O ctober 6, 1999 ïh e JforUanfc ©baettœr Page B7 COUNSELOR C ounselor needed to plan, coordinate, develop and im plem ent indi­ vidual and group counseling program for students in a residential aca­ dem ic/vocational training program . Requires individual with a bachelor’s degree in counseling 1, soc ial w ork o r related field and minimum o f one year related experience. P reference w ill be given to individuals w ith diverse cultural professional experience. Please send resume and letter o f interest A D V E R T IS IN G NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC HEARING to: N otice is hereby given that a public hearing, if so requested by any interested person, will be held by the Tri-C ounty M etropolitan Transporta­ tion D istricto fO reg o n (T ri-M et) in Room C o fth e Portland Building, 1120 S. W. Fifth A venue, Portland at 9:00 AM on W ednesday, O ctober 27th, 1999. The purpose o f this hearing is to consider projects for w hich federal FY00 C ongestion M itigation A ir Q uality (CM A Q ) funds from the Federal Transit A dm inistration is being sought for T ri-M et’s Interstate M AX (I-M AX) project. Persons requesting that this hearing be convened should contact Tri-M et’s F inance Administrator by telephone at (503) 962-5850, or in writing at4012S.E . 17,h A venue, Portland, O R, 97202 by Friday, O ctober 15 '\ 1999. The Proposed Program o f projects includes: Match Total Federal N ew Start Program for Final D esign - Phase I: $100,000 89,73% E ngineering & D esign - L R V s $89,730 3,500,000 89.73% 3,140,550 T ransitw ay Lines 800,000 89.73% 717,840 Station Stops/Term inals 125,000 89.73% 112,162 Support Facilities & Equipm ent 250,000 89.73% Electrification Pow er D istribution 224,325 500,000 89.73% 448,650 Signals & C om m unication 89.73% 1 .4 1 1,7 27 Project A dm inistration 1 2 6 6 .7 4 3 Total G rant A pplication $6,686,727 89.73% $6,000,000 All projects have been selected through T ri-M et’s planning process, w hich incorporates public involvem ent, and are program m ed in the M etro­ politan and State T ransportation Im provem ent Programs. No persons, families, or businesses w ill be displaced by the projects. Projects described above are in conform ance w ith com prehensive land use and transportation planning in the area. In the event a hearing is held, Tri-M et will afford opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard w ith respect to the social, econom ic, and environm ental aspects o f the projects. A person requesting a sign language interpreter shall give Tri-M et at least 48 hours notice o f the request by contacting Tri-M et at 962-4952 or TDD 962- 5811, M onday through Friday, 8:00 A M to 5:00 PM. A copy o f the grant application and T ri-M et’s transit developm ent plan are available for public inspection at the Tri-M et Finance Departm ent, 4lh • Floor,4012S.E . 17*h A venue, Portland, O R at the tim e o fth e proposed public Human Resources 31224 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy. T ro u td a le , O R 97060 RESPONSES M UST BE R E C EIV E D NO LATERTHAN TU ES„(X T . 12, 1999 As an affirm ative action em ployer, we are seeking qualified minority, female, veteran and disabled applicants; however, all qualified applicants will be considered. accountingclerk Full-tim e accounting clerk needed to perform a variety o f routine ac­ counts payable, payroll and/or accounting. Requires a high-school diplom a or equivalent and one-year varied and responsible accounts payable, accounting or bookkeeping experience. Academic training in bookkeeping, accounting or payroll preferred. A utom ated accounting system experience preferred. Send cover letter and resum e to: H u m a n Resources 3 1224 E. H isto ric C olum bia R iver Hwy. T ro u td a ie , O R 97060 RESPO N SES M U ST BE R E C E IV E D NO LA TER THAN FRIDAY, O C T ., 15,1999 As an affirm ative action em ployer, we are seeking qualified minority, fem ale, veteran and disabled applicants; however, all qualified applicants will be considered. ACADEMICTEAC her O n-call A cadem ic Instructor is needed to teach subject areas such as m athem atics, reading, w orld-of-w ork, etc. in an academ ic/vocational train­ ing setting. M ust possess a B ach elo r’s degree, valid State o f Oregon Teaching C ertification or Substitute Teaching Certificate. One year second­ ary instructional experience preferred. I f interested and qualified, subm it a cover letter o f interest and resum e to: H u m a n Resources 31224 E. H isto ric C o lu m b ia R iver Hwy. T ro u td a le , O R 97060 R ESPO N SES M U S T B E R E C E IV E D N O L A T E R THAN FRIDAY, O C T . 15,1999 A s an affirm ative action em ployer, we are seeking qualified minority, female, veteran and disabled applicants; how ever, all qualified applicants hearing. Bruce H arder Executive D irector Finance & A dm inistration Tri-Met w ill be considered. W ASHINGTON COUNTY SH ELTERTECH I S l,9 1 6 -S 2 3 2 9 /m o . C loses O ctober 15,1999 IN SPE C T IO N T EC H M C IA N 1 NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC HEARING N otice is hereby given that a public hearing, if so requested by any interested person, will be held by the Tri-C ounty M etropolitan Transporta­ tion D istrict o f O regon (Tri-M et) in Room C o f the Portland Building 1120 S. W. Fifth A venue, Portland at 9:00 AM on W ednesday, O ctober 27th, 1999. The purpose o f this hearing is to consider the Powell Bus M aintenance $2 ,4 8 9 -5 3 ,0 12/mo. C loses O ctober 15,1999 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 formformation. County application and supplem ental application forms required W omen, m inorities, and people w ith disabilities are encouraged to apply. Facility project for w hich federal FY 00 § 5309 and State Transportation Program (STP) funds from the Federal T ransit A dm inistration is being sought for T ri-M et’s on-going capital program . Persons requesting that this hearing be convened should contact T ri-M et’s Finance A dm inistrator by telephone (503) 962-5850 or in writing at 4012 S.E. 17'*’ Avenue. Portland, OR APPLY TO : W ashington C ounty H uman Resources D ivision 155 N. first A venue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, O R 97124 97202 by Friday, O ctober 15th, 1999. The Proposed Program for the Powell Bus M aintenance Facility project Columbia ^C olum bia includes: Total Federal Support E quipm ent & Facilities: Engineering & D esign M aintenance Facility $448,650 Engineering & D esign M aintenance Facility 400,000 M atch Sportswear Company» MATERIAL HANDLING $500,000 89.73% 500,000 80.00% C onstruction Y ard & Shop 77,350 86,203 80.73% 740,000 925,000 80.00% C onstruction Y ard & Shop Project A dm inistration 2 00.00Q 160.000 80.00% Total G rant A pplication $2,211,203 $1,826,000 All projects have been selected through T ri-M et’s planning process, w hich incorporates public involvem ent, and are program m ed in the M etro­ politan and State T ransportation Im provem ent described above are in conform ance w ith com prehensive land use and transportation planning in the area. In the event a hearing is held, Tri-M et will afford opportunity for interested persons o r agencies to be heard w ith respect to the social, econom ic, and environm ental aspects o f the projects. A person requesting a sign language interpreter shall give T ri-M et at least 48 hours notice o f the request by contacting Tri-M et at 962-4952 or TDD 962- 5811, M onday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 pm. A copy o f the grant application and T ri-M et’s transit developm ent plan are available for public inspection at the T ri-M et Finance D epartm ent, 4 lh Floor, 4012 S.E. 17lh A venue, Portland, O R at the tim e o f the proposed public hearing. Bruce H arder Executive D irector Finance & A dm inistration Tri-M et ~ M etro Providing regional services * Creating livable communities Lead Custodian, Oregon Zoo $15.14 - $19.19/hour, FT, D eadline O ctober 18, 1999. Perform s skilled and sem i-skilled custodial and light maintenance work in the c leaning and m aintenance o f Z oo buildings and grounds. Perform s lead w orker re­ sponsibilities. R equired application m aterials available at M etro H um an Resources, 600 N E G rand A venue, Portland, OR 97232. Resum es are not accepted. Please call(503)797-1570ifyou would like application m aterials m ailed to you. W eb add ress: w w w .m etro- region.org AA/E E O Employer W ORK FOR ONE TOUGH MOTHER C olum bia S portsw ear Com pany has proven that quality co nstruc­ tion, engineering and innovation in sports apparel is a form ula for suc­ cess. Join our D istribution C enter in the follow ing position: S tock K eep ers - H igh school edu­ cation or equivalent. Posses know l­ edge o f receiving operations. A bility to read E nglish and count accurately. Physical ability to use w arehouse equipm ent such as stock keeping cart and radio frequency scanner. Physi­ cal ability to stand for extended p eri­ ods o f tim e, regularly push a loaded cart w eighing up to 400 pounds and regularly lift/carry up to 40 pounds. C olum bia Sportsw ear offers co m ­ petitive com pensation/benefits pack­ age, and a business-oriented team environm ent. P lease sen d re su m e to H u m a n R e so u rces, D ep t. S K P , P O Box 83239, P o rtla n d , O R 97283 o r FA X to (503) 735-4597. E q u a l O p p o rtu ­ nity Em ployer. Sportswear Company» ADMINISTRATIVE W ORK FOR ONE TOUGH MOTHER C olum bia Sportsw ear Com pany has proven that quality construc­ tion, engineering and innovation in sports apparel is a form ula for suc­ cess. Join our Product D evelopm ent group in the follow ing position: M a te ria ls R e se a rc h A ssistan t - R equirem ents include high school diplom a o r equivalent and tw o to three years adm inistrative experience preferably in a m anufacturing envi­ ronm ent. A dvanced know ledge o f com puter data entry, proficiency in M icrosoft W ord. Excel and A ccess, report generations, and file m ainte­ nance techniques. A bility to read, write, and speak English. C olum bia Sportsw ear offers com ­ petitive com pensation/benefits pack­ age, and a team environm ent. P lease se n d re su m e a n d sa lary history to: H u m an R esources, Dept. M R A , P O Box 83239, P o rtla n d O R 97283, o r F ax to : (503) 735-4597. E q u a l O pportunity Employer. O F F IC E A SSIST A N T -C ityofM ilw aukie,O R . Salary: $2,073 to $2,646 per month, D OQ, with excellent benefits. Join a progressive team where you will receive a variety o f challenging w ork in the field o f custom er service and records m anagem ent. W e are establishing a list for future hires to assigned in various divisions o f th e City. W e are also filing a current assignm ent in our police division that will have preference given to applicants with a background in a records police facility M IN IM U M R E Q U IR E M E N T S : E D U C A TIO N : A high school diplom a supplem ented w ith additional coursew ork in office or secretarial sciences, P R IO R W O R K E X P E R IE N C E : Must have a minimum o f two years progressively responsible p n o r w ork expenence directly involving data processing, clerical duties including typing at 50 wpm, filing, record keeping, and public contact O r any equivalent com bination o f education and experience. A pplication m aterials include jo b application, certification form and supplem ental questionnaire. All application m aterials m ust be received by theCity ofM ilw aukie, H uman Resources, 10722 SE Main Street, Milwaukie, OR 97222, no later than 4:00 P M , W E D N E S D A Y ,O C T O B E R 20,1999. Formore information: (503)786-7507,or T D D #(503)786-7555orF ax#(503)652-4433. Prior to hiring, require satisfactory com pletion o f drug test and security clearance background. A ll qualified applications encouraged to apply. EOE. G.I. Joe’s is seeking positive, knowledgeable and enthusiastic persons who specialize in customer service to join our sales team •FT/PT Sales In M ost Depts: •Athletics, Apparel, Hunting/ •Fishing & Auto Parts •FT/PT Cashiers •FT D ay M erch.R eceivm g Crew Application accepted; A T A L L G1 Joe’s Stores G.I. Joe’soffers: competitive wage& benefitpackage;store bonus program; HMO health/dental/Rx plan; 401 (k) plans, group insurance and more. We are a drug-free, smoke-free and an equal opportunity employer. For a completelistingofavailablejobopportumtyvTsitourwebsiteatwww.gijoes.com C IT Y O F SA L E M R ecruiting P o lice O fficer candidates (B ilingual/E ntryL evel/C erti- fied)($3,260. $4,156./M o. Excel Fringe Bene P ck g )+ 2.5% Incentive Pay for bilingual fluency skill in Spanish, Russian, V ietnam ese, Thai, Lowland Lao, C am bodian, H ighland Lao (M ien) or H m ong, Signed English. This job requires exceptional people skills, judgm ent, openness to em brace Com m u­ nity oriented policing concepts in order to m eet com m unity needs in the Salem area; the ability to m ake decisions, handle em ergency situations; resolve problem s w ithout bias, enforce traffic laws, direct traffic, investigate accidents and prepare w ritten reports. Requires: H igh School D iplom a or GED; m ust be a U.S. citizen: M inim um 21 years o f age; plus background history free from felony convictions & a clear driving record. Closes: 10/12/ 99. To apply: C ity o f Salem Personnel Dept. 555 Liberty St. SE, Salem, OR 97301 503/588-6162 ww w .open.org, spersonl. EOE #99-411/042. RESIDENTIAL ADVISORS O n-call student dorm itory advisors needed for a residential vocational program. Requires m inim um o f a high-school diplom a or equivalent and one years experience in counseling, social w ork, rehabilitation or vocational guidance. A ssociate’s or bach elo r’s degree inhum an services preferred. 20 m m utes from Lloyd Center. Valid drivers license with an acceptable driving records required. Send cover letter, resum e to: H u m an R esources 31224 E. H istoric C o lu m b ia R iver Hwy. T ro u td aie, O R 97060 R ESPO N SES M UST BE R E C E IV E D N O L A T E R T H A N FRIDAY, O C T . 15,1999 As an affirm ative action em ployer, we are seeking qualified minority, fem ale, veteran and disabled applicants; how ever, all qualified applicants w ill be considered. Portland Multnomah County 9-1-1 EMERGENCYCOMMUNICATIONS O P E R A T O R T R A IN E E C ity o fP o rtla n d ,O rh a s 10 entry-level openings to train qualified people in _ calltaking and dispatch for police, fire, E m e r g e n c y C o m m u n ic a t io n » and m edical service agencies. Salary starts at $27,000 w hile training; fully certified personnel earn $37,341 - $46,802 annually. E xcellent benefits for all em ployees. Requires high school diplom a or equivalent (one year o f college preferred), ability to -m J p v n p n p n rp H p alin o w ith n p n n le u n d e r stressful condi- txrrxp* A S tions. A pplications taken Sept 27-O ct 22,1999. For an application call (503) 823-0911 o r apply online at http://w w w .ci.portland.or.us/jobs Employment ^ 7 n Oregon, opportunity mean« a variety of careen available statowldo. competitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, opening« exist in the tallowing agencies: i Restaurant Columbia Sportswear Company» Denny’s Management Opportunities Full time positions available in the Vancouver/Portland restaurants. Ex­ cellent benefits. Send resume to: Denny's 410 2 NE 119"’ St. Vancouver, WA 96 6 8 6 Denny's is committed to providing employment opportunities to all re­ gardless Of race, creed, color or national origin. $179,000 Exc/tfrtf Portland In A Foot Mlnutaal With 3. maybe 4 bedrooms, this unique home in Burlingame gives you lots o f room for the $. Vaulted ceiling in LR, HW firs, 2 FP's cozy bckyd Don't miss out - look today! JoAn Meloy 503-699-3978. REGION AL ASSISTANT-ASIA Join our International Department. A ssist Regional C oordinator for Asia & C anada in all aspects o f order pro­ cessing, from placem ent to delivery, including logistics and export d ocu­ m entation. A n A ssociates D egree, or equivalent experience, in a related field is required. M inim um o f 1 -to-2 years related experience in an office environm ent preferred. Send resume to: H uman Resources, Dept. INTLRA, PO Box 83239, Port­ land OR 97283, or FAX to: (503) 735- 4597. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Vending business, 100 locations. Net $4000 per month. Cost $9995. www.vendingroutes.com 1-800-963-6123. PARKIN!i F A C nJT Y OPERATOR Im m ediate opening for full and p a r t- tim e lo t a tte n d a n t w ith P o rtlan d ’s leading parking C om ­ pany. W e are seeking dependable individuals w ith a neat appear­ ance and a positive attitude OREGON DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Attorney Attorney vacancy in the Family Law Section of the Civil Enforcement Division in Salem. Duties include reviewing Division of Child Support files and making numerous circuit court appearances in hearings and trials involving establishment and enforcement in support orders, the State Office for Services to Children and Families termination of parental rights litigation, and providing general counsel legal advice. Experience In litigation, family law and admin law preferred. Must be OSB member at time of appointment. Salary is $ 3 8 .8 8 0 $ 7 7 ,1 2 4 a year DOE. lb apply; cad (803) 378-5585 x 3 2 i (TTY (503) 378-5938 tar the hearing Impaired), or visit our web site at www.dot.state.or.us. AA/EOE. Application deadline 1 0 /1 5 /9 9 . OREGON STATE POLICE Recruit Trooper These fulHime positions enforce state laws (including fish and wildlife laws), patrol highways, and investigate crimes and other duties as required Minimum Qualifications: US citizen, 21 years of age or $7.50 Hr. starting w age A dvancem ent potential M edical, D ental and 40 IK available Applicants must have vai id driv­ ers license, subm it to drug test and background check. Apply in per­ son between 12:00 and 1:00 PM daily at City Center Parking at 215 SW 6'». older. Hgh School diploma or equivalent, licensed to operate a motor vehicle, no felony convictions Starting salary is $ 2 ,8 1 7 a month: benefit package available Cad OSA Job dna at (801) 3 7 8 3 7 2 8 t o t 4131, or write to Oregon State Podce, Sworn Applicant Processing Section. 1320 Cgidoi 8L ME, Suite B-10. Salem. OR 97303. Web site www.oep.state.or.ue. Equal Opportunity Employer. Applications received or postmarked no later than 1 2 -3 1 9 9 will be invited to test in January. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS HeaRh Service» Technician This fulHime position is located in Salem and provides clinical, emergency care and treatment to inmates in correctional facilities. Requires two years experience In the care and treatment of physically ill or injured patients and applicants must be licensed by the Oregon State Board of Nursing as a Licensed Practical Nurse and possess a valid First Aid and CPR card at the time of appointment. Salary is $ 2 .2 2 3 to $ 2 .9 2 1 a month and excellent benefits. Job Announcement t U 9 7 0 7 B l and Stabs of i m iy m oouwwo i csd 1-877-888-5234 (Tbd Ftee) or tag onto our v .A p p ly soonl S creening could begin at anytime. Cara From $9001 Police impounds & tax repo's For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. A6O3. 2 /h e e e ara just some of the curant of Oragon mtarmattan, a copy ofthe dsttag. cad the seals Job too (Oregonian InsMs Uns) (803) 2 2 5 3 8 8 8 e x t 7777, TTY ( 503) 178- 4872. visit you toeal Emptoymsnt Dsportmontu visit o u Wsb site at www.aragngabs.ug Tho State of Oragon and ad Ns dhtatans a n proud to bo spud opportudty smpteyera.