■MMM October 20,1999 Page B7 ffiprUanfr (lìhseruer Admissions Counselor Permanent 12 m onth. A dm issions C ounselor position. W ill m arket W SU V ancouver to prospective undergraduate transfer and graduate students including production o f recruitm ent publications. Start Date: ASAP after D ecem ber 15,1999 Salary Range: $27,000-30,000 Minimum Qualifications; BS/B A from accredited institution Publications exp. Excellent V erbal and W ritten Com m unication Skills C om puter skills including D esktop Publishing Public R elations and/or m arketing Experience Preferred Qualifications: A dvertising exp. A dvanced C om puter Skills (including w eb production/m aintenance) Higher Education E xperience (A dm issions, A dvising and/or Student Services) E xperience w ith D iverse Populations A pplications m ust be received by N ovem ber 12,1999. Subm it current resum e, letter o f application and three current letters o f recommendation. A pplication m aterials m ay be subm itted electronically to adsearchfoivancouver.w su.edu or m ailed to: Jean Lang, C hair A dm issions C ounselor Search Com m ittee W ashington State U niversity Vancouver. 14204 NE Salmon Creek Ave. V ancouver, W A 98686-9600 W SU is an EEO/AA em ployer. A d v e rtis e m e n t F o r Bids Columbia Villa ADA Improvements Job NO. CV -01-02-99 9423/9425 N. Woolsey Court and 9350/9352 N. Woolsey Avenue Portland, OR 97203 Sealed bids will be received at the H ousing A uthority o f Portland (HA P), 8910 N. Woolsey Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97203, until 2:00p.m ., Thursday, November 18,1999 for laborand materials tom akeA m encan with Disabilities Act Im provem ents to residential units at C olum bia Villa. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. No bidder may withdraw their bid after the hour set for opening until after the lapse o f sixty (60) days from the bid opening. The basic w ork consists o f site work, concrete, m etal railings, carpentry, gypsum board, bathroom and kitchen rem odel, vinyl flooring, ceram ic tile work, cabinetry, electrical, m echanical plum bing work. Bid D ocum ents are available at the HAP O ffice noted above. A $50 (fifty) deposit for one set and $20 (tw enty) for each additional set is refundable when docum ents are returned w ithin 10 days after bid opening. Attendance o f bidders is m andatory at a pre-bid tour o f the project com m encing at the HSP M aintenance O ffice, address above, at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, N ovem ber 2,1999. Q uestions posed during the tour, not addressed in the docum ents, will be answ ered by addendum . The H ousing A uthority o f Portland may reject any bid not in com pliance with the prescribed bidding procedures and requirem ents and m ay reject any or all bids and w aive all inform alities if, in the judgm ent o fH A P , it is in the public interest to do so. Q uestions regarding this project ___ should be directed to H. D avid W alter at 735-4210. s ' H ousing A uthority O f Portland R | A ssistant D irector, H ousing O perations N eil K elly C om pany, a Portland residential rem odeling contractor and cabinet m anufacturer, is seeking a Cabinet M aker/Lead Person with solid cab in et m a k in g an d su p e rv iso ry experience. T he position requires an understanding o f 32 mm. Cabinet s y s te m s . M u s t h a v e s tr o n g interpersonal an d co m m u n icatio n skills. M ust b e able to w ork w ith a team . O n e o f O re g o n B u sin e ss M agazine’s 100 B est C om panies to W ork For. Send resum e and cover le tte r to D ia n e S ta r k , H u m a n R e s o u rc e s D e p t., N e il K e lly Com pany, 804 N orth A lberta St., Portland, O R 97217. M ay respond to: ---------------------------------- --------------- - ------- ------------------------------------- -- / • -------------- Request for Proposals O regon State U niversity (O SU ) is preparing to construct approxim ately 10-12 apartm ents to provide student fam ily housing. The project will be located on the southeast com er o f Jackson Street and 35,h Street, Corvallis, O regon, adjacent to the O regon State U niversity cam pus. The w ood frame structures will have a 2-story configuration. The low er floors will house at least 6 units o f A D A -accessible apartm ents. Specifications for site clearing and grubbing will be required. Site im provem ents associated with the project include, but are not lim ited to, an A D A playground, expansion o f the Com m unity C enter w ith the addition o f an office and storage spaces, and ADA upgrade to the entryw ays o f the existing O rchard C ourt Com plex, and central m ailboxes for the entire O rchard C ourt com plex. T he building type will be classified R -3 ,1 -h r.p e rth e U B C 1997 edition. This R equest for Proposal is the first step in a tw o-step process to obtain a design consultant to accom plish the design o f this project. The first step will result in developm ent o f a short-list o f consultants, who will be invited to interview as the second step. T he result o f those interview s will be the selection o f a firm to accom plish the design. O SU is seeking a professional design team headed by an A rchitectural firm experienced in H igher E ducation work. The team should include m em bers experienced in residential collegiate design, w orking with other qualified consultants to com plete the goals o f this project. Prim ary A rchitectural Firm s interested in assem bling a design team should respond in w riting before close o f business, Friday, N ovem ber 3, 1999. M ail your request for inform ation to Jerry W atson, U niversity A rchitect Em eritus, O regon State U niversity, 100 A dam s Hall, C orvallis, Oregon, 97331 -2001. Fax requests will be accepted at (541) 737-3724. * * M s B ’s P o t t i n g P la n t s • Our service provides plants, pottery, soil, fertilizer, plant string, plant sticks X • We take your overgrown plant out of its old soil, clip, snip, or trim the leaves 5 • Repot the plant into a small, medium, or large, X large pottery and water to set the plant into place A • We re-visit in thirty days to see how the plants are surviving * $ 2 0 /h o u r • E v e n in g a n d w e e k e n d a p p o in tm e n ts w e lc o m e d * A A A A * A A A s * * % * 5 A A * * e 4 e 4 9 4 4 »4 A A A A A R e fe re n c e s if n e e d e d J u s t o n e call d o es it all P ro v id in g r e g io n a l s e r v ic e s * Creating livable com m unities E vent Services S e c re ta ry (Oregon Convention Center) - $ 11.93 - $ 15.25, FT, Deadline 10/25/99. Perform s a wide variety o f responsible secretanal and clerical duties. R e q u ired a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls a v a ila b le a t: M e tro H u m a n Resources, 600 N E G rand A venue, Portland, OR 97232. Resum es are not accepted. Please call (503) 797-1570 if you would like application m aterials m a ile d to y o u . W eb a d d re s s : www.metro-region.org AA/EEO Employer Temporary/Substitute On Call Positions SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Beltline Highway Lane County W est 1 r b Ave. - N .C .L. (Eugene) Stage 2 Section C lassofProject: A CNH-S069(6) G rading, Structures, Paving, Signing, Illum ination, Signals and R oadside D evelopm ent Bid D ate: O c to b e r 28,1999 - 9:00 a.m . K iew it Pacific Co. P.O.Box 1769 V ancouver, W A 98668 (360)693-5582 W e are an E qual ( fp p o rtu n lty E m ployer and req u est sub-bids from all su b c o n tra c to rs an d suppliers including M inority and W om en-O w ned B usinesses, D isad v an tag ed , D isabled V ete ran s, an d E m e rg in g S m a ll B usiness E n te rp rise s. Do you enjoy talking with people? Would you enjoy educating pet owners about pet products? National Co. seeks outgoing positive people to demonstrate our produces in pet stores. Start at $10 an hour, make up to $12/hr. Work as little as 4 hours or as much as 19 hours a week. . Flexible schedule including weekends. Training is provided. For more information please call toll «»»***(800) 289-4738 #260******* S u b stitu te s U rg e n tly N e e d e d to establish substitute pools for 1999- 2000 school year for the follow ing programs: S u b s titu te D ay C a r e P r o v id e r H elensview H igh School 4- 8 H our D ays O n A A s N eeded Basis Salary: $7.54/hour S u b stitu te C la ssro o m A ssistan ts 5- 7 H our D ays O n A A s N eeded Basis Salary: $9.43/hour S u b stitu te School H ealth A ssistants 4- H ours D ays O n A A s N eeded Basis Salary: $9.43/hour S e n d s e lf - a d d r e s s e d s ta m p e d envelope ($.64) for fingerprint packet and application materials - or com e to 11611N E A insw orth Circle Portland O regon to p ick up packet. An E qual O pportunity E m ployer & D rug F ree W ork Place Job Fair! Seasonal Sales & Sales Support. Full an d part-tim e • Generous merchandise discounts up to 25% • Great starting salaries • Flexible schedules • On the spot interviewing and hiring for all PDX locations O ctober 26th, D ow ntow n Store, 10,h Floor, 11 am - 7 pm Smart Park Validated/Return BusTickets Offered. EOE Census Jobs H iring from the com m unity is im portant for creating a culturally div erse w o rk force. T h e C en su s Bureau is actively seeking bilingual recruits to sta ff facilities and conduct the census. Full tim e and part-tim e positions are available. Field positions starting pay rate: $ 1 0 .5 0 /h r plus mileage. O ffice positions startingpay $8.5O/hr. C all (503) 808-4160 for information. C heck o u t th e C e n su s B u re a u ’s hom epage at: h ttp ://w w w .cen su s.g o v. Creating livable com m unities E vent C u s to d ia n (Portland Expo Center) $9.35 - 10.25/hour, 6 part- time positions, D eadline 10/25/99. Performs pre-event, during and post­ event m aintenance. A ssures that rest rooms, lobbies, open floor spaces andotherpublic/non-public areas are c le a n , o r d e r ly , a n d p ro p e r ly AA/EEO Employer W arner Pacific College lets you becom e part o f W P C ’s exciting new growth. The Development Director will: lead in developing new revenues for the C ollege; Initiate and m aintain p o s itiv e re la tio n s w ith d o n o rs, p o te n tia l d o n o rs, g ra n to rs, and alum ni; develop and im plem ent fund raising plans and strategies; and prepare prom otional material. R e q u ire s: e x c e lle n t le a d e rsh ip , m anagem ent, com m unications, and m arketing skills; B achelor’s degree; 3 years experience in advancem ent; and supervisory experience.. W arner Pacific C ollege is a fully ac cred ited , C h ristian lib eral arts college w ith a rich 60-year history, serving over 700 students. Review o f applications underw ay, continuing until position filled. S en d c o v e r le tte r, resu m e , and personal statem ent o f faith to: Human Resources D irector, W arner Pacific College, 2219 SE 68th Ave. Portland, 97215;fax:517-1350. e-mail hrdonm atiaw anierpacific.edu An E qual O pportunity Em ployer. W ildlife Jobe to $21.60/H R Inc. Benefits. Game Wardens, Security, Maintenance, Park Rangers. No Exp Needed. For APP. And Exam Info Call 1 8 0 0 8 1 3-3585,EXT 6605 8 am - 7 pm , 7 Days fds inc Filis Is Where It Gets Good G.I. Joe’s is seeking positive, knowledgeable and enthusiastic persons who specialize in customer service to join our sales team •FT/PT Sales In Most Depts: •Athletics, Apparel, Hunting/ Assistant Managing Chef...Busy SE Alaska Hotel Restaurant Must have excellent w ork references. High energy, great attitude and the ability to direct and w ork w ell with others. This is a year round full tim e salaried position in the $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 range, includes insurance, vacation, sick le a v e , 4 0 IK p la n , e d u c a tio n reim bursem ent and transportation. G ood opportunity for advancem ent. Submit resum e and application to PO Box 6814 Ketchikan, AK 99901 or fax to(907)225-6900. Secretary/Support Development Director Meier & Frank maintained. R e q u ire d a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls a v a ila b le a t: M e tro H u m a n Resources, 600 N E G rand A venue, Portland, OR 97232. Resum es are not accepted. Please call (503) 797-1570 if you would like application m aterials m a ile d to y o u . W e b a d d r e s s : w w w .metro-region.org Tw o full-tim e secretarial .support positions providing assistance for Directors. M ust have experience with m ulti-line system s, requires strong com puter skills, and m ust be highly skilled in organizing and m aintaining filling systems. R equires high school diplom a or equivalent and one-year related secretary/support experience including w ord processing and/or data entry experience, type at 60 words per m inute and prefer dictation at 80 w ords per m inute. O ne position is located at 2508 N E Everett in Portland I f interested and qualified, subm it a cover letter o f interest and resum e to: Human Resources 31224 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy. Troutdale, OR 97060 RESPONSES MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN MONDAY, OCT. 25, 1999 A s an affirm ative action em ployer, w e are seeking qualified m inority, fe m a le , v e te r a n a n d d is a b le d applicants; how ever, all qualified applicants w ill be considered. V Great jobs, for goodness sake! P ro v id in g r e g io n a l s e r v ic e s * •Fishing & Auto Parts •FT/PT Cashiers •FT Day Merch./Receiving Crew Application accepted: AT ALL GI Joe’s Stores G.I. Joe’soffers: competitive wage ¿¿benefit package; store bonus program; HM O health/dental/Rx plan; 401 (k) plans, group insurance and more. W e are a drug-free, smoke-free and an equal opportunity employer. For a complete listing ofavailablejob opportunity visit ourwebsiteatwww.gijoes.com Portland Development Commission Shared Appreciation Mortgage (SAM) Request For Proposals RFP 99-34 PDC is seeking proposals for the sale o f new ly developed hom eow nership units to first-tim e hom ebuyers w ith incomes below 80% o f m edian family income and utilizing a shared appreciation second mortgage. Approximately $250,000 is a available to be loaned directly to the purchaser o f properties selected through this RFP. Proposals are due by 4:00 p.m. on N ovem ber 8, 1999 at the Portland D evelopm ent Com m ission offices located at 1900 SW 4 'h A venue, Suite 7000, Portland, OR 97201. For inform ation please contact Shelly Bird at 823-3269 Request For Bids Metro Regional Parks And Greenspaces RFB# 99B-39-PKS Pre-Manufactured VaultToilet Buildings The M etro Regional Parks and G reenspaces Departm ent, a service o f M etro, the regional governm ent providing services in M ultnom ah, C lackam as and W ashington C ounties is requesting bids for tw o m anufactured precast concrete double vault toilet buildings. B uildings are to be delivered and installed at O xbow Regional Park located at 3010 O xbow Parkway, Gresham, O R., 97080. Bids are due no later than 3:00 p.m ., Thursday, O ctober 26, 1999 at the reception desk o f M etro Regional Parks and G reenspaces offices, Attn. Dan Kromer, 600NE Grand Avenue, Portland, O regon97232. Bids received after this tim e w ill not be considered. C opies o f the RFB m ay be obtained by contacting D an Krom er, Regional Parks and G reenspaces at the address listed above or by calling (503) 797-1844. This is apublic w orks project. All bidders must certify that they will comply w ith the requirem ents o fO R S 279.350, requiring paym ent o f prevailing w age rates effective at the tim e o f this advertisem ent and paym ent fee as required by BOLI. Contractors m ust be registered w ith the O regon C onstruction B oard pursuant to ORS 671.350. Bids m ust conform to the RFB form at and be com plete including the use o f any forms. M etro may accept or reject any or all proposals, in w hole or in part, or w aive irregularities not affecting substantial rights if such action Cars From $500! is deem ed in the public interest. M etro and its contractors will not discrim inate against any person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or marital status. M etro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically encourages m inority and w om en-ow ned businesses to access and participate in this Police Impounds & tax repo's For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. A603. Sub-bids requested for and all M etro projects, program s and services. lead Building Renovation (5 0 3 ) 7 3 5 ‘9 9 7 0 GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE TOO! P et L overs! M e tro p o s itio n at O R E G O N S T A T E U N IV E R S I T Y ORCHARD COURT FAMILY HOUSING EXPANSION M e tro Cabinet Maker/Lead Person Wanted Teacher Portland, Oregon Bid Date: October 26, 1999 4:00 p.m. P.O. Box 66100 Portland, Oregon 97290-6100 (503) 777-5531 Fax (503) 771-2933-C C B #10723 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from minority, women, disadvantaged or emerging small business enterprises. Visit Us On The Web! @ h ttp ://w w w .portlsndobserver.net o r e-m sil us s t PDXOBSBRV.com Y Volunteers of America of Oregon. Inc Part time Assistant Teacher Infant & toddler classroom work­ ing with children in parent- child interactive groups. Re­ sponsible for set-up of class­ room & assisting teacher with children. HS diploma/GED re­ quired. bi-lingual preferred. $6.00/hour. Reply to Volun­ teers of America of Oregon (CB) 537 SE Alder, Portland, OR 97214. Equal opportunity employer. I D irect Care W orkers who w a n t to learn and move up in our company. Work with MR/DD clients and make a difference, pay starting $7.25- $8.10. No experience necessary, paid training. In s u ra n c e /s ic k / vacation after 90 days. Call (503) 669-6622, , Social Services Caring Community Coordinator We are seeking job applicants for a PT coordinator position working with th e F ra n klin HS C o m m u n ity. Applications available at Portland Impact, 4707 SE Hawthorne Blvd. Open until filled. 1