dh*k ««(■ Page 88 October 27, 1999 (Eire ^ortlanfr ©bseruer Employment Employment P erso n a ls Call Your D ate Now !!! Columbia ♦ 1-900-328-3269 Ext 7137 $2.99 per min m ust be 18yrs. Serv-U(619)645-8434 Sportsw ear Company® Sewing W ork for One Tough M other Employment C ity O f W est Linn Job O pportunity O ffice A ssistant S1826-S2372 m o D O Q position acts as receptionist for A dm inistration, H um an R esources an d F inance. Primary responsibilities: responding p o s itiv e ly to g e n e ra l p u b lic , answering multi-line phone, receiving p a y m e n ts , c o p y in g , lim ite d b o o k k e e p in g , u se o f p e r s o n a l com puter and tiling. Requires high school graduation and 2 years clerical experience with som e bookkeeping and m oney handling experience. Must have excellent custom er serv ice skills. Successful candidate must pass p r e - e m p lo y m e n t d ru g s c re e n . Application packets are available at W est Linn City Hall, 22500 Salamo Road, W est Linn, O R 97068 or by calling (503) 722-3426 (voice mail) or (503) 656-4518 (TDD). Com pleted application m ust be returned to City Hall by N ovem ber 8 , 1999,4:00 PM. LEO M ichael’s Stores RELOCATING Fixture Liquidation Gondola, Counters, Cash Registers, Storage Shelving, G lass Display units, Floral Display Units, Misc. Items, Complete Frame Shop Equip. EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! Starting October 8 ,9 9 TCB Liquidator, INC.•1-888-353-3078 Wildlife Jobs to 521.60/H R Inc. Benefits. Game W ardens. Security, Maintenance, Park Rangers. No Exp Needed. For APP. And Exam Info Call 1 800 813-3585,EXT 6605 8 am - 7 pm , 7 Days fds inc C olum bia Sportswear Com pany has proven that quality construction, engineering and innovation in sports apparel is a formula for success. Join our Product D evelopm ent group in the following position: Sew ing Supervisor: Ensure that C olum bia S portsw ear's sewing and cutting room operates at maximum efficiency and safety. Position is responsible for providing training and d ir e c tio n to a ll s e w in g ro o m personnel including monitoring w ork flow, providing technical feedback and feedback on finished m onitoring w ork flow , p ro v id in g te ch n ic al feedback and feedback on finished garm en t q u ality . R eq u irem en ts: Requires a High School diplom a or equivalent. Also requires a minimum o f 10 years ofjoum eym an experience as a garm ent maker, w ith 3 to 5 o f those years spent as a departm ent lead person, assum ing increasing responsibilities. M ust be able to dem onstrate w orking know ledge o f m ath, p a tte rn re a d in g , g arm e n t constructio n s and k n o w led g e o f various types o f styles and fabrics. C o lu m b ia S p o rts w e a r o ffe rs com petitive com pensation/benefits package, and a business-oriented team environment. P lease se n d re su m e to H u m an Resources, Dept. SW SUP, PO Box 83239, Portland, OR 97283 or Fax to (503) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. Sub-Bids Requested Lead Steam Service Technician Performs the duties o f a lead journey level licensed steam fitter w orking on EW EB’s steam utility system , providing lead direction, coordination and record keeping for m aintenance and operations. W ork includes all aspects o f plum bing, steam distribution, steam and condensate metering, and certified pipe welding. Position requires direct contact with E W E B ’s steam custom ers to resolve steam service problem s; five (5) years experience as a steam fitter plum ber repairing, installing and maintaining equipm ent; experience repairing and m aintaining equipm ent associated with steam generation and district heating distribution; experience in certified pipe welding and steam pipe layout; w orking directly with the public and customers. Requires a high school level education. M ust have successfully com pleted State o f O regon apprenticeship program for Steamfitter Pipefitter. (DO 1:862.381-018),or com parable and transferable training program from another state. A pplicationprocess will close at 5:00 p.m. Friday, N ovem ber 5,1999. For information and application packet contact Eugene W ater & Electric Board, P O Box 10148, Eugene OR 97440 ATTN: H um an Resources. EWEB requires a com pleted application form for all positions. All em ploym ent offers w ill be contingent upon the results o f pre­ em ploym ent drug/alcohol and physical assessm ent screening. Call 541- 484-3769 Job Information Line or e-mail Brenda.W asso iw ew eb .eu g en c.o r.u s. EWEB values diversity in the w ork force and is an equal opportunity em ployer. NW Naito Parkway, Signal and Street Improvements Project Portland, OR Bid Date: November 2, 1999 @ 2:00 p.m. Coffman Excavation P. O. Box 687 Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone:(503)656-7000 Fax: (503)681-9445 W e are an Equal O pportunity Em ployer and Request Sub-bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including Minority and W om en-O w ned Businesses, Disadvantaged, Disabled Veterans, and Emerging Small Business Enterprises. CO FFM AN Advertisement For Bid Sealed bids for the R adiation C enter Building Piping System s Upgrade project will be received by the Oregon State Board o f H igher Education until 1:30 PM, local tim e, N ovem ber 23,1999. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on Novem ber 24,1999 at 1:30 PM local time. All bidders must be registered with the Construction C ontractor’s Board. A dditional inform ation may be obtained by contacting Facilities Services, 100 A dam s Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 541-737-7694. S U B -B ID S Washington County A ging Services C oordinator $2,918-$3,544/mo. November 5,1999 Call (503 >846-8606/ LEY (503) 846-4898 for information. County application and supplem ental application forms required. Women, m inorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Apply To: W ashington C ounty Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro. OR 97124 The Y M C A Postal Jobs to $18.35/H R Wanted Social Services Direct C are W orkers who w ant to learn and move up in ourcompany. Work with MR/DD clients and make a difference, pay starting $7.25- $8.10. No experience necessary, paid training. In su ra n c e /sic k / vacation after 90 days. Call (503) 669-6622. Caring Community Coordinator is looking for d e d ic a te d , fu n a n d c r e a tiv e individuals to w ork in our NE/SE before & after school programs. To quality, you must have a m inim um o f one yearexperience with children ages 5 y rs - 12yrs,C PR & F.A certified and be in the crim inal history registry. Both Site D irector and Substitute positions available, pay ranges from $6.50 - $9.00 per hour. To inquire, please call the C hild Care Division at 287-4069. Inc. Benefits, No Experience. For APP. And Exam Info. Call 1 8 0 0 813-3585, Ext 6604, 8 am - 7 pm , 7 Days fds,inc We are seeking job applicants for a PT coordinator position working with th e F ranklin HS C om m unity. Applications available at Portland Impact, 4 7 0 7 SE Hawthorne Blvd. Open until filled. REQUESTED Beltline Highway Lane County W est 1 l ,h Ave. - N .C.L. (Eugene) Stage 2 Section Class ofProject: ACNH-S069(6) G rading, Structures, Paving, Signing, Illumination, Signals and Roadside D evelopm ent Bid Date: October 2 8,1999-9:00 a.rn. Kiewit Pacific Co. P.O.Box 1769 Vancouver, W A 98668 (360)693-5582 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub-bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including Minority and Women-Owned Businesses, Disadvantaged, Disabled Veterans, and Emerging Small Business Enterprises. SUBSIDIZED UNITS MAYBE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to “ EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY.“ Western Rooms 1 7 SW S eco n d P o rtlan d , O regon 9 7 2 0 4 (5 0 3 ) 2 2 4 - 1 3 1 0 Whtxkfuit AiWMiNr O p f O mtuwitv e rv ic e D ir e c io r y ju s tn e s s Kalia Durham N a ’im ’s Nu-Concepts. Inc. Independent Technology Consultant H A IR ndtech.com IN S U R A N C E C O N N E C T IO N AUTO NOMC BUSINESS H E A L T H L IF E Full Service Salon 503.282.3798 Fax: 503.282.3225 0 AMERICAN FAMILY Rhonda Smith 4603 N W illiam s Ave Portland, O regon 97217 5700 NE Mortin Luther King Jr., Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 503-288-3171 nu-conceptsrifl up2me.com Offite • 503 281 -5030 E L 1>B8B>A»TRACKS rachs Alarm & Security Installaton I Repair Oregon (503) 288-7716 Washington (360) 885-2001 Fax (360) 892 0761 E-rrail atracks@ teieport.com S erving B reakfast , L unch & D inner S p e c ia liz in g in B a r b e q u e R ib s & B e e f OAME Cascade Plaza • Room 107A 4134 North Vancouver Avenue • Portland, OR 97217 Acim Ltd Energy • JLE Oregon , Washington • C C B #115473 • AIARMT016J3 A f f o r d a b le E ffic ie n t S e c u r ity J u s t F o r You! Licensed • Bonded • insured T ues - Thurs 3217 10 am - 6 pm N Williams Ave - Portland, OR 97212 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -8 6 9 6 Fuel Oil Furnace Repair NATE H A R T LE Y MONEY 1 ST President Financial Fri - Sat ■ 10 am - 7 pm HARTLEY OIL INC. A Mortgage Division CARE" "WE Raymond E. Love 503-643-8002 • Fax 503-643-6671 McMurphy's Appliance Center ' * • Parts 4011 N E Martin Luther King JE Bvd. Ave. • Portland, OR 97212 CANNON'S B IB E X P R E S S = Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs C a te r in g & T ak e-O u t Wayne & Juanita Cannon (Proprietors) Our Specialty: Real Hickory Smoked Bar-B-Q Mon-thur 11:30am-9:00pm • FRI-SAT11 30am-11 OOpnv Sun 1:00pm-7:00pm 288-3836 ROXANE BARTLETT Owner Ro ¿rane s Di uapeare Wed Friday - #-00 am - 6 30 pm by Appointment • Saturday Wdk-lna Quality Childcare 5 0 3 /2 4 9 -5 0 6 8 Pgr..5 03/441 -3269 4 A L O Pupusa De Queso C am e Asada Cheese Pupusa............................. $2.50 Pupusa De Chicaron Y Queso Cheese and Pork Pupusa................ $2 50 Yuca Sancochada Boiled Yuca........................................ $2.50 Plántanos Fritos Con Crema Fned Plantain with Cream $3 75 Broiled Steak............... ..$7.95 Cam ita De Puerco Pori Steak.........................$7.95 Camarones Con Aros Shrimp with Rice............$7.95 (503)247-9132 825 N. K illin gsw orth • Portland, OR 97217 Be Smart.. ■ ■ Be a m o n g th e firs t T h e Bill C ollectors M an u al Telephone Dispatched (503)331-3442 506 NE A lberta Street Portland, O regon 97211 3328 N.E. KILLINGSWORTH 1726 N.E Alberta St. Portland, Oregon 97211 C S a lv a d o r e n F o o d SALVADOREN MENU SAMPLE: to g e t th e u p d a te d 1 9 9 9 v e rsio n o f 3% D ow n Buys Your First Home Or R efinance a n d Lower Your Monthly Paym ents Res • 503-259 9907 O Z M e x ic a n a n d MEXICAN MENU SAMPLE: 1 -8 8 8 -2 8 7 - 2 2 5 7 4Z Fax • 503-282 6001 R eggie B ro w n Berber/Stytist S tate Reg A M A Food Program (503J-331 -0110 Send $11.95 to Money Delight • 7835 N Brandon • Portland, OR 97217 SAVE BIG ON CARPET & FLOOR COVERING Portlands Costless Carpet 4818 N. Interstate Ave. Portland, OR 97217 503-287-6225 Commercial $Q23 ^ZSO YD Carpet 12X13 Rem $69°° Laminate Flooring $4 I 02 Vinyl SOFT ^ T sqyo PHILLY CAFE 4 4 5 N.E. KILLINGSWORTH 2 8 8 -9 3 6 7 Fish & Chips Terriyaki Chicken & Beef .Hamburgers M O N D A Y - SA TURDAY. 8 :3 0 a m. ; 9 :0 0 p.m. SUNDAY, 8 :3 0 a.m. - 6 :0 0 p.m. I J