» >■ Oct. 6, 1999 .7 • *. r* » C5 ^National ¿M inority 'business AVeeA HISPANIC AMERICAN SMALL BUSINESS ASSOCIATION WINNER^ W hile growing up in A rgen­ tin a , E rnesto G arcia trav eled w ith his g ra n d fa th e r to fa ­ m ous landm arks all over E u­ ro p e. T hese site s in clu d e d N otre Dame C athedral and the L ouvre in P aris as w ell as St. P e ter’s in Rome to name a few. His tra v e ls in E urope and his love o f art and a rc h ite c tu re led him to choose a rc h ite c ­ ture as his l if e ’s w ork. A fter earn in g his M asters D egree in A rc h ite ctu re in A rgentina, he p rac tic e d a rc h ite c tu re and in te rio r d esign in B arcelona, M ila n , P a ris and now the U nited S tates. Soon he was com bining his a rc h ite c tu ra l sk ills w ith his v is u a l a rt s k il l s . E rn e s to G arcia In te rio rs m oved from its p a rt-tim e b e g in n in g s in 1991 to a fu ll-tim e operatio n w ith c lie n ts th ro u g h o u t the U nited S tates. His b usiness in P o rtlan d has been p ro fit­ able from the beginning, with rev e n u e s g ro w in g at m ore than 100 p ercen t in each o f the past two years to 105 p e r­ cent. E rnesto serves the a fflu en t client, but occasionally works w ith hom eow ners who have m o d era te in co m e s to help them achieve a b e a u tifu lly f u r n is h e d a n d d e c o r a te d home. G arcia b e lie v es that a home should be a place where his c lie n ts can be resto red both p h y sic a lly and s p iritu ­ ally. From 1994 to the present, G arcia has made m ore than 20 a p p earan ces on C hannel 2 ’s AM /NW and C h an n el 12’s Good Day O regon. He is a d esig n c o n su lta n t for both show s and he p ro ­ duces segm ents on how to decorate resid e n tial interiors. By the w ay, he is resp o n sib le for the c u rre n t AM/NW set design. E rnesto also believes in h e lp in g his c o m m u n ity th rou gh his in v o lv em en t in many c h aritab le associations. He is the F o u n d er and C re ­ ative D ire c to r o f the A m eri­ can C ancer so c ie ty A nnual G ourm et K itchen A uction. E rn e sto is p la n n in g to open his firs t E rn esto G arcia In te rio rs sto re to bring all o f his e x p e rie n c e to g e th e r to b e t t e r s e r v e h is c l i e n t s . E rnesto is perso n ab le, know l­ e d g e ab le , exudes con fid en ce and is p a ssio n a te about his w ork. He is a ro le m odel for those p eo p le w anting to be su c ce ssfu l e n tre p re n e u rs. £ “ B a sic a lly , w hat I w ould like my w ebsite to be is a good in tro d u c tio n to w hat In te rio r D esign - fea tu rin g my work and v ig n e tte s o f the store. T here w ill be d iffe re n t fabric a rran g em en t d isp la y s on the w ebsite as well. I w ill expand­ ing my m arket this way. There are a lot o f busy p ro fe s s io n ­ a ls th a t h a v e b e e n g o in g around from fu rn itu re store to fu rn itu re sto re . I w ant to be able to give them m ore se ­ lectio n so th at they can m ake th e ir c h o ic e s on my w e b ­ page. My ty p ic a l c lie n t uses the In te rn e t on a reg u la r ba- S IS . I ’ve done p ro je c ts in other p a rts o f the c o u n try . I ’ve done work in F lo rid a , W ash­ ington D .C ., New York and San F ran cisco . F o rtu n a te ly . I d o n ’t have to be there. I ’ve been able to m anage ren o v a ­ tion p ro je c ts long distance by faxing and using F ederal Ex- p re ss. “ I ’ve been grow ing m ore than 100% per year for the past th ree y ears w ith sales o f lover $1 m illio n in the past year. I have an extrem ely low o v erhead b ecau se I w ork out I \( Ol R nWtv&G&R ^portlanb Q^bseruer The G ood, the B a d and the CJG<_y of Computer Technology PORTLAND, OR. - Recent studies have shown that 85% of the population feel uncomfortable with technology. So what can busi­ ness owners do about technol­ ogy stress? They can learn not to be driven by technology by learning to be the driver. Learn proactive computer man­ agement strategies and how to avoid technology lawsuits and computer fraud on October 13, 1999 at a conference entitled New Millennium Cyber Sense: Manage Your Company by Plugging into Your Computer. Marsha Elliott, CPA and conference presenter, states that experts will teach busi­ ness owners how to assess the computer applications used in their companies and develop sound internal control policies. The presentation on October 13 will review several key issues. Richard Fernandez, attorney with Ball Janik, LLP, will cover the first topic, Y2K legal issues. Fernandez will discuss the poten­ tial threats that businesses face with the coming millennium and how to avoid being subject to law­ suits because of noncompliance. The second issue will relate to how you can use your computer as a tool to stay in compliance with various regulatory agencies. Marsha K. Elliott, CPT MT will cover several topics including how to develop a chart of accounts o f my hom e and I ju s t have one em ployee. W e’ve m an­ aged to run in c re d ib le num ­ bers. I ’ll be opening up a store in SW. P o rtlan d . This w ould fi­ nally allow me to w ork from my own store that has the flair and taste th a t I ’ve alw ays w anted. It w ill make my work e a sie r and give my c lie n ts a b e tte r u n d erstan d in g o f what it is that I ’m doing for them . I t ’s the dream that I ’ve had for a w h ile .” • that will provide the information you need to prepare your income tax returns. Special expense items such as officer’s life insurance, meals and entertainment, and health insurance for shareholders require unusual tax treatment. Handling record keeping for vari­ ous tax entities such as counties, cities and states will also be cov­ ered. In addition Elliott will cover how you can use your computer to prevent unauthorized access to your financial records, check­ ing your records against outside sources and detecting problems through the use of key ratios. The final topic will relate to fraud prevention. Certified fraud examiner David Marosi and CPA Kathy Murphy will team up to dis­ cuss the types of frauds that can occur, how to prevent being a vic­ tim and how to implement proce­ dures to detect frauds before they bankrupt your business. Marosi and Murphy will also cover the typical profile of a perpetrator and what steps to take if you find that you have been a victim of fraud. The conference is scheduled to take place at the Edward Jones Office, 4111 SE Division Street, Portland, OR, 97202 from 8 AM to 12 PM. For reservations: tele­ phone 503/239-5404, fax 877/222- 0648, or email the Foundation for W omen Owned B usinesses @www. fwob.org. ACE-Net WORDS “ Be aw are that not e v e ry ­ body is w illin g to help. Be very aw are that not e v e ry ­ body is going to give you a break. D on’t be discouraged by the fact that you are not gettin g a lot o f help in the b eginning. Once you get the ball ro llin g , everybody wants to be your friend. A lot o f people who w o u ld n ’t give me the tim e o f day now w ant me to o ffe r me business. C o n cen trate on the fact that you have som ething to give and e v e n tu a lly people w ill becom e in te re s te d .” The Angel Capital Electronic Network (ACE-Net) is a nation­ wide Internet-based listing ser­ vice that provides information to angel investors on small, dynamic, grow ing b u sinesses seeking $250,000 to $5 million in equity financing. ACE-Net, sponsored by the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration, was announced by the President of the United States in October 1996. It is a major effort by the Office of Advocacy to start sys­ tematizing, on a nationwide basis, and expanding information avail­ able to investors on firms seeking equity financing. Once fully op­ erational, ACE-Net will be run as a private, independent, not-for- profit organization. ACE-Net is not a matching ser­ vice and does not serve as an investment adviser or broker- dealer. In addition, no securities trading takes place on ACE-Net. Applications and more detailed information are available at the ACE-Net Internet site, which can be accessed directly at: http://ace- n et.sr.u n h .ed u or h ttp :// www.sba.gov/ADVO/. Opportunity Multnomah County, Metro, the Port of Portland, and the City of Portland are committed to building the economic strength of our region's diverse businesses by following fair contracting and employment practices to ensure equal opportunity for all citizens. October 3 - 9 has been proclaimed "Minority Enterprise Development Week." We appreciate this special opportunity to recognize the many valuable contributions made by minority businesses in the metropolitan area. For information on contracting and programs for Minority-owned firms, call: Multnomah County Contract Opportunity Line 503-797-1933 Metro Regional Services Contract Opportunity Line 503-797-1933 www.co.multnomah.or.us/contracts www.metro.dst.or.us Carol Justice M/W/ESB & QRF Compliance Specialist 503-248-5429 Jim Waki D/M/WBE Program & Contracts Coordinator 503-797-1714 Port of Portland FaxBack Line (503) 944-7592 www. portofportlandor.com Judy Trotter DBE Program Manager 503-944-7587 City of Portland Bureau of Purchases/Office of Transportation BuyLine (503) 823-6855 www ,d . Portland .or. us/purchase/ purchase.htm Loretta Young M/W/ESB Liaison 503-823-6850 - i