•t.. * ? & October 6, 1999 wmv.portlandobserver.nct C om m itted to ( l i l l u i al Diversity Volume X X IX , Num ber 4b Bulk Rate U.S. Postage Flavor of the Month 1999 Minority Business Special Edition PAID Check out the new flavor in Focus Look for Popeye's Special Insict- I See this weeks Focus See Minority Business Week J*«. Portland, OR Permit No. 1610 University of Oregon Knight Library Newspaper Section A E £ F fr ï Eugene OR 97403 ^orttani» (bbserurr ' Sección en Español . ’f - ■ Investigators are likely to focus on driver error or signal failure as poten­ tial causes o f the rush-hour train crash | that killed at least 26 people and in­ jured 160 near a west London rail sta­ tion. In v e stig ato rs w ill determ ine whether the driver o f the outbound train ran a red light near the station. A search for more victim s in the mangled carriages will resume. Japanese Uranium Contamination A m ajor leak at a uranium -process­ ing plant in northeastern Japan radiation levels skyrocketing and con­ tam inated dozens or workers, sending at least three to the hospital. The nuclear reaction, which prom pted au­ thorities to order 310,000 residents to rem ain in their homes. JCO Co., the private com pany that operates the plant, said they thought that while radioacitivity was released into the atm osphere, the radioactive material itself rem ained contained. Fatal Mexican Flood T o rre n tia l ra in flo o d e d riv e rs, I caused dams to overflow and sent m udslides rolling over houses in cen­ tral and eastern M exico, killing at least 49 people. Forecasters said the rain would continue w ithout respite. More than 100,000 people had fled their homes ahead o f the rising waters, which I carried crocodiles into the streets of th e T abasco s ta te c a p ita l, Villaherm osa, where rivers were at a I 40-year high. R ip p en S a y s B la z e rs A re C h a m p io n s h ip M a t e r ia l £ C a n n o n s ro a re d , fig h te r je ts I scream ed and crisp-uniform ed sol­ d iers p arad ed th ro u g h T iananm en Square as C hina had celebrated 50 years o f com m unist rule. President Jiang Zem in and other Com munist Party leaders viewed the parade o f a half-m illio n so ld iers and civilians from atop the Gate o f Heavenly Peace The p arty ’s $36 m illion celebration 1 showcases the nation’s growing m ili­ tary m ight and its rapid econom ic progress. MUSS Miat jft * p Mias Mias i Mias M State Farm Policyholders State Farm policyholders won dam- I ages totaling $456 m illion in a lawsuit accusing the nation’s largest auto in­ surer o f cheating custom ers by order­ ing body shops to use substandard re­ pair parts. Critics claim such “ after- m arket parts” fail to provide the same fit, corrosion protection and, in some cases, safety as the more expensive parts made for automakers. President’s Pay Rises President C linton signed legisla­ tion that will double future presidents’ annual salaries to $400,000 beginning after he leaves office in 2001. House and Senate m em bers’ salaries will in­ crease by $4,600 to $141,300 a year beginning in January. fllî M X . The North/Northeast Economic DevelopmentAlliance And Portland Bureau of Planning Join In A Celebration And Critical Evalu­ ation of The Albina Community Plan Monday, October4 OAME Cascade Plaza 4134 N Vancouver (SW Comer ofN Williams and Skidmore) 5:30-7:00 PM Open House 7:00-9:00 PM Com m unity Meeting / Discussion Monday, October 11 OAME Cascade Plaza 4134 N Vancouver (SW Comer ofN Williams and Skidmore) 5:30-8:30 PM Advocates / Implementors Forum-discussions with public and Community service providers Copies o f the Alliance’s Preliminary Five- Year Evaluation of the Implementation of the Albina Community Plan are available at any o f the four locations listed below. Ifyou need a copy mailed to you please call Col­ leen Acres at the Bureau o f planning at 823- 7748. Extra copies will be available at the October 4,h and 11* meetings. North/Northeast Economic Development Alliance Attn: Sam Brooks OAME Cascade Plaza 4134 N Vancouver Portland, OR 97217 Tel: 249-7744 FAX: 249-2027 Portland Bureau o f planning Attn: Colleen Acres or Nicholas Starin 1900 SW 4lh Avenue, Suite 4100 Portland, OR 97201 Tel: 823-7749 FAX: 823-5884 NE Coalition o f Neighborhoods 4815 NE 7* Ave Portland, OR 97211 Tel: 823-4575 FAX: 823-3150 North Portland Neighborhood Services 2410 N Lombard Ave Portland, OR 97217 Tel: 823-4524 FAX: 823-3162 You can share your information and opin­ ions with us in any or al or the following ways: 1 .Attend a community meeting on either Monday, October 4 or October 11, 1999, and join in discussions o f Albina s recent past and shaping its future. 2.Invite Alliance members and Bureau of Planning staff to attend a coffee or meeting. We can exchange ideas about the effective­ ness o f past community development, iden­ tify new challenges, and design strategies which reflect our priorities and best utilize our resources. 3. Put your comment directly in this docu­ ment. Phone, mail. fax. or drop off your notes and / or marked-up document by Octo­ ber 15,1999 at any ofthe locations listed on the first page o f this invitation. UKtbU!\l A V. Sheila Holden 4 Volunteer. Contact us at any o f the above telephone numbers ifyou belong to an organization which could help us implement the Albina Community Plan or you would like to join us in our efforts. The keys to success are the ownership o f the plan by the community, the creation o f effective and efficient implementation partnership, and the acquisition o f resources necessary to carry out the plan. A s Sí r saying Barkley owed him an apol­ PORTLAND, O re.- Scottie ogy for coming to play with his Pippen did some backpedaling “sorry fat butt.” Monday, saying he never wanted After mulling over his state­ to be traded to the Los Angeles ments for a few days, Pippen at Lakers, and calling his new first tried to laugh off the epi­ team, the Portland Trail Blaz­ sode, saying “I forgot what I said. ers, the best he’s ever seen. But he did soften his comments, Pippen, speaking publicly for even if he didn’t apologize. the first time since the Houston “I really didn’t mean anything Rockets traded him Saturday for personal about Charles,” he said. six reserves, drew cheers from “I think w e’ve had an off and on the hundreds o f Blazers em­ relationship over the years, and ployees who gathered for a news I’m sure w e’ll cross each other’s conference w hen he talked path again, and all that will be about bringing a championship forgotten.” to Portland. As for his brief stint in Hous­ “This is a great fit for m e,” ton, Pippen said, "Things just Pippen said. "If 1 had my choice, didn’t work out in Houston for I would probably choose this me. To some degree I wasn’t the team because I feel like they’re right fit for that team. I think Port­ more on the verge o f winning a land is a better fit.” championship.” Coach Mike Dunleavy said the P ip p en had re p o rte d ly Blazers should be a contender for wanted to rejoin Lakers coach the NBA title, not only this sea­ Phil Jackson, who led Michael son “but for many years to come. Jordan and Pippen to six NBA Pippen av eraged ju s t 14.5 titles with the Chicago Bulls. points last season but still aver- But Pippen said Monday he did | aged 40 minutes a game. He said not want out o f Houston, but he will gladly settle for fewer Scottie Pippen"1# ? ^ ^ n e w e s t addition to the Blazer Rooster, (center) airivesln had his hand forced when he minutes this season, and he’ll Portland Monday October 4, 1999, for his signing physical and to allude to Portland Fans realized the Rockets didn’t have have to on a team that is jam m ed his expectations for winning a championship her in Portland. Coach Mike Dun eavy enough desire to win a title. with talent. and Blazer General Manager Bob Whitsitt listen on “I w ouldn't exactly say 1 “I see Mike having a very tough trade, were impressed by Pippen’s com­ Pippen said the Blazers, who signed free wanted to be traded, no,” he job trying to get guys minutes out on the ments. said. “I wanted to see that we were a team that agent Detlef Schrempf and acquired Steve court, but we have to be one happy family, "We feel great about that,’ ’ forward Brian Smith in a trade with Atlanta in a busy was trying to win a championship. That was and realize that the most important thing is Grant said. “We know he’s not just saying it. offseason after losing to San Antonio in the my main reason for going there, and I felt about winning,” Pippen said. We know he really, truly, honestly believes Western Conference finals, have the best like that at some point we sort o f gave up on Some o f the Blazers grumbled about that, so we’re going to go out there and try to ourselves. We didn’t want to win. team he’s ever seen — period. playing time last season, and Schrempf, for do everything we can to prove that he’s The 34-year-old Pippen was traded for “This team is far more talented than prob­ one, has mixed feelings about giving up right.” ably any team that’s been assembled in the Stacey Augmon, Kelvin Cato, Walt Will­ even more minutes. Pippen had grown frustrated with his lack iams, Brian Shaw, Ed Gray and Carlos league,” he said. “ I’d be lying if I said I was cool with it,” o f scoring opportunities in Houston, play­ When a reporter asked whether Pippen I Rogers. Schrempf said. “It’s going to be a change. ing in the same frontcourt as Hakeem Pippen, who signed a five-year, $67 mil­ meant just this season, or ever, the seven­ (But) I’m not playing for a new contract. Olajuwon and Charles Barkley. time All-Star smiled and said, “Far as I can lion contract when he joined the Rockets I’m not playing for the All-Star team. My Last Wednesday, he made a trade a virtual remember. I haven't been around forever.” last season, will now be the centerpiece on goal is to win a championship, and I think certainty when he ripped Barkley in a televi­ The Blazers, who did not have a single one o f the N BA ’s most formidable starting we have all the ingredients here.” sion interview, calling him “selfish and championship ring among them before the lineups. China’s 50 Years of Communism * I7 ■ v a London Crash í Your comments will be incorporated into this document. An updated and finalized ver­ sion will be presented to the Portland City Council in November 1999. This informa­ tion will also be shared with the Portland Planning Commission, Multnomah County Board of County Commissioners, public and community service providers, and neigh borhood and business associations, organi­ zations, and activists.