Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 27, 1999, Page 18, Image 18

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October 27, 1999
------------------- 3-be H artian i» © b se ru e r
Ware phe dark as A llH allow s f . ye draws nigh
Sixth Sense
able and devastated.
Seeing the “other side”
S usan W illy
I h l P o r i la n d O bslrvlr
What better time could there be
to speculate on the nature o f ghosts
and spirits'? There seems to be a
growing interest in movies depict­
ing life after death and the relation­
ship between those on this side of
the ‘veil’ and those on the ‘other
side.’ ‘The Sixth Sense,’ which is
currently showing in Portland, has
been playing to packed audiences.
We don’t w ant to reveal the
rather intriguing plot, but one o f the
main themes in the movie was about
healing those places deep inside of
us that can tear us apart. Release is
obtained through changing the per­
spective about a situation so that it
can be accepted with more under­
standing and com passion. U lti­
mately it is about accepting respon­
sibility for one’s own healing.
This young boy in the movie has
a ‘Sixth Sense’ - the ability to see
and talk to spirits on another plane.
It is not unusual for children and
animals to sense spirits, but the gift
is almost lost through disbelief and
ridicule on the part o f adults. The
child simply shuts down this abil­
It is generally accepted that an­
gels sometimes reach through to
assist us in this dimension in times
o f great need. Sometimes, spiritu­
ally attuned and motivated people
who are able to see on the other side
are also able to help them overcome
their own pain and complete their
journey. In the movie, the boy saw
mostly traumatized spirits and was
unable to control the type o f infor­
mation coming in, so it is not sur­
prising that he was feeling vulner­
Many intuitives are more able to
control the intake that they allow
themselves to ‘see.’ This seems to
be a skill developed through expe­
rience, so it is no surprise that the
boy was overwhelmed. The world
of the metaphysical and paranormal
can be frightening if someone is not
prepared, and the guidance o f a
good mentor is very helpful. The
intuitives I’ve spoken with how­
ever, have mostly had very positive
experiences, ‘seeing’ through to the
other side. They report warm, lov­
ing guidance from spirits.
The boy in the m ovie com ­
mented that sometimes spirits don’t
know they are dead. Spiritual pain
may not stop after death, just as in
this dimension there are those who
can’t fully embrace life because of
a trauma that hasn’t healed. Some
spirits seem lost and may be in need
o f ‘spiritual’ healing in order to
move on in the cycle o f their spiri­
tual d evelopm ent, and may be
helped by some on this side.
What is a ghost?
T here is a story in E ngland
where some tourists were walking
through a castle and suddenly they
saw a procession o f people come
into the room and over the other
side. They were beautifully dressed
in period costume, except that their
bodies, from the floor up, seemed
to start at the knees. One o f the party
researched the matter and discov­
ered that the floor had been raised
about eighteen inches since that
period. Many old houses hold the
energetic imprint o f events that
have taken place there sometime in
the past.
In some houses or places a short
scene may be played out
o v er and o v e r ag ain
w ithout any changes.
T his m ay be a h o lo ­
graphic m em ory im ­
printed on the location
rather than a conscious
spirit residing there.
The energy imprint
m ay be the re su lt o f
events that occurred re­
peatedly, or it could be
the result o f a violent or
traumatic incident that
had so much intensity
that it left a trace after a
single event.
H a u n te d
W hen a ho u se is
‘haunted,’ it may be be­
cause the spirit has a
strong physical or emo­
tional attachment to the
place. Sometime resi­
dents o f such a house get
quite attached to ‘their’
ghosts and are happy to
‘show them off.’
But a word o f warn­
ing! Intuitives agree that
there seems to be a lot
o f spirits in some bars
that are not in bottles. So
this Halloween, if you
see a ghost, either you
shouldn’t be driving or
you should be VERY,
Tim Hills is the Historian fo r McMenamins. The following seven o f their
establishments are haunted: White Eagle, Cornelius Pass Roadhouse, C rystal
Ballroom, Edgefield, Hotel Oregon, Olympic Club and Thompsons Brewery &
Public House.
Susan Wiley is an ex­
perienced Intuitive Con­
sultant and teacher who
is available fo r private
readings and intuitive
development classes.
She can be reached by
phone at 503/693-6571.
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