N o v e m b e r 10, 1999 (Ehe ^lortlanb (Bbaeruer House on Haunted Hill Synopsis: A rem akeof the 1958 h o rro r classic, this version casts Jeffrey Combs, T aye D ig g s, P eter Gallagher and Famke Jan ssen as fo u r s tra n g e rs w ho are o ffe re d a m illio n dollars each to spend a night at a hau n ted _______ mansion. Dismissing the ominous past o f the house as mere rum or, they accept the proposal and find themselves at the center o f its wrath. Genre: Horror Rating: R, for horror violence and gore, sexual images and language Cast: Jeffrey Combs, Taye Diggs, Peter Gallagher, Chris Rattan and Famke Jansen Credits: Directed by W illiam Malone. Written by Dick Beebe. Based on the 1958 screenplay by Robb White. Based on the story by Dick B eebe and W illiam Malone. Produced by Gilbert Adler, Joel Silver and Robert Zemeckis. Released by Warner Bros. Running Time: 1 hour 55 minutes Theatrical Release Date: October 29, 1999 J- Sleepy Hollow Synopsis: Director Tim Burton (“Edward Scissorhands”, “Ed W ood” ) reu n ites w ith actor Johnny Depp for this adaptation o f Washington Irving’s classic novel. Depp plays Icabod Crane, whose courtship w ith C h ristin a Ricci leads to an e n c o u n te r w ith the leg en d a ry h e a d le s s horseman in the n ea rb y w oods. M ir a n d a R ichardson and Casper Van Dien co-star. Genre: Horror Rating: No Rating Cast: Johnny Depp, Christina R icci, M iranda R ichardson, Christopher Walken, Michael Gambon and Casper Van Dien Credits: Directed by Tim Burton. Written by Kevin Yagher and Andrew Kevin Walker. Based on the story by W ashington Irving. Produced by Scott Rudin and Adam Walker. Released by Paramount. T h ea trical R elease D ate: November 19, 1999 Genre: Action/Adventure Rating: R, for strong violent content including grisly images, and for language C ast: D enzel W ash in g to n , Angelina Jolie, Queen Latifah, Ed O ’Neill, Michael Rooker, Mike McGlone and Leland Orser. C redits: D irected by Phillip Noyce. Written by Jeremy Iacone. Based on the novel by Jeffery Deaver. Produced by Martin Bregman and M ichael Scott Bregman. Released by Universal. Running Time: 1 hour 58 minutes T h ea trical R elease D ate: November 5, 1999 Synopsis: Depending on taste and creed, w riter-director Kevin Synopsis: Set during the Great D epression, M ichael C larke Duncan plays a Death Row murderer in a Southern prison who possesses the unusual gift o f healing. Tom Hank co-stars as the penitentiary guard who, upon d isco v erin g the in m a te ’s miraculous power and gentle nature, begins to question the m an’s guilt. Based on Stephen King’s 1996 best-selling novel. Genre: Drama Rating: No Rating C ast: Tom H anks, P atricia C larkson, Jam es C rom w ell, Jeffrey DeMunn and Michael Duncan Credits: Directed by Frank Darabont. Written by Frank Darabont. Based on the novel by Stephen King. Produced 5 A S * r Bone Collector Synopsis: T ogether, Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie m ake one c o m p le te fo re n s ic d e te c tiv e . While Jolie surveys the c rim e scenes o f a s e r ia l k ille r, quadriplegic Washington offers professional ad v ice from the sid elin e. Although they're in constant communication, their physical sep a ratio n p re sen ts som e dangerous risks. The Green Mile Dogma S m ith ’s latest concoction will either go dow n as grand *5 a \! ' blasphemy or a divine satire. L in d a Fiorentino play s a d is ta n t kin o f the alm ighty who must s to p ixnmiriad a n g e ls Ben Affleck and Matt Damon from re-entering heaven’s gate. If the fallen angels succeed, all of God’s creation will be undone. Genre: Comedy Rating: No Rating C ast: Ben A ffleck , G eorge C arlin, M att D am on, Linda Fiorentino, Chris Rock, Jason Mewes, Kevin Smith and Salma Hayek Credits: Directed and written by Kevin Smith. Produced by Laura G reenlee and Scott M osier. Released by Lions Gate Films. Running Time: 2 hrs 10 minutes T h ea trical R elease D ate: November 12, 1999. '•-•'Vi- k. f- ? • : •< » . i: V £ by David Valdes. Released by Warner Bros. T h ea trical R elease D ate: December 10, 1999 Don’t forget the popcorn National Videos National Video Rentals for this week National Video Sales for this week 1. “The Blair Witch Project’’ (Artisan) 2. "The Matrix’’ (Warner Bros.) 3. /The Mummy/ (Universal Pictures) 4. “Analyze This" (Warner Bros.) 5. “Life" (Universal Pictures) 6. “Election" (Paramount) 7. “Forces Of Nature" (DreamWorks) 8. “Go" (Sony) 9. “The Raae: Carried" (MGM/UA) 10. “The Thirteenth Floor/ (Sony) 1. “The Blair Witch Project" (Artisan) 2. “The Mummy” (Universal)! (MGM/UA) (DreamWorks) 5. “Playboy’s Blue Collar Babes" (Playboy) 6. “Ricky Martin: the Official Video Collection” (Columbia) 7. “Playboy 2000 - Video Playmate Calendar” (Playboy) 8. “American History X" (New Line) (Disney) 10. "Elizabeth" (USA) m Up Page 7 ’»«.It 2k-» Z.#. -S j j ’¡ g