October 13, 1999 WI jí lìorUauh (fibitrUfr Page 5 <^FocusJ> M O N 1r ini H E R 1I T Ä G E A Native American Education CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE ------------------------------- ______________________________ — -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 •Serve as a site for culturally- a p p ro p ria te c la sse s, le c tu re s, workshops and conferences; •Serve as a catalyst for increas­ ing the num ber, variety and vis­ ibility o f courses addressing N a­ tive A m erican issues at PSU; In collaboration w ith O regon tribes, help PSU develop a spe­ cialized curriculum in tribal lead­ ership that will be transm itted to tribal sites using distance learn­ ing technology. P R O J E C T D E T A IL PSU has donated land for the building site that lies at the south­ ern tip o f the Park Blocks, bor­ dered by In te rsta te 4 0 5 , SW B ro a d w a y a n d SW J a c k s o n Streets. The design for the build­ ing was prepared in consultation with students and PSU ’s N ative American Com m unity A dvisory, a group formed to advise PSU on student retention and student sup­ port services. The design team includes Don Stastny who led the design team that created the Mu­ seum at W arm Ssprings, David Sloan (N avajo) who collaborated on the design o f the Cultlural Re­ source Center for the National Mu­ seum o f the A m erican Indian at the Sm ithsonian Institution, and Brian M cCorm ack (N ez Perce), a landscape designer. The building includes the follow ing elem ents: •Central gathering area for 200- 300 for traditional events and com­ munity functions; •Gallery/lounge area that will house art and historical exhibits; computer facilities, distance learn­ ing capability; and space for study, research, sem inars, and a library; Recreation room for com m u­ By Ohiyesa (Charles Alexander nity and children’s activities; Eastman) •Conference room for com m u­ O ur children w ere trained in nity and children’s activities; the natural way - they kept in •Conference room for student close contact w ith the natural and com m unity use; world. In this way, they found ■Offices for N ative American themselves and becam e conscious student groups; o f their relationship to all o f life. •Kitchen for preparation o f tra­ The spiritual w orld was real to ditional meals; them, and the splendor o f life stood •Outdoor area with a stone fire out above all else. And beyond pit in the shape o f a salmon; and all, and in all, was seen to dwell R ooftop garden and H onor the Great M ystery, unsolved and Courtyard where new graduate unsolvable, except in those things names will be engraved. that it is good for o n e ’s spirit to FUNDS N E E D E D know. C urrently, Portland State U ni­ We taught our children versity has secured 44% o f the by both exam ple and in­ funds necessary to build the Cen­ struction, but with em pha­ ter. A bout 1.7 m illion remains to sis on exam ple, because be raised before the Center be­ all learning is a dead lan­ comes a reality. PSU has received guage to one who gets it $1.3 million toward the project secondhand. Our physical goal o f 1$3 million. training was thorough and There is no facility like this in intelligent, w hile as to the the six county m etropolitan re­ moral and spiritual side gion - an area with more than o f our teaching, I am not 15,000 Native American residents afraid to com pare it with - and none like it in the state. The that o f any race. N ative A merican Center will be a We conceived the art place o f respect, a place o f cul­ o f teaching as, first and tural identity, and a place o f com­ forem ost, the d e v e lo p ­ mon ground — a new focus and ment o f personality; and center for Native Americans. we considered the funda­ Anyone who is interested in m entals o f education to learning more about the Native be love o f the G reat M ys­ American Center can contact Donna tery, love o f nature, and Schaeffer, Director o f University love o f people and coun­ Development at 503/725-5034. try. V H r tf’ »*- ▼ >- ' f o r tH e F ave a /J a z z - public radio KNHD depends upon support from listeners one you. Keep the luU spectrum of fan on your radio. Contribute now! Nail to: kmhd, Mt. lood Community College McMenamins 26000 SI Start, Gresham. OR 07030 AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS CITY/STATBZ1P VISAC3 MASTERCARD □ CHECK O 836 N Russell Street • Portland • (503) 282-6810 PHONC CARD# VJ WHITE EAGLE CAFE & SALOON EXP. DATE SIGNATURE — ~59,1 A P o r t l a n d l e g e n d