- -. , s . .. .* * » .. * «■ * . « • • • ■ • • • * . J L äu v* vs wvv.portlandobserver.net C om m itted to C u ltu ra l Diversity Volume X X IX . N um ber 45 The Oregon Ballet Theatre presents The Nutcracker See Inside I Sheryl L. Ralph brings film to Jamaica See Inside Novem ber It), 1999 51 days to the Look for Popeye’s new millennia Coupons Inside! e ÿlor i íatih ©fase Sección en Español By the end o f this m onth, a soft renovation to the Red Lion Hotel Coliseum will be complete. T he $400,000 m ake-over to the very first Red Lion establishm ent in Portland will entail not ju st beautifying the 212-room facility but also adding new am enities. T he R ed Lion H otel is currently undergoing Phase 1 o f renovations where adjustm ents like sw itching over to electronic locks and installing a dance floor will be made. W ork on Phase II will soon follow with plans to redo the roof, paintw ork, glassing and bathroom s. All o f these changes are being done to update O ver five years ago, Paul A llen bought the old e s ta b lis h m e n t as a p o te n tia lly g o o d investm ent. M any have yet to recognize this tw o-star hotel overlooking the W illam ette R iver as a great bargain for its com petitively good rates and convenience o f location. E arlier this year, the hotel regained its brand nam e from being called D ouble Tree back to R ed Lion. A nother im portant conversion^was the return o f popular program s like the Red L ion Club w here a m em ber can earn free nights, frequent flyer m iles from two national airline com panies and a $50 Savings bond. D ue to the hotel’s prim e location (1225 North T hunderbird W ay) nearby the C onvention Center, M em orial Coliseum and Rose Garden A rena, the im provem ents w ill create the G overnor John K itzhaber nam ed form er law m aker Bill B radbury to be the new secretary o f state. The announcem ent w as m ade over the w eekend. K itzhaber says the deciding factoi in the end w as B radbury’s experience. Like Dad, Ali Daughter Predicts KO tu rn aro u n d n e c e ssa ry to draw in m ore customers. In taking advantage o f their locale, the Red Lion H otel w ill at ommodate even more to the needs o f event e ers by keeping their lounge open until 2AM and offering Blazer buffets at the Edgew ater Restaurant on nights w hen the T railblazers play. Besides the sw eeping changes occurring w ithin the Red Lion H otel C oliseum w ith its renovation and the reestablishm ent o f old Red Lion tradition, the com pany intends to do w ell by keeping good corporate-com m unity ties and aggressively m arket them selves for a greater presence in the Rose city as part o f the h o tel’s com ing o ut" celebration. Sierra Pacific Resources and Enron announce purchase agreement for PC E 1 CHARLESTON, W. Va. -LailaA lipredicts she w ill knock out her opponent - a 28- year-old accounting student - w hen she fights for the second tim e as a professional b oxer W ednesday night. The Red Lions under the corporate umbrella o f Promise Hotels was voted hi hotel choice by the NAACP. With that recognition, the hotels are gearing up to serve the minority population in a greater way. Nichole Williams, the Director o f Sales fo r Portland is pictured with George Rogers, the Regional Director o f Sales in Vancouver, Washington. T he P ortland O bserver the hotel and keep their com petitive edge. N ew secreta ry o f state named Portland, OR Permit No. 1610 University of Oregon Knight Library Newspaper Section Eugene OR 97403 B y J oy R amos of M em orial serv ice w as held o v er the w eekend for 75-year-oldN eal W alker and the crash. PAID Red Lion Hotel gets the royal treatment Crash victims remembered his 64-year-old w ife, Elaine. T hey had em barked on a trip to Egypt and Israel. A nother O regon couple, R aym ond and D orothy Beck o f Sw eet hom e, also died in Bulk Rate U S. Postage ■K BHT the prem ier electric utilities in the W est and W e are looking forward to using our regulated this transaction is an important step m tultillmg industry expertise to cnhanee the value of l’( .1 'sbusinesses w Inleeontinuing top i o\ide out pte\iousl> stated goal ot expanding oui " --M l reeulated utilitx businesses. jgL-& sate, reliable electric serx ice to customets. u fc 4£®tÌÌ EgyptAir Data Recorder Found N E W P O R T , R .I. - E g y p tA ir c ra sh investigators recovered a dam aged flight d ata recorder from the depths o f the A tlantic. O ne o f the tw o boxes on the B oeing 767 w as found dam aged at one end, readings o f the tape w as dam aged w ill be released at a later date. W a s h in g t o n Hudson foods grilled in meat trial L IN C O L N , N eb. - B efore ordering the la rg e st m e at re c a ll in U .S. h isto ry , executives at H udson Foods stonew alled federal officials for a w eek about how m uch b ee f w as potentially contam inated, a prosecutor told a jury. T he com pany could be fined $500,000. H udson initially ordered a recall o f 20,000 pounds o f ground b e e f p roduced at its C olum bus, N eb., plant UPS IPO valued at $5.47 billion A T LA N T A - U nited Parcel Service is expected to soar as high as m any hot technology stocks w hen it begins trading p ublicly tom orrow . The 92-year-old A tlanta-based C o m p an y ’s debut on the N ew Y ork Stock E xchange w ill be w orth $5.47 billion, the biggest dom estic IPO to date. A m azon.com expands online offerings N E W Y O RK - A m azon.com announced to d ay it is going to start softw are and hardw are - real hardw are, as in nails, sandpaper and pow er tools. T he new offerings are part o f a rapid expansion that is costing the m oney-losing W eb site h undreds o f m illions o f dollars. German Mark 10 years without wall B E R LIN - W ith firew orks, concerts and a huge party at the landm ark B ranenburg G ate, G erm any on Tuesday celebrated the courage o f hundreds o f thousands o f East G erm ans w ho brought dow n the reviled Berlin Wall 10 years ago with theirpeaceful M o r e o v e r, th e transaction will enable u s to r e in v e s t th e p r o c e e d s fro m th e planned divestiture o f our N evada generating a s se ts .” "W e have been very p le a s e d w ith th e performance ofPortland G eneral,” said Kenneth L. L ay, E n r o n ’s c h a irm a n an d c h ie f e x e c u tiv e o f fic e r . “H ow ever, the rapidly ev o lv in g co m p etitiv e (ONTRIRI 'TF.DSTORY for T he P ortland O rrery er Sierra Pacific R esources (NYSE: SRP) and Enron C o rp . (N Y S E : E N E ) announced that they have entered into a purchase and sale agreem ent for E nron’s w h o lly o w n e d e le c tric utility subsidiary, Portland G eneral E lectric (PG E). U n d e r te rm s o f th e agreem ent, Enron will sell PGE to Sierra Pacific for $2.1 billion, com prised o f $2.02 b illio n in cash and the a s s u m p tio n o f E n ro n ’s approxim ately $80 m illion m erger paym ent obligation. S ie rra P acific w ill also assum e $ 1.0 billion in PGE debt and preferred stock. T he proposed transaction, w h ic h is s u b je c t to c u s to m a ry r e g u la to r y approvals, is expected to close in the second h alf o f 2000. “ W e ’re excited about this opportunity to transform our com pany by significantly expanding our sc ale and sc o p e in this com bination w ith P G E ," said M ichael N iggli, Sierra P a c ific R e so u rc e s’ c h a ir m a n and c h ie f executive officer. “ Portland G eneral is one o f electricity market allows us to deliver com modity s e rv ic e s a n d r is k m anagem ent products to our custom er without requiring the ownership o f a regulated electric utility.” The c o m b in e d c o m p a n y o f S ie rra Pacific Resources and P o rtla n d G e n e ra l Electric will have a total o f more than $9 billion in assets and serve m ore th a n 1.7 m illio n c u s to m e rs in th re e states. -A K F HOF ' a 1 Combined Service Territory A r iz o n a Sierro Pocific Resources Nevodo Power Compony dem ands for dem ocracy. V »*”7 LARI MF AO See more on Business, page A6