• Page 8 * * (Elye Jlorthnib (Dhaewer November 10,1999 Secret Society of Happy People vote on events of last century Indoor plumb­ ing tops list CONTRIBUTED STORY for T he P ortland O bserver The Secret Society ofhappy people announces the Top Ten Happiest E vents, Inventions and social Changes o f the Century: 10. PC’s 9. Personal Health Products 8.E-mail 7.1ntemet 6. Television 5. Washer/Dryer 4. W omen’s Right to Vote 3. M ed ical T e c h n o lo g y - Procedures, Vaccines & Cures 2. Air Conditioning 1. Indoor plumbing. More than 10.000 votes were cast via the inter and by mail-in ballots during the months o f August and September from a list o f the 100 Happiest Events, Inventions and Social Changes o f the Century that was prepared by the Society. Although the list included items ranging from the Super Bowl, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day P ade, Dilbert, Captain Kangaroo, ftve rathers. Girl Scouts cookies, ..id p izza d e liv e ry it seem s that Americans cast their votes for the happiness that technology has brought to the 20lh Century. “The purpose o f the voting was to fac ilita te co n v ersatio n s about twentieth century happiness,” says Society Founder Pam Johnson. “We were excited that so many people 'T COMMERCIAL with family and God.The Secret from all age groups across the Happy People. They also included Society O f happy People was experiences that are the essence of country voted. Teacher had their formed to encourage the acceptance real happiness that have been around classes vote, families voted and o f the expression o f the happiness since the beginning people took ballots to their senior and discourage the social backlash o f mankind; love, spending time centers.” that often accompanies this, society The Society grained international recognition in 27. Dishwasher 1. Indoor Plumbing is happy to 28. Call Waiting,3-Way 2. Air Conditioning re p o rt that Calling,Caller-I-D 3. Medical every item on Conference Technology- the list, even Calling Procedures, th in g s like 29. Pizza Delivery Vaccines,&Cures buses, acrylic 30. The Far Side 4. W omen’s Right to nails and dry 31 .Sunglasses Vote c le a n in g 32. VCR/Vidio Camera 5. W asher/Dryer re c e iv e d a 33. The Beatles 6. Television v ote. A 34. Winnie the Pooh 7.1ntemet complete list 35. Disney Empire is available at 8. E-mail 36.Self Adhesive Stamp 9. Personal Health the Society 37. Celebration o f Products w eb site Cultural Diversity Band-Aid, Deodorant, 38. Post It’s toothpaste, Etc. H o n o r a b le 39Personal Camera’s 10. PC ’s m e n tio n s 4O.Sesame Street 11. Radio were: 41 The Wizard o f Oz 12. Phones- 11. Radio 42.Answering Machines Cordless&Cell 12. Phones- 43.Star wars 13. Microwave Cordless and 44. Girl Scout Cookies 14. Margaret Sanger for Cell 45. Wal-Mart legalizing birth control □.Microwave 46. NASA 15. Civil Rights Act 14. Margaret 47.Indoor Malls 16. Women wearing Sanger for 48. McDonald’s pants and choosing legalizing 49. Blow Dryers hemlines birth control 50. M other’s Day 17. Man Walking on the 15. C iv il Moon in 1969 Rights Act. 18. Motorized Cars W rite in 19. Movies with Sound v o t e s 20.Social Security included 21. Contact Lenses H a rle y ’s , 22. Dr. Seuss Power Tools, 23. W right Brothers B ig B and A irplane-1904 Music, RV ’s 24. CD Players and even the 25. Remote Control s e c r e t 26. Paved Roads S o c ie ty o f December when it challenged Ann Landers for discouraging people from w ritin g happy ho lid ay newsletters to enclose with their holiday cards and in August when it declared August 8lh as National Admit Y ou’re Happy Day. RESIDENTIAL -----= ON-THE-GO JANITORIAL S E R V IC E ^ = M ovies N ightly with W eekend M atinees Floors stripped & waxed Carpets cleaned For sch ed u le & inform ation call: Marvin Jennings M cM enam ins K ennedy School 288-2180 5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon www.mcmenamins.com Portland 503.940.7309 Vancouver 360.905.3024