Page A6 October 20, 1999 (EFje {lortlmiò (ßbsvruer The dangers of methamphetamine by B arbara C imaglio ________ for T he P ortland O bserver “ I t’s a very bad drug. It ruins your fam ily and your life.” That warning about m etham phetamine didn’t come from a governm ent official or drug- treatm ent expert, it com es straight form a meth user. It’s part o fa report on m etham phetam ine users in five western cities, including Portland, by the U.S. D epartm ent o f Justice. Implied throughout the report is a theme that 1 take every opportunity to co m m u n icate to O reg o n ian s: Parents m ust understand the dangers o f drugs, and talk to their children if w e’re going to break the cycle ofdrug abuse. M eth am p h etam in e, w ith nicknam es such as meth, crank, zip, glass, and even “load o f laundry,” probably is the m ost frightening o f the illegal drugs because o f the violent and destructive behavior it so often causes am ong users. N ew spapers frequently do articles containing personal stones o f meth users. They focus on the dam age m eth does to families and children, w ho are high risk for abuse and neglect if a parent With FHA's new (Please see " m e th " on p ag e A6) higher loan limits, you can buy your dream home. Esther Dayman Strong Lectureship in the Humanities andCatlin Gabel School present From Murder to Reconciliation in South Africa Storytelling and Social Change. As reported on 60 Minutes. Peter and Linda Biehl share theirjoumey from the murder o f their daughter Amy, beyond theTruth and Reconciliation Commission, toward economic and social change in South Africa. Thursday, October28,1999 7:30 p.m. Cabell Center theater in theCatlin Gabel School. This presentation isffeeofchargeand open to the public. For more information, call Peter Eddy, 297-1894, ext. 309. H o w 's th a t fo r a h o u s e w a r m in g g ift? Property tax statements hit mail this week CONTRIBUTED STORY for T he P ortland O bserver This year M ultnom ah County will b e g in m a ilin g th e f ir s t o f ap p ro x im ate ly 259,0 0 0 real and personal property tax bills on October 19,h. T h e s e s ta te m e n ts h a v e a N ovem ber 15th due date an d ifp a id in full w ill receive a three percent discount. To receive a discount, paym ent must be postm arked on or before M onday, N ovem ber 15,1999. Taxes m ay also be paid in three installm ents which are due N ovem ber 15,1999, February 15,2000 and May 15,2000. Taxpayers are encouraged to pay early to receive the discount, avoid holiday mailing d e la y s , a n d a v o id in te r e s t on delinquent payments. The total o f all property taxes and special assessm ents to be collected for al 1 districts in the County for 1999 is $740.5 million, an increase of3.7% over last years $713.9 m illion. The prim ary reasons forthe$26.6m illion increase are the required 3 percent increase in assessed value and plus value added by new construction. M easure 50 required a roll back o f the 1997-98 assessed value to the 1995- 96 level minus 10%. Each subsequent year the constitutional am endm ent allows the Maximum Assessed Value to increase by 3% annually unless it exceeds the Real M arket Value o f the property. Thus the assessed value o f most properties increased by 3% over last year. N ew construction or new additions to a property are specific types o f ‘exceptions” for which larger increases in the assessed value are allowed. The Real M arket V alue o f these exceptions is reduced to give the ow ner tax savings sim ilar to existing properties. Ballot M easure 5, approved by the voters in 1990, is still in effect. This m e a s u re c r e a te d a p e r m a n e n t limitation on taxes o f $ 10 per $ 1000 o f Real M arket V alue for education. W ithin M ultnom ah County, tax rates on individual statem ent vary because p ro p erty taxes su p p o rt 54 local governm ent-taxing districts; m ost o f w hich have different boundaries. These districts include education districts, and various branches o f local governm ent (cities, the County, local fire districts, Metro, Tri-M etand the Port o f Portland). This year a typical hom e in Portland w ith a Real M arket V alue o f around $ 150,000will have an Assessed Value o f $ 108,470 and will be taxed $2,176, w hich is a 1.65% increase over last year. A sim ilarly valued hom e in To help taxpayers understand w hat Gresham will pay $ 1,840, an increase Since 1934 w e've helped over 26 m illion Americans get into new their tax dollars pay for; M ultnom ah o f 1.29%. homes. And starting this year, HUD can help you get a home loan for County includes an “Im portant Tax Value change notices are part o f the I n fo r m a tio n ” c irc u la r w ith all tax statement. Taxpayers will have up to $ 208,8 00. Be sure to check with your lender to find out what statem en ts. T h is en c lo su re also the opportunity to file value appeals the FHA-insured loan limits are in your area. We can also help you includes paym ent instructions and w ith the B oard o f P roperty Tax with any questions you might have. Just call 1-8OO-HUDS-FHA and ask inform ation on the appeal process. In A ppealsuntilD ecem ber31,1999.The 1 for our free 100 Questions and Answers brochure. It'll tell you how addition, M ultnom ah County has a Board will convene on Tuesday, to get an FHA loan for as little as 3% down. How to choose the right g e n e ra l tax in fo rm a tio n p h o n e February 1, 2000 and hear appeals number 503-248-3326. lender. How to prepare yourself for the homebuying process. through April 15, 2000. Taxpayers The M ultnom ah County D ivision o f w ho are concerned that the 1999/ And much more. In fact, if you're looking for a home, it's all A ssessm ent and Taxation is located 2000 real m arket value a n d o r the the information you need. a t4 2 1 S W 6 ,h A venue. Tax paym ents assessed value is too high m ay contact H U D and FH A are on your side. can be m ade on the 3rd Floor, Room the Board o f Property Tax Appeals at 300. 503-248-5241 to receive a petition for However, it is recom m ended that appeal, or a brochure that outlines 1 - 8 0 0 -H U D S -F H A payments bem ailedtoP.O .B ox2716, the appeal process. The Board is Portland, Oregon 97208-2716. located at 501 SE H aw thorne Street, Fourth Floor. To determine if their 1999/ 2000 re a l market value is too high, ta x p a y e rs s h o u ld a s k them selves if th e y c o u ld se ll th e ir property for th e R e al Market Value show n on the \OI V , Í H1< M \ tax bill. Ifnot, i th e y m ay w ant to KJUilAZFD re /e a rc h • » mw nuw« '» recent sales nut r r M ozs 0 UR) i .» i k« in th e ir neighborhood in o rd e r to support their In Your Oregonian FOODday request for a low er value. in the Portland Metro Area M u ltn o m a h ...and save more by shopping C o u n ty has sales data at at Safeway. th e ir public 12 to 28-oz. O r Assorted varieties. re se a rc h Limit 2. c o u n te rs in Individually Quick Frozen. room 309 at SAVE up to $5.98 on 2 Sold in 4-lb. Bags $6.76 each. 421 SW 6,h Safeway Club Price Safeway Club Price SAVE up to 78< lb. A venue. m N o te : A - B „ - reduction in th e re a l market value Visit Safeways Web site at m ay not Oregon grown. change your tax bill unless PRICES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1999 J th e rea l f Sun 1 M o n I T u t ] W ed J Set Thur i Fn market value — r n 20 21 22 23 is re d u c e d R 3 F 7 T E 1 ________________ 4 t t a Pm», ( ’«•' O m ta JO t a i Tuuri» O r tta 7 b e lo w th e tan < pnr*i m ta «1 »» «.«Ut* * voi» «■»» Sta»»» nomi N o ita to tata pm «»»* m «tauH m Sta n '«* q u * n »ta ta» m a x im u m OuarMta w» ta« m« t» taM tr* «Ota m »«Mta Nm mtaota m «'ta Nta» ta ta» lo r o rta M ( » « ta «««n . IW 9 S t a * « Mota Inr assessed value SAFEWAY FOOD & DRUG Look For Your BONELESS SKJNLESS BREASTS Safeway Weekly Shopping Guide M anor House Boneless Skinless Breasts 1.69 lb. M a rs /H e rs h e y 's Fun Size C andy Red and Golden Delicious Apples SAVE up to 61< lb. g js 2dJ .38 lb. Safeway Club Price * Now the savings are in the Card!