Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 10, 1999, Image 7

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Committed to Cultural Diversity
November 10, 1999
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n tn nt u n i t o
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Stop the War on Youth!
Local activists involved in the campaign
to repeal Measure 11 will report on why
this mandatory minimum sentencing
law must be abolished and present
highlights o f this tenacious battle against
injustice. Thursday, November 11th at
7PM. A hearty Italian Buffet will be
available at 6:30PM for a $6 donation.
NW Neighborhood Cultural Center,
Community Room, 1819 NW Everett,
Portland. The meeting is free and open
to everyone. Call 503/228-3090.
Grant’s Pop Warner team caps an undefeated
season with the city’s championship trophy
“Sew For The Cure”
The holiday spirit is already alive and
those with crafty hands are invited to
“Sew For The Cure”, a special fundraiser
c o n test to b e n e fit b re a st ca n cer
research. Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts
and the A m erican H om e Sew ing
Association encourage the community
to enter “Sew For The Cure” by crafting
a C h ristm a s tre e o rn am en t. The
ornaments will then be displayed in Jo-
Ann sto re s ac ro ss th e co u n try
throughout the holiday season on
Christmas trees and available for sale,
with proceeds to support local cancer
organizations. Call 503/629-5177 or
Parenting School-A gers,
Ages 5-12:
Positive Discipline, Betsy Davenport,
instructor. Saturday, November 13, 2
to 4 p.m. $20 indiv, or $25 for 2 adults,
same home.
Save Our Children
Emergency Parent Meeting Saturday,
November 13, 1999 S E I...3920 N.
Kerby 1:3 0 -3 :3 0 PM. Get inform ed...
How to help your child do well in
school. Only you can make sure your
child is learning the skills needed to be
successful in America’s Technological
“Lift Jesus Up” Revival
The L ifelin e C hristian C hurch is
sponsoring a month long, citywide “Life
Jesus Up” revival to spur residents of
the Portland metropolitan area to take
action against ills plaguing families and
the community. The revival is free and
occu rs from 7PM to 9PM every
weekday from October 27-Nov. 19 at
First AME Zion Church, located at 4303
N. V ancouver Ave. Call Reverend
Weaver at 503/705-1673.
Pow er
W h eelch airs
The Senior W heels USA P rogram
m akes a v a ila b le P ow er (e le ctric)
Wheelchairs to non-ambulatory Senior
Citizens (65 yrs old & up) at no out-of-
pocket expense, if they qualify. The
power Wheelchairs are provided to those
who are confined to a wheelchair, and
can no longer self-propel in their living
area, and who meet the additional
guidelines o f the program. No deposit
r e q u i r e d . P lease call for m ore
in formation on the details o f the program.
Call toll free, 1-800-360-8765.
“Winter Depression: How
to D eal W ith O regon
Tuesday. Nov. 16 Katherine H. Thomas,
M.D., Program 7-8 p.m. Questions 8-
8:30p.m., Where: OHSU Family Health
C en ter - G abriel Park, 4411 SW
Vermont, Portland, (503) 494-9992.
Thomas will offer tips on treatment for
Winter Depression.
Sunday, November 7, ¡999 at the Civic Stadium, Grant's Pop Warner team completed an undefeated season by defeating Whittakers H's Pop Warner team 12-0 fo r the city
African American Providers network 'has a mission'
To provide a strong unified voice, dedicated
to the reduction o f family violence; through
education, networking, consultation, training,
technical assistance and referrals. Offering
conflicts resolution, crisis intervention and
outreach to families that endure domestic
violence. To create an atmosphere in which,
historically marginalized and under-served
communities, refuse to ignore or tolerate
domestic violence.
The Data shows that domestic violence is a
serious problem in the African American
Community nationwide. More than one in six
African American
w om en
p e rc e n t) have
been physically
ab u se d by a
husband or partner
in the last five
years, according
c o m m o n w e a lth
published in 1996.
Black women were
the victims in more
then half (53%) of
the violent deaths
occurring in the
homes o f female
victims, according
published in the
A rch iv es
internal medicine
O ne on O n e ...
How will we fix it?
Je ffe rso n H igh
School on Oct 27,
A frican
A m e ric a n
P ro v id e rs
Netw ork invited
community leaders to lunch & challenged
them to be apart o f the solution to domestic
violence in our communities as well as
participating in the healing o f our women's
pain endured over the years. They were
asked to view a tape produced by Tommy
Ford (Martin, New York Under Cover) Blair
Underwood (LA Law, Set It Off) & Several
other producers. The play called, “Sister, I’m
Sorry” an apology to our African American
Queens. The African American Providers
Network grew out ofBradley-A ngle House’s
HUD HORIZONS project. The Horizons
Piano recital
to benefit
project is a unique collaborative effort to
provide services for survivors o f domestic
violence in Multnomah County. The project
has several objectives; one was to create
opportunities to landlords and the community
in general. Bndgette Jackson - Fahnbulleh,
Bradley- Angle House’s Horizons housing
specialist started the African American
Providers meetings in the summer o f 1999.
The goal and objective o f AAPN is to offering
conflict resolution, crisis intervention and
outreach to families that endure domestic
violence. To promote prevention o f family
violence and create
an atmosphere in
which, historically
m arginalized and
u n d e se rv e d
communities refuse
to ignore or inc lude.
Develop a program
that assist African
American women
who are victims of
domestic violence
in a culturally and
g ender sp e c ific .
way. In the future
for T hf . P ortland O bserver
this group hopes to
create a program
Vancouver pianist Barbara will present a
that is located in
recital at 4 pm Sunday, Movember 21,
N o rth /N o rth e a st
1999 with proceeds to benefit the Vancouver
Portland area, that
Symphony Orchestra. Roberts is a Vancouver
offers cultu rally
resident who earned her Doctorate in Musical
specific services to
Arts at Stanford University. She has been a
victims of domestic
faculty member o f both Stanford and the
University of Califomiaat Santa Cruz and was
v io le n c e .
a resident piano tutor at Harvard.
group meets once a
Roberts will perform three sonatas by Scarlatti,
m onth for m ore
Beethoven's "Tempest" Sonata, Allegro
information contact
Barbaro by Bartók and Shumann's.
Bridgette Jackson
The recital will tke place at the Royal Durst
Fahnbulleh at 503-
rheatre, Vancouver School o f Arts and
289-6869ex IL
Academics, 3101 Main St., Vancouver.