Page 8 — t? v ÿ nrt taub <®tt« «wf October 20,1999 IN P R IN T Lakota Woman An Excerpt: The Aztec wordfor the sacred herb was pevotl, meaning caterpillar. Our Sioux word fo r medicine is pejuta. Peyote, pejuta, that sounds very close. Maybe it is just a coincidence. It is certain that pevote came to us out o f Mexico. In the 1870s the K iow as and Comanches prayed with this medi­ cine and established what they called the Native American Church. By not the peyote religion is com­ mon among most tribes all the wav An ancient mystical experience, the Vision Quest was undertaken by Native American up to Alaska. Since peyote does not Indians as an odyssey of self-knowledge and fulfillment - a spiritual journey into the grow farther north than the Rio wilderness and the soul. The peace, insight and sense of well-being they gained on the Grande, we must get our medicine from the border re­ Vision Quest is a lasting testament to man’s relationship with nature. gion. It is in the Now, America’s most respected outdoorsman re­ Southwest that we veals the secrets of this dramatic and profoundly mov­ have our "peyote ing ritual. Tom Brown, Jr., who has completed many garden." Vision Quests, simply and eloquently shares the beauty and enlightenment of his own spiritual awak­ ening... An Excerpt: I met Stalking Wolf, whom 1 have al­ ways called Grandfather, when I was seven. I called him Grandfather, not only out o f respect fo r his age and knowledge, but also because, to me, he was. and remains, mv spiritual Grandfather and guardian; fo r years he was both my teacher and my best friend. For ten years, from the ages o f seven to seventeen, I was taught by him the skills o f survival in the woods: how to stalk, how to observe the flow o f life, how to track and read signs, and how to heal with wild plants. Let us meet your Grandfather s lessons o f survival were, however, only Business, Entertainment and Individual a small part o f what he sought to teach me. For him, Color Copying and Graphic Needs! the greatest teachings were o f matters o f the ancient _____________ Tightwad Tuesday____________ spiritual world. True life was fa r greater than the ex­ istence o f the physical and mental, logical or intel­ ~ 69 cents color copy day lectual. It was not life outside o f the se lf that mat­ Bring in this flier to receive Tightwad Tuesday Discount. This promotion applies to stand paper size tered so much as the life beyond the self. And so life (8.5x 11) only Limited to Tuesdays. And valid through October 1999 Quantity is not limited THE DRAMATIC TRUE STORY Contact Vemell West for additional information at its fullest was to be found, almost entirely, in the OF ONE M AN’S SEARCH (SOJ) 493-6027. Located at 309 N.E. Wygant, Portland. Oregon. realm o f spirit. Each and every lesson he taught led FOR ENLIGHTENMENT ultimately to a greater understanding o f the guiding forces behind creation, o f the Creator. Mary Brave Bird grev up fatherless in a one-room cabin, without running water or electricity, on a South Dakota reservation. Rebelling against the aimless drinking, pun­ ishing missionary school, narrow strictures for women, and violence and hopelessness of reservation life, she joined the new move­ ment of tribal pride sweeping Native Ameri­ can communities in the sixties and seven­ ties and eventually married Leonard Crow Dog, the movement’s chief medicine man, who revived the sacred but outlawed Ghost Dance. Lakota Woman is a unique docu­ ment unparalleled in American Indian lit­ erature, a story of death, of determination against all odds, and o f the cruelties perpe­ trated against American Indians during the last several decades. It is also a deeply mov­ ing account o f a w om an’s trium phant struggle to survive in a hostile world. The Vision Say It With Color When Color Says it Better ago 'I papa fturplufi Order Your Halloween Baskets Today! 1 AM. \ HAM PIZZA — ¡LARGÌ i ¡PEPPERONI ! PIZZA iASKETS INCLUDE: IOOKS OYS RAYONS ¡TUFFED ANIMALS : andy ¡AMES (LOW STICKS 520.00 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST IN NOVEMBER __ O» lgtfi A Fhemonff 41St & Fremont 71et & Fremont 503-281-6833 503-287-5520 TO ORDER CALL TALUNAKA @ 284-2155 Or