♦ O ctober 1 3 ,199 9 'JJortlanh ©bseruer Page B7 Columbia A Ç Sportswear o lu m b ia Sportswear Company® Company® INTERNATIONAL R E G IO N A L A S S IS T A N T - SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE Join our international department. Assist the Regional C oordinator for the Southern Hem isphere in all as­ pects o f sales order processing form receipt o f order from the custom er to delivery and invoicing. Establish and m aintain accurate purchase order/ shipping docum ent files by account. Coordinate shipm ent o f materials in­ cluding export docum entation prepa­ ration. Provide superior custom er service to our partners in Latin America, Australia and New Zealand. M inimum A ssociates D egree plus 1 -2 years o f related experience in ad­ ministrative oroffice support assign­ m ents or equivalent com bination o f education/experience required. Pro­ ficient in Excel and word. Spanish language skills a plus. Send resume to: Human Resources, Dept. REGASST, POBox 83239, Port­ land O R 97283, or Fax to: (503) 735- 4597. Equal Opportunity Employer Columbia Sportswear Company® SEWING WORK FOR ONE TOUGH MOTHER C olum bia Sportswear Com pany has proven that quality construc­ tion, engineering and innovation in sports apparel is a form ula for suc­ cess. Join our Product D evelopm ent group in the following position: SEWTNG SUPERVISOR: Ensure that C olum bia Sportsw ear’s sewing and cutting room operates at m axi­ mum efficiency and safety. Position is responsible for m onitoring work flow, providing technical feedback and feedback on finished garment quality. REQUIREMENTS: Requires a High School diplom a or equivalent. A lso requires a m inim um o f 10 years o f journeym an experience as a gar­ ment maker, with 3 to 5 o f those years spent as a departm ent lead person, assuming increasing responsibilities. Must be able to dem onstrate working know ledge o f math, pattern reading, garm ent constructions and know l­ edge o f various types o f styles and fabrics. C olum bia Sportswear offers com ­ petitive com pensation/benefits pack­ age, and a business-oriented team environment. Please send resum e to H uman Resources, Dept. SW SUP, PO Box 83239, Portland, OR 97283 or Fax to (503) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. CASEMANAGER This position will work with women leaving the sex industry. W orking with w om en you will encourage them to explore their options and make choices about their lives w hile pro­ viding client support, system s advo­ cacy, referrals and life skills training. Y ou w ill develop and m onitor indi­ vidual case plans and coordinate se rv ic e s. P re fe re n c e s in c lu d e a bachelor’s degree, but com parable experience may be substituted; knowl­ edge and/or experience o f sex indus­ try w ork as exploitation o f women and children; dem onstrated experi­ ence w orking in and with com m uni­ ties ofcolor. $25,OOO/yearplus agency benefits including m edical and den­ tal and paid vacation. W om en o f color encouraged to apply. Resum e and cover letter to D enise W ashington, CPA, 1811 NE 3 9 '\ Portland, OR 97211. VENDING BUSINESS, 100 LOCATIONS. N et $4000 per month. Cost $9995. www.vendingroutes.com 1-800-963-6123. Medical Billing Immediate openings FT/PT. No Experience needed Will train, Data entry for doctors PC required. Up to 50K per year (888) 587-2624 ext 630 ATTENTION: OWN A COMPUTER? Put It to work! $25 75 hr Pt/FT 888-253-2216 www.workfrom hom e.net/ownyourlife Michael's Stores RELOCATING Fixture Liquidation Gondola, C ounters, Cash Registers, Storage Shelving, G la s s D isplay units, Floral Display Units, Misc. Item s, Com plete Frame Shop Equip. EVERYTHING MUST GOIII Starting October 8,99 TCB UquMator, INC. •1-888-383-3078 PUBLIC RELATIONS W ORK FORONE TOUGH MOTHER C olum bia Sportsw ear Com pany has proven that quality construc­ tion, engineering and innovation in sports apparel is a form ula for suc­ cess. Join our Public Relations De­ partm ent in the follow ing position: PUBLIC RELATIONS SPE C IA L IST: support PR M an­ ager in all areas of Public Relations. Collaborate w ith PR M anager to help develop m aterials that will enhance the corporate im age and sales o f C olum bia Sportsw ear. Includes ex­ tensive w riting o f press releases, new sletter, stories and other m arket­ ing collateral. R EQ U IR EM EN TS: Bachelors degree specializing in pub­ lic relations, journalism or com m uni­ cations and a M IN IM U M o f three years public relations experience. Possess extensive know ledge o f the public relations function. Extensive know ledge o f m edia relations prin­ ciples and procedures. W ell devel­ oped w riting skills; know ledge o f and experience with journalistic style writ­ ing. Exceptional verbal com m unica­ tion skills. Colum bia Sports w ear offers com ­ petitive com pensation/benefits pack­ age, and a busihess-oriented team environm ent. Please send resum e and salary re­ quirem ents to H um an R esources, Dept. PRSPEC, PO Box 83239, Port­ land, O R 97283 or Fax to (503) 735- 4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. Columbia Sportswear Company® ADMINISTRATIVE W O RKFORONETOUGH MOTHER Colum bia Sportsw ear Com pany has proven that quality construc­ tion, engineering and innovation in sports apparel is a form ula for suc­ cess. Join our F ootw ear D epartm ent in the follow ing position: F O O T W E A R M E R C H A N D IS ­ IN G A SSISTA N T: Provide adm inis­ trative support for the F ootw ear D e­ partm ent. H igh school education or equivalent and a m inim um o f three years practical experience perform ­ ing general office, clerical and adm in­ istrative duties o f increasing diffi­ culty and responsibility. D em on­ strated experience using PhotoShop and C A D so ftw are program s re­ quired. Colum bia Sportsw ear offers com ­ petitive com pensation/benefits pack­ age, and a business-oriented team environm ent. Please send resum e to H um an Resources, Dept. FTA SST, PO Box 83239, Portland, O R 97283 or Fax to (503) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. Columbia Sportswear Company® C l STO M ERSERV ICE RFLTAII. SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE Columbia Sportsw ear Com pany, a global leader in the design and m anu­ facture o f outerw ear and sportsw ear is currently seeking a Retail Services Rep to im plem ent retail services for our Custom ers. This position will be responsible for com piling, m aintain­ ing and updating data to support value added services for our custom ­ ers. Serve as backup to the Retail Services C oordinator and conduct special projects as necessary. Q ualified candidate will possess an A ssociates D egree, or equivalent experience, and a m inim um o f one year experience in business environ­ ment, preferably in custom er service or related field. Please forw ard resum e to C olum ­ bia Sportsw ear Com pany, Human Resources, Dept. Retailrep, PO Box 83239, PortlandO R 9 7283,o rF ax to: (503) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. DIRECTOR interstate firehouse CULTURALCENTER This non Profit, com m unity based arts and cultural center seeks experi­ enced Director. M ust be a proven leader and have dem onstrated suc­ cess in fund raising, w orking with volunteers, sta ff m anagem ent. Fiscal m anagem ent and program growth. $34,000 annually-$36,000 after 6 months. Resum e, including salary history, m ust be received by O ctober 31. Please respond to Personnel Dept. PO Box 1605 Portland, OR 97207 Equal O pportunity Em ployer CITY OF PORTLAND BURE AUOF PURCHASES Advertisement for Bids Sealed bids will be received by the Bureau o f Purchases, 1120 SW Fifth Ave., Room 1313, before 2:00 p.m. on the specified date. Bid invitations, specifications and applicable forms may be picked up at the aforementioned office,orm ay beorderedby mail by calling (503 ) 823-6855. Bid specifications include description o f EEO, W orkforce Training and G ood Faith Effort requirem ents. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at the tim e stated. Bids received after the tim e fixed for opening will not be considered. Bid Num ber - Description for A dvertisem ent- Opening Date 99444 - Annual C ontract for Furnishing Plumbing Services -1 0 /1 2 / 99 99450 - A nnual Supply o f 60 -6 5 G allon Comm ercial Recycling Roll C arts - 10/5/99 99492 - Powell B utte Sites Landscape Im p r o v em en t-11/09/99 99505 - Annual Supply Bare Root/Seeding Plants - 10/14/99 **INVITATION FOR BIDS** M iscellaneous C leaning & Painting Work JobN o.M x-00-03-99 Sealed bids w ill be received at the H ousing A uthority o f Portland (HAP), 8910 N. Woolsey Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97203. until2:00p.m., Thursday, Novem ber 1 8 .1999 for labor, materials, and services for interiorcleaning and painting o f vacant apartm ent units at existing residential locations. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. No bidder may withdraw their bid after the hour set for opening until after the lapse o f sixty (60) days from the bid opening. The basic w ork consists ofcleaning and/or painting interiors o f 600 to 700 housing units annually. The contract w ill be open-end and bids will reflect unit prices for the work. All w ork to be identified by Change Order. W ork Locations m ay be anyw here w ithin M ultnom ah County. The contract will be aw arded for a one year period and bids will be accepted on a unit price basis. A one year contract extension may be considered for exceptional perform ance, at the discretion o f the Housing A uthority o f Portland. Bid Docum ents are available at the HAP O ffice noted above. A $20 (tw enty) deposit for one set and $ 10 (ten) for each additional set is refundable when docum ents are returned w ithin 10 days after bid opening. A HAP representative w ill conduct a pre-bid tour o f selected units com m encing at 9:00 A M on O c to b e r 26,1999 and attendance o f bidders is mandatory. Bidders will m eet at the HAP M aintenance Office orientation for a prior to the tour. Q uestions posed at that tim e, when not addressed in the specification will be answ ered by addendum and mailed or faxed to all Superior Court Of California, County Of Ventura In th e M a tte r o f th e Petition o f th e County of Ventura, H um an Services Agency on B ehalf of Antoinette Marie Swanks A Child For Freedom from P aren tal Custody and Control J40614 Notice Of Hearing By Publication [Welf a Inst Code Sec. 368.28] Hearing Date: December 6 ,1 9 9 9 • Time: 8:30 am • Courtroom: 47 To: Tony Swanks, father and to all persons claiming to be the mother or father of the above-named person who is described as follows: Name: Antoinette Marie Swanks Date of Birth: 03/26/1988 Place of Birth: Santa Paula Memorial Hospital Father's Name: Tony LaRue Swanks M other’s Name: Caryn Marie Dugas Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Section 366.26, a hearing has been scheduled for your child. You are hereby notified that you may appear on December 6 ,1 9 9 9 , at 8:30 a m ., or as soon as counsel can be heard in Courtroom 47 of this court at 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, California. You Are Further Advised as follows: At the hearing, the Court must choose and implement one of the following permanent plans for the child: adoption, guardianship, or long-term foster care. Parental rights may be terminated at this hearing. On, the Human Services Agency will recommend termination of parental rights. You are entitled to be present at the hearing with your attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, you are entitled to have the Court appoint counsel for you. A thirty-day continuance may be granted if necessary for counsel to prepare the case. At all termination proceedings, the Court shall consider the wishes of the child and shall act in the best interest of the child. Any order of the Court permanently terminating parental rights under this section shall be conclusive and binding upon the minor person, upon the parent or parents, and upon all other persons who have been served with citation by publication or otherwise. After making such an order, the Court shall have no power to set aside, change, or modify it, but this shall not be construed to limit the rights to appeal the order. If the Court, by order or judgment, declares the child free from the custody and control of both parents, or one parent if the other no longer has custody and control, the Court shall, at the same time, order the child referred to the licensed County adoption agency for adoptive placement by that agency. The rights and procedures described above are set forth in detail in the California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 366.26. You are referred to that section for further particulars. Sheila Gonzalez • Executive Office and Clerk County of Ventura • State of California Dated: 8/31/99 By Sharon Rosenthal, CSSWIII Children and Family Services Social Worker bidders. A m inim um bid security o f $2,500 is required with the contractors submit­ ted bid The successful bidder will provide satisfactory Performance and paym ent Bonds to satisfy 100% o f a $50,000 contract consideration. The Contract will be a service C ontract and as such will not be subject to withholding o f SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Beltline Highway Lane County W est 1 l lh A v e .-N .C .L . (Eugene) Stage 2 Section Class ofProject: ACNH-S069(6) Grading, Structures, Paving, Signing, Illumination, Signals and R oadside D evelopm ent Bid Date: O ctober 28,1999 - 9:00 a.m. K iew it Pacific Co. P.O.Box 1769 V ancouver, W A 98668 (360)693-5582 W e are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub-bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including Minority and W omen-Owned Businesses, D isadvantaged, Disabled Veterans, and Em erging Small Business Enterprises. retainage sums. Execution o f an affidavit o f M BE Participation (H A P-421) is required o f each bidder in order to qualify each bidders bid. The H ousing A uthority o f Portland M ay reject any bid not in com pliance with the prescribed bidding procedures and requirem ents and may reject any or all bids and w aive all inform alities if, in the judgem ent o f HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Q uestions regarding this project should be directed to A1 Landis 735 4212/H. D avid W alter at 735-4210. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND H. D avid W alter A ssistant D irector o f H ousing operations SALES G .1. Joe’s is seeking positive, knowledgeable and enthusiastic persons who specialize in customer service to join our sales team •FT/PT Sales In Most Depts: •Athletics, Apparel. Hunting/ •Fishing & Auto Parts •FT/PT Cashiers •FT Day Merch./Receiving Crew Application accepted: G .I.Joe’soffers: competitive wage&benefitpackage;storebonusprogram; HMO health/dental/Rx plan; 401 (k) plans, group insurance and more. We are a drug-free, smoke-free and an equal opportunity employer. For a completelistingofavailablejobopportumtyvisitourwebsiteatwww.gijoes.com ♦ Columbia Sportswear Company« CUSTOMER SERVICE-ACCOUNT REPS COME WORK FOR ONE TOUGH M OTHER... AND LOVE IT! A re you seeking to be a part o f an internationally recognized apparel m anufacture? Do you want people to say “ooh. aah" when you tell them where you work'.’ Does working with upbeat, friendly people that hike, bike, snow board, ski, and fish in their free tim e m ake you w ant to sign up right now ? If your answ er is YES read on - th ere’s more! Colum bia Sportsw ear Com pany, a global leader in the design and m anufacture o f outerw ear and sportsw ear is currently seeking Account Representatives to w ork in our fast paced and friendly C ustom er Service Departm ent. Q ualified candidates will service a group o f accounts defined by geographical location and provide a high level o f custom er service by responding to requests and inquiries with accurate inform ation in a cour­ teous, efficient and tim ely m anner W ithin C olum bia’s challenging, fast paced environm ent, you will be exposed to many areas o f the Com pany’s operations enabling you to enjoy an exciting career in the apparel industry. AS IF A CAREER IN THE APPAREL INDUSTRY ISN ’T A LLURING ENOUGH, M OTHER BOYLE ANDCOLUM BIA SPORTSW EAR HAVE R E Q U E ST FO R Q U A L IFIC A T IO N S (RFQ#99-33) The PO R T LA N D D E V E L O PM EN T CO M M ISSIO N will receive P R O PO S A L S for: DESIGNSERVICESFORSTREET IMPROVEMENTS Phase 2 - EAST BURNSIDE (6TH- 1 2 th ) Phase 3 - M L K & G R A N D (M orrison-M ain) until 3 :00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time (PST) on Oct. 28,1999, at its offices located at 1900 S.W. Fourth A venue, Suite 7000, Portland, Oregon 97201. Documents may be obtained from the P O R T L A N D D E V E L O P M E N T C O M M IS S IO N . Inquiries should be directed to Denyse McGriff, Portland Development Commission (823-3295) or Burt Stein, Capital Project Consult­ ants (297-6135). A m andatory pre-proposal m eeting will be held at the PORTLAND D E V E L O PM E N T C O M M IS SIO N officeon O ctober21 ,1999at3:30pm. The P o rtlan d D evelopm entC om m ission is committed to acting affirma­ tively to encourage and facilitate the participation o f em erging Small Businesses (ESB), M inority Business Enterprises (M BE), and W om en Business Enterprises (W BE) in C om m issio n projects and operations. Responsible bidders m ust com ply w ith established goals in this project as stipulated in these bid documents. Portland D evelopment Com mission By D enyse M cGriff, Project Coordinator PUBL1CNOTICE Effective October 15,1999, the Housing Authority ofPortland (HAP) will open the two bedroom waiting list forthe Low Rent Public Housing Program. This w aiting list has been closed since July 16, 1997, to all but the following: •Fam ilies who qualify for priority placem ent due to term inal illness; and, •Fam ilies w ho are referred by agencies participating in the Special N eeds Housing and Service Program HAP has 641 tw o-bedroom units and currently has less than 100 fam ilies on the waiting list for two bedroom housing assistance. At the current turnover rate, the above list represents a wait o f up to two years for som e families. It is now necessary to open this waiting list to add nam es o f interested households for H A P ’s ty o bedroom units. Com ments may be submitted in writing to the following address and m ust be postm arked no later than O ctober 31,1999. HAP Attn: 2 BR Waiting List Opening 4400 NE Broadway, Suite B Portland, OR 97213 M ORETOOFFER: O ur benefit package includes, M edical/Dental, 401 (K), em ployee stock purchase plan, paid tim e off, and a discount on em ployee product so you look great w hile enjoying the active lifestyle o f a Colum bia Sportsw ear employee! Potential C olum bia team members will possess an Associates Degree, or equivalent work experience, a minimum o fo n e to two years experience in a business environm ent, preferably in custom er service or related field and strong com puter skills. Excellent interpersonal and com m unication skills required. Retail experience in apparel or sporting goods industry ab ig plus! Please forward resum e to Columbia Sportsw ear Com pany, H uman Re­ sources, Dept. AcctRep, PO Box 83239, PortlandO R 97283,or Fax to: (503) 735-4597. Equal Opportunity Employer. MCMENAMINSKENNEDYSCHOOL N ow hiring FT H osts, Catering Cook, and Ticket Taker at M cM enam ins Kennedy School. Flexible schedule a must. W e offer excellent benefits and w a g e s! A p p ly a t a n y M c M e n a m in s lo c a tio n o r o n lin e at w w w.m cm enam m s.com No phone calls please! E.O.E. ____________ CARPET AND VINYL INSTALLERS NEEDED Unlim ited w ork if w illing to travel. M ust have truck, tools and experience. 775-358-8080 Auto Sell 1980 Beaver 24’ RV motor home. Only 13,000 miles on new 440 GMC motor. New tires, refrig & 11,000 miles on transmission. Excellent condition. $8,000. Call pager #50589601 I Employment Anri Labor Lawyer Portlan d City A tto rn e y ’ s o ffic e . Experience required: minimum 3 years in employment law including handling of grievance arbitrations and other administrative hearings, advising re employee discipline, workplace issues, ADA, FMLA, and Title VII. Public sector experience a plus. Salary $ 5 0 4 0 , 0 0 0 depending on experience, plus excellent benefits Send resume and cover letter by October 15 to Jeff Rogers, Suite 4 3 0 City Hall, 1 2 2 1 SW 4” Avo., Portland 9 7 2 0 4 . C ity o f P o rtla n d E q u a l Opportunity Employer.