Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 27, 1999, Page 21, Image 21

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ÏÜlje P o rtla n d ©beeruer
Closely Watched Shadows
A Profile Of The Hunter And The
Book Partners, Inc.; 1998
By Ron Turco, M.D.
When the mutilated bodies o f
three young boys were found in
V ancouver, W ashington, police
knew there was a ruthless pedophile
on the loose. He would kill again
and again until he was caught.
The man authorities immediately
asked for help was Dr. Ronald
Turco, Portland, Oregon psychia­
trist, police officer, intuitive detec­
tive o f the mind, whose participa­
tion in 1980 in the largest criminal
investigation in Oregon history led
to the apprehension and incarcera­
tion o f the infamous 1-5 serial killer.
’ “Build a profile o f this pedophile,”
he was asked. And so began Turco’s
patient search for a psychopath’s
image among the scattered clues,
and as he delved deeper and deeper
into the disturbed psyche o f the vi­
cious killer, his own personal hor­
ror began to develop.
Closely W atched Shadow s is a
fascinating story o f forensic deten­
tion combined with the deductive
thoughts o f the physician/police
officer who recreated the dark per­
sonality and evil genius o f a serial
murderer, leading to his apprehen­
sion. It is a true story that reads like
a murder mystery.
A n Excerpt: D odd was exhibiting
typical pedophilic behavior with­
out coaxing from us. He as looking
fo r "double victims. " Such young­
sters are frequently the children o f
broken homes or children previ­
ously molested. Sometimes they are
children who are simply neglected
or abandoned. Pedophiles have a
radar sensitivity fo r their victims.
Their ability in this respect is un­
canny. Dodd passed up one poten­
tial victim about six or seven years
o f age because he thought there
were a number o f people around
doing "drug deals. This wasn't the
p la c e .”
On Sunday morning, he drove to
David Douglas Park once again,
looked fo r and fo u n d the
school and began cruising.
H e sa w so m e ch ild ren
playing near the volcano -
the mound. There was a
small boy on top and three
others, two o f whom were
p la y in g fo o tb a ll. D o d d
drove to the opposite side
o f th e b u ild in g so he
w o u ld n 't be seen a n d
parked his car opposite the
school and opposite the
volca n o. H e w a lk e d
a ro u n d th e en d o f the
"I got out o f the car and
went around the block, "he
said. The older boy was
with his brother. A t first,
Dodd thought this might be
an adult, but then realized
he was a child. The third
October 27, 1999
boy as watching the two others play
football. D odd went up to the small
child and said: "Hi, how would you
like to make some money playing
gam es?...Neat games. It would be
a lot o f fun. ” He reached his hand
out. The child's brother, in the
meantime, turned to watch the fo o t­
ball game.
At this point in the interrogation-
interview, Dodd began talking baby
talk! B uckner and I were spell­
bound. A pedophile in action. He
spoke to the child and to us in baby
talk demonstrating how he lured
small children to his side.
Those Bones Are Not My Child
Pantheon Books; 1999
By Toni Cade Bambara
On Sunday morning,
July 20, 1980, Marzala
Rawls Spencer awakens
to find that her teenage
son has gone missing,
even as the Atlanta child
abductions are begin­
ning to be reported. As
she and her estranged
h u sb an d fra n tic a lly
search for their son, the
story moves with author­
ity through the full spec­
trum o f A tlanta's politi­
cal, social, and cultural
life, illu m in atin g the
vexing issues o f race and
class that bedevil the
Those Bones A re Not My
Child puts the reader at
the heart o f the horror
that came to be called
the Atlanta child murders. This is
not a politically expedient story
not the news stories written by vis­
iting journalists, not the district
attorney’s official account. It is the
inside story as lived in the neigh­
borhoods and on the streets by
people gripped in its terror yet de­
termined to survive it. Ms. Bambara
- on the spot, actively involved,
taking notes, doing field research
and interviews -- used her unassail­
able talent as a writer and her inti­
mate relations with all levels and
facets o f the Atlanta scene to con­
struct a magnum opus.
An Excerpt: " Whaddawedo?
Begin again. Fresh start. Square
one. It never happened. Couldn't
Page 7
have. Bad Dream gone nightmare.
She hadn't been down on all fours
in the basement. Hadn't searched
the yard fo r his body. Hadn't been
trving to dig up the woods with her
nails. Hadn't seen the dog s blunt
down in the meat o f her son. Una
buena madre empleada cuida su
trahajo. A good mother does her
work. Then goes to bed and sleeps
tight i f the sherry holds out. so in
the morning paullette can tromp in
with a friend and a cleaning bri­
gade o f neighbors, whip off the cov­
ers so the whole block will know
bv supper that Marzala Spencer
sleeps in her panties and bra on
filthy sheets
Cade Bambara^
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