November 3, 1999 (Ehe f o r ila uh (iTbseruer IN P R IN T Reviving Ophelia Real Boys H enry H olt an d C o m p an y ; 1998 By W illiam P ollack, Ph.D . B ased on W illiam P o lla c k ’s g r o u n d b re a k in g r e s e a r c h at Harvard M edical School for more than two decades, Rea! Boys ex­ plores this generation’s “silent cri­ sis” : why so m any boys are sad, lonely, and confused although they may appear tough, cheerful, and confident. Pollack challenges con­ ventional expectations about man- hood and m asculinity that encour­ age parents to treat boys as little men, raising them through a tough­ ening process that drives their true em otions underground. Only when w e understand w hat boys are really experiencing, says Pollack, can par­ ents and teachers help them develop m ore self-confidence and the em o­ tional savvy they need to deal with issues such as depression and vio­ le n c e , d ru g s an d a lc o h o l, sexuality and love. —I.a il Sheehv 71 Vi >rt» a new ton-w ord h» Mary Pipher, Ph.fX, author o f RiririHÿ Op«rÌM WILLIAM POLLACK, Ph.D. H a z e ld e n ; 1998 By Jean I I I s I e y C la rk e an d C o n n ie D aw son A s tim e - tested as it is tim ely,theex- pert advice in this book has helped thou- sands ofread- ers im p ro v e on th e ir p a re n tin g p ra d ic e s , N ow , su b - stantially re- B a llan tin e Books; 1994 girls’ unmuted voices from the front By M ary P ipher, Ph.D. lives o f adolescence, personal and W hy are m ore A m erican painfully honest. B y laying bare adolescent girls prey to de­ their harsh day-to-day reality. Re­ p ression, eating disorders, viving O phelia issues a call to arms addictions, and suicide at­ an d o ffe rs p a re n ts co m p assio n , tempts than ever before? A c­ strength, and strategies with which cording to Dr. M ary Pipher, to revive these O phelias’ lost sense a clinical psychologist who o f self. h as tr e a te d g irls fo r more than twenty years, w e live in a lo o k -o b ­ s e s s e d , m e d ia - s a tu ­ rated, “girl-poisoning” culture. D espite the ad­ IO N vances o f feminism, es­ U » hui »>• • x calating levels o f sex­ «Ml HIM nut«. T* ism and violence - from un­ d e r v a lu e d in te llig e n c e to sexual harassm ent in elem en­ tary school - cau se girls to stifle their creative spirit and natural im pulses, w hich, ulti­ mately, destroys their self-es­ teem . Yet girls o ften blam e themselves or their families for . ■■ ■ ■ . H.’ W™ this “problem with no nam e” instead o f looking at the world around them. H ere, for the first tim e, are REVIVING OPHELIA D tW Hi Growing up again “ Anyone »H» 1iwi «w work* with hoy, and men »kuntfil rMd A M 8^ » ," vised and expanded, Growing Up A gain offers further guidance on providing children with the struc- tu re an d n u rtu rin g th a t are so ciritical to their healthy develop- m ent - and to our own. Je a n Ills le y C la rk an d C o n n ie D aw son provide the inform ation ev e ry a d u lt ca rin g for ch ild ren sh o u ld k n o w - ab o u t ag e s and stages o f development, ways to nur- ture our children and ourselves, and to o ls fo r p e rs o n a l a n d fa m ily growth. This new edition also ad- d resses th e sp ecial d em an d s o f adopted children and blended fami- lies, the character o f prenatal life and our final days, and the grow- ing problem o f overindulgence. SAVING the -, SELVES of . ADÜ LESG GIRLS < £ M VR\ * Ace TYPEWRITER COMPANY * 7433 North Lombard Portland Sales and Service TYPEWRITERS: Selectrics Wheelwriters All makes-Electronics OFFICE CHA IRS Ribbons & Diasywheels Sold and repaired (new casters) COPY MACHINES Toner and Service An//