(Ehi> ÿlprilatih (ßbeeruer October 6, 1999 -F o c u s ^ Page 5 Eco - Friendly by Design Gateway Commons in Southeast priced, with current estimates at Portland is an innovate project o f $99,000-5130,000, depending on Integrated Urban Habitats that are the amount o f common/ community sure to capture the interests o f those space envisioned by the eventual who value a more cohesive sense o f purchasers. S p rln g W ater C om m ons: near n eig h b o rh o o d and e c o lo g ic a l the Spring Water Corridor between sustainability. It was designed and 113,h & 122nd in SE Portland. Con­ built by Erroyl Hawley, an ecologi­ cally progressive urban builder/de- venient bus transportation and high­ way connections. Very affordably veloper. Hawley along with D eborah priced between $85,000-$! 10,000. W aln u t P a rk C om m ons: situ­ Ham, a Realtor and personal growth consultant who has 25 years o f ex­ ated between Tigard and Beaverton perience in alternative community amongst lovely trees, with a creek, living situations have blended their pond and wetland habitat. Option unique skills with a fierce interest in for upscale housing in a community and c o m m itm en t to e c o lo g y , context - subject to desires o f pur­ economy and community which has chasers. All o f his neighborhood sites resulted in a promising future for provide opportunity for progres­ intentional community in greater sive environmental design. Solar Portland. and energy wise technology, healthy H ere’s a brief synopsis o f the and sustainable materials, natural sites currently being developed: Gateway Commons: within the landscaping and natural resource 102n