October 20,1999 c (Ehr ^Jortlanb (©bseruer I A D A V E % R T i I S F I N ! F 1 Y r I T*l • • G I a A Y a . J k J 1 J l 1 La 1 FALL SPECIAL I ***** a t t e n t i o n ***** (8) Exclusive Home Based Business Never Before Anywhere In The U.S./Can. Package Includes... Home Based Business Ideal. Training, Short Cuts, Connections, AfterSale Support. Call Now!! Be The First In Your Area!! (503) 299-4089 Don’t Miss This Opportunity! ! ! $2006400 Off First Month'« Rant Spacious 1, 2, A 3 bedrooms. Convenient Sherwood location. Sunfield Lakes... whore modern convenience meets country living. 625*3636 *Call for details. Gaurdian Management Corp. Equal Housing Opportunity School Board Vacancy The Board ofEducation for the Portland Public Schools is taking applications for a vacancy in Zone #4 o f the district. An application packet is available from the Office o f Board Services in the Blanchard Education Service C enter o f the Portland Schools (501 N. Dixon). O r online at: http:// w w w .pps.kl2.or.us/district/depts board schboard shtro I #zone4apps A candidate must: (a) be 18 years o f age or older and registered to vote, (b) have resided w ithin the Portland Public School District for at least one year im m ediately preceding the appointment, (c) reside in Zone #4 (N orth and N ortheast Portland - call for specific boundaries). Timeline: A pplications are due in the O ffice o f Board Services by 5:00 PM, O ctober 18,1999. A w ritten candidate statem ent is due in the O ffice o f Board Services by 5:00PM , O cto b e r2 5 ,1999. A com m ittee o f the Board will conduct prescreening. Candidates appear before the Board o f Education for interview s on N ovem ber 8,1999 at 6 :30 PM The board is scheduled to discuss the candidate interview s and m ake a decision on N ovem ber 1 5 ,1999at5:00PM . For more inform ation contact the Office o f Board Services, 501 N. Dixon, Portland, Oregon 97227 or call (503-916-3741). ****Breast Implant**** Fully Accredited Surgical Facilities Lipo Suction, Face Lifts, Nose, Tummy Tucks. No Money Down, No Credit Needed, Easy Monthly Payments! Call Now, Limited Appointments Available 1212-714-7745 Oregon Legislature MEDIA TECHNICAL COORDINATOR $2,280 - $3,215 • Technical support ofM ediaoperations in the Capitol including sound reinforcement, video andcabletelevision systems. • Design, test and install systems • Analyze and evaluate technical performance • Maintain and repair equipment • W orks independently and with Media team • Project experience preferred A “ C Sportswear olum Company® bia Planning/Forecasting Planner/Buyer W ork fo roneT ough M other! For application information contact: Karen Hupp 140-B State Capitol, Salem OR 97310 (503)986-1373 http://www.leg.state.or.us C olum bia Sportswear, a global leader in the design and m anufacture o f outerw ear and sportsw ear, is seeking a Planner/Buyer to jo in our Planning and Forecasting team. In this position, you will be responsible for the issuing and sizing o f production orders, m aintaining up-to-date inform ation on current style/ color available start dates and delivery status. Position includes working with custom er service to m onitor and expedite production o f C olum bia Sportswear goods. Potential Colum bia team m em ber will possess a Bachelors D egree in Business, Econom ics or O perations M anagement, and one to three years experience in operations management, planning or distribution OR equivalent work experience. Please send resume to: Colum bia Sportswear Company, H um an Resources, Dept. Plan/buy, PO Box 83239, PortlandOR 97283, or Fax to: (503) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. Deadline: N ovem ber 5 ,1 9 9 9 Cook Rideshare/Commuter information is available Applications are also available at: Portland Observer Newspaper 4747 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Portland, OR Full-tim e cook needed, preferably with som e experience supervising young adults. Requires minimum high-school diplom a or equivalent, food service training, and a valid food h a n d le r ’s p e rm it an d o ne y ear relevant experience. Minimum 40 hour w eek w ith benefits. Send a letter o f interest listing qualifications, or pick up an application in person by Friday, O ctober29,1999 Interim Executive Director Urban League Of Portland Applicant must possess the following: Senior management experience in administration, fiscal management, strategic planning, marketing and promotion. Ability to work effectively within the public and private sectors. Community mobilization and prior experience in nonprofit m anagement is preferred. B. A. required. M.A. preferred. Salary commensurate with experience. Submit resum e to The Urban League O f Portland, 10 North Russell Street, Portland, OR 97227. Equal Opportunity Employer. Closes 10/25/99. H um an Resources 31224 E. H istoric Colum bia R iver H wy T routdale, O regon 97060 As an affirm ative action employer, we are seeking qualified minority, fe m a le , v e te r a n a n d d isa b le d applicants; how ever, all qualified applicants w ill be considered. Hiring Journey-Level Automotive Mechanic $15.46/hr! UPS is seeking a Journey-Level Automotive Mechanic fo r the Portland Metro Area. UPS offers a top union wage, an excellent benefits package & a FT perm, union position. Experience needed: > Welding. > Diagnostic & troubleshooting skills. > Diesel, gas & trailer repair. > Air brakes & electronic fuel injection. > 3+ years verifiable experience. Building Homes! Building Lives! Portland H abitat For H um anity seeks Construction Site Supervisor responsible for on site construction/ renovation o f H abitat homes. M U ST b eliev e in m issio n , be p o sitiv e, outgoing, flexible and able to work with volunteers o f all skill levels. Salary $24-27K7year. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Fax resumeto 503-284-5469 by 10/25/ 99. Fïs/7 Us On The Web! @ http://w w w .portlandobserver.net or e-mail us a t PDXO3SERV.com W ashington County Engineering Aide $2,163-52,611/mo C loses O ctober 29,1999 E ngineering A ssociate $3.730-$4,536/mo C loses O ctober 29,1999 Call (503) 846-8606./TTY (503)846-4898 for information. County application and supplem ental application forms required. W omen, m inorities, and people w ith disabilities are encouraged to apply. A pply To: W ashington C ounty H um an Resources Division 155 N. First A venue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 9 7 124 For Sale For Sale: 16 foot fu lly c o n ta in e d m o b ile restaurant fully equipped; m eets all health regulations. It has four sinks, running hot and cold w ater, one regulation clean w ater tank, one regulation w aste w ater tank, 3 eye propane cooking stove and baking oven, refrigerator, serving counter, and a large service window. Asking Price $8,500.00 W ill entertain any reasonable offer: Call Ahmad 503/282-0537 V e n d in g locations. b u s in e s s , OSEO Employment Center 10 North Webster Portland, OR 97217 Reference job order # 2 8 7 4 9 5 8 1 100 N et $4000 per month. Cost $9995. w w w.vendingroutes.com 1-800-963-6123. Open House Sat. 10/23 12-3pm Laboratory Medical Technologist For The A m erican Red Cross The recognized leader... Always there. Trusted and compassionate... Touching more lives... With tomorrows innovation. The Portland N ational Testing Laboratory has an opening for a m ed tech (on night shift) to perform autom ated & manual blood bank serology + virology tests. M T (ASCP) or equivalent, 1 year o f laboratory experience preferred. Training provided. We offer com petitive w ages and benefits. Send resum e with cover letter to: Am erican Red Cross, National Testing Laboratory, Human Resources, 12124NE Ainsworth Circ le, Portland 97220; Fax 503-261-7489. E iju a l O £ £ o r tu n it^ E n i£ lo ^ e r M /F /D /V 1305 NE H olm an T astefu lly u p d ated o ld P D X on oversized com er lot w /fenced yd. Large Open floor plan w /4bdm s & 2 bths. N ew er applncs & furnace. New A /C . S ec. syst., 2 car gar w/opener. A m ust see! $168,900 D ee W ise, Equity G roup Realtors, 503-706-9473 $ 1 7 9 ,0 0 0 Exciting Portland In A Few Minutes! W ith 3, maybe 4 bedroom s, th is unique home in Burlingam e gives you lo ts o f room fo r the $. Vaulted ceiling in LR, HW firs , 2 FP's cozy bekyd D o n 't m iss out - look today! JoAn M eloy 5 0 3 -6 9 9 -3 9 7 8 . CARPET AND VINYL INSTALLERSNEEDED U nlim ited w ork if w illing to travel. M ust have truck, tools and experience. 775-358-8080 Auto Sell 1 9 8 0 Beaver 2 4 ’ RV motor home. Only 1 3 ,000 miles on new 4 4 0 GMC motor. New tires, refrig & 1 1 ,0 0 0 miles on transm ission. Excellent condition. $8 ,0 0 0 . Call pager #5056960.1 Postal Job« to S 1 8 .3 5 /H R Inc. Benefits, No Experience. For APP. And Exam info. Call 1 8 0 0 81 3-35 85 , Ext 6604, 8 am - 7 p m , 7 Days fds.inc E xcellen t benefits. F lexible schedules. M erch a n d ise discounts. Our people are smiling for a reason. W hen you look at everything we have to offer, it’s easy to see why. At Sears you can build your career, live your life and take your talent to all new levels. T hat should put a smile on almost anyone’s face. COMMISSION SALES ASSOCIATES Earn up to $21.00 per hour • Appliances • Cosmetics • Electronics • Fine Jewelry • Hardware • Lawn and Garden • Paint • Shoes • Sporting Goods ASSET PROTECTION MEN’S CHILDREN’S RECEIVING HOME FASHIONS STOCKING INTIMATE APPAREL WOMEN'S JUNIORS' PLEASE CALL OUR JOBLINE AT 1-800-888-5011 x782-73277 Lloyd Center life JOB A# Equ»l Owortunttv Emploie Employment insurance: paid vacation; sick and personal leaves; 10 paid holidays: and full employer- paid retirement contribution Announcement »0C D T94G 8 Contact ODOT Recruitment at / n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide, com petitive salaries and great benefits Currently, openings exist In the following agencies: (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for th e hearing Im paired), or v is it www.oregonlobs.org for announcement and application. ODOT Is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is November 1 ,1 9 9 9 . OF in A OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Center for Child and Family Health WIC Administrative Support Specialist Administrative Specialist Passionate... knowledgeable... dynamic... Innovative • these words describe ODOT's next Affirmative Action Officer! If these words also describe you, then come join our professional team focused on civil rights programs in Salem. Administer and provide leadership for ODOT's internal civil rights programs, including Affirmative Action, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), etc. Investigate discrimination complaints. Promote diversity. Requires two years of program/project monitoring, coordination and evaluation experience. Salary $2,956 - $4,139/m onth + excellent benefits: health insurance: paid vacation: sick and personal leaves; 10 paid holidays: and full employerpaid retirement contribution Announcement # OCDT95OO. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (5 03 ) 986-3854 for the hearing Impaired), or visit www.oregonfoba.org for application materials. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is October 2 8 ,1 9 9 9 . Engineering Specialist 2 Junior Inspector Are you a project inspector looking for a new place to exercise your skills? If so. we need you In our Project Manager's Office in Troutdale. You will assist in performing field inspection to ensure daily compliance on transportation construction projects and will provide documentation to support payment and project acceptance. May assist in design and field surveying as needed. Requires an Associate's degree in Engineering Technology + two years of related experience, or 3 1 /2 years of sub- professional engineering expenence. Salary $2.156 $3,088/m onth + excellent benefits: health insurance: paid vacation and sick leaves: 9 paid holidays: and full employer-paid retirement contribution. Announcement 4OCDT9362A. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (803) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing Impaired), or visit www.oregonlobs.org for announcement and application. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is November 5 ,1 9 9 9 . Office Specialist 2 District Office Specialist % A. z Affirmative Action Officer Program Technician 2 Topnotch clerical, computer, public relations and team skills are needed in our District 2B Maintenance Office in Portland. Ybu will provide office organization, clerical and support services to the District Manager. District Office Manager, and field crews. Includes data entry, personnel, customer service, reception and administrative duties Requires two years of general office or clerical experience, which included word processing, typing or other generation of documents, or an equivalent combination of education and experience Typing over 40 wpm, Windows and public contact experience preferred Salary $1.696 $2,338/m onth ♦ excellent benefits: health To apply, contact: f Page B8 A: ° •« ' : 0 * ■ - •- '8 5 ? The Oregon Health Division, WIC program is a nationally recognized public health nutrition education provider for at nsk Women. Infants and Children designed to improve health and influence lifetime nutrition behaviors. We have an immediate opening for an Administrative Support Assistant. The ideal candidate will have two years of clerical/secretarial experience and will be proficient with computer software including: WordPerfect 6.1, PageMaker. PowerPoint and Corel DRAW. We offer a monthly salary of $1,844 to $2,566 and an excellent benefits package Including the PERS retirement plan Job Announcement SLE990627A. For more Information, call (503) 731-3443. Closing date is October 25. 1999. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Correction Production Coordinator 3 Furniture Manufacturing Coordinator This position is located in the Furniture Division of Inmate Work Programs in Salem and directs and coordinates inmate workers in all phases of a large furniture manufacturing operation. Requires two years’ experience in furniture manufacturing, one year of which involved lead work Salary is $2,471 to $3.246 a month, plus excellent benefits. Job Announcement «L E 98033 7B and State ol Oregon application may be obtained through any Oregon Employment Department or call (8 7 7 ) 8 8 6 5 2 3 4 (Toll Free) or vl«lt our web site at h ttp ://w w w .d o c .tta te .o ru s . Closing date is November 2. 1999. Correction Industrial Sales Representative This position is located in Inmate Work Programs (IWP) in Salem and sells the products and services of the department's IWP by making personal visits and telephone calls to potential, current, and past customers. Requires three years' experience as a Sales Representative. Marketing Representative or Sales Manager. A Bachelor's degree in Business or Marketing may Oe substituted tor two years experience Salary is $2.431 to $3.1 95 a month, plus excellent benefits Job Announcem ent JH .E991053 and S tate of Oregon application may bo obtained through any Oregon Employment Departm ent or call 8 7 7 6 8 6 5 2 3 4 (Toll Free) or log onto our web «Ito at h ttp ://w w w .d o c .a ta ta .o r.u a . Closing date is * * Zr November 2 ,1 9 9 9 . 3 / hose are just some of the current openings available w ith the S tate of Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the S tate of Oregon Application Form and a more com plete announcement listing, call the State Job line (Oregonian Inside Line) (SOS) 2 2 6 S 5 5 5 axt. 7 7 7 7 , TTY ( 5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -4 6 7 2 , visit your local employment departm ent or visit our web site at www.orsgonloba.org. The S tate of Oregon and all Its divisions ora proud fo be equal opportunity employers. Z