C' atj >rt landohserx cr.net Have a safe and happy halloween Don’t forget to set your clocks back Sunday ( )i Bulk Rate U.S. Postage Look for Popeye's Special Insid^’ (Elie ^Jortlanò (Ohse JL PAID Portland, OR Permit No. 1610 97403 4th annual African American Wellness Village improves health education C O N T R I B l T F .D S T O R V for THE REVIEW T he P ortland O bsfrv fr In response to the Governor’s proclamation & Encouragement Saturday, October 23,1999 S.E.l. played host to the 4lh Annual African Amencan Wellness Village. Presented by the A frican A m erican W ellness V illage. Presented by the African American Health Coalition, Inc. Sponsored by Kaiser Permenente, Legacy Health Systems, Ore HS L Providence Health System and N o rthw est H ealth Foundations. The Wellness Village was an all day free event for i he entire family to take pai in health sc re e n in g s, dem o n stratio n s, hea th education workshops and OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR V H F R E A S the health and wellness o f the A frican American comm unity is linked w ith that o f a ll Oregonians, and V H FRF. AS information is paramount in the reduction, detection and prevention o i treatable I i In n a and disrasc, and VHFRFAS physical and mental health a ir essentiai to a hol»«t»c and quality life, and VIIFRF a S r r .r n for he health and wellness o f A frican Amencwsa by like persons sponsor. increased s p p rr »tion o f personal health. " H F R E F O R F I lohn A Kitzhaber, Governor o f the State o f Oregon, hereby proclaim October 17-23, 1999 to be A F R IC A N A M E R IC A N W E L L N E S S W E E K Russia Attacks Chechnya m Oregon and encourage ail citizens to jo in in this observance GROZNY, RUSSIA - R u s s ia n forces a d m itte d they carried o u t a n a tta c k on Grozny, b u y claim ed it w as a g a in st a n illegal a rm s m ark et a n d th a t th e scores of people killed w ere n o t civilians. C hechen officials said a t least 143 people died. R u ssian m ilitary s p o k e sm a n A lexander V eklich denied th e re w ere a n y civilians in th e m ark e t a t the tim e. B ut th e a re a s h it by th e m issiles w ere c ro w d e d w ith c iv ilia n s, in c lu d in g m a n y w o m en a n d children. IN W IT N E S S W H E R E O F . 1 hereunto set m y hand and cause tne Great Seel o f the State o f Oregon to be affixed Done at the Capitol in the C ity o f Salem in the Stale o f Oregon on this day, July 27 . 1999 7 1 / Buchanan Joins Reform Party FALLS CHURCH, VA. - Longtime R epublican P at B u c h a n a n left the p arty to seek the Reform P arty ’s p re s id e n tia l n o m in a ti o n . B u c h a n a n , w ho twice ra n for th e G O P'snod, said "our v a u n te d two- p arty sy stem h a s becom e a sn a re a n d a delusion, a frau d u p o n th e n a tio n .” Doctor Returns to South Pole YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO - A doctor w ho w as airlifted from th e S o u th Pole after finding a lum p in h er b re a st say s sh e w a n ts to re tu rn to the A n tarctic. Dr. J e rr i Nielsen treated h e rse lf for th re e m o n th s w ith ch e m o th era p y before being rescu ed Oct. 16 from A m u n d se n - S c o tt S o u t h P ole R e s e a r c h C en ter. N ielsen w as th e only doctor am ong 41 rese a rc h e rs who have been living since Novem ber in a 150-foot-high m etal dom e. Y2KBug Pitfalls W ASHINGTON - O ld S o v iet- designed n u c le a r p la n ts in R ussia a n d U k r a in e a r e t h e m o s t vulnerable to potential y ear-2000 co m p u ter failures, p articu larly if c o m b in e d w ith pow er lo sse s, Law rence G ershw in, th e CIA's n ational intelligence officer for s c ie n c e and te c h n o lo g y . G e rs h w in s a id th e CIA h a s determ ined th a t R ussia. U kraine. C h in a a n d In d o n e sia a re th e m ajor c o u n trie s m ost likely to e x p e rie n c e “s ig n if ic a n t Y2K- related failures." il Phil Keisling, Secretary o f State Indonesian Vice President BERN. SWITZERLAND - M aurice Papon, th e form er Vichy official who fled F ran ce ra th e r th a n face jail for his role in sending Je w s to Nazi d e a th cam p s, w as expelled from Sw itzerland. Sw iss J u s tic e M inister R u th M etzler said the g o v e rn m e n t d id n o t w a n t to sh e lte r w ho h a d received a prison sentence. He w as convicted in 1998 for com plicity in crim es ag a in st h u m a n ity for h is role in d e p o r tin g 1 .5 9 0 J e w s fro m Bordeaux. Stewart memorial service set for Friday in Orlando John A Kitzhaber. Governor JAKARTA. INDONESIA - Popular o p p o s itio n le a d e r M e g a w a ti S u k a r n o p u t r i w a s e le c te d In d o n esia's vice p resid en t, one day a fter sh e lost th e first free a n d c o n te sted p residential vote in th e c o u n try ’s h isto ry . T he victory a p p e are d likely to end a ra s h of violent, anti-governm ent p ro te s ts t h a t b ro k e o u t a fte r M egawati lo st th e p resid en tial ballot. Switzerland Expels Maurice Papon PROCLAMATION STATE OF OREGON Ralph Nickerson, Fitness Coordinator S.E.l. and Corliss McKeever, African American Health Coalition president and CEO coordinate details of the wellness day events. a multitude o f carried healthful and fun activities. It was held from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the center For SelfEnhancement, 3920N . Kerby Avenue. Health screenings include blood pressure, glucose, bone m arrow ty p in g , dental screenings, lead testing, spina! testing, immunizations, vision and more. Faced painting, storytelling, dental puppet show, a workshop on sports and a free throw basketball tournament are just a few o f the offerings for children and teens. Adult activities include a “Fitness Expo”, "Second Healthy Soul FoodCookoff", health education workshops, a Wellness Walk and much more. The Wellness V illage kicked off with speakers, Stephanie Stokes Oliver, founder and former editor-in-chief o f Heart & Soul Magazine, Victoria Johnson, Fitness Expert and Don Speaks, national consultant and motivational speaker. "It isawonderftil time for the African American community to focus such positive attention and energy on health and wellness,” says Corliss McKeever, president o f the African American Health Coalition. "There is every reason for us to realize our vision ofbeing the healthiest community in America. The Wellness Village moves us in that direction," she adds. Asoociated Press The memorial service for reigning U.S. Open champion Payne Stewart, who was tragically killed Monday in a Learjet crash, will be held Friday morning near his home in Orlando. First Baptist Church, which Stewart attended more frequently in recent years as he further devoted himself to religion, will be the site of the service on Friday at 11 a m. EDT. The PGA Tour is expected to announce later today how it will nandle the playing o f the i our Championship, which is scheduled to be contested from Thursday through Sunday. The PGA Tour and tournament officials previously stated that in order for players to attend the memorial, no golf will be played that day and 36 holes will be contested the following day. While many players and close friends of Stewart made statements Monday following the incident, further reaction came out today from the PGA o f America and his sponsor, Titleist. “Payne Stew art was a courageous man who wore his emotions on his shirtsleeve,” said Will Mann, president ofthe PGA of America. "His love o f the game was as strong as his devotion to his family.” "It is a terrible loss to those o f us who knew and loved Payne," said Jim Awtrey, CEO o f the PGA o f America. “Our hearts go out to Tracey and the entire family as well as the other victims, they are in our prayers. The PGA and the entire game have lost a wonderful ambassador, great player and gentleman." Eliot neighborhood slated for development, improvement L ff P eri mas ____________________ ______________ for T hf P ortland O bserver Three new projects, o f different types and by different developers, are on the drawing boards in the Eliot neighborhood. EMANUEL HOSPITAL is planning to build a new medical office building and parking garage in the southern part of their campus, south o f North Graham Street and west of Northeast Vancouver Avenue. According to Larry Hill of Legacy Hill Systems, theoffice building will be four stories tall and contain 55,000 square feet, while the new garage will be three stories and add 5 15 parking spaces. A skybridge will connect the new office building to the hospital’s main building. Ground breaking is planned for next spring. Hill says. The hospital also plans toexpand its emergency room by 3500 square feet. VANCOUVER AVENUE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH w ants to build an apartment building for low-income residents on land it owns beween North Williams and Vancouver a v en u es, M onroe and F argo streets. According to Rev. A. Bailey Jr and architect De Norval Unthank, the building w ill be four stories high and contain 25 apartments, including two three-bedroom units. 13 two- bedrooms and 10 one-bedroom. All units will be "handicapped adaptable." meaning that they will be designed to accommodate handicapped people and their wheelchairs. The stmeture will have a u-shape and will have a children’s playground at its center It will have 18 parking spaces DEVELOPER BII.l.REEDplanstobuild two six-unit townhouse projects, one on Northeast Ivy Street between Rodney and Martin Luther KNO1T King Jr. Boulevard, and one Northeast San Rafael Street betw een Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Seventh Avenue. Unlike most row house projects, the units will run north and south in two rows o f three, with only two units fronting on the street, according to architect Craig Monaghan. All vehicle access will be by a single driveway leading to garages at the rear o f the units.