d le y -A n g le
H o u se is seek in g ; * F a c ilitie s /
M ain ten an ce C o o rd in a to r 40 Hour/
Week ($ 10.44/Hour); * D evelopm ent
C o o rd in ato r ,40 Hour/W eek ( $ 13.28/
Hour); *** A ll positions provide
benefits ♦** A pplication packets
required and available by calling 503/
296-8225 orat the Urban le ag u e , 3034
NE M LK Jr Blvd. C lo sin g D ate:
D e c e m b e r 13, 1999, E E O /A A /
Feminist Employer * W omen, People
o f C olor, and Sexual M inorities
encouraged to apply.
'I W f P
Im m ediate opening for full and
p a r t- tim e lo t a tte n d a n t w ith
P ortland’s leading parking C om ­
pany. W e are seeking dependable
individuals with a neat appear­
ance and a positive attitude.
$7.50 Hr. starting w age
A dvancem ent potential
M edical, D ental and
40 IK. available
Applicants must have valid driv­
ers license, subm it to drug test and
background check. A pply in p e r­
son b etw een 12:00 a n d 1:00 P M
daily a t C ity C e n te r P a rk in g a t
215 SW 6,b.
N o rth e r n T ec h n o lo g ie s, In c . is
seeking an experienced W ire less
C o m m u n ic atio n s T o w e r C lim b e r.
O ne-year construction/m aintenance/
in s p e c tio n r e q u ir e d . N o rth e r n
Technologies is the industry leader
in c o n s tru c tio n s e rv ic e s to th e
te le c o m m u n ic a tio n s in d u s try .
Extensive travel required. W e offer
c o m p e titiv e c o m p e n s a tio n an d
benefits package. I f you are seriously
looking to get with a com pany w ith a
future, fax resume to (509)462-4799or
call 800-727-9119 ext 215. O r send
resum e to N orthern T echnologies,
Inc. Box 610 Liberty Lake, W A 99019
T ra ffic C o n tin u ity p o sitio n open.
Im m ediate interview ing. 3 years
experience in broadcast - traffic
n ecessary . S end re su m e to B ill
A shenden, G eneral Sales M a n ag er-
KXL and KXJM . 0234 S. W. Bancroft
St. Portland, O R 97201
N o p h o n e c a lls p le a s e ...E q u a l
O pportunity Em ployer
S ecretary/S upport
Full-time secretarial/support position
providing assistance for D irector.
Must have experience with m ulti-line
p h o n e sy stem s, re q u ire s stro n g
com puter skills, and m ust be highly
skilled in organizing and maintaining
filing systems. Requires high school
diplom a or equivalent and one-year
related secretary/support experience
including w ord processing and/or
data entry experience, type at 60 words
per minute and prefer dictation at 80
words per minute. Position is located
at 2508 NE Everett in Portland.
If interested and qualified, subm it a
cover letter o f interest and resum e to :
H u m an Resources
31224 E. H istoric C o lu m b ia R iver
T ro u td ale, O R 97060
Responses M ust Be R eceived No
Later Than M onday, Nov. 26 ,1 9 9 9
Salem A rea Mass T ransit D istrict is seeking a team -oriented person to help
plan and market a dynam ic and growing transit system Salem (service area
population 180,000) is located in the Willamette Valley ofO regon45 minutes
from Portland, one hour from the O regon coast, and two hours to camping
and skiing in the C ascade M ountains.
Salem A rea M ass T ransit D istrict has the security o f a dedicated funding
base. Ridership is increasing, and there is strong com m unity support for the
system. This position w ill have a broad and varied range o f responsibilities
in a six-m em ber service planning and m arketing division, with opportunity
for creative and innovative work. C onsiderable know ledge o f planning or
m arketing principles and practices is required. Som e transit experience is
preferred, but we are w illing to train and develop an energetic person with
related experience or training.
The salary range effective January 1,2000, will be $35,235 to $45,885. Starting
salary is negotiable to m id-range, depending on qualifications. The District
also offers an excellent fringe benefit package w hich includes a retirement
plan, various leaves, and fully paid insurance prem ium s for medical, vision,
dental and prescription drug coverage for the em ployee and his/her eligible
Contact the District by mail ortelephone (503-588-2424) to obtain an official
ap p licatio n form and d etailed v acan cy announcem ent. C om pleted
applications m ust be received at the D istrict by D ecem ber 15,1999. Send
applications to H uman Resources Division, 3140 Del Webb Ave. NE, Salem.
O R 97305. A n equal opportunity em ployer.
Nielsen Dillingham Builders.
an ENR top 25 G eneral C ontractor,
seeks a qualified O ffic e /P ro je c t
A ssista n t-1-3 yrs const, (office) exp;
Must have basic office skills w/M S
Office (W ord/Excel). M ust be very
organized and detail oriented. No
phone calls. EOE.
Fax or send resum e w /salary history
Nielsen Dillingham Builders
9220 S .W .B arb u r Blvd.
Suite 106
Portland, OR 97219
Email: jlage@ ndbi.com
Manager of Project Respond
O utreach
S erv ices in
Portland. W ork w ithahighly skilled
dynam ic team th a t is n atio n ally
honored and is dedicated to providing
a skilled response to behaviorally
challenged individuals on the street,
in jails and in their ow n home. Ideal
candidate is a m aster’s level clinician
with experience w orking w ith serious
and persistently m entally ill persons,
hom elessness, crisis and outreach.
K nowledge and abilities in m anaging
com plex com m unity and system s
relationships, collecting data, report
a n d g r a n t w r itin g , c o n tr a c t
m anagem ent and public speaking.
Com petitive w age and great benefits.
Please send cover letter and resum e
to U nity Inc ., Attn: D olores M organ,
710 SW 2nd, 4,h floor, Portland, OR
97204. Equal Opportunity Employer.
Salem A rea M ass T ransit D istrict is now accepting application for
full-time and part-tim e T ransit O perators to operate passenger buses
over prescribed routes in accordance w ith designated schedules.
No previous bus driving experience required. W e train. Starting wage
$12.38 per hour.
Com e in or call 503-588-2424 to obtain official application form and
detailed vacancy announcem ent w hich lists qualification
Send com pleted application form to Salem A rea M ass Transit
D istrict, H uman Resources Division, 3140 Del W ebb A ve NE, Salem,
Application must be received by district by 5:00 p.m. December 10,
1999. A n equal opportunity em ployer.
Oregon State University
McNary Hall Renovations, Phase III
Request for Proposals
Oregon State University is seeking proposals from consulting firms interested
in providing design through construction services for the third phase o f
renovations to M cN ary Hall on the O SU Cam pus. gLAs A rchitectural
Group has conducted a feasibility study, resulting in an overall design
scope w hich will be m ade available to firms that are short-listed. In general,
the scope o f w ork will include the following: Redesign o f Café Latte ,
creation o f two small banquet room s and an office for the M cNary Dining
Center M anager; developm ent o f a concession bakery area; replacem ent o f
the existing wet conveyor dish system ; and installation o f a multimedia/
sound system. The construction w ork is to be split into two phases, with
total project costs o f each phase to be approxim ately $500,000.
Interested firms should contact Larry Earhart, Project Manager, Facilities
Services, OSU, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallis, O regon97331 -2001, or at Fax (541)
737-3724, to obtain a copy o f the Request for Proposals (RFP). Responses
to the RFP will be due by 5PM , Tuesday, D ecem ber 7,1999. N o responses
will be accepted after the specified date and time. Responses may be rejected
for non-com pliance w ith all response requirem ents and procedures, or for
good cause upon a finding that it is in the interest o f OSU do to so.
Oregon State University Athletic Complex Addition
Request for Qualifications
O regon State U niversity is seeking qualifications from architectural firms
interested in providing m aster planning and design through construction
phase services for the OSU A thletic Com plex Addition. Oregon State
U niversity (OSU ) is preparing to add a new field house, softball stadium,
and auxiliary gym annex to Gill Coliseum on the O SU Campus. The phased
developm ent program will begin with the construction o f the field house and
softball stadium. The annex to Gill will occuronce appropriate funding is in
The proposed 85,000 square foot field house will provide indoor practice
space for seven sports teams. The team s include football, baseball, softball,
m en’s and w om en’s golf, and m en 's and w om en s soccer. The new 500-750
seat softball stadium is envisioned to include locker rooms for the softball
team as w ell as m en ’s and w om en’s soccer team s, concessions, ticketing
and changing rooms for officials. The annex to Gill Coliseum is to be adjacent
to, and function integrally with, Gill. The proposed 46,000 square foot
addition will include new courts for basketball and volleyball with seating
for 1,500-2,000, locker rooms, administrative offices, weight training space,
m edical training room, w restling room and academ ic space. Some minor
renovation o f Gill will be required to ensure that circulation and code issues
are addressed adequately for the entire com plex. Gill Coliseum must remain
fully operational throughout construction.
The qualification responses will be used to develop a “short list o f three
to five firms who will be invited to prepare proposals and participate in an
Interested firms should contact Lori Fulton, University Architect, OSU
Facilities Services, 100 Adams H all,C orvallis,O regon97331-2001,oratFax
(541) 737-3724, to obtain a copy o f the Request for Qualifications (RFQ).
Responses to the RFQ will be due by 5PM, Thursday, December 2,1999. No
responses will be accepted after the specified date and time. Responses may
be rejected for non-com pliance with all response requirem ents and
procedures, or for good cause upon a finding that it is in the interest o f OSU
to do so.
Needed: 63 people to lose up to 30
lbs. By 12/15/99.
Dr. recom m ended, all natural. 888-
812-6503 www.loseweight 123 com
Program Coordinator
Administrative Specialist 1
The Oregon Board of Medical Examiners, a
licensing and disciplinary board, seeks a
highly organized person with excellent office
skills to coordinate the licensing program for
physician assistants and a c u p u n c t u r is t s .___
Salary ranges from $ 1 ,8 4 4 to $ 2 .5 6 6 a
m onth,
Franz Bakery
Imed. O pening for com puter opr.
W o rk in g k n o w le d g e o f D O S ,
W indow s E n v iro n m en t, & Exel.
Includes batch, data processing, &
reporting. Min. supervision. Will train
to use custom ized softw are & related
equip. Com p. Salary. A pply directly:
No. Port. Emp. O fc, 30 N. W ebster
Announcement « £ 9 9 1 1 9 9 . If you en|oy autonomy and responsibility In
your job, and you moot the requirement* for the Administrative Specialist
1 classification, call (5 03 ) 229-5873 ext. 222. for an application packet.
For more Information about the Board of Medical Examlnor*. visit our nrab
site at www.bme.state.orus. Closing date is November 26 . 1 9 9 9
Budget and Management Division
Budget Analyst
Principal Contributor 3
Principal Executlve/Maruger A
Wage and Hour Division Operations Manager
. / n Oregon, opportunity
competitive salarle« and
following agencie«:
. a variety of careers available statewide,
benefit*. Currently, opening» exist In the
The D e p artm en t of Administrative Services. Budget and M anagem ent
Division in Salem , is seeking two experienced Budget Analysts These
people will m anage and adm inister the S tate's multi-million dollar
R ad io E v en t C o o r d in a to r - P a rt-
Time/entry level - for Entercom Radio
Stations. Set up, execution, follow
through o f sales p rom otions and
c o n c e r t e v e n ts . P ro m o tio n a l
background recom m ended. DMV
re p o rt re q u ir e d . S e n d re su m e /
references to - Entercom Portland
EC, 0700 S. W. B ancroft Street,
P o rtlan d , O R 9 7 2 0 1 . E n terco m
Portland (K G O N , K N RK , KFXX,
K K S N A M /F M ) is an E q u al
O pportunity Employer.
a ;
budget processes and programs across agency lines. They serve at the
highest level in an advisory capacity to the Governor. Legislature, and
Directors. R equirem ents are: four years experience and responsibility:
a) analyzing inform ation from complex statewide systems: b) identifying
statew ide financial issues; c) generating alternatives and implem enting
solutions to resolve these issues; and d) building consensus and
consistency across agency lines and a Bachelor s degree in a related
field. Three additional years of experience m a related field may
substitute for the degree; or two years above experience and an
advanced degree m a related field. Salary is $ 4 ,1 0 4 to $ 5 ,7 7 5 a
m onth, with a benefit program contribution toward family health and
dental insurance, term life insurance, short and long term disability
Other benefits include a retirem ent program, paid holiday,
vacation and sick leave For detailed Job Announcement « £ 9 9 1 1 1 2 .
contact your local Employment Office, v lilt the State of Oregon web
alt« at www.orofonloba.org. or ça« (8 0 3 ) 3 7 » 4 M f . Closing date is
Novem ber 2 4 , 1 9 9 9
Join the Bureau of Labor and Industries as a Wage and Hour Division
Operations Manager for Child Labor Wage Secunty Fund and ludgement
Units, interpret and apply state and federal child labor laws, oversee
employer certificates and permits for employing minors Coordinate the
division s Management Information System, case tracking and statistical
reporting. Oversee w age security fund payments and co llection.
Supervisory and technical experience related to analysis, interpretation and
application of laws, rules and regulations required Preference may be given
to applicants with strong database backgound Salary is $ 2 .5 1 3 to $ 3 .7 1 4
a month, with outstanding benefits. Announesmsnt « £ 9 9 1 2 0 2 . Tb
receive appbcatkm materials through the mab. c a l (8 03 ) 731-4070
(Portland) The )eb announcement (Indudtag test qusatlons) and
appdcatlan form are also avadabla on the Stata of Oregon wab aha at
www.orogontobs.org. Closing date is November 3 0 . 1 99 9.
.T h e s e are last some of the currant opening* available with the
S tate of Oregon. For addftlenal Information, a copy of the S tate of
Oregon Application Form and a more complete announcement Hating,
call the State Jeb line (Oregonian Inside Une) (8 0 3 ) 2 2 8 -8 8 8 8 ext.
7 7 7 7 , TTY (8 0 3 ) 3 7 B 4 8 7 2 . visit your local employment depart ment
or visit our web site at www.oregonlebe.erg. The State ef Oregon and
all Its divisions are proud te b a ------- ----------- - -- ------------*--------