Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 20, 1999, Page 9, Image 9

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October 20, 1999
(Efyv |iiartU «h (fìbeeruer
Yankees eliminate Red Sox in 5 games
T he A ssociated P ress
threw out the first ball — trying to
reverse the C urse o f the Bam bino —
and R ed Sox ace Pedro M artinez
roused the w ell-behaved crow d o f
33,589 from the dugout and bullpen.
A nd still, it w ill be the Yankees
heading o ff to defend their W orld
Series title w hile the Red Sox, after an
eighth-inning rally fell short, and their
fans can only hope for better luck
next century.
"W e really had a fine year I told those
kids in there we had a fine year all year
lo n g ,” R ed S o x m a n a g e r Jim y
W illiam s said. "They really did a lot
for this city this sum m er. ’ ’
G am e 1 o f the W orld Series will be
Saturday night at the hom e o f the NL
cham pion. A tlanta leads the N ew
York Mets 3-2 in the NLCS, with Game
6 T uesday night at T urner Field.
The Y ankees played both team s this
sum m er and this w ill be the first time
W orld Series opponents have m et in
the regular season.
From D iM aggio and Dent to El Duque
and D erek, the result stayed the same
in this 96-year matchup.
"W ith the rivalry getting back to where
T he N ew Y ork Y ankees had no
intention o f rew riting the ending in
baseball’s longest-running drama.
T he characters change, the story
do esn’t: Y ankees win, Red Sox lose.
M VP O rlando H ernandez pitched
shutout ball into the eighth inning
and Derek Jeter hit a tw o-run hom er
as the Y ankees w on their record 36th
pennant and a return trip to the W orld
Series, beating Boston 6-1 M onday
n ig h t in G a m e 5 o f th e A L
Cham pionship Series.
"To repeat after the incredible year
w e h a d la s t y e a r is a g r e a t
accom plishm ent,” Y ankees manager
Joe Torre said.
"I tried to w am the club in spring
training that w e cannot com pete
against ourselves because it w as a
once-in-a-lifetim e thing,” he said.
"W e had to earn it this year. It was
probably m ore satisfying this y ear.”
The wild-card Red Sox brought out all
their good-luck charm s at Fenw ay
Park, and yet it did no good against
their longtim e torm entors.
Babe R uth’s 82-year-old daughter
The Yankees' Derek Jeter blasts
a two-run homer to center in the
first inning.
it was, it’s sw eet to w rap it up h ere,”
s a id th ir d - b a s e c o a c h W illie
Randolph, a longtim e Y ankees star.
Com ing o ff its record 125-win season.
New York became the A L ’ s first repeat
cham pion since T oronto in 1992-93
and earned its third trip to the W orld
Series in four years.
T he Y ankees w ill have a chance to
win their 25 th title. A ll o f them have
com e since the Red Sox w on their last
cham pionship in 1918, two years
before they sold Ruth to New
"We d idn’t have all the m iracles
all the other team s w ere having,
b u t w e ju st h u n g in th e re ,”
Y ankees
ow ner
G e o rg e
S teinbrenner said. "It alw ays
feels good to be in the W orld
Series. No m atter how you get
there, it feels great. ’ ’
Certainly it w as special to Torre,
who missed the first 36 gam es o f
the season w hile recovering from
prostate cancer surgery.
"Y ou’re never sure y o u ’re going
to care once you get b ack ,” Torre
H ernandez, blow ing on his hand
to keep warm on a chilly night,
improved to 4-0 with an 0.97 ERA
in fiv e c a re e r sta rts in th e
postseason. Tw o years ago, his
half-brother Livan w as M V P o f
the NLCS for the Florida Marlins.
'T h is is a beautiful m om ent, ’ ’ El
D u q u e s a id
th r o u g h an
interpreter. "I’ve very happy to
be pitching in these situations.”
Deal allows FSU’s Warrick return for game
T he A ssociated P ress
Florida S tate’s Peter W arrick could
play Saturday against Clem son in a
deal that w ould send him to jail for a
m o n th e a rly n ex t year, the star
receiver’s law yer said Tuesday.
W arrick w as considered the leading
candidate for the H eism an Trophy
w h en he w as susp en d ed O ct. 7
follow ing his arrest on a felony grand
theft charge. He has m issed the top-
ranked S em inóles’ last two gam es.
That could change W ednesday if
C ircuit C ourt Judge John C rusoe
accepts a plea agreem ent reached by
W arrick law yer John K enny and the
Leon C ounty state attorney to reduce
th e c h a rg e to p e tty th e ft — a
Florida State athletic director D ave
H art Jr. w ould n ’t com m ent Tuesday,
preferring to w ait until C rusoe acts on
the agreem ent. W arrick and form er
team m ate Laveranues C oles w ere
charged w ith buying m ore than $400
o f designer clothes Sept. 29 for $21.40
from a store clerk, who is also charged.
A se cu rity cam era rec o rd e d the
The agreement would require W arrick
spend 30 days in jail, donate to charity
clothing he acquired in three trips to
a D illard ’s store, pay $295 in court
costs, stay aw ay from the departm ent
store and serve a y ear’s probation.
"T hey w anted the 30 days to offer a
m isdemeanor, ’ ’ Kenny said Tuesday.
“T h at’s pretty standard w hen looking
at felony cases. T hey w orked very
hard to look at Mr. W arrick not as a
football player.”
W arrickcouldhave avoidedjail time,
but not if he w anted to have a shot at
playing again this season.
“ He looked at the options o f going to
trial to prove it w as a petty theft, but
those are not viable options when
Peter wants to make him self available
to the university as quickly as
possible,” K enny said.
W arrick caught 36 passes for 508
yards and four touchdow ns in
Florida S tate’s first five gam es.
He also threw a touchdow n pass,
ran back a punt for another and
ran from scrim m age for a TD.
Florida State (7-0,3-0 ACC) visits
Clem son (3-3, 3-1) in the first
father-son m atchup in D ivision I-
A history as B obby B ow den
coaches against his son, Tommy.
A lso, the elder Bow den is trying
to becom e ju st the fifth m ajor
college coach to w in 300 gam es.
A T T E N T IO N :
M il it a r y s e r v ie ® m e m b e r s
a n d tb e ir f a m ilie s ...
Need help with processing a discharge?
Need a legal or medical referral?
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Know someone who is absent w/o leave?
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fro m 2 - 10pm
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E n t e r to w in tic k e ts to t h e N e w Y e a r' s E v e S h o w
f e a tu rin g N o rm a n S y lv e ste r a n d H is B a n d
Safeway announces WNBA ticket purchase
Portland’s WNBA
required 5,300
ticket mark
T he P ortland O bserver
S afew ay stores form ally announced
today a com m itm ent to purchase
$25,000 w orth o f W N BA season
tickets to assist in the effort to bring
a W N BA franchise to Portland. This
purchase m atches the com m itm ent
m ade previously by both Fred M eyer
and N IK E, Inc. W ith S afew ay’s
investm ent, the P o rtland W N B A
season ticket deposit num ber stands
at 5300, leaving the team only 200
se a so n tic k e t d e p o s its sh o rt o f
officially being awarded the franchise.
“H aving a W N BA team in Portland is
great for this city, and as a strong
com m unity-oriented corporation we
w anted to play a role in m aking that
happen” said Jerry H offm an, V ice
President o f M arketing for Safew ay.
‘W e are buying these tickets because
w e support the W N BA, w e support
w o m en ’s athletics and w e support
the city o f Portland.
The B lazers are required to sell 5,500
ticket deposits by O ctober 15 in order
tosecureanew franchise. Fanssim ply
need to p lace a $50 deposit a season
ticket for the 2000 season. For each
ticket sold, one dollar will be donated
tow ards breast cancer aw areness.
T he B lazers announced in June that
Portland w as offered a W N BA team
for the 2000 season and are currently
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