P age 6 O c to b er 6, 1999 ®lje ÿkirtlaub (ßhaeruer < Jocu s2Z > ~ The Twenty-First Century City RESURRECTING URBAN AMERICA Regnery Publishing, Inc.; 1997 By Mayor Stephen Goldsmith America’scitiescanbesaved- sosays Indianapolis Mayor Stephen Goldsmith. AstherruiyorofAmenea'stwelfth •Mayors JohnNoiquistofMilwaukee and Michael White o f Cleveland pio­ neered the movement toward school c h o ic e an d sch o o l voucher programs.M ayors Edward Rendell o f largest city heeliminatedcity defi­ cits, cut the city payroll enhanced Philadelphia and Susan Golding o f San Diego spurred economic growth for then- cities by slashing red tape and taking on the special interests in order to elim i­ nate unnecessary regulation. C o u p o n S p e c ia lll services, rebuilt infrastructure, re­ vitalized neighborhoods, and re­ duced crime Andhediditall while cutting taxes! Now, in The Tenly- First Century City, Goldsmith $0.00* shows how he did it This book comes at a crucial time, when govemmentpowerand Phone Connection Fee responsibility arebeingretumedto state and local levels. America’s decaying urban areas are being held responsible for solving their own problems. Andmeeting these challenges isanewbreedofmayor - Democrat and Republican alike C R E D IT C H E C K S D E P O S IT S TURNDOW NS - resurrecting urban A m erica •MayorsRudyGiulianiofNew York City and Richard Daley o f CTucago launched successful wars Limited Time Only against crime ending fear, clean­ ing up graffiti, and rejuvenating C onnections in 2-3 days communities. Cdluiar VTelephone | 3939 NE Martin Luther King Blvd j THE QUICKENING OF AMERICA Jossey-Bus, Inc.; 1994 By France! Moore Lapp* and Paul M a rtin D u Boil Q u ick en in g ... first stirrings o f life , en terin g a p h ase o f a c tiv e grow th and d ev elo p m en t. C H A N G E is the w atch w ord o f th e n i n e t i e s , an d T H E Q U IC K E N IN G OF A M E R IC A is fir st and fo r e m o st a b o u t ch a n g e. Lapp6 and D u B o is criss-cro ssed the country to w it­ n ess the stirrin gs o f a g ra ss­ r o o t s m o v e m e n t . R e g u la r A m erican s are co m in g togeth er to change their w ork places, their c o m m u n it ie s , th e ir s c h o o ls , their liv e s . T h is d e e p ly p er­ son a l, in sp irin g and in tera ctiv e b ook is fu ll o f p ractical a d v ice on how to g et in v o lv e d in d e ­ m ocracy. T ranscending the tired p o le m ic s o f the past - le ft and right, lib eral and c o n se r v a tiv e , rich and poor - THE Q U IC K ­ E N IN G OF A M E R IC A d em o n ­ strate« the p o w erfu l e ffe c t in d i­ vidual c itizen s have in our co u n ­ try. Part O ne d istills the k ey in sig h t o f F R A N C E S M t t O R b L A P P I: su cc essfu l citizen s. P A U L M A K I IN 1)1 R O IS T hrough the v o ic e s o f ev ery d a y A m eri­ THF ca n s, y o u ’ll under­ stand w hy rethin k ­ in g s e lf - in t e r e s t , p ow er, and p ub lic life is the k ey to OF bringing new m ean­ ing and e f f e c tiv e ­ ftC M J II D I N G O U R N A T IO N . n ess into our liv e s. R E M A K IN G O U R L I V I S In P a rt T w o y o u ’ll meet effective Î \ / V citizens who are suc­ c e ssfu lly tackling — fy x I " V A m erica ’s b ig g est problems - from edu­ cation and government to human services and jobs and the media. How are they succeeding in changing their lives and improving their futures? From a factory in Massa­ o f democracy’s development chusetts to a classroom in Ohio and a through another lens. Here we radio station in Texas, regular Ameri­ ask, what are the skills we cans are applying the lessons we all Americans need in order to need to learn in order to create the lives be effective? How can w e b eco m e problem so lv e rs we want... and a country ffiat works. Part Three looks at the quickening ourselves? 7»/ 2 8 0 -8 0 0 0 | ; l MN morrth must ba paid in advance; vaDdffim fia pa ftturphifr I \K l \ HAM I’l/ZA LÀRG PEPPERON PIZZA Valid through Oct. 1 999 OPENING IN NOVEMBER ___ On A F n m o a tl 4 1 S t & Fremont 7 1> t & Fremont 503-281-6833 503-287-5520