Page B2' November 10, 1999 (Fije J^ortlanî» ffibavruer llortlanò Rumble at the Rose Garden Jefferson sputters early.. but closes hard for PIL championship Jorge Luis Gonzalez vs Jameel McCline John John Molina vs Manuel Gamica Margaret McGregor CONTRIBUTE D STORY _______ ___ for T he P ortland O bserver N ovem ber 14 will be anything but a garden party, w hen professional boxing m akes it debut at Portland’s Rose G arden Arena. Four top contenders will collide in two big bouts. Heavyweight wrecking m achines Jorge Luis Gonzalez and Jam eel M cCline w ill go to to-toe in the M ain Event w hile tw o-tim e world cham pion John John M olina takes on M exican cham pion M anuel G am ica in a 10-round lightw eight slugfest. A s a special attraction, M argaret M cGregor, the first w om an to ever fight a man in a state-sanctioned bout, will risk her undefeated record in a six-roundjum or lightweight w o m en 's bout. The seven- bout card w ill be televised live nationally on Fox sports N et (7 to 9p .m . EST). Gonzatez, 29-5 (27 K Os), originally from H avana, C uba, now residing in Las Vegas, began his professional career by w inning his first 23 bouts, 22 of them by knockout, setting up a grudge rem atch w ith Riddick Bowe tor B ow e’s world title in 1995. In the world am ateur championships, G onzalez had del eated Bowe and W BC heavyw eight cham pion Lennox Lewis on successive nights to win that com petition. Bow e stopped G onzalez in six hard-fought rounds to retain the title and drop G onzales from the ranks o f the undefeated Now rededicated, and in the best shape o f his career, G onzalez returns fresh from tour big consecutive knockout victories over highly-touted contenders. McCline, 20-2-1 (14Kos), from Port Jefferson, NY, riding a three-year, 18-bout w inning streak. He stopped Jim H aynes via a third-round knockout in his last fight, Septem ber 14. . M olina 48-6 (32 Koss), from Fajardo, Puerto Rico, is a three-time world junior lightw eightcham pion. He captured the W BO title w inning a 12-round decision over Juan LaPorte in 1989. H e relinquished that title to challenge Tony Lopez for the IBF title later that year, dethroning the cham pion by a 10-round 1 KO. A fter a successful title defense, he lost the title in close decision in the 1990 rem atch with Lopez. Tw o years later, M olina regained the IBF title by stopping Jackie G unguluza in the fourth round in 1992 and held the title for two years and six successful defenses before m oving up to challenge O scar De La Hoya for O scar’s W BO lightw eight title. T hough O scar w as victorious, w inning a close decision, it was considered his toughest title defense until his recent fight w ithFelixTrinidad. M olina has fought for w orld title tw o m ore tim es during the past 16 months, losing to Shane M osley in 1998 and Roberto G arcia last January in another close decision. M olina captured the W BC C ontinental A m ericas lightweight title last M arch, stopping R uben N evarez in seven rounds. His other 1999 victories include a decision win o ver Jam es C rayton in July and a first-round KO over Javier C arm ona last m onth. G am ica, 19-3(11 K os), from G uadalajara, Mexico, is a tw o-tim e M exican State lightw eight cham pion. H e enters this fight fresh from one o f the year ’ s biggest upsets, defeating form er w orld cham pion Gabriel Ruelas last month in his U.S. : ^ ^ I ^ S n ^ h e D e m o c r a ^ m ^ and the driving rain to defeat the Techmen 14-7. Lee, who came o ff a knee iniurv that cost him 2 games, engineered 2 second half touch downs to stage the win. r . , . , , Jefferson's star running hack, Palmer Butler, had his share o f set-backs, hut in the end showed why he is considered one o f the top running backs in the state. — Woods adds Vardon trophy to player of year honors A ssociated P ress xvhn had T he 23-year-old A m erican, w ho had earlier w rapped up the PGA Player o f the Y Y ear ear aw ard, com com pleted pleted 7 75 5 rounds rounds the award, w ith an adjusted scoring average o f 68.43. D avid D uval w as runner-up w ith a 69.17 average in 74 rounds. The previous best adjusted scoring mark o f6 8 .8 1 was set byG reg Norman T iger W oods claim ed yet another honor on the U.S. PGA T our on M onday w hen he w as nam ed the w in n ero tth eV ard o n tro p h y forbest scoring average, the PGA o f A m erica in 1994. In 1988, the criteria was altered to th e tr a w a rd m iro o p u h y to th e I o u r professional w ith the low est adjusted announced. W oods, w ho capped a sensational s e a s o n b y w in n in g th e W o rld C h a m p io n s h ip to u r n a m e n t at V alderram a on S unday, w on the trophy and registered the low est adjusted average since the award form at w as changed in 1988. “T iger is playing like the angels d o ,” M a s te rs c h a m p io n Jo s e M a ria O lazabal said after W oods’s Sunday p lay o ff victory in Spain o ver local favourite M iguel A ngel Jim enez. score o f the field at each event event. W o o d s’s latest victory gave him record U.S. Tour winnings o f m ore than $6.5 m illion— nearly $3 million m ore than runner-up Duval. W oods becam e the first player since B en H ogan in 1953 to w in four consecutive starts. It w as his eig h th trium ph in 11 - ----------- • tournam ents and his ninth ot the year average, com puted from the average worldwide. Just buy any DIRECTV System And subscribe to DIRECTV Total Choice Programming. Get 32 Free Premium Movie Channels including HBO, Starz! And Showtime Offer ends Jan. 16, 2000 debut. Trail Blazers look to continue fast start vs. Jazz the A ssociated Press The Portland Trail B lazers look to continue their dom inance o f the W estern Conference w hen they face the U tah Jazz in a rem atch o f last seaso n ’s conference sem ifinals at the D elta C enter T uesday night. A ll four o f P o rtland’s w ins this season, including its 97- 82 victory o ver the Lakers on Saturday, have been against W estern C onference foes. Portland, w hich is o ff to its first 4-0 start since opening th e 1 9 9 2 -9 3 w ith e ig h t c o n se c u tiv e v ic to ries, has rallied around the all-around play o f forw ard Scottie Pippen. P ortland’s defense, w hich is third in the N BA , allow ing ju st 87.2 ppg, has been led by Pippen, a seven-tim e All- D efensive First Team m em ber. The 11 -year veteran leads the team with six steals and is second w ith four blocks and 5.8 rebounds p er game. “ I’m feeling very good health-w ise an d m y d e fe n s e is g e ttin g m y offensive gam e go in g ,” Pippen said. “ I ’ve been trying to only take good looks and not force anything.” W hile the Trail Blazers have had an easy tim e against team s in their conference, the Jazz will try to improve its r e c o rd a g a in s t W e s te rn C onference pow erhouses. Utah is 1 -2 against the Lakers, Rockets and SuperSonics this season, its lone victory com ing against H ouston. Scott Padgett, the second o f U tah’s two first-round draft picks, m ade his first NBA start in place o f a healthy but ineffective A dam K eefe in the team ’ s 94-79 win over the Cl ippers on M onday. K eefe sat the entire game, w hile Padgett scored six points in 18 m inutes in his debut. Portland defeated the Jazz in six games in last season’s W estern C onference semifinals. 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