Page A2 November 3,1999 ^îortlanb ffibseruer POLICE NEWS (©bscrmng Police seek identity of serial robber CONTRIBUTED STORY for T he P ortland O bserver Robbery D etectives are attem pting to establish the identity o f a Robbery suspect w ho is believed to have committed at least five robberies. Four o f these robberies have occurred since Sunday, O ctober 24, 1999, prim arily in N orth Portland. The robberies, thus far, have occurred at the follow ing businesses: 092799,1:52 P.M., Papa A ldo’sPizza, 2004 N. Portland Blvd. 1024 9 9 ,1 2 :3 4P .M ..P apaM urphy’s Pizza,5336N . Lombard Street 1 0 2 4 9 9 , 8 :3 2 P M ., S u b w a y Sandw iches, 3004 E. Burnside 102499, 2:43 P.M., Papa M urphy’s Pizza, 5336 N. Lombard Street 102999,1100A.M., Radio Shack, 2056 N. Lom bard Street The suspect is described as a male, 45-50 years old, 6 ’0” 6 ’4 ”, slender, w ith long light brow n or sandy blond hair pulled back into a ponytail, a salt and pepper mustache, with a generally dirty appearance. The suspect has been sim ulating a w eapon during the robberies. T h e su sp e c t is b e lie v e d to be operating an older, sm all, white, hatchback, in poor condition. Anyone, w ho know s the identity o f this suspect, should call the Robbery Detail, at 823-0867. There is a reward available through the Crime Stoppers. Crime Stoppers Indecent Exposure The Portland Police is asking for your help in locating and apprehending th e in d iv id u a l re s p o n s ib le fo r exposing him self in Washington Park. O n M onday, Septem ber 13, 1999, at about 9:50 in the m orning, the female victim was jogging in W ashington Park w hen she observed the suspect run ahead o f her and disappear from sight. W hen the victim again saw the suspect, he had his pants pulled down and was exposing himself. l ne suspect is aescrioea w nne The described as a white male, approxim ately 20 years ofage, 6 ’0 " tall, w ith a lean build and brown hair styled in a crew cut. The individual in this case matches the suspect description in several s im ila r in c id e n ts r e p o r te d in W ashington Park. Crim e Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $ 1,000 for information, reported to Crim e Stoppers, which leads to an arrest in this case on any unsolved felony crim e, and you can rem ain an o n y m o u s. C all C rim e Stoppers at (503) — 823-HELP. for T he P ortland O bserver M ultnom ah C ounty s h e riffs detectives re-opened a h o m ic id e in v e stig a tio n from 1982 in v o lv in g the disappearance and death o f K im berly Kae Basel (04/01/ 63). T he case w as reopened in February o f 1998 w hen detectives received a tip about the w hereabouts o f her body. Detectives and O SP cnm e lab personnel w ent to a rural sight in W asco County where they found the remains o f M s Basel buried there. The m edical exam iners office was not able to determ ine the cause o f death. Ms Basel was living in M ultnom ah County area at the time o f her dissppearance. She w as last in contact with family in O ctober o f 1982. D uring that tim e the Portland police and the Clackam as C ounty sheriff office were investigating Ms Basel for unrelated incidents. In 1983 a missing person report was filed w ith the M ultnomah County Sheriff office base on her last know n address being in M ultnom ah C o unty N E 202 A ve. D etectives investigated the disappearance U ntil 1990 when the case w as suspended. In February o f 1998 the s h e riffs office received the tip about M s.Basel in offering a $5000.00 rew ard for inform ation leading to arrest and conviction o f the person or persons responsible Search warrant executed on active drug lab for T he P ortland O bserver Holiday closure, new hours for DEQ test stations rUath Persons with for her death. with information inform ation should should contact contact th the M ultnomah County S h eriffs office though D etective M ike Gates at 251 -2471. for T he P ortland O bsfrv er T h e W a s h in g to n S ta te A rts Com m ission will conduct a business meeting in Vancouver on Friday, Nov. 5 ,fro m 9 a.m . to 2 p .m . inV ancouver an opportunity to help our community grow. The information gathered in Census 2 0 0 0 can help training centers, W here new businesses end factories are built. And it’s Census data th a t helps determine our fair share of billions of dollars So, when your Census fo rm a rriv e s , fill it in and mail it back. I t ’s a form of op p o rtu n ity fo r our com m unity. Census 2 0 0 0 . This is our future. Don't leave it blank. P ortland O bserver The Department ofEnvironm ental Quality (DEQ) Portland area vehicle inspection Clean A ir Stations will have new hours and will be closed Thursday, Nov. 11, in observance o f V eteran’s Day. T he test centers will re-open Friday, Nov. 12. Beginning Jan 1,2000, the Sunset and Clackamas Clean A ir Station will be open 9A M to 9PM the other days o f the week. All other stations w ill be open 9AM to 5PM M onday through Saturday. AU station will be closed Sundays and holidays. Currently, one day a w eek, each o f the five Portland area C lean A ir Station is open noon to 9PM according to the follow ing schedule: M onday Clackam as and Sunset (W ashington County) Tuesday G resham W ednesday NE Portland Thursday Sherwood Except for these special evening hours, the test stations are open 9A M to 5PM M onday; 8AM to 6PM Tuesday though Friday; and 9am to 5PM Saturday. All stations are closed Sundays and Holidays. Station are located at 5130 NW Five oaks D rive (near the C om eilius Pass Road exit o f f H ighw ay 26 in W ashington County); 7701 NE 33rd D rive in Portland (north o f C olum bia Blvd.); 1200 SW T u a la tin - S h e rw o o d R oad, S h erw o o d . F or m o re inform ation about the DEQ V ehicle Inspection Program and directions to test stations call (503) 229-5696 or visit D E Q ’s w ebsite at w w w .deq.state P ortland O bserver A 19-year-old female reported a rape on Friday October 29. 1999 by an arm ed suspect. The rape occurred around 7:30 am in her apartm ent at Fisher M ill Apts. Located in the 10000 block o f SE 160,hAve. The victim reported the assault took place after she carried items to her car in the parking lot in front o th e r apartment. W hen she returned to the apartm ent the suspect was inside. He was described as a w hite m ale adult, 6 ’ 01” 180- 200 lbs., brown hair, goatee, wearing an orange T-shirt and gray boxer shorts, no other clothing or shoes. T he suspect was reportedly arm ed w ith a dark colored pistol. Officers responding to the location canvassed the area and interview ed neighbors. T hey discovered the ex husband o f a w om an w ho lived next door to the victim had been visiting from M ichigan. T he ex-husband was identified as Je ff Seburg. Je ff was reported to have been in prison in M ichigan. His physical description was sim ilar to the one given by the victim. The victim returned to the V ancouver Police Station after > CONTRIBUTED STORY for the for T he CONTRIBUTED STORY CONTRIBUTED STORY On Thursday, O ctober 28,1 9 9 9 ,at 12:34 A M .,o ffic e rso f the D rug & V ice D ivision served a search w arrant at an active m etham phetam ine lab located at 6345 N. A tlantic A venue on Portland, Oregon. W hen officers entered the residence they found a large, active m etham phetm ine lab, glassware, equipm ent and precursor chem icals associated w ith the m anufacture o f m etham phetamine. O fficers seized more than five gallons o f m ethaphetam ine oil. Richard W illiam M itts, 48 years and G ilbert C iarlo, 36 years, w ere arrested and charged w ith one count o f M anufacturing a C ontrolled substance, and one count o f Possession o f a Controlled Substance. Total bail on Richard M itts and Ciarlo is $75,000 each. Richard M itts was also charged w ith an outstanding warrant from Clark County, Washington forManufacturing a C ontrolled Substance. CONTRIBUTED STORY_________________________________________________________ a hospital exam and helped detectives produce a com posite photo. The com posite photo was show n to neighbors o f the victim who identified it as “Je ff Seburg” Officers were in the process o f obtaining a search w arrant for the apartm ent next door to the victim w hen a subject w alked out o f that apartm ent around 3:30 pm. He initially used a false nam e with officers waiting out front. O fficers had a copy o f the suspect’s com posite photo and believed this person bore a striking resem blance to the composite. The suspect adm itted after further questioning, he was the one the police were looking for. The suspect was identified as Jeffrey D avid Seburg Date o f Birth Septem ber 26, 1962. He was w anted in M ichigan for a Parole violation. W hile Police were watching the suspect’s apartm ent, a 14- yr. Old female approached officers and reported the suspect had raped her as well. Police are investigating that crim e as a separate incident. There is no further inform ation on that aspect o f the investigation. Je ff w as booked at the Clark County Jail on one count o f Rape 1 w ith no bail. Arts commission to meet in Vancouver Murder investigation from 1982 re-opened CONTRIBUTED STORY_________________________________________________________ Armed rape suspect captured ■ e = k = s = a- City H all C ouncil C ham bers, 210 E. 13lh St. T he m eeting is open to the public. V ancouver M ayor Royce E. Pollard will welcome the Commission at 9 a.m. the C ity ’s C u ltu ral C o m m issio n m em bers are also expected to make w elcoming com ments. V a n c o u v e r r e s id e n t M ic h a e l K issinger was recently appointed to th e W a s h in g to n S ta te A rts Commission.