Page 2 Werther Focus A ®lje ^lortlaub ffibseruer October 27, 1999 S U P P L E M E N T Jules Massenet November 6,8,10,13, 1999 OF ®Î|e • J jJ o rtla n it (Observer Publisher Chuck Washington Editor Larry J. Jackson, Sr. Co/zy Editor Joy Ramos Director of Advertising Tony Washington Creative Director Shawn Strahan 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503 288-0015 email: news@ D eadlines for sub m itted m aterial: Article«: Friday by 5 p . m . Ad«: Monday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance sub­ missions. Manuscripts and pho­ tographs can be returned if ac­ companied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. All created display ads become the sole property of the news paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written con­ sent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of the ad. 1W» Tbt PwtMaS OEtervtr Sung in French with translations projected above the stage. All per­ formances begin at 7:30PM sharp, Civic Auditorium, SW 3rd & Clay. Portland Opera’s all-new pro­ ductions will present a fresh look at Goethe’s melancholy hero, two centuries after the original novel dramatically changed the lives of an entire European generation. The Sorrows o f Young Werther was written in 1774 at the height of the German literary style called “Sturm and Drang,” which was based in idealism and emphasized strong, turbulent emotions. The novel in­ troduced a different kind of hero, one that suffered so tremendously from the pangs of unrequited love that he chose to take his own life. Goethe’s best seller had such a sig- nificant impact that it moved young men of the time to don fash­ ion straight from the pages o f the novel, and spurred a rash of suicide by young gents jilte d in love. A lthough in W erther’s mind, he and Charlotte are the perfect pair, Portland Opera’s produc­ tion will explore the social and emotional forces that pull the would-be lovers apart. Charlotte has promised her dying mother that she will marry Albert. Is her deci­ sion based only on obligation or is Charlotte looking for another sort of life? How will Werther react to Portland Jazz A ll- S ta rs honor Duke Ellington unique treat with this rarely-pro­ duced opera, which remains one of Massenet’s triumphs. For ticket information, call 503/ 241-1802. Selftnbancemenl, Inc. Presents... W ild W ild W est Fun, Food and Prizes! ’ 1200 Free tick ets available at SEI, MonrFri 9-Gpm CON I RIBITI ED s i ORY________ __________________________ for her fateful decision? The haunting, romantic music of Massenet stirs both the heart and soul. Portland audiences will enjoy a T he F or i land O bserver The African American Health Coalition, Inc. will present a sophis­ ticated evening of the Jazz and good fellowship on Wednesday, Novem­ ber 3, 1999 at the Double Tree Lloyd Center. The Portland Jazz All Stars, a re­ gionally acclaimed group of tal­ ented m usi­ cians featur- x ~~ - ing D arrel, I Z i f Grant, piano; al A ndre’ St. jU Jam es, — ~r b ass; M e 1 Brown, drums and Marilyn Keller, vocalist will perform a tribute to Duke Ellington. The African American Health Coa­ lition, Inc. (AAHC) is a non profit group created to help improve health and promote wellness in the African American community. Or- ganized in 1989, the A frican American Health Coalition presents an annual wellness conference and wellness village so the community can come together and leant ways to stay healthy and well. For more information, call 503/ 282-0193 or 503/413-1850. The event begins at 7 PM with a recep­ tion and silent auction, followed by the program at 8 PM. Activities designed for Momentary and Middle school students. S Œ joaartM Œ C H n js u M must B» A o xa tB u raa x Mazy down Main Street, Babble w ith the Barber, Take a photo in the jail, Have acme cider at the SSI Saloon, W in prizes at the Carnival, Have a show down w ith the Shsrriff and MORE! h : CM« dfvest festival «¿»4. .¿ 'L a \ .-¿¿A /A,.'.’-