Çurtlanh ffihaerver October 20,1999 The Mighty Clouds of Joy release new album Dr. LeRoy Haynes, jr. to CONTRIBUTED STORY_______ speak at North Portland Bible College banquet eor T he P ortland O bserver Atlanta based CGI/Platinum Records is proud to announce the forthcoming release on the Mighty Clouds of Joy. It Was You will be their first CGI release and it features the production p ro w ess o f F red H am m ond, P.A.J. A.M. Productions (J. Moss and Paul Allen), William Becton, and Steven Ford. As well, founding member, Joe Ligon is producing three cuts for this project as well. For over thirty years this group has consistently changed with the times yet managed to stay true to their roots. The Mighty Clouds originally penetrated the R&B market with their hit “Ride the Mighty High”. In each album and in their performances, the message o f the Gospel has always been the same. “T m very excited about this new project, says JeffHargrove, Vice President/ Gospel Division, we believe that this album will find favor with young and old alike.’ A gain, The M ighty C louds are c ro ssin g the b o u n d a rie s o f generations. Songs such as A Miracle”, “Never Say”, and the title tra c k “ It W as Y o u ” are ju s t confirmation that this Mighty Clouds o f Joy project is Y2K compliant. The album is soon to be realeased CONTRIBUTED STORY for T he P ortland O bserver North Portland Bible College has invited Dr. LeRoy Haynes, Jr. Senior Pastor o f Allen Temple CME Church to be our keynote speaker at our Annual Banquet on Saturday, November 6. This year s theme is The Power ofG od.” Dr. Haynes is a dynamic orator and I am sure you will be blessed by hearing him. The Reverend Dr. Haynes holds a Doctor o f Ministry from Brite Theological Seminary, Texas Christian University, and was professor ot Philosophy and Religion at Southern University in New Orleans, Louisiana, among many other credits to his scholarship. He was appointed to Allen Temple at Winter Convocation in November o f 1997. This banquet marks a significant milestone in NPBC’s history. It celebrates 17 years o f providing affordable college-level Bible training for adults who previously have had to by-pass expensive formal education. It celebrates students who have taken the evening classes in addition to family, and employment and church responsibilities; and instructors who taught with only nominal remuneration. And it celebrates the partnership o f churches and contributors and volunteers in many capacities, who made it all possible. We invite you to join us as a corporate sponsor. We are asking each o f our sponsors for $ 150. This would be a great help in reaching our financial goal. As the Chairman o f the Board o f Directors, I have accepted the challenge along with others. Can we count on you to be a part of this effort? The Mighty Coulds of Joy prove their prowess in gospel for the last thirty years with a new release The purpose o f the banquet is: tU U U I l 1» SW W l M V President and first lady m ourn O seola M cCarty scheduled for this month. The extraordinary thing about this gift was that Ms. by B ill C linton __________________________________ . r. McCarty accumulated the money from working 75 years washing and ironing people’s clothes. 1 had the pleasure of awarding this extraordinary woman the P re sid e n tia l C itiz e n s ’ M edal for her extraordinary act o f generosity. While we moum her passing. Oseola McCarty s P resident of the U nited S tates Hillary and I were saddened to Leam o f the passing o f Oseola McCarty o f Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Ms. McCarty is a true American hero. In 1995 she donated $150,000 to the University of Southern Mississippi for scholarship for needy students. Joe Carter to singonbehalfof Oregon Uniting commitment to the dignity ofwork, her belief in the _ _ and e x tra o rd in and a rv her extraordinary pow er o hpr f education generosity ensure that her memory will live on for generations to come. Our country needs more people like her, who d o n ’t just talk about responsibility and community, but who live those values e everyday. to promote support for North Portland Bible College among a widei group o f local Christian leaders, businesses and professional persons to raise money for special projects for North Portland Bible College to promote fellowship among supporters o f the college The banquet is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. at O ’ Callahan s Restaurant, 6221 NE 82nd Avenue ( at the Ramada Inn, Airport). Banquet tickets are complimentary, but reservations are necessary. To reserve a place, call the school office at 288-2919. Pastor Robert L. Weaver And THE LIFELINE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 5949 N. Albina Ave. Portland, Oregon CONTRIBUTED STORY_______________ for . • T he P ortland O bserver Healing racial divisions through fo rg iv en ess is the m essag e o f acclaimed baritone Joe Carter, who performs Saturday, November 6, 7 p.m.,at Portland’s MaranathaChurch o f God, 4222 NE 12,h Street. The concert benefits Oregon Uniting, an organizatio n that prom otes and fa c ilita te s p o sitiv e in te rra c ia l communication. C a rte r’s co n certs are creativ e, in sp irin g d ia lo g u e s w ith his audiences. He sings with great compassion, sharing his message of reconciliation through forgiveness with people around the world. He has been doing musicals, operas and gospel concerts, for over 20 years. Carter sings with great compassion about his predecessors’ lives as slaves, whose pain ability to forgive. Carter toured his one-man musical. Song in theNight, inover50countries, and starred in his own television show, The Good Life. Joe Carter has been honored by his home state o f Minnesota, and by M in n eap o lis and St. Paul (his hometown). He was the recipient of the International Citizen Award, given to him by the Mayors ofM inneapolis and St. Paulin 1997, for a lifetime of work devoted to international peace. Carter also received the title o f Honorary Ambassador o f Good will from the Governor o f Minnesota. In the past few years, Joe has mentored many young people. Samuel Bryant will introduce Carter’s N ovem ber 6 concert; ow n er o f Portland’s Red Eagle Gallery and a founding member o f Oregon uniting. Darrell Eastman, a spiritual leader of the Sioux Nation, will lead a prayer o f Unity and Blessing. Before the program begins, Bryant will introduce special guests T. Allen Bethel, Pastor o f Maranatha Church o f God, State S e n a to r A v el G o rd ly , S tate Representative Anitra Rasmussen, First Unitarian - University Rev. Dr. M arily n S ew ell, R abbi Josh u a S tam p fer and O re g o n U n itin g President Dixie Alvin Worthington. There is no admission fee for this special event, although offerings will be accepted. For more information: write Oregon Uniting, P.O. Box 13614, Portland, Or, 97213; by telephone 503-972-5604; or e-mail: info@oregonunitiiig.org. PRESENTS A Greater Portland, Oregon - Vancouver, WA 30 Day “ CITY-WIDE REVIVAL” V ir g in ia R o d r ig u e s SOL NEGRO (Featuring different Church Pastors each night) Monday, October 11, 1999 through Friday, November 19, 1999 October 29 • 8 pm Maranatha Church (4224 NE 12th) (No meetings on Saturdays and Sundays) $ 1 6 GENERAL ADMISSION Place: First AME Zion Church 4304 Vancouver Avenue Portland, Oregon Time: 7:00 PM SPONSORED BY Union Bank of California For M ore Information: Call 5 0 3 -2 4 7 -9 5 0 3 - Church 5 0 3 -7 0 5 -1 6 7 3 - Cellular ' ¿/’c A o o Z i OR CALL FOR A SCHEDULE OF'CLASSES LAKE 242-1419 Nature’s C o o k in g S c h o o ls reflect our love for food and the traditions that surround preparing and sharing meals together. V ISIT ONE OF J T r d W e 'l FOR TICKETS, CALL OSW EGO Learn about ingredients, cooking techniques, flavor building, and menu building from the basics to advanced concepts in classes featuring traditional to eclectic recipes and cuisines. Classes include sampling, beer or wine tasting as appropriate, plus the recipes and confidence to create delicious food in your own kitchen. 635 9735 1 7 7 1 1 J E A N RO AD FREM ONT 288 3414 3 5 3 5 NE 1 5 T H VANCOUVER 360 695 8878 8 0 2 4 E M ILL P L A IN BLVD W H E R E T H E Our classes are taught by our professionally y trained store chefs and guest chefs from some of the Pacific N o r th w e s t's top restaurants. G O O D T H IN G S A R E