Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 03, 1999, Page 5, Image 5

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    N o ve m b er 3, 1999
Page A 5
(Tlje 'JJorUmiò ©bseruer
Thousands to be awarded to Portland-area students
Students w ho subm it portfolios to
their high schools m ay be selected as
“A cadem ic A ll-Stars” in one o f nine
a c a d e m ic a re a s a n d r e c e iv e
scholarships this spring ranging from
$ 100 to $ 1,000 to use at the college or
university o f their choice.
Academ ic A ll-Stars was established
in 1982 by the M ultnom ah Education
Service District to rew ard academic
excellence in all public high schools
in M ultnom ah County. Since 1984
w h en A c a d e m ic A ll-S ta rs first
aw arded scholarships, 621 students
have earned $285,310 - and the
Portland Public School D istrict has
earned $ 147,130 o f that am ount.
Students com pete through portfolio
preparation and interview s in nine
a c a d e m ic d iv is io n s : C o m p u te r
S c ie n c e , F o re ig n
L anguage,
Language Arts, Math, Science, Social
Science, Visual Arts, Performing Arts,
and “A ll-A round". Students submit
portfolios to their respective schools,
w here in-school judging takes place.
The screening com m ittee at each
school selects individual student
winners in each academic area. These
portfolios are forwarded to the county
level, where they are read by a preview
ro u n d e d
an d
d e m o n s tra te
c o m m u n ity
in v o lv e m e n t,
e s p e c ia lly as it
p ertain s to th e ir
c a te g o ry ,
a re
e x c e lle n t
c a n d id a te s fo r
su c c e s s . A s id e
from the program ,
d e v e lo p in g
portfolio is a very
a u th e n tic
e x p e rie n c e fo r
s tu d e n ts ;
th e
c o m p le te d
portfolio is often
b e n e f ic ia l
fo r
co lleg e and jo b
Depending on the
s c h o o l,
th e
Through Academic All-Stars, students compete fo r scholarships through portfolio
A cadem ic A ll-S tar
preparation and interviews in nine academic areas. Darrell Grant (shown above) was the process may start as
keynote speaker at the Academic All-Stars 1999 Banquet that was held on October 26 at
soon as January; the
the Sheraton Audience o f 430 high school students, teachers, parents and friends.
sc h o o l ju d g in g o f
com e true is to support a program as
p o rtfo lio s w ill be com pleted by
recipients and their parents, school
February 25 *. You may wish to contact
m eaningful as A cadem ic All-Stars.
a d m in istra to rs an d fa c u lty , and
your child’s high school and find out
Y ou CA N m ake a difference in your
m em bers o f the media.
com m unity - D arrell G rant has, and
their time-line.
The keynote speaker at last year’s
th e
s tu d e n ts
w ho
r e c e iv e
Each school has an advisor who
banquet w as pianist, com poser, band
scholarships w ill, too.
coordinates the Academic All-Star
leader and producer D arrell Grant.
com m ittee. This body then selects
eight o f the eighteen entrants in each
academ ic area to take part in final
interview s, w here five scholarship
w inners and three finalists in each
academ ic area will be selected.
A n a d d itio n a l sc h o la rsh ip (T he
M elissa Jorgensen Scholarship) is
available to an outstanding student
in Dance and Drama.
W here does this m oney com e from?
I n d iv id u a ls , b u s in e s s e s , an d
fo undations rep resen tin g a w ide
sp e c tru m o f th e P o rtla n d a re a
c o m m u n ity c o n tr ib u te to th is
organization. Special recognition is
g iv e n to “ S p o n s o rs ” in th e s e
categories: gold ($3,000), silv er
($2,000), and bronze($ 1,000). The gold
sponsors provide the m ajority o f
scholarships in an academic category,
and are nam ed on that category’s
trophies. Sponsors are recognized in
n ew sp a p ers, press re le a se s, and
television coverage. A dditionally,
they appear at the spring aw ards
b a n q u e t, a tte n d e d a n n u a lly by
approxim ately 400 people, including
His debut solo release, “ Black A rt’,
becam e one o f the m ost critically
acclaim edjazz records o f 1994; it was
chosen as one o f the top ten jazz C D ’s
o f the year by N ew Y ork Tim es and as
one o f the top five o f the year by
E ngland’s V OX m agazine. N ow a
resident o f Portland, D arrell started
th e P o rtla n d S ta te U n iv e r s ity
M asterClinic Series, w hich features
internationally known jazz on the PSU
campus. H e started P S U ’s “Tributes
to the O ld C ats” concerts, w hich
fea tu re P o rtla n d ’s ja z z le g en d s
perform ing w ith PSU ja zz students.
He helped to produce the first PSU
jazz CD, “Crossing the Bridge,” which
fe a tu re s s e v e r a l o f th e a r tis ts
h ig h lig h te d in th e “ O ld C a ts ”
concerts. In D arrell’s w ork w ith the
Oregon C ouncil for the H um anities,
he presents outreach program s in
O regon sch o o ls around A frican-
A m erican history and culture.
D arrell’s m essage to the audience
was simple: follow your heart and
believe in your dream s. O ne w ay to
help m ake a young p erso n ’s dream s
S usan D awson
for T he
P ortland O bserver
W hat Should You D o? First, if you
h av e a stu d e n t e n ro lle d in any
M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty p u b lic h ig h
school, encourage him or her to submit
a portfolio in one o f the recognized
acad em ic are as. T h ese stu d e n ts
should have a passion for their chosen
are a o f c o m p etitio n , as w ell as
docum ented evidence o f their work
in that area. Students who are well-
events for their building: Benson:
F red H ay n e s C e n te n n ia l: S ally
Sprandling Cleveland: Judy Sprunger
C orbett: L inda N eu m an D avid
Douglas: D ickN iehaus Franklin. Call
M ESD G rant: C h a rlen e R ogers
G resh am : M ary M e a rs-H a sk e ll
Jefferso n : D o n D ix o n L incoln:
Andrew Duggan Madison: call MESD
Marshall: Doris Rademacher.
Waiting children
Bobby H .(M ) DOB: July 28. 1995 age 4 and Linton D. DOB: June 11,
1998 age 1 both A frican-A m erican are waiting for a family.
Services for Children and Fam ilies are looking for foster and adoptive
families. If you w ould like to receive m ore inform ation about these
children or any other children from SCF please contact 1 -800-331 -0503 or
contact Judy O nellana at 731 -3075 ext. 405.
Police chiefs back
start child care plans
A ssociated P ress
_____________________ _________________ _____________________
Eighty-six percent o f police chiefs participating in a survey believe the
governm ent could reduce youth cnm e by increasing after-school and child
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Director; Charlene Buckner.
care program s, an advocacy group said today.
Nearly nine o f 10 agreed that failing to do so will cost the nation more in the
long run in crim e, w elfare and other expense, said Fight Crime: Invest in Kids,
a group lobbying C ongress to spend more on juvenile crim e-prevention
‘ ’C ongress’ failure to substantially increase funding for education child care
and after-school program s is irresponsible and shortsighted, said Edw ard A.
Flynn, a m em ber o f the gro u p 's board and police ch ief o f A rlington County,
Va. ‘ ’Congress doesn’ t seem to be listening to law enforcement or the public. ’
Flynn said the results o f the survey may seem surprising.
" F o r som e people, perhaps, it’s counterintuitive,” he said. ” 1 suspect that
most people who d o n ’t know many police chiefs or d o n ’t know a lot about what
policing has been through in the last several years
w ould assum e that the police policy-m akers would be
heavy on punishm ent, heavy on reaction and heavy on
Survey results were being released at a m eeting o f the
International Association ofChiefs ofPolice in Charlotte,
The survey was conducted from Oct. 14 to Oct. 27 by
tw o G eorge M ason University professors who received
556 responses from the 85 5 randomly selected municipal
p o lic e ch iefs w h o rec eiv ed faxes o f a w ritten
questionnaire. The m argin o f error is plus or minus 5
percentage points.
T he police chiefs were guaranteed anonym ity, and
survey participants did not know that Fight Crime had
c o m m is s io n e d th e s tu d y , p ro fe s s o rs S te p h e n
M astrofsky and Scott K eeter said.
The chiefs were asked to ’’guide elected officials” by
ranking the effectiveness o f four juvenile crime-fighting
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"S ix ty -n in e percent gave the highest priority to
providing m ore after-school program s and educational
child care,” the group reported. Seventeen percent
chose "p ro secu te more juveniles as adults their No.
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Thirteen percent gave "h ire more police officers to
investigatejuvenile crim e” theirhighest ranking, and 1
p erc en t said " in s ta ll m ore m etal d etecto rs and
surveillance cam eras in school.”
Stopping violence
Building a W orking Model with Public Safety, Social
Services and C om m unity M em bers
W’hat: A live statew ide televised, educational forum,
focusing on family violence, with a multi-disciplinary
approach to prevention.
When: M onday, N ovem ber 8, 1999,4:30 - 7:00 pm
W here: Portland C able A ccess Studios, 2766 NE
Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Portland, Oregon.
How: The forum will be conducted in a townhall
format with M elissa M ills moderating, guiding an
interactive discussion betw een panel m em bers, and
a studio and statewide audience. An 800 num ber will
be provided for phone-in participation.
W hy? To focus on an approach to stopping the cycle
o f violence, by educating social services.