Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 27, 1999, Page 13, Image 13

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    O ctober 27, 1999
Page B7
Jlortlanù ©bseruer
Visit Vs On The W eb! (tc
****B re a s t Im p la n t****
Fully Accredited Surgical Facilities
***** a t t e n t io n *****
(8) Exclusive Home Based Business
Never Before Anywhere In The U.S./Can.
Package Includes...
Home Based Business Ideal.
Training, Short Cuts, Connections,
After Sale Support.
Call Now!! Be The First In Your Area!!
(503) 299-4089
Don’t Miss This Opportunity! ! !
G.l. Joe’s is seeking positive, knowledgeable andenthusiastic persons who
specialize in customer service to join our sales team
•FT/PT Sales In Most Depts:
•Athletics, Apparel. Hunting
•Fishing & Auto Parts
•FT/PT Cashiers
Case Manager 2
Professional social service work involving case m anagem ent o f a broad
range o f clients and a spectrum o f services. C lients served include those
who are m entally disabled, developm entally disabled, m entally and
em otionally disturbed, alcohol and/or drug abusing, physically disabled,
and elderly who are at risk o f institutionalization. Requires lull-time equivalent
to 1 year experience providing specialized case m anagem ent services and
equivalent to a B achelor’s degree with m ajor course work in the social
service, social science or related field. Starting salary $15.76 per hour
($ 15.76-$ 18.28 per hour full range). O pen continuously.
Eligibility Specialists
G.l. Joe’soffers: competitive wage&benefitpackage; store bonus program:
HMO health/dentaLRx plan; 401 (k) plans, group insurance and more.
We are a drug-free, smoke-free and an equal opportunity employer. For a
complete listing ofavailablejob opportunity visit ourwebsiteatwww.gijoes.com
M inim um Qualifications;
BS/BA from accredited institution
Publications exp.
Excellent Verbal and W ritten Communication Skills
C om puter skills including Desktop Publishing
Public Relations and/or marketing Experience
A dvertising exp.
Advanced C om puter Skills (including web production/m aintenance)
H igher Education Experience (Adm issions, A dvising and/or Student
Experience with Diverse Populations
A pplications m ust be received by N ovem ber 12,1999. Subm it current
resume, letter o f application and three current letters o f
A pplication m aterials m ay be submitted electronically to
adsearchf«:vancouver.wsu.edu or mailed to:
Jean Lang, Chair
A dm issions Counselor Search Com mittee
W ashington State University Vancouver.
14204 NE Salmon Creek Ave.
Vancouver, WA 98686-9600
W SU is an EEO/A A employer.
Provide intake, protective service, risk intervention, and/or relocation
services for elderly, disabled, mentally or em otionally disturbed, or alcohol
and drug abusing clients. Requires full-time equivalent o f 3 years’
increasingly responsible case m anagem ent experience and equivalent to a
B achelor’s degree w ith m ajor course work in social science, social service
or related field. A m aster’s degree with m ajor course w ork in one o f these
areas is highly desirable. Starting salary is $ 16.56 per hour ($ 16.56-$ 19.21 per
hour full range). O pen continuously.
Application m aterials and formal job announcem ents are available at:
w w w .co.m ultnom ah.or.us. in person or by mailing a selfaddressed stamped
envelope requesting applications forms to: M ultnom ah C ounty Employee
Services, 1120 S W 5 'h A venue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box 14700, Portland
97293-0700. A ssisted access to M ultnom ah County jo b inform ation and
w ebsite is available at M ultnomah County Libraries
215 SW 6'L
the follow ing positions:
M e n ta l H e a lth C o m m u n ity H e a lth N u rs e ( R N ) -
Net $4000 per month part time.
C o rre c tio n s H ealth
P sy c h ia tric M e n ta l H e a lth N u rse P ra c titio n e r ( P M H N P )-
C o rre c tio n s H ealth
L ic e n s e d C o m m u n ity P ra c tic a l N u rs e ( L P N ) - C o r r e c tio n s
K ennedy
Now hiring FT Hosts, FT Catering
Cook, and PT Catering Servers at
M c M en a m in s K en n e d y S ch o o l.
Flexible schedule including wknd avail
a must. We offer excellent benefits
a n d w a g e s! A p p ly a t a n y
M cM enam ins location or on line at
ww-w.mcmenamins.com No phone
calls please! E.O.E.
Our people are smiling for a reason.
W h e n you k x ik at everything we have
to offer, i t ’s easy to see why. A t Sears
vou can b u ild you r career, live you r
life and lake you r talent to all new
levels. That should p u t a smile on
alm ost anyone's face.
Earn up to $21.00 per hour
Fine Jewelry
Floor Covering
Lawn and Garden
Sporting Goods
Window Covering
H eal tit
P harm acist
Application m aterials and formal job announcem ents are available at:
w w w .co.m ultnom ah.or.us job . In person or by m ailing a self-addressed
stam ped envelope requesting application forms to: M ultnom ah County
Employee Services, 1120 SW 5'h Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box
14700, Portland, O R 97293-0700. Assisted access to M ultnomah County
job inform ation and w eb site is available at M ultnom ah County
M ultnomah County is actively recruiting persons from various ethnic
and cultural backgrounds to enhance service to our diverse community.
Bilingual/bicultural candidates are encouraged to apply.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
1-800-888-5011 X 782-73277
Lloyd Center
following agencies:
Engineering Specialist 2
Jr. Surveyor/Jr. Inspector
Join a Project Manager's team In our construction project management
office in Milwaukie! You will assist in field location and construction
surveying, ensure daily contract compliance on minor construction projects
and ensure documentation to support payment and project acceptance.
Requires an Associate's degree In Engineering Technology + 2 years'
related experience, or 3 1 /2 years of sub-professional engineering
experience. Salary $2,156 - $3,088/m onth ♦ excellent benefits: health
insurance: paid vacation and sick leaves: 9 paid holidays: and full employer-
paid retirement contnbution Announcement »OCDT9361A. Contact ODOT
Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 986-3854 for the hearing
Impaired) or visit www.oregonfobs.org for announcement and application.
ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline
15, 1999.
Engineering Specialist 2
Junior Inspector
Are you a project inspector looking for a new place to exercise your skills?
If so. we need you in our Project Manager s Office in Troutdale. You will
assist in performing field inspection to ensure daily compliance on
transportation construction protects and will provide documentation to
support payment and project acceptance. May assist in design and field
surveying as needed. Requires an Associate's degree in Engineering
Technology ♦ two years' related experience, or 3 1 /2 years of sub-
professional engineering experience. Salary $2,156 ■ $3.088/m onth ♦
excellent benefits: health insurance: paid vacation and sick leaves: 9 paid
holidays: and full employerpaid retirement contribution. Announcement
«0CDT9362A. Contact ODOT Recruitment i t (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503)
9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing Impaired) or vfelt www.oregonlobe.org for
announcement and application. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed
to a diverse workforce Deadline is November 5. 1999
Public Affairs Support
Office Specialist 2
li^ o d
J ob
Xn Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide,
com petitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the
is November
b in«
i" * w
P et L o v e rs!
Do you enjoy talking with people?
Would you enjoy educating pet owners about
pet products?
National Co. seeks outgoing positive people to demonstrate our
produces in pet stores. Start at $10 an hour, make up to $12/hr.
Work as little as 4 hours or as much as 19 hours a week.
Flexible schedule including
weekends. Training is provided. For
more information please call toll
/J? < k
The M ultnom ah County H ealth Departm ent is currently recruiting for
Social W o rk e r-B ilin g u a l/B ic u ltu ra l S p anish
M cM enam ins
Rideshare/Commuter information is available
Applications are also available at:
Portland Observer Newspaper
4747 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Portland, OR
Local vending business. Protected
100 locations. Investm ent $9995.00
w w w .\cndingroutcs.com 1 -800-963-
Deadline: N ovem ber 5 ,1999
******(800) 289-4738 #260*******
Excellent benefits.
Flexible schedules.
M erchandise discounts.
For application information contact:
Karen Hupp
140-B State Capitol, Salem OR 97310
http: www.leg.state.or.us
Preferred Qualifications:
Senior Case Manager
$7.50 Fir. starting wage
A dvancem ent potential
M edical, D ental and
40 IK available
Applicants must have vai id driv­
ers license, subm it to drug test and
background check. A pply in p e r­
son betw een 12:00 an d 1: 00 PM
daily at C ity C e n te r P a rk in g at
• M u stb e c o m p u te rlite ra te /6 0 w p m
A dm issions Counselor
Permanent 12 month. A dm issions Counselor position. W ill m arket W SU
V ancouver to prospective undergraduate transfer and graduate
students including production o f recruitment publications. Start Date:
ASAP after Decem ber 15,1999 Salary Range: $27,000-30,000
Provide eligibility determ ination and inform ation to individuals or their
representatives concerning financial, medical and service programs available.
Requires 2 years ’ experience working with clients in a social service agency,
preferably including 1 year experience in Medicaid Long-Term Care Services,
and equivalent to com pletion o f the tw elfth grade. A dditional specialized
training in social services or a related field is desirable. Starting salary $ 12.20
per hour (12.20-$ 15.32 per hour full range). O pen continuously.
Im m ediate opening for full and
p a r t- tim e lo t a tte n d a n t w ith
P ortland’s leading parking C om ­
pany. W e are seeking dependable
individuals with a neat appear­
ance and a positive attitude.
• A dm inistrtiveS upport to L egislativeC om m ittees
A T A L L G t Joe’s Stores
se e k in g th e fo llo w in g p ro fe ssio n a ls:
Support Specialist 3
• F ulltim econtinuingposition
M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty A g in g and D isabilities D ep artm en t iscu rren tly
Oregon Legislature
Lipo Suction, Face Lifts, Nose, Tummy Tucks.
No Money Down, No Credit Needed, Easy
Monthly Payments!
Call Now, Limited Appointments Available
•FT Day Merch./Receiving Crew
http:/ /w w w . portlandobserver.net
or e-mail us at PDXO3SERV.com
Self-motivated, organized, customer-focused individual wanted to provide
executive support for our Public Affairs staff in Salem. Act on behalf of the
section manager when responding to public inquiries and issues Anticipate
executive manager's needs Prioritize, research and execute special
projects Produce a vanety of correspondence and documents. Arrange
travel arrangements for staff. Coordinate and
sensitive, confidential information. Requires 2
years' general clerical experience, which
included typing, word processing, or other
experience generating documents. See
announcement for education substitutes and
position details. Salary $1.696 $2.338 a
month + excellent benefits: health insurance;
paid vacation; sick and personal leaves: 10
paid holiday; and full employer paid retirement contribution Announcement
«OCDT9533. Contact ODOT Recruitm ent at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503)
9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing impaired), or visit www.oregonjobs.org for
application materials. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse
workforce. Deadline Is November 8. 1999.
Office Specialist 1
If you're an action-oriented organized self-starter with strong interpersonal
communication skills, apply for this position providing office support to the
Region 1 Project Delivery Unit in Portland. As unit receptionist, you will
communicate with local government officials and staff on a daily basis. You
will also process and maintain payroll and personnel records; type and edit
correspondence, charts, schedules and reports; maintain supplies; code
and process vendor payments; and process mail Requires one year of
general office or clerical experience, which included word processing, typing
or other generation of documents; or a Certificate in Office Occupations or
Office Technology Minimum typing speed 50 wpm with strong database
and word processing skills. Salary $1.494 $2.023/'m onth + excellent
benefit package Announcement AOCDT9474. Contact ODOT Recruitment
at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing impaired) or visit
www.oregonlobs.org for announcement and application. ODOT is an
AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is
November 9. 1999.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Recruiting to fill four positions in Salem Positions provide analytical case
support to Oregon law enforcement agencies ideal candidate will nave a
minimum of 2 years' criminal or military intelligence research experience or
criminal investigation experience. Must have proficient computer skills. Salary
is $2,818 to $3.942 a month Excellent benefits package Obtain State of
Oregon application (PO 100) and recruiting Announcement »LE991092
(Research Analyst 3) at youi local employment department office or call
(503) 3 76 5 5 5 5 . ext. 322 (TTY (503) 3 7 6 5 9 3 8 foi the hearing Impaired),
or visit the State of Oregon web site at www.oregonlobs.org. EOE. Deadline
for current vacancy is November 29. 1999
V h o s e are just some of the current openings avalleble w ith the State of
Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the State of Oregon
Application Form and a more com plete announcement listing, call the
State Job lino (Oregonian Inside Line) (503) 2 2 6 5 5 5 5 ext. 7777, TTY
(503) 3 7 8 4 6 7 2 . visit your local employment departm ent or visit our web
site i t www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon end >11 Its divisions are
proud to be equal opportunity employers
Autom otive
The number one
name in trucks
is hiring
on all cylinders.
You probably already know about Freightliner's excellent
reputation when it comes to custom trucks, but did you
know it apples to our careers? As we add new companies
and divisions to the Freightiiner family, extraordinary oppor­
tunités are being created for talented professionals to make
an immediate impact. As a result of our contrum g growth,
we have professional and technical employment opportuni­
ties available at our Corporate Headquarters and Truck
Manufactunng Plant in Portland. Oregon.
Web Developer
(Publishing Systems Analyst)
In this position, you will be responsible for the development
and maintenance of functional elements of database and
workflow systems for document delivery via pnnt-on-
demand and the Internet. This position requires a
Bachelor’s degree m Computer Science or Business with
expenence and knowledge of SUN Solans, AIX and
W indows operating system environments. You must also
have knowledge and expenence with SGM L, XML, HTML.
Java, JavaScnpt and VB senpt; familiarity with UNIX script­
ing: and competency with M S W ord, Excel, S Q L Server
and Access databases. You will need technical expertise
working with online-based programming, products and
services, particularly web-based database applications and
a basic understanding of w eb server components, security
and relational database design. The ability to work as a
team player and provide customer service to all levels of
the organization is a must. Your cover letter must indicate
|0b number 2 0 3 4 1-PO.
Heavy Truck Technical Support
5 positions
W e are seeking truck or automotive service technicians
with experience in field technical inquires from dealers and
customers in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. In this posi­
tion, you will assist with the resolution of problems related
to the continued operation o, Freightiiner and Sterling vehi­
cles. You will resolve problems related to breakdown assis­
tance, customer concerns, parts interpretation and warran­
ty. To qualify, you will need technical knowledge of heavy-
duty trucks, components, vehicle systems and
dealership/fleeb'end customer environments. G ood key-
board/computer experience, strong communication skids
and customer service skills are necessary. The center
operates in a 24 hour, 7 day a week environment. Indicate
job # 60763-PO.
If you are qualified and wish to be considered please indi­
cate the job number and mail your scannable resume and
cover letter to: Freightiiner Corporation, Haystack
Systems, 89 Davis Road, Suite 160. Orinda, CA 94563
or e-mail: ftlcorp4fhaystee.com or fax 1-800-785-3617.
As an industry leader, we offer a competitive compensation
and benefits package and an exciting work environment
To hear more about our full listing of job opportunities, call
our job hotline at (888) 587-6753 or vistt our w eb site at
www.freightliner.com W e are an equal opportunity
employer. M/F/D/V.
F r e ig
A DaimlerChrysler Company