October 20, 1999 Page B6 (Tljv ¡Portiani» ©harrncr "’ “I F T H om eless F a m ily P ro g ra m Æ ___ Michael’s Stores S O C IA L S E R V IC E S , C O M M U N IT Y D E T E N T IO N p a r t- t im e Fixture Liquidation G ondola, C ounters, Cash Registers, S to ra g e S he lving, G lass D isplay u n its, Floral D isplay U nits, Mise. Ite m s, C om plete Frame Shop Equip. F ie ld m o n ito r fo r a t-ris k yo u th d ive rte d fro m secure d e te n tio n to c o m m u n ity sup ervision . R esponsi­ v is its w ith y o u th at ho m e, school, lo t a tte n d a n t w it h P o rtla n d ’ s le ad ing p a rk in g C o m ­ com p le te agency a p p lica tio n . A p p ly at ance and a p o s itiv e a ttitud e. $7.50 H r. sta rtin g w age A d v a n c e m e n t p o te n tia l w o rk . Ensure y o u th c o m p ly w ith Accounting c o u rt ordered release plan. R eport a c tiv itie s . E xp e rie n ce w ith e th n i­ c a lly diverse p o p u la tio n s, g o od o ra l/ w ritte n c o m m u n ic a tio n and c o m ­ pu ter s k ills . E du ca tio n B A / A A + yr. O r H S /G E D + 4 yr». R e leva nt expe­ rience. S pecial req uire m en ts: R e li­ able in s u re d v e h ic le , flu e n c y in S pa nish/A sia n d ia le c t a plus. H o u rly rate, be n e fits p lus $ .3 0 /m ile re im ­ bursem ent. 40 hr. p e r w eek. M u s t pass c rim in a l h is to ry check before jo b o ffe r. Resum e/agency a p p lic a ­ tio n to D a v id C o lle y , V o lu n te e rs o f A m e ric a o f O rego n, Inc. 537 SE A ld e r, P ortla nd , O R 97214. Posi­ tio n closes O cto b e r 22, 1999. v/ Management Opportunities Full tim e positions available in the V ancouver/Portland restaurants. Ex­ cellen t benefits. Send resum e to: Denny’s 4 1 0 2 NE 119'" St. Vancouver, WA 9 6 6 8 6 D enny's is com m itted to providing em ploym ent op po rtu nitie s to all re­ I m p a c t, 4707 SE P o sitio n open u n til fille d . EO E T he C ale T akes A F ew M inutes . T he E xperience L asts A L ifetime . 40 I K available A pp licants m ust have v a lid d riv ­ ers license, s u b m it to d ru g test and b a ckg ro u n d check. A p p ly in p e r ­ son b e tw e e n 12:00 a n d 1:00 P M d a ily a t C it y C e n te r P a r k in g at (503) 335-4738 or 1-800-232-3421 215 S W 6 ,b. Find out how you can receive extra money to pursue further education, as you develop new s k ills and receive quality benefits through the Montgom ery G1 B ill, in the A ir Force Reserve. A lo n g w ith a m onth­ ly salary, you can receive checks for educational expenses totaling more than $9,0(X). A nd the experience yo u ’ ll gain w ill be priceless. C all the A ir Force Reserve today. And let freedom ring. Medical Billing Im m ediate openings FT/PT. No Experience needed Will tra in , Data entry fo r doctors PC required. Up to 50 K per year (8 8 8 ) 5 8 7 -2 6 2 4 ext 6 3 0 Restaurant Denny’s P o r tla n d H a w th o rn e B lv d . M e d ic a l, D e n ta l and N eil K e lly C om pany, a P o rtla n d residential rem odel ing contractor and cabinet m anufacturer, is seeking an Accounting Clerk w ith 2+ years solid general accounting experience. The position requires an understanding of acco un ting theory, p rin cip le s and practices and strong analytical skills. M ust have skill in typing; fa s t and a ccu ra te 10 -key and d a ta entry; knowledge o f Excel and Lotus, and interpersonal com m unication skills. One o f Oregon B usiness M agazine's 1 0 0 Best Com panies to Work For. Send resume and cover letter including salary requirem ents to Diane Stark, Human Resources Dept., Neil Kelly Company, 8 0 4 North Alberta St., Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 7 . May respond to: dstark@ neilkelly.com . Check-Mart A i r F o r c e AGENTS FOR WESTERN UNION R ese r v e www.ofreserve.com • Check Cashing . Western Union Agent • Money Order Sales . Utility Payments • Payday Loans V e n d in g business, 50 locations. N e t $800 - $1200 eve ry m onth. 1 -8 0 0 -9 6 3 -6 1 2 3 . K alla D u rh a m Nu-Concepts, Inc. H A IR conr Looking for initiative, organization, problem solving, demonstrated ability in program management and supervision. Bach degree orequiv. Exper. In planning & Implementation toadiverse population. Res. Camp exp./ACA knowledge pref. C o m p e titiv e s a la ry , b e n e fits & o p p o rtu n itie s . Equal O p p o rtu n ity Employer committed to diversity. Send resume to: Personnel Dept., P.0. Box 24 27 , Lake Oswego, OR 9 7 0 3 5 prepare th e case. At all te rm in a tio n proceedings, th e Court shall consider the w ishes of the child and shall act in th e best in te re st o f the child. Any order o f th e Court perm anently te rm in a tin g parental rights u n d e rth is sectio n shall be conclusive and binding upon the m inor person, upon the parent or parents, and upon all o th e r persons who have been served with cita tio n by publication o r otherw ise. A fter m aking such an order, the Court shall have no power to s e t aside, change, or m odify it, but th is shall not be con stru ed to lim it the rights to appeal th e order. Ifth e Court, by order orju d g m e n t, declares the child free from th e custody and con tro l o f both parents, or one parent if the other no longer has custody and c ontrol, th e Court s h a ll, at th e sam e tim e, order the child referred to the licensed County adoption agency fo r adoptive placem ent by th a t agency. The rig hts and procedures described above are set forth in detail in the C alifornia W elfare and In stitu tio n s Code Section 3 6 6 .2 6 . You are referred to th a t sectio n fo r fu rth e r particulars. Sheila Gonzalez • Executive Office and Clerk County of Ventura • State of California Dated: 8 / 3 1 / 9 9 4 6 0 3 N W illia m s A ve 5 0 3 -2 8 8 - 3 1 7 1 nu-concepts/S up2me.com 1 -8 8 8 -2 8 7 ■ 2 2 5 7 O rego n (503) 288-7716 W ashington (360) 885-2001 Fax (360) 892-0761 S erving B reakfast , L unch & D inner E-m ail: alracks@ lele po rt.com S p e c ia liz in g in B a r b e q u e R ib s & B e e f OAM E C a s c a d e Plaza • Room 107A 4134 North V ancouver A venue • Portland. OR 97217 A f f o r d a b le E f f ic ie n t S e c u r it y J u s t F o r You! Licensed • Bonded • Insured T ues - T hurs • 10 am - 6 pm 3217 MONEY 1 Fuel Oil Furnace Repair President Financial Fri - Sat ■ 10 am - 7 pm N Williams Ave ■ Portland, OR 97212 503-281 -8696 NATE H A R T L E Y ST HARTLEY OIL INC. A Mortgage Division 3% Down Buys Your First Home "WE Or R e fin a n ce a n d Lower Your M o n th ly Paym ents Raymond E. Love Fax 503-643-6671 McMurphy's Appliance Center * If subsidized units are not available at this tim e, qualified applicants may be placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to “ EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY." Western Rooms ¿X 17 SW Second Portland, Oregon 97204 (503) 224-1310 V CARE” 506 N E A lb e rta Street T elephone Dispatched P ortland, O regon 97211 (5 0 3 )3 3 1 -3 4 4 2 SAVE BIG ON CARPET & FLOOR COVERING Portlands Costless Carpet 4818 N. Interstate Ave. Portland, OR 97217 503-287-6225 Commercial $Q22 YD Carpet 12X13 Rem $69Q Ö Laminate Flooring $ -|S 2 I Vinyl “Human T lair 'Braiding 'Hair CANNON'S HIB E X P R E S S = 99e Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs C a te rin g & T a k e -O u t Our Specialty: Real Hickory Smoked Bar-B-Q 288-3836 3328 N.E. KILUNGSWORTH fo r 'W e a v in g aaa>A*TRACKS Aam Ltd Energy • JLE Oregon / Washington • C C B #115473 • ALARMT“016J3 SUBSIDIZED UNITS MAY BE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. 7433 North Lombard Portland Sales and Service TYPEWRITERS: Selectrics Wheelwriters All makes-Electronics OFFICE CHAIRS Ribbons & Diasywheels Sold and repaired (new casters) C O N N E C T IO N P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97217 ra c k s By Sharon Rosenthal, CSSWIII Children and Family Services Social W orker 4> Ace TYPEWRITER COMPANY * F u ll Service Salon 503.282.3798 Fax: 503.282.3225 * At the hearing, the Court m ust choose and im plem ent one of the follow ing pe rm anent plans for th e child: adoption, guardianship, or long term foster care. Parental rights may be te rm in ated a t th is hearing. On, the Human Services Agency will recommend termination of parental rights. You are e n title d to be present at the hearing w ith your attorney. If you can no t afford an attorney, you are e n title d to have th e Court appoint counsel fo r you. A thirty-day continuance may be granted if necessary for counsel to w /R e sid e n t Cam p R esponsibilities Na’im’s Indipendent T echnology C onsultant 503-643-8002 You Are Further Advised as follows: ervice D ireciory u s in e s s Alarm A Security Installation / Repair To: Tony Swanks, fa th e r and to all persons claim ing to be the m other or fa th e r o f th e above nam ed person who is described as follows: Nam e: A nto in e tte M arie Swanks Date o f Birth: 0 3 / 2 6 / 1 9 8 8 Place o f Birth: Santa Paula M em orial H ospital F ather's Nam e: Tony LaRue Swanks M o th e r’s Name: Caryn M arie Dugas P ursuant to W elfare and In stitu tio n s Code Section 3 6 6 .2 6 , a hearing has been scheduled fo r your child. You are hereby notified th a t you may appear an Decem ber 6, 1 9 9 9 , at 8 :3 0 a m ., or as soon as counsel can be heard in Courtroom 4 7 o f th is court at 8 0 0 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, California. Director - Program Manager 5132 N.E. M a rtin Luther King Blvd (5 0 3 )2 8 4 -5 4 4 3 C ost $2995. w w w .ve n d in g ro u te s.co m A t [W elf & Inst Code Sec. 3 6 6 .2 6 ] Hearing Date: December 6 ,1 9 9 9 • Time: 8 :3 0 am • Courtroom: 4 7 APN 10-908-0030 gardless Of race, creed, color or national origin. O Notice Of Hearing By Publication m u lti-c u ltu ra l exp pre fe rred . M u s t in d iv id u a ls w ith a neat appear­ S tartin g O ctober 8 ,9 9 J40614 o f housing advocacy, b ilin g u a l & b i/ pany. W e are seeking dependable TCB Liquidator. INC.«1^883533078 fie ld o r e q u iva l life exp., kn o w le d g e o b ta in e co n o m ic s e lf-s u ffic ie n c y . EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! b ilitie s in clu d e ra n d o m face to face R e q ’ s A A in social w o rk o r related In the Matter of the Petition of the County of Ventura, Human Services Agency on Behalf of A n to in ette M a rie Sw anks 4 Child For Freedom from Parental Custody and Control ily A d vo ca te in assisting fa m ilie s to FA C ILITY O P E R A TO R Im m e d ia te op e n in g fo r fr ill and RELOCATING M O N IT O R A s s is ta n t pro vid es support to Fam ­ PARKING Superior Court Of California, County Of Ventura »s95, Tom m y Çear Tree 'Braids 'Wave Caps $095 $099 ‘On Selected Heir 'Products R O X A N E B A R T LE T T O w ne r , Rojano’s D uapeare Wed • Friday - 900 am - 6:30 pm by Appointment • Saturday Walk-Ins Quality Childcare 5 0 3 /2 4 9 -5 0 6 8 BrOWIl Berber/Styket ‘Wig & ‘Hair Care Center 707 'N'E Tremont • Tortland, OT. 97212 Pgr. :5 0 3 /4 4 1-3269 1726 N.E. Alberta St. Portland. Oregon 97211 £Mrs. C ’s AMA S tate Reg F ood P rog ram < 503)331 -0110 (503) 281-6525