Page 6 (The jUurtkmh (©beeruer November 3,1999 ON FILM Bats S y n o p sis: Z o o lo g is t D in a M eyer and assistant Leon are dispatched to a Texas desert town to investigate a torrent o f unexplained bat attacks. Along with local sheriff Lou Diam ond P h illip s, th ey d is c o v e r the phenom enon to be the evil doings o f a genetic scientist. Now the fearless trio m ust stop the nocturnal - | k ille rs b e fo re — I ) another nightfall. Genre: Horror Rating: PG-13, for fo r in te n s e sequences o f bat attacks, and brief language C a st: Lou D ia m o n d Phillips, Dina Meyer, Leon, Carlos Jacott an d B ob Gunton C red its: D irected by Louis M o rn eau . W ritte n b y John Logan. Produced by Brad Jenkel and Louise Rosner. Released by I. Destination Films. R u n n in g T im e: 1 h o u r 31 minutes T h e a tr ic a l R e le a se D ate: O ctober 22, 1999 The Best Man Synopsis: Reminiscent o f “The B ig C h ill,” th is tale o f relationships in v o lv e s s e v e ra l friends that are reunited fo r a w eekend-long wedding. Best man Taye Diggs is a w riter who has just finished a book w hose characters and secrets have a certain resem blance to real life. B rid e s m a id Nia Long is a reporter w ho’s m anaged to obtain an advance copy. Genre: Drama R a tin g : R, for ' sidekick. Gabriel Byrne plays Satan. G e n re : Act ion/Adventure R atin g : No Rating C ast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gabriel Byrne, Robin Tunney, Kevin Poliak and Udo Kier C r e d its : D irected by P eter H yam s. W ritten by A ndrew M arlowe. Produced by Armyan B e rn ste in and B ill B orden. Released by Universal. T h e a t r i c a l R e le a s e D a te : N ovem ber 24, 1999 language and sexuality C ast: Taye Diggs, Nia Long, M orris C hestnut and M onica Calhoun Credits: W ritten and directed by M alcolm Lee. Produced by Bill C arraro, Sam K itt anad S p ik e L ee. R e le a s e d by Universal. R u n n in g T im e: 1 h o u r 58 minutes T h e a tr ic a l R e le a s e D ate: October 22, 1999 End of Days The Messenger S y n o p s is : T h e e n d o f the millennium has the Prince o f Darkness out hunting for his other h alf in New York City. The object o f his unholy match is Robin Tunney. It’s up to s e c u rity agent A rn o ld Schwarzenegger to protect the u n w illin g bride from the Devil h im self K evin Poliak p la y s the fo llo w s her m ira c u lo u s transform ation from a simple village girl to a fierce leader o f th e F re n c h A rm y . D u stin Hoffman, John M alkovich and Faye Dunaway co-star. G en re: Drama Rating: No Rating Cast: Vincent Cassel, Pascal Greggory, Desmond Harrington, T cheky K aryo and M athieu Kassovitz C r e d its : D ire c te d by Luc B esson. W ritten by Andrew B irk in an d L uc B esso n . Produced by Patrice Ledoux. Released by C olum bia Pictures. T h e a t r i c a l R e le a s e D a te : Novem ber 5, 1999 Synopsis: Acclaim ed director L uc B e sso n (“ T h e F ifth Elem ent,” “The Professional”) retells the epic story o f J o a n of A rc. M illa Jovovich portrays the young m artyr, as the film ^ H M n e e "fcei /thuufiu Gee kin Ceuntfif -------I------ ON VIDEO a • « Sales — National Video Rentals 1. “The Matrix" (Warner Bros.) 2. “Analyze This” (Warner Bros.) 3. “The Mummy” (Universal) 4. “Payback” (Paramount) 5. "Shakespeare In Love” (Miramax) 6. “The Out-Of-Towners" (Paramount) 7. “Forces Of Nature” (DreamWorks) 8. “Go" (Sony) 9. “The Thirteenth Floor” (Sony) 10. “Enemv Of The State” (Buena Vista) 1. “The Mummy" (Universal) 2. "Yellow Submarine" (MGM/UA) 3. “The Prince of EavDt" (DreamWorks) 4. “There’s Something About Mary” (20th Century Fox) 5. “Playboy’s Blue Collar Babes (Playboy) 6. “Doug’s 1st Movie” (Disnev) 7. “Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie” (ADV) 8. "My Favorite Martian" (Disney) 9. “Elizabeth” (USA) 10. “Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery” (New Line) B e tte r Than The B est You’ve Ever Had! Tennessee Reds Famous For Brisket & Ribs SOON TO BE FAMOUS s p e c ia ls I Beef Ribs (2) & U Chicken with one s i d e ^ ^ ^ Q ^ /H a n ia if Mixed Grill Sausage, U Chicken & Ribs with one side Wednesday Beef Brisket with Texas sauce and 2 sides ^IJuttsday Pork Lion with Tarheel sauce and 2 sides Catfish with 2 sides M cM l N A M I NS S I. )OI IN S PUB Live Music • G roup Events D elicious Pub Fare • G reat S pecials H andcrafted Ales & W ines 8203 \ Ivanhoe Street • Portland • (503) 283-8520 vv vv vv. me m en