Page A6 October 27, 1999 (Elie ^ìnrtlanù (ßbem ier r.V*- “ H o w 's th a t fo r a h o u s e w a r m in g g ift? Since 1934 w e've helped over 26 million Americans get into new homes. And starting this year, HUD can help you get a home loan for up to $20 8 ,8 0 0 . Be sure to check with your lender to find out what the FHA-insured loan limits are in your area. We can also help you with any questions you might have. Just call 1 -800-HUDS-FH A and ask for our free 100 Questions and Answers brochure. It'll tell you how to get an FHA loan for as little as 3% down. How to choose the right E a rly c a re h e lp s a d u lt life T he A ssociated P ress _______________ _____________ ___________ Poor infants and toddlers who get high-quality childcare are more apt to graduate from high school, attend college and delay having children, according to a new study lender. How to prepare yourself for the homebuying process. And much more. In fact, if you're looking for a home, it's all the inform ation you need. H U D and FHA are on tout side. 8 0 0 There’s frightful fun in store for (left to right) Harvey, Salem and Sabrina, this Halloween weekend with new episodes of “Sabrina, The Animated Series.’’ The fun begins Saturday, October 30 at 10:30 AM (ET) /9; 30 AM (PT) on ABC and continues Sunday, October 31 on UPN and in syndication (check local listings). The series is produced by DIC Entertainment and Paula Hart/Hartbreak Productions. Sabrina Property and TM of ACP, Inc.; Program DIC Prod. L.P. Based on characters appearing in Archie Comics. H U D S -F H A re'eased today. Researchers believe their results are the first to definitively link high-quality child care, beginning as early as 6 weeks of age, with a better adult life. "We view these results as grounds for optimism that high- quality, early childhood education can be an important ingredient in supporting young families," said Craig Ramey, a psychology, pediatrics and neurobiology professor at n ivpr«i tv-n A lohom a and director of o f the the Abecedarian Abecedanan the i Uni versity of f Alabama and director Project. The project tracked 111 children from infancy through age 21, beginning in 1972. Among the findings: - The high-quality day-care children had higher cognitive test scores than the control group from toddler years to age 21. - Their academic achievement in both reading and math was higher from the primary grades through young adulthood. - They completed more years o f education. ire You Eligible For l Better Chance? Better Chance, Inc., the preeminent national resource r identifying, recruiting and developing leaders long minority youth, is accepting applications for its liege Preparatory Schools Program (CPSP). Students color are eligible if they are doing well academically, » currently in grade six through nine, and are interested attending boarding school or live in areas where ere are A Better Chance-affiliated day school ograms. < Better Chance has been placing middle and junior gh school students o f color in some o f the nation’s nest public and private college preparatory for 36 ;ars," says Judith Berry Griffin, president o f A Better hance. “W e have developed a technology o f isessment that goes beyond traditional measures, ich as standardized test data and 10 scores in order i recognize academ ically gifted and motivated udents who might otherwise be overlooked." o receive an application by mail, phone, fax or e-mail nntact A Better Chance, 419 Boylston Street, Boston, 2116-3382; 617-421 -0950; toll free 800-562-7865; fax 17-421 -0965; Look For Your Safeway Weekly Shopping Guide In Your Oregonian FOODday in the Portland Metro Area ...and save more by shopping tl '£>w! Melissa H. Andres and Daniel R. Peterson ofPortland Oregon wish to announce the birth o f their son Dominiqk Daniel Peterson. He was bom on August 26,1999 at 12:35 a.m. He was 18 1 /4 inches tall and weighed 6 lbs. 4 oz. It is their first child. | PRICES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER NOVEMBER ,99 9 Sun 1 Mon j — r congratulates them on their good fortune n Wed Í2 7 r Thur ] | , Sat r 3Ö J 1 Ottobre Í ’ ft onm re Mm tri m t .tU n » « you to « «ore. No « re f i * * • ' « n u .« «, or ««tohom S«re re r e « art, QufnMn o» Mim» «rem m t, to torani u tore’ » » M N r , Not rerawrraMr to repngt«*1* * » P*w to reran W* reran* * » B eurem f> preiwl reran C IW 9 Srfmoy Srarei Be 149» 12-oz. cans. Assorted Regular, Diet and Caffeine Free varieties. Plus deposit in Oregon. Limit 2. SAVE up to $1.41 1.88 Safeway Club Price Large Sweet Red Grapes Visit Safeway's Web site at F ÎI HIl|e iflortlanb ®b»eruer SAVE up to $1.40 lb. O 72 1 2 -P a c k C o k e Products Top Sirloin Bulk untrimmed primal fonn. Custom cut & wrapped FREE in one package Retail quantities only. at Safeway. Birth Announcement If 5 Boneless Beef 1 Red Globe seeded variety. Grown in California. lb. Safeway Club Price