Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 20, 1999, Page 2, Image 2

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October 20, 1999
(The $Jortkinh ©borruer
Crime Stoppers-Kidnap/Sexual assault Ghost stories takes center stage at officers row
T h e P o rtlan d P o lic e B u reau , in
cooperation w ith C n m e Stoppers, is
asking for your help in locating and
a p p r e h e n d in g
th e
p erso n
re sp o n sib le fo r k id n a p p in g and
sexually assaulting a young girl.
On Sunday, S eptem ber 5, 1999, at
about 2:30 in the afternoon, a fifteen
year old girl w as w alking in H illsdale
P ark , lo c ate d at S o u th w e st 2 7 lh
A venue and B eaverton H illsdale
T he suspect drove up to the victim in
a p ic k u p tr u c k a n d a s k e d fo r
directions. As the victim walked away,
the suspect got out o f the truck and
attem pted to grab her arms. The victim
pulled away and ran, but was caught
by the suspect who pulled her up a
hill and sexually assaulted her.
T he suspect is described as a white
m ale in his m id to late 2 0 ’s, with a
medium build, blonde hair, mustache,
and a chipped front tooth. He was
driving a white, low rider style pickup
truck, possibly a C hevrolet, w ith a
CONTRIBUTED STORY_________________________
for T he P ortland O bserver
C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash
reward o f up to $ 1,000 for information,
reported to C nm e Stoppers, that leads
to an arrest in this case, or any
unsolved felony crim e, and you can
rem a in an o n y m o u s. C all C rim e
Stoppers at (503) 823-HE LP.
Late Night altercation results in stabbing
C ontributed S tory _________________ ________
F or T he P ortland O bserver
On O ctober 16, at approx. 11:30 pm, V ancouver Police
officers were dispatched to a possible stabbing at 6 and
W ashington streets.
U pon arrival officers located the victim, know n only as
“C olorado” . “C olorado” indicated he had been stabbed
by an unknow n person during an argum ent. He appeared
to have suffered a stab w ound to the upper left abdom en.
The victim w as transported to southw est W ashington
Medical Center fortreatment. His current medical condition
is unknow n at this time.
W hile officers were investigating the incident, 9-1-1
received a call from a person identifying h im self as the
suspect. O fficers responded to his location, and after
further investigating placed him in custody w ithout
incident. The suspect has been identified as Edw ard G.
Cathey, D O B January 23,1966. Mr. C athey w as charged
with A ssault 1 and transferred into custody at the C lark
County Law Enforcem ent Center.
Detective Sergaent Hetley to take over
duties of Public Information Officer
P et .-S ergaent C heryi K anzler
F or T he P ortland O bserver
O n T hursday, O ctober 14, 1999,
D etectiv e S ergeant M ike H etley
jo in ed the Public Inform ation Office.
D etective S ergeant H etley and I
(D etective-Sergeant Cheryl Kanzler)
will be w orking together for the next
m onth and then D etective Sergeant
H efley w ill take over the Public
I n fo r m a tio n O f f ic e r p o s itio n .
D etective Sergeant H efley has been
with the Portland Police Bureau for
tw enty-five years.
D etective Sergeant H efley spent six
years in uniform patrol and has served ,
n in e te e n y e a rs as a d e te c tiv e .
D etective Sergeant spent fourteen
years w orking hom icides and has
been a H ostage N egotiator for five
On W ednesday, O ctober 1 3 ,1 9 9 9 ,at4 :14 in the morning.
N ortheast Precinct Uniform O fficers were dispatched on
a report o f shots heard in the area o f Peninsula Park.
W hen officers arrived, they found the body o f an adult
m ale in the front seat o f a car parked in the 6200 block o f
N orth K erby Avenue.
The deceased has been identified as28-year-oldTerrence
A ndre N orris. A ccording to the M edical Exam iners
O ffice, N orris died o f m ultiple gunshot w ounds.
The investigation is continuing.
W ar era group returns for the
fi fth time to croon by the campfire.
“G host B usters” - N ever fear,
G host Busters are here. See the
G host Busters strolling about
the ground and keeping folks
“ U SO Show ” - ta k e a break from
G host Stories w anderings and
stop by the USO show for a song
o r tw o an d ta ll ta le s from
V ancouver’s past.
Sponsors include: T he C olum bian,
NW N atural, Day W ireless System s,
Clark Public Utilities, Fort Vancouver
A n tiq u e E q u ip m en t A sso ciatio n ,
V ancouverN ational Historic Reserve
Trust, N ational Park Service and the
Civil A ir Patrol.
Grant Program promotes teen-oriented programs
CONTRIBUTED STORY_________________________________________________
for T he P ortland O bserver
Tapping the Talents ofT eens (T3), a m ini-grant program
sponsored by the City o f V ancouver, is back w ith a new
The T3 program funds youth-led and youth-designed
co m m u n ity se rv ic e p ro jec ts th a t ad d re ss ce rtain
developm ental assets identified by the Search Institute
o f M inneapolis as the building blocks to a healthy youth
com m unity. The assets include such things as family
support, discipline, positive activities, com m unity
involvement, com m itm ent to education, positive values,
and life skills.
All m iddle or high school-age youth w ho live or go to
school in Clark County are eligible to apply for T3 project
funds. T he projects m ust benefit C lark C ounty youth
and be com pleted inside the county.
T3 is sponsored by a coalition o f the C ity o f V ancouver,
the C lark C ounty D epartm ent o f C om m unity Services,
the C lark County Y outh C om m ission, Peer C onsultants
and M inority Y outh Leadership. T he connection w ith
th e S e a rc h I n s titu t e s o f M in n e a p o lis F o rty
D evelopm ental A ssets is new this year.
C all 696-8222 o r e-m ail t3@ ch eerfu l.co m for an
application. Project applications are due Nov. 15. Projects
m ust be com pleted by m id-June.
Man leadsvancouver police on 100 mph chase
C ontributed S tory __________
F or the P ortland O bserver
Police Find 28-year-old man shot to death in car
C ontributed story
F or T he P ortland O bserver
Local theater com panies and heritage
volunteers will gather on historic
officers row Saturday, Oct. 23, to
present the annual G host S tories
Suitable for the entire fam ily, G host
Stories is produced by the C ity o f
V a n c o u v e r H e rita g e E d u c a tio n
Program and com m unity volunteers.
This year’s show is from 5 to 9 p.m.
Traffic onO fficers Row will close at 4
p.m. and rem ain p ed estrian -o n ly
throughout the vent.
Tickets are $5 general adm ission, $3
for 12 and younger and 55 and over.
Tickets are available at the gate or at
the follow ing locations: M arshall
House, G rant House, N orris Road
C om m unity Center, East V ancouver
Recreation Office.
New scenes this year are the "D eath
o f the C entury" funeral procession
beginning at the w est end ofO fficers
Row at 5 p.m. and continuing east.
T his kicks o f f the g h o st S tories
evening. A lso new this year are
“G host R iders, narrated rides on
antique vehicles.
Additional scenes includes:
“ C lu b D e a d ” - A g h o s tly
nightclub w ith unsually lively
dancing and singing.
“ Until Death Do W e Part” - T h e
au dience p articip ates in this
w edding at the M arshall House.
“ Singing Soldiers” - This Civil
At approximately 8:12 pm on October
17, 1999 V ancouver Police O fficers
were dispatched to a disturbance call
in v o lv in g tw o m en w ith felo n y
warrants who w ere suspected ofbeing
arm ed. A fter one o f the suspect
vehicles left the scene as officers
w ere arriving, a pursuit w as initiated
b y O ff ic e r s H e m s to c k an d
A m m erm an. The pursuit led officers
to Portland at speeds in excess o f 100
mph before the pursuit was terminated
by V ancouver O fficers w hen they
lost sight o f the vehicle. However,
Portland Police, who had been alerted
by CR CA , found the vehicle and
began a pursuit w hich resulted in the
suspect abandoning the vehicle in
the area o f 8lh and Skidmore. The
s u s p e c t w as a r r e s te d w ith th e
assistance o fP ortlandC anine O fficer
Bert Com bs and w as charged with
outstanding C lark C ounty Felony
w arrants for Escape and A ttem pting
to Elude Police.
N o one was seriously injured and
th e re w as no p ro p e rty d am ag e
reported as o f this w riting.
B anking O n A merica 8
That’s America to me.
Bank of America
Supporting Minority Business Enterprise Week.