(E h * V o r t l a n h October 13, 1999 Legacy Emanuel Annual Meeting- October 18, 1999 $ 1 7 9 ,0 0 0 Exciting Portland In A Few Minutes! With 3, maybe 4 bedrooms, this unique home in Burlingame gives you lots of room for the $. Vaulted ceiling in LR, HW firs, 2 FP's cozy bekyd Don't m iss out - look today! JoAn Meloy 503-699-3978. Legacy Emanuel Hospital, Room 1073, 6:30pm As part of the Emanuel IMP (Impact Mitigation Plan), Emanuel is having an annual meeting for interested neighborhood groups and persons. This meeting will give an update on projects on the Emanuel Campus. For more information, call Ginger Adamovies, Community Relations, 413- 4630 SOCIAL SERVICES, C O M M U N IT Y DETEN TIO N RESIDENTIAL A D M SO RS On-call student dorm itory advisors needed for a residential vocational program. Requires m inim um o f a high-school diplom a or equiv alent and one years expenence in counseling, social w ork, rehabilitation or vocational guidance. A ssociate’s or b ach elo r's degree in hum an services preferred. 20 minutes from Lloyd Center. V alid drivers license with an acceptable driving M ONITOR Field m onitor for at-risk youth diverted from secure deteption to com m unity supervision. R esponsi­ bilities include random face to face visits w ith youth at hom e, school, work. Ensure youth com ply with court ordered release plan. Report activities. E xperience w ith ethni­ cally diverse populations, good oral/ w ritten com m unication and com ­ puter skills. Education: BA /A A + yr. O r H S/G ED + 4 yrs. Relevant expe­ rience. Special requirem ents: Reli­ able insured v eh icle, fluency in Spanish/A sian dialect a plus. Hourly rate, benefits plus $.30/m ile reim ­ bursem ent. 40 hr. per week. M ust pass crim inal history check before jo b offer. R esum e/agency applica­ tion to D avid Colley, V olunteers o f A m erica o f O regon, Inc. 537 SE Alder, Portland, O R 97214. Posi­ tion closes O ctober 22, 1999. records required. Send cover letter, resum e to. Human Resources 31224 E. Historic C olum bia River Hwy. Troutdale, D R 97060 RESPONSES MUST BE RECEIVEDNOLATERTHAN FRIDAY, OCT. 15,1999 As an affirm ative action em ployer, w e are seeking qualified minority, female, veteran and disabled applicants; how ever, all qualified applicants will be considered. m r U k it S S i F l E a d v e r t is in g ✓ f l f ] Denny’s Management • Check Cashing . Western Union Agent . Money Order Sales . Utility Payments . Payday Loans Full tim e positions available in the Vancouver/Portiand restaurants. Ex­ cellent benefits. Send resum e to: Denny's 4 1 0 2 NE 119"’ St. Vancouver, WA 9 6 6 8 6 Denny’s is committed to providing employment opportunities to all re­ gardless Of race, creed, color or national origin. Vending business, 50 locations. Net $800 - $1200 every month C ost $2995. ww w.vendingroutes.com 1 -8 0 0 -9 6 3 -6 1 2 3 . having a wide variety oflearning $lmjmum RequirenKQDL General: Must possess, or be able to obtain by tim e o f hire, a valid State driv er’s license w ithout record o f suspension or revocation in any State and insurable by FT H om eless Family Program A ssistan t provides support to Fam ­ ily A dvocate in assisting families to obtain econom ic self-sufficiency. R eq’s AA in social w ork or related field or equival life exp., know ledge ofhousing advocacy, bilingual & bi/ m ulti-cultural exp preferred. Must com plete agency application. Apply at P o rtla n d Im p a c t, 4 7 0 7 SE H aw thorne Blvd. Position open until filled. EOE T he C ale T akes A F ew M inutes . T he E xperience L asts A L ifetime . letter, jo b application, certificatio n form, and current resume w M m work history and salary for last ten years. T he City o f M ilwaukie, Human Resources, 10722 SE M ain Street, M ilwaukie, OR 97222 m ust receive all application m aterials, no later than 4 : 0 0 PM , M o n d a y , O cto b er 25» 1999; ¿ g r more information: (503) 786-7507orTD D #(503) 786-7555 orFax #(503) 652-4433 Prior to hiring, require satisfactory com pletion o f drug test. All qualified applicants encouraged to apply. EOE. s A i r F o r c e R eserve A llO l'E £ . BEYOND e s e s r v i c I m u . 5031284-1272 ■ Oder Cash value 1/100 of 1«. Redeemable at participating r e s ta u ra n ts ^ — — , — — — « Oeévert S3O 00 Minimum Perchase 112 NE KAnflSworlh St Portfwid. Oration 9721 ’ b J BtrV A N D 1 •B B B 9 A • TRACKS 1 -8 8 8 -2 8 7 -2 2 5 7 A t O regon (503) 288-7716 W ashington (360) 885-2001 Fax (360) 892-0761 E-mail: atracks@teleporl.com rachs ---------------------- -rs— Alarm & Security Installation / ñepa r H o u r* Men -Thurs 11 AM - 1 0 0 A M Fri - Sal 11 AM - 3 A M Closed on Sun S E L L JAY'S MOWER & CHAINSAW k ¿85)« OAME Cascade Plaza • Room 107A 4134 North Vancouver Avenue • Portland, OR 97217 S mall E ngine R epair A ffo rd a b le E ffic ien t S ecu rity J u s t For You! PORTLAND OR 97212 287 6610 F in a A n Mortg c ag ia l e Division HARTLEY oil 3% Down Buys Your First Home "WE R aym ond E. Love 503-643-8002 • Fax 503-643-6671 M e x ic a n a n d MEXICAN MENU SAMPLE: Cam e Asada Broiled Steak.................. $7 95 Camita De Puerco Pork S t e a k *7.93 Camarones Con Aros Shrimp with Rice.......... *7.95 L O S a lv a d o r e n F o o d SALVADOREN MENU SAMPLE: Pupusa De Queso Cheese Pupusa $2 50 Pupusa De Chicaron Y Queso Cheese and Pork Pupusa......... $2 50 Yuca Sancochada Boiled Yuca...................................... $2.50 Plántanos Fritos Con Crema Fried Plantain with Cream..............$3.75 825 N. Killing.worth • Portland, OR 97217 Fuel Oil Furnace Repair NATE HARTLEY President C. * $9.00 Per Hour Please wnte/send resume to: Equal LOpportunity Employer M/F NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE' i r e c i in c . CARE" 506 N E A lberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 r y Be Sm art.... Be among the first to get the updated 1999 version of The Bill Collectors Manual Money Delight ABOVE Send $11.95 to 7835 N Brandon • Portland, OR 97217 BEYOND and CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CARE Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 4 0 9 5 E ach l#b Area (2 Room Minimum) Call for appointment • (503) 232-6233 Telephone Dispatched (503)331-3442 TRANSMISSION TROUBLE! COTTMAN SPECIALISTS PROVIDE Peace-Of-MInd Your Transmission Specialist W ith Over 200 C enters C oast-to-Coast Over 35 Years In Business! 5 0 3 * 2 8 2 -8 5 0 0 2046 N.E. MLK Jr. Blvd. Portland. OR 97212 Locally O w ned and O perated C O TTM A N "CASH- “ ____________ IAA00 I %JTT Any Internal Automatic Transmission Repair m m t tw preswiwd at i h . tim e of w ritt-up. UnWt on« coupon p f i-.uttowwr Expirtt B /3 I/W r iÆ . CANNON’S N a’im’s H A IR tub e x p r e s s = C O N N E C T IO N Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Rlbe Full Service Salon C a te rin g & T a k e -O u t Wayne & Juanita Cannon (Proprietors) 4603 N W illia m s Ave Portland, Oregon 97217 Our Specialty: Real Hickory Smoked Bar-B-Q Mon-thur 11:30am-9:00pm» FRI-SAT 11:30am-11 00pm «Sun 1:00pm-7:00pm 503-288-3171 ROXANE BARTLETT Owner R o ^ a n e ’s D a y c a r e Quality Childcare SAVE BIG ON CARPET & FLOOR COVERING Portlands Costless Carpet Kb« Jfc M m L fee • PDrtknL OR 87212 S tale Reg A M A Food P rogram (503)3 3 1 -0 1 1 0 » « • • • • 288-3838 3328 N.E. KILLINGSWOA t H (503)247-9132 McMurphy's Appliance Center ‘ 4011 ME Marin o Other Services At Competitive Pnces MONEY 1“ O • Good Hourly Pay, 9 :3 0 To 3 :0 0 S at Licensed • Bonded • Insured Z License • Proof of Insurance 8 :3 0 To 5 :3 0 T hru F 328 NE SHAVER ST. E L Available At Least 3 Full Days Per Week S harpning A om Ltd Energy • JLE Oregon / Washington • C C.B #115473 • A LA R M P 016J3 Or Refinance a nd Lower Your M onthly Payments $7.50 Hr. starting w age A dvancem ent potential M edical, D ental and 40 IK available Applicants must have valid driv­ ers license, subm it to drug test and background check. A pply in p e r­ son b etw e en 12:00 a n d 1:00 PM daily at C ity C e n te r P a rk in g at 215 S W 6“ . • Valid Driver's e Sadtt&en*. Style. 'S m __ (we reimburse) • Candidates Must Be h ttp : //w w w .portlan dobserver.n et or e-m ail us a t PDXO3SERV.com Y A M Y A M ’S Not valid w ith Value Menu or Combo Meal Hems • Drive Ycxir Own Car FlexibleWotk Schedule Visit Vs On The Web! @ Owner any regular 6”or 12” sub sandwich* • Independence Si APN 10 908 0030 Larry Matthews $1.00 O ff, Gresham & East Portland Areas A n opp o rtu n ity exists w ith the Procter St G am ble Cosmetics D iv is io n T h e prim ary jo b responsibilities in clude the in itia l 6r ongoing resets fo r th e C o ve r G ir l &i M ax Factor outlets T h is is a great o p p o rtu n ity for people re-cn»ering the w ork force Prior reta il m erchandising exp is p re f d. www.afreserve.com 5132 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd (503)284-5443 m FACurn OPERATOR Im m ediate opening for full and p a r t- tim e lo t a tte n d a n t w ith P o rtland’s leading parking C om ­ pany. W e are seeking dependable individuals with a neat appear­ ance and a positive attitude. P a r t - T im e C o sm etics D iv isio n Attn: Recruiting Specialist REF #501 A, Mail Stop 2B 11050 York Road H u n t Valley, MD 21030-2098 . D u PARKING ( ' T J e t a i l M e r c h a n d is e r Procter&Gcimble B * City insurance carrier. E d u ca tio n : degree in com puter science or related field from an accredited college or university; or any equivalent com bination o f education and experience. T ra in in g : D esirable to possess Unix System A dm inistration, M CSE. M CP, CC N A or C C D A P rio r W o rk E x p erien ce: M ust dem onstrate know ledge, skill and abilities to perform a variety o f professional and technical responsibilities for assigned area o f responsibility. Im plem ents and m aintains system hardw are and software upgrades Provides technical support and training to users. Assigned system s may include: M icrosoft N T Server, N T W orkstation, W in9x, Win2000, Exchange Server,SQ L Server,IISServer,O ffice9x,outlook9x and IE brow ser, U nix-type system s; Netscape Browsers, Cisco System s, 3C OM and business-specific applications. Reports directly to the Information System s and T echnology M anager. A pplication m aterials include ¿ o w Find out how you can receive extra money to pursue further education, as you develop new skills and receive quality benefits through the Montgomery G1 Bill, in the Air Force Reserve. Along with a month­ ly salary, you can receive checks for educational expenses totaling more than $9,000. And the experience you’ll gain will be priceless. Call the Air Force Reserve today. And let freedom ring. A G EN TS F O R WESTERN UNION Opportunities INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYST, In fo rm a tio n S y stem s A n aly st (2 vacancies) - City o f M ilwaukie, OR. Salary: $3.377 to $4,309 per m onth, D OQ, w ith excellent benefits. Looking for p erso n s interested in w orking to exceed custom er expectation while (503) 335-4738 or 1-800-232-3421 ’ Check-Mart Restaurant Page B8 © b e e ru e r 4818 N. Interstate Ave. Portland, OR 97217 503-287-6225 Commercial Carpet $3 & 12X13 Rem «691 Laminate Flooring Vinyl I SOFT ^T soyo —