Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 03, 1999, Page 13, Image 13

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    Novem ber 3 ,1 9 9 9
Page B7
ÇarUnnô ©heevuer
Employment Employment Employment Employment
***** attention *****
(8) Exclusive Home Based Business
Never Before Anywhere In The U.S./Can.
Package Includes...
Home Based Business Ideal.
Training, Shortcuts, Connections,
After Sale Support.
Call Now!! Be The First In Your Area!!
(503) 299-4089
Don’t Miss This Opportunity! ! !
****Breast Implant****
Fully Accredited Surgical Facilities
Lipo Suction, Face Lifts, Nose, Tummy Tucks.
No Money Down, No Credit Needed, Easy
Monthly Payments!
Call Now, Limited Appointments Available
G.I. Joe’s is seeking positive, knowledgeable and enthusiastic persons who
specialize in custom er service to join our sales team
•FT/PT Sales In M ost Depts:
•Athletics, Apparel, Hunting/
•Fishing & Auto Parts
•FT/PT Cashiers
A T A L L G I J o e ’ s S to re s
G.I. Joe’s offers: competitive wage & benefit package; store bonus program;
HMO health/dental/Rx plan; 401 (k) plans, group insurance and more.
We are a drug-free, smoke-free and an equal opportunity employer. For a
Columbia ^ C Sportswear
o lu m Company®
b ia
Sportswear Company®
Business Is Booming And We
Need Help!
Design Support
Business Is Booming And We
Need Help!
A re you extrem ely organized, hard­
w orking and fun? I f so, jo in our
Footwear Department in the following
Footw ear M erchandising A ssistant:
Provide adm inistrative support for
the F o o tw ear D ep a rtm en t. H igh
school education or equivalent and a
m inim um o f three years experience
performing clerical and administrative
duties o f increasing difficulty and
r e s p o n s ib ility .
E x c e lle n t
organizational and com puter skills
re q u ir e d .
E x p e r ie n c e
u s in g
P h o to s h o p an d C A D s o ftw a re
program s preferred.
C o lu m b ia S p o r ts w e a r o f fe rs
com petitive com pensation/benefits
package, and a business-oriented
team environm ent.
P le a se se n d re su m e to H u m an
Resource, Dept. FTA SST, PO Box
82339, Portland, O R 97283 o r Fax to
(503) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity
Do you have w hat it takes to w ork for
the leading seller o f skiw ear in the
country? I f so, Join our Specialty
M akes D epartm ent in the follow ing
support position:
D esign A ssociate 1: Provide support
for D esigners and other m em bers o f
the SM U/Outerwear Department with
r e g a rd
th e d e s ig n
m e rc h a n d is in g
p ro ce ss.
Requirem ents: C ollege degree with
coursework in design, merchandising,
fabric arts or related experience, 1-2
y e a rs re le v a n t e x p e rie n c e w ith
o u terw ear and o u td o o r industry.
K now ledge o f apparel design and
d ev e lo p m e n t, m a te ria l so u rc in g
techniques, excellent M achintosh
com puter skills, specifically A dobe
Illustrator #8 and CA D applications.
C o lu m b ia S p o r ts w e a r o f fe rs
com petitive com pensation and a great
benefits package.
P le a se se n d re su m e to H u m an
Resources, Dept. DAI, PO Box 83239,
Portland, O R 97283 o r FA X to (503)
7 3 5 -4 5 9 7 . E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity
Sportswear Company®
Business Is Booming And We
Need Help!
Do you have w hat it takes to w ork for
the leading seller o f skiw ear in the
c o u n try ? I f so , jo in o u r S ale s
departm ent in the following position:
Retail Analyst: Plan and im plem ent
product assortm ent, inventory plan,
s a le s r e p o r tin g p r o c e s s e s an d
analysis for Colum bia S portsw ear’s
Concept Shop program. D evelop and
execute concept shop sales reporting
p r o c e d u r e s , an d c o m m u n ic a te
an aly sis. R equ irem en ts: P o ssess
advanced know ledge o f visual retail
m arketing and retail sales reporting.
B achelors degree specializing in
Retail Sales or V isual M arketing
M anagem ent and three to five years
experience in retail visual marketing.
C o lu m b ia S p o rts w e a r o ffe rs
com petitive com pensation and a great
benefits package.
P le a se se n d re su m e to H um an
Resources, Dept. RA, PO Box 83239,
Portland, O R 97283 or FA X to (503)
7 3 5 -4 5 9 7 . E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity
W ildlife Jobe to $ 2 ’ oO/HR
Inc. B e n ef'.j. Game W ardens.
Security, M aintenance, Park Rangers.
No Exp Needed. For APP. And Exam
Info Call 1 8 0 0 8 1 3 -3 5 8 5 ,EXT 6 6 0 5
8 am - 7 pm , 7 Days fds inc
Police Officer Recruitment
Police O fficer
Open: Oct. 25,1999
Close: Nov. 12,1999 at N oon
PoliceOfficer-$2,561 -$3,435/month.
Philom ath Police D epartm ent seeks
problem solvers w ho are creative,
energetic, optim istic, & dedicated to
c o m m u n ity s e rv ic e . M in im u m
qualifications: US citizens; 21 orolder;
90 qtr or 60 sem hrs college; basic
com puter skills; ability to perform
physical requirem ents o f position;
r e s p e c t fo r d iv e r s ity . S p a n is h
d esira b le . W om en & m in o rities
e n c o u r a g e d to a p p ly . C o n ta c t
Philom ath Police D epartm ent, P.O.
Box 400, Philom ath O R 97370, (541)
929-6911 for application & jo b flyer
w /a d d ” requirem ents. D eadline: 12
p.m. 11/12/99. Resum es not accepted
in lieu o f City application. A A /EO E/
M cM enam ins
O P t iw t O R
Im m ediate opening for full and
p a r t- tim e lo t a tte n d a n t w ith
P o rtland’s leading parking C om ­
pany. W e are seeking dependable
individuals w ith a neat appear­
ance and a positive attitude.
$7.50 Hr. starting w age
A dvancem ent potential
M edical, D ental and
40 IK available
Applicants must have valid driv­
ers license, subm it to drug test and
background check. A p p ly In p e r ­
son b etw een 12:00 a n d 1:00 PM
d aily a t C ity C e n te r P a rk in g at
215 SW 6,b.
Information & Assistance Specialist
PT position providing inform ation,
referral and short-term intervention
to seniorclients. Requ’s BA orequival
in so cial w o rk o r rela ted field;
com puter literate; team player; ability
to w ork in a diverse environm ent 7
bilingual in Spanish preferred. $9.53 -
A pply at Portland Im pact, 4707 SE
H aw throne Blvd.
•FT Day Merch./Recei ving Crew
Application accepted:
Rainbow youth, group for sexual
m in o rity y o u th o f c o lo r, se ek s
p ro g ra m c o o rd in a to r for outreach,
grantw riting, group facilitation. 10
hrs/wk. Send resum e to: RA IN BO W
2400 NE Broadway PDX, O R 97232
K ennedy
N ow hiring FT H osts, FT C atering
Cook, and PT C atering Servers at
M c M en a m in s K e n n e d y S ch o o l.
Flexible schedule including wknd avail
a must. W e offer excellent benefits
an d w a g e s!
A p p ly a t a n y
M cM enam ins location or on line at
w w w .m cm enam ins.com No phone
calls please! E.O.E.
C o u n s e lo r n e e d e d
to p la n ,
coordinate, develop and im plem ent
individual and group co u n selin g
program for students in a residential
a c a d e m ic /v o c a tio n a l
tr a in in g
program . Requires individual w ith a
b a c h elo r’s d eg ree in co u n selin g ,
social w ork o r related field and
m in im u m o f o n e y e a r r e la te d
experience. Preference w ill be given
to individuals w ith diverse cultural
professional experience. Please send
resum e and letter o f interest to:
H um an Resources
31224 F.. HistoricColumbiaRiverHwy.
Troutdale, OR 97060
R esponses M ust Be Received No
Later Than T ues., Nov. 8,1 9 9 9
As an affirm ative action em ployer,
we are seeking qualified minority,
f e m a le , v e te r a n a n d d is a b le d
applicants; how ever, all qualified
applicants w ill be considered.
Computer Services
$3887 - $5247 per m onth
depending on qualifications
C lackam as C o u n ty ’s Info Services
D e p t. h a s an o p e n in g fo r an
ex p e rie n c e d C o m p u te r S erv ice s
Supervisor to supervise technicians
supporting a M S N T client server
environm ent and H elp Desk. Strong
com m unications skills and the ability
to supervise technicians and work
with non-technical users to provide
custom er support service is required.
County Employment Application
R e q u ired . A pplication m aterials
available at C lackam as C ounty
Personnel, 900 M ain Street, Oregon
City, OR 97045, (503) 655-8459 or
w eb site http://
www.co.clackam as.or.us/
personnel/jobs.htm l. C losing date
Novem ber 15,1999,5:00 PM. EEO
Social Services
Ticketing Service RFP
Response Ad vocate
Domestic Violence program seeks full-
tim e a d v o c a te fo r u n iq u e new
180month project in collaboration
w ith P o rtla n d P o lic e B u re a u .
M ultnom ah C ounty, and D istrict
A ttorney's office. Advocate will team
with uniform sergeant to provide
fo llo w -u p I n te r v e n tio n to DV
survivors w ith goal o f preventing
fu tu re
v io le n c e ,
im p ro v in g
prosecution o f abusers, and cross­
training betw een police and DV
advocates. D uties include assisting
with prioritizing cases for follow-up
resp o n se , p ro v id in g s u p p o rtiv e
s e rv ic e s
s u r v iv o r s , an d
p a r tn e r s h ip - b u ild in g w ith law
enforcement and D A . 40 hrs/wk, days.
Sal24K,excellent benefits. Req:ODL/
reliab le v eh icle , exp. W ith DV
advocacy, know ledge o f resources.
Bilingual preferred. To apply for this
innovative project, send resum e
cover letter to Kris Billhardt, VOA
Family Center. 6819 SE 82nd Ave.,
Portland, O R 97266 before Nov. 12.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
The M etropolitan Exposition-R ecreation Com m ission (M ERC) is
requesting proposals for non-exclusive autom ated ticketing services for
the Portland C enter for the Perform ing Arts (PC PA ), Civic Stadium,
O regon C onvention C enter (O C C) and the Portland M etropolitan
Exposition C enter (EX PO ). A proposals packet containing details o f this
RFP m ay be picked up in the M ERC A dm inistration office located at 777
NE M artin Luther King Jr Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97232 or by calling
Joe Barrett, M ERC Purchasing, at (503) 731-7800. Proposals are due no
later than 4:00 pm , PST, M onday, N ovem ber 22,1999, at the MERC
A dm inistration office or m ailed to the M etropolitan Exposition-
Recreation C om m ission, Attention: David Biedermann, PO Box 2746,
Portland, O regon 97208.
Washington County
M ental Health Counselor II
$3380-$4,l 10/mo.
N ovem ber 12,1999
Survey Technician 11
Public Land C om ers
December 3,1999
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY(503) 846-4898 for information. County
application and supplem ental application forms required. Women,
m inorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Apply To:
W ashington County H um an Resources Division
155N . First A venue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Cooks, Bartenders And
Security Guards N eeded For
Various Shifts A t Cleo-Lilliann
Social C lub(C LE O ’s). Call Xavier
For Appointm ent At 284-7150
Between 1:00 P.M. T o 4 :0 0 P.M.
ATTN: Own AC'omputer?
P u titto w o rk ! $25-75hr. PT/FT.
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant to Executive
Director o f non-profit social service
Apply at Portland Impact 4707 SE
H awthorne Blvd.
Graphic Designer
Join Leatherm an Tool G roup, Inc.’s m arketing team. We are a growing
m anufacturer o f quality, com pact tools. O ur m arketing campaigns reach
consum ers all over the world. W e are seeking a person with strong
organizational skills to design and produce m arketing materials —
product literature, packaging, ads, displays and prom otional items - and
to m anage graphics projects to m eet deadlines and budgets. W ork
directly with graphic suppliers and provide m arketing and product
inform ation to custom ers. Requires BA in G raphic Arts and min 3 yrs
graphic arts exp. M ust be artistic, organized, and a good com m unicator.
Requires M ac graphic softw are exp.
W e offer excellent benefits, com petitive wages and a friendly,
professional w ork environm ent. Pre-em ploym ent drug and alcohol
screening is required. Equal O pportunity Employer. Please send resum e
and cover letter to
Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 20595
Portland, O R 97294-0595
HRShared:Ads:M arketing:GraphicDesign
E xcellent benefits.
F lexible schedules.
Sub-Bids & Material Quotes
M erch a n d ise discounts.
U S Postal Service HVAC/Controls
Upgrade, Portland, O R -P D C
Bid Date: 11/09/99 Bid Time: 10:00 AM
Our people are smiling tor a reason.
W h e n you lo o k at everything we have
to offer, it ’s easy to see why. A t Sears
vou can b u ild you r career, live you r
life and take y o u r talent to all new
levels. T h a t should p u t a sm ile on
alm ost anyone's face.
Earn up to $21.00 per hour
Fine Jewelry
Floor Covering
Lawn and Garden
Sporting Goods
Window Covering
Hydro-T emp Mechanical, Inc.
(503)582-8525 Fax (503) 582-1914
28465 SW Boberg Rd., W ilsonville, OR 97070
CCB #63907
We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids and
material quotes from m inority, women, disadvantaged and small
business enterprises in the areas o f asbestos abatement, led handling
procedures, metal doors & panels, overhead coiling doors, non-load
bearing w all frame, acoustical ceiling, painting, m echanical insulation,
fire protection, w ater treatm ent, DDC control systems, electrical, test
and balance, ro o f penetrations and architectural not included in 15000.
“T he Retrofittest” * W e finish what others w o n ’t start!
City of Gresham
Dept. of Environmental Services
1-800-888-5011 x782-73277
Lloyd Center
A n E r »M
Opporipmlg (muover
Cars From $5001
Police im pounds & tax repo's
For listings call 1 -8 0 0 -319 -33 23
ext. A 603.
Request for Proposals
The C ity o f G resham plans to retain consulting services to perform
various tasks related to the C ity ’s National Pollutant Discharge
Elim ination (NPD ES) Permit. This contract will cover the perm it renewal
and developm ent o f a storm w ater m anagem ent plan. The scope o f work
involves, but is not lim ited to, research and preparation o f a draft and
final storm w ater perm it application, developm ent o f a proposed
storm w ater m anagem ent program, and to design and conduct public
m eetings and workshops.
Interested consulting firms shall submit w ritten proposals (6 copies) to
the D irector o f Environm ental Services, Attention: Bob Storer, W ater
Resource Coordinator, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon
97030, by 4 :00 p.m., PST, Novem ber 16,1999.
To receive a copy o f the full Request for Proposal, detailing the required
content o f the REP subm ittal and o f the scope o f work, please contact
Robin Smith at (503) 618-2683.
Full-tim e cook needed, preferably
w ith som e experience w orking with
young adults. R equires m inim um
high-school diplom a or equivalent,
food service training, and a valid food
h a n d le r ’s p e rm it a n d o n e y e a r
relevant experience. Minimum 40 hour
work week with benefits. Send a letter
o f interest listing qualifications, or
pick up an application in person by
Friday, N ovem ber 5,1999, at:
Human Resources
31224 E. H istoric C olum bia River
T routdale, O regon 97060
As an affirm ative action em ployer,
we are seeking qualified minority,
fe m a le , v e te r a n a n d d is a b le d
applicants; how ever, all qualified
applicants will b e considered.
Poatal Jobs to S 1 8 .3 5 /H R
Inc. Benefits. No Experience. For APP.
And Exam Info. Call 1 8 0 0 813-3585, Ext
66 04 , 8 am - 7 pm , 7 Days Ms,inc
Call Your Date Now!!!
Ext 7137
$2.99 per min. must be 18 yrs.
Executive Director
. 7 n Oregon, opportunity moan* a variety ol career* available statewide,
competitive salaries and great benefit*. Currently, openings exist In the
following agencies:
Transportation, Purchasing and Print Services Division
Docutech Operator
Print Services Technician
The Department of Administrative Services, Transportation. Purchasing and
Print Services Division in Salem, is seeking an experienced Docutech
Operator This person will operate computerized publishing and printing
equipment such as high-speed copiers. Requirements are: one year of
experience in the operation and maintenance of offset presses (small
presses) OR high speed copiers; and related equipment typically found in a
small press or copy center operation of a printing plant. Salary is $1,778
to $2.447 a month, with a benefit program, contribution toward family
health and dental insurance, term life insurance, short- and long-term
disability insurance. Other benefits include a retirement program, paid
holiday, vacation, and sick leave Applicants offered employment for this
position will be subject to a fingerprint-based criminal record check. For ■
(M ailed Job Announcement «LE991110. contact your local employment
office, visit the State of Oregon wob site at www.oregonloba.org. or call
I) 3 7 5 4 6 8 8 . Close date is November 10. 1999.
Criminal Intelllganca Analyst
Recruiting to fill four positions in Salem. Positions provide analytical case
support to Oregon law enforcement agencies. Ideal candidate will have a
minimum C 2 years' criminal or military intelligence research experience or
criminal investigation experience Must have proficient computer skills. Salary
is $2.818 to $3.942 a month Excellent benefits package Obtain State of
Oregon application (PO 100) and recruiting Announcement PIE991092
(Research Analyst 3) at your local employmenl department office or cal
( 503) 378-5555. e x t 3 2 2 (TTY (503) 3 7 5 5 9 3 8 tor th# healing trip air i t ) ,
or vl*H the Stale ol Oregon w absH aal www.oragonloba.org. EOE Deadline
tor current vacancy is November 2 9 .1 9 9 9 .
Seeking a highly skilled leader to serve as
Executive Director of the Public Employee
R etirem ent
adm inisters over $35 billion in fund assets
and manages a biennial budget o f $3.2
° F o
A. X XÓ*-v-x,
» 1 .
h -.r
” y 0
in . • .-Lx""' Z
Il ‘
'8 5 9
billion dollars. This position serves as the
Chief Executive O fficer and is responsible for the overall adm inistration
o f the agency and its plus 200 sta ff.
The Executive Director is
responsible for the m andates and policy assigned by the legislature or
by the Oregon Public Employees Retirement Board; oversees and
monitors the operation o f Oregon Savings Growth Plan, oversees
agency compliance with all federal and state laws, rules, regulations,
and reporting requirements: and ensures technological system s to
address PERS' com plex and constantly escalating m anagem ent
inform ation systems requirements. To qualify, candidates m ust have
extensive upper level managerial experience in a public or private sector
organization that has a sim ilar scope and complexity of programs
related to th is position. Demonstrated experience and skills should
include: effective oral and w ritten com m unication, interpersonal
relations, negotiation techniques, public speaking, managem ent In
m u lti-issu e program a dm in istra tion , budget d evelopm ent end
adm inistration, policy decision making, principles o f actuarial science
and data processing; and strong planning, and human resource
management experience. For a com plete description o f d utie s and
qualifications, please refer to the announcement listing. Salary is
$ 6 2 .8 2 0 to $ 9 2 .83 2 a year Anal salary i t negotiable and based on
qualifications and experience Application process. Job Announcement
«E S 459001 and an Executive Service Applicant Information farm,
may ba obtained by contacting the Department ol Administrât!»«
Service* at (8 0 3 ) 3 7 5 -2 7 53 or vlaltlng the State af Oregon web a lto
at www.oragonlobs.org. Deadline is December 10, 1999.
J /h e s * are |u*t some of the current openings avallabl* with the
S tate of Oregon. Far additional Information, a copy af the S ta te af
Oregon Application Form and a more complete announcement Hating,
call tha State Job lino (Oregonian Inside Una) (5 0 3 ) 225SB SB axt.
7TT7, TTY (5 0 3 ) 3 7 5 4 0 7 2 , visit your local amplaymant depart m ent
ar visit our wob s it* at www.oragentobs.erg. Th* S tate af Oregon and
all It* division* a r* proud to be equal opportunity amptoyara.