» » J * » « 4 3|3arHanit (Bbseruer »- & M a z e , S te v ie W o n d er, T he Isley B r o th e r s a n d th e T im e, as well as m ore contem porary artists such as T ake 6, Boyz II M en and Jodeci.In betw een football and b ask etb all p ractice, th ey found tim e to sc a n th eir p a re n ts ' o ld 4 5 ’s for th o se oldies, but goodies. “W e are influenced heavily by the sounds o f y e s te r d a y a n d today. The traditional soul brings character to o u r m usic,” states M averick. H oning their craft in IDEAL CO NTRIBUTED STORY for Focus T he P ortland O bserver Em otive lyricism and silky vocals are ju st a few elem ents that m ake up ID E A L , the new R& B sensation on V irgin R ecords Urban. A long w ith these traits com e an u n m a tc h e d a u t h e n ti c it y an d originality, w hich help H ouston’s J-D ante, M averick, PZ and SW A B em erge as m ajor players on their self-titled debut album . H olding the best R& B tradition closely to their hearts, ID E A L developed an early appreciation for such artists as Frankie Beverly church choirs and high school talent show s, ID E A L w as eager to e m u la te th e ir m u sic id o ls b y striving to bring integrity to rhythm a n d b lu e s m u s ic fro m th e ir hearts. U nlike m ost teenagers, who w e re la b o rin g o v e r c o lle g e applications, local p ro d u c e rs a n d m a n a g e rs fo r a r e c o rd in g c o n tra c t w ere sc o u tin g ID E A L . C onsidering their options, they thought is required to solve the problem. Stick with w hat you know, it m akes you com fortable. April 20) VIRGO: (August 24 - September 23) D on’t believe everything you hear, and make sure to check your sources and facts. If you find yourself in a tense and confining situation, call a tim e out, thinking about the best approach to take. M ake a connection to your past and pieces will fall into place. TAURUS: May 21) (April 21 - U se y o u r in te lle c t to so lv e a particular problem . K eeping your perspective w ill help you to hold y o u r te m p e r a n d a v o id an y unnecessary blow ups about trivial matters. R elationships are present on your m ind, d o n ’t d en y any em otional tunmoil th at’s brewing. GEMINI: June 21) (May 22 - Use your im agination and ingenuity to m ake the right im pression with those around you, especially in the workplace. Love is not only on your m ind, but present all around. You m ay be in the m iddle o f an intensely new relationship, or an old flame m ay reappear. CANCER: July 23) (June 22 - Y o u r c ra v in g fo r s o m e th in g d iffe re n t, w h ich co u ld h av e a negative effect on som ething or som eone dear to you. Som eone is likely to hurt your delicate feelings during the w eek - telling you to not be so sensitive is like telling you not to breathe ... try to relax. LEO: August 23) (July 24- Tw o very opposite qualities need to b e c o m b in e d in to a w h o le , som ething w hich will w ork best for you. Y o u ’ve got your w ork cut out for you, considerable energy and ''*‘5' » D on’t use your energies in ways that create a destructive end, no m atter how tem pting. It might be for the best to take tim e out from a relationship which seems to be going n o w h ere. D o so m e th in g e x tra special for a family m em ber who is having a tough time. LIBRA: (September 24 - October 23) C onsider all things w hich are truly o f value to you, and put your your energies behind them. Use your m onies in a responsible way, long term in vesting i s probably your best bet. A ttend to all to all financial details now, and it w ill save you tim e and m oney later. SCORPIO: (October 24 - November 22) You value honesty and openess in relationships, and letting others know this will enhance any bonding which occurs. You are long overdue fo r a d o se o f re la x a tio n and pam pering - m aybe a specially planned weekend aw ay will do the trick. T am per any criticism. SAG ITTA RIU S: (N ovem ber 23 - D ecem ber 21) Take any changes in stride and you will see that som ething new suits your purposes better than you would have ever expected. Look to positive long-term plans in order to subdue your anxieties. M akecreative ideas attractive by gearing them to the needs o f others. C A P R IC O R N : (D ecem ber 22 - January 20) Both com passion and flexibility are necessary throughout the week. Som eone close is going through a rough tim e and may be w allowing 47 ¿ YÍ? •<••••% W . decided to stay focused on a m ajor label deal. Their relentless patience and persistence proved not to be in vain, w hen they w ere introduced to V ir g in R e c o r d s S r. V ic e President Eric B rooks, w ho signed th e m im m e d ia te ly . J -D a n te , M averick, Sw ab and PZ w ould d ed ica te th e n ex t few m o n th s creating the core o f their album ID E A L Coupon Special!! $0.00* Horoscope Y O UR W EEK LY (10/31 - 11/6) H O RO SCOPE: BY M ISS AN NA ARIES: (M a rc h 2 1 - Page 3 November 3, 1999 Phone Connection Fô6 in se lf pity, there is little you can do ab o u t it. Try to overcom e any nervousness you may feel, your support will no doubt turn the tide. C R E D IT C H EC K S AQUARIUS: (January 21 - February 19) D E F O S IT S Y our assertive approach at work w ill win you more friends than enemies. I f the inform ation com ing to y o u se e m s c o n fu s in g an d excessive, take your time and review everything before making decisions. K eep a close w atch on activities at hom e to insure a positive outcome. TURNDOW NS Limited Time Only C onnections in 2-3 days PISCES: (February 20 - March 20) [ Simpîÿ Cälülär Telephone^ It is very im portant to recognize your own limitations, and not take 3939 NE Martin Luther King Blvd on som ething for which you are not equipped. Ifa spat occurred between 2 8 0 -8 0 0 0 you and a loved one - find com m on ‘ lit montfi must be paid in advance; valid thru 1Qf 15/99-us w e s t a r e « ^ ^ ground where both o f you can get w hat you need most now. Listen to o th e rs’ ideas and broaden your perspective. IF T H IS W EEK IS Y O U R B IR T H D A Y : Find clever and creativ e w ays to express your like fe e lin g s you. Keep the luU spectrum of your radio. towards a loved o n e ; m a k in g s u re th e Nail Community College message comes or across exactly as you intended. Plan AMOUNT NAME for an escape retreat to relax CITY/StATE/ZIP an d en jo y all ADDRESS VISA □ MASTERCARD □ CHECK □ a ro u n d y o u , and you will be PHONE s u r p ris e d at h o w q u ic k ly CARD# EXP DATE SIGNATURE j your energy is rejuvenated. J I I fo r f Fave o f j a z z Public radio KMHD depends upon support from listeners jazz on Contribute now! to: kmhd, Mt. Hood 26000 Si Stark, Gresham, 97030 •□aa.ll