September 29,1999 (Tlje ^Jorthxtiò (Db ser Her Page B3 P O L IC E N E W S Officer Involved Shooting O n T uesday, S eptem ber 21, 1999, at approxim ately 5:15 PM, officers from N orth Precinct were dispatched to 10228 N. M idway after a neighbor called and reported a fam ily disturbance at that loca­ tion. W hen the officers arrived, the wife o f D uane Lyle W hite Jr. was outside o f the residence. She stated to the officers that he had threat­ ened her and w as inside their house destroying the interior. T he offic­ ers could hear the sounds o f a dis­ turbance inside the house, includ­ ing the sound o f glass breaking. T he officers attem pted to contact Duane W hite Jr. and he w ould not open the door. A fter interview ing the wife, officers established prob­ able cause to arrest D uane W hite Jr. for m enacing under the D om es­ tic V iolence Statute. They repeatedly attem pted to get him to open the door o f the residence. O fficers then forced the door o f the residence and Duane W hite Jr confronted the officers with a machete. The officers who w ere w ithin several feet o f Duane W hite Jr. repeatedly ordered him to drop the m achete and when he re­ fused to do so, one officer fired his w eapon several tim es and struck Duane W hite Jr. D uane W hite Jr. was transported to an area hospital w here he is being treated for his injuries. Detectives from the Portland Po­ lice Bureau and the East County M ajor C rim es Team responded to the scene and are conducting the investigation. An arrest w arrant was obtained for D uane W hite Jr., 34 years, for 2 counts o f M enacing, and 1 count o f A ttem pted Assault 1. He has been arrested for the charges. A s in a ll o f fic e r in v o lv e d shootings, the nam es o f the officers will not be released for 24 hours. The M ultnom ah County District A ttorney’s Office will review the case. Neighborhood Enhancement Fund Grant Application Deadline Nears TheGreenNeighborhoodNetw ork (GNN) N eighborhood Enhancement fu n d is seeking proposals from com ­ munity groups needing funds for local projects w ith an environm ental ben­ efit. The deadline to apply for these funds in this round is nearing. The application deadline is October 15 th. GNN is a partnership o f sixteen public and pn vate organizations with a goal o f helping H ollyw ood area residents and businesses reduce oper­ ating costs, enhance the natural envi­ ronment, and m ake the best use o f natural resources. The N eighborhood Enhancement Fund was created with funding from Pacific Pow er to en­ courage com m unity-based partner­ ships that promote resource efficiency or enhance the natural environment. The funds are available for projects to be implemented within the GNN tar­ get area - betw een NE 33rd and 57,h Aves, from 1-84 to Fremont St. Applicants m ust be non-profit or­ ganizations. They can partner with school, co m m u n ity , or b u sin ess groups. Cost m atching with outside funds or in-kind services is encour­ aged. Preference will be given to re­ quests with cost-sharing. Measurable outcom es are strongly encouraged. The benefits can be stated in terms o f resources saved, waste avoided and/ or em issions reduced. Projects with long-term benefits will be given pref­ erence in funding. A ll interested parties are encour­ aged to apply. A nyone that is not eligible can apply in partnership with an organization that is. A pplication form s are available at the H olly­ w ood Library, the C entral N o rth ­ east N eighbors office, the H olly­ w ood S enior C enter, and the P ort­ land E nergy O ffice. For m ore de­ tails, contact the Energy O ffice at 823-7222. Council approves new drug free zones B y L ey P erlman A fter hearing an aftern o o n o f testim ony, the Portland C ity C o u n ­ cil last w eek approved a new drug free zone, and the ex p an sio n o f an ex istin g one, in north and n o rth east Portland. C ouncil voted four to zero to approve the zones, w ith co m m is­ sioner Erik Sten absent for the vote. A new W oodlaw n zone w ill be b ounded by N ortheast M allo ry and 15th avenues, P ortland B oulevard an d L om bard S treet, w ith a sh o rt p a n h a n d le e x te n d in g so u th to N ortheast A insw orth Street. The new zones are sm all co m ­ p ared to an earlier proposal to take in nearly all the territory betw een N orth and N ortheast D ekum and Russell streets, N orth C o n co rd and N o rth east 15th avenues, w ith an ex ten sio n to N o rth east 33rd A v ­ enue north o f P rescott S treet. The current prop o sed zone is “ v ery n a r­ row ly draw n around sp ecific drug traffic p ro b lem s,” H ay d en said. “ T he m ore loosely draw n it is, the m ore vulnerable w e are to ch arg es that the zone d o esn ’t ad d ress the (drug) p ro b lem .” A p olice o ffic er can o rd er a p e r­ son arrested for sale o r p o ssessio n o f illegal drugs to be ex clu d ed from all city drug free zones for 90 days. A ju d g e can order so m eo n e c o n ­ v icted o f such offen ses ex clu d ed for a year. A nyone ex clu d ed w ho is found w ith in the zone is su b je ct to a “ crim inal tresp ass” arrest. A n y ­ one ex clu d ed has seven d ay s to ch allen g e the ex clu sio n , o r to seek a variance to travel to o r from a jo b , treatm en t program o r th e ir ow n hom e if it is w ith in a zone. b e fo re O ct. 1. F o r fam ily g o v e rn m e n t rev ise fo o d -sta m p p a y m e n ts a n n u a lly to re fle c t c h a n g e s in food, h o u sin g an d o th e r c o sts. F o o d -sta m p r e ­ c ip ie n ts are low in c o m e, e ld e rly o r d isa b le d . T he a v e ra g e am o u n t o f food sta m p s re c e iv e d by an O re g o n h o u se h o ld is a b o u t $150. T h e f e d e ra l f in a n c e d fo o d - sta m p p ro g ra m , in te n d e d to e n ­ sure ac c e ss to a n u tritio u s d ie t, is a d m in iste re d in O re g o n by th e A d u lt an d F a m ily S erv ice s and th e S e n io r D isa b le d S e rv ic e s d i­ v isio n o f th e s ta te D e p a rtm e n t o f H u m an S erv ice s. S in c e s p r in g 1 9 9 8 , O re g o n fo o d -sta m p b e n e fits h av e b ee n d e liv e re d e le c tro n ic a lly and r e ­ c ip ie n ts h av e b ee n ab le to o b ta in funds u sin g c re d it card siz e d O r­ eg o n T ra il c a rd . O re g o n , th e first W est C o a st sta te to ad o p t w h at is c a lle d e le c tro n ic b e n e fit tra n sfe r, d id so to co m p ly w ith a fed eral Sabin neighborhood said she feared the zone w ould co n tin u e the p ro ­ cess o f “ d isresp ec t” o f A frican- A m e r ic a n s b r o u g h t o n b y g en trificatio n . S he cited several cases o f A fric an -A m erica n s h a­ rassed by p olice sim ply for being on the street. M ayor V era K atz, in response to Skye an d oth ers, urged the p o ­ lice to m ake in fo rm atio n as under- If you are in a relationship and have chosen not to get married, we would like to interivew you for our book. We are an unmarried couple who are writing a book about people who choose not to get married or are unable to get married. We would like to interview you by phone about your thoughts and experiences. We will respect your limits regarding confidentiality. To learn more or to arrange a time to be interviewed, please call Dorian and M arshall at 1-800-513-6999. R A D IT IO N A L L Y , many Physicians spend a part __ of their work weeks and time seeking new patients through advertising and store screenings to the general public and organizations. At Dr. Failla’s practice her focus in on listening, detailed diagnoses and working toward correction of chronic and traumatic injuries, such as nagging shoulder pain for instance or auto injuries just sustained. She devotes 100% of her energy to helping attain your pre-injured health and peak sports perform ance through her individualized Chiropractic, deep massage and specified stretching techniques. To continue this level of commitment and service she needs your help. Your enthusiastic endorsement of Dr. Failla’s practice to family and friends enables her to concentrate more of her time building on her education base to even better serve her patients Employee earns reward; forger gets fine & probation The watchful eyes o f a K inko’s employee thwarted attempts o f a 23- year-old man to forge Tri-Met passes and will earn her a $200 reward for bringing him to justice. Jason Michael Merrigan pleaded guilty to one count o f forgery in Multnomah Clrcuit Court. He was fined $200, had to pay court costs and was placed under 18-months’ probation through a plea bargain agreement. In August, police caught Merrigan after a second attempt at copying Tri- Met monthly passes at two different Kinko’s stores, according to Portland Police records. On Aug. 8, M em gan and a woman entered a K inko’s in NE Vancouver and began making color copies of August monthly passes. W hen an em­ ployee confronted Merrigan and told him he was violating copyright laws, he agreed to stop making the copies req u irem en t e ffec tiv e in 2002 that is in te n d ed to h elp re c ip ie n ts b u d ­ g et, to re d u c e fra u d an d to in ­ c re a se e ffic ie n c y fo r re ta ile rs. standable, and legal redress as easy to obtain, as possible. Several zone supporters said the exclusion actually helped reco v er­ ing ad d icts stay clean. D aniele Johnson o f Franciscan E nterprise told o f being stopped for tresp ass­ ing in a drug free zone. “ It show ed m e my problem w as out o f co n ­ tro l,” she said. “I am a resu lt o f this program , clean for two y ears.” ARE YOU UNMARRIED? Forger Stopped By Kinko’s Employee - Oregon food-stamp recipients receive an increase beginning in October O re g o n ’s 105,000 fo o d -sta m p h o u se h o ld s w ill re c e iv e sm a ll in ­ c re a se s in O c to b e r in th e am o u n t o f th e ir allo tm e n t and in how m uch th e y c a n e a rn to q u a lify . T he c h a n g e , a ffe c tin g ab o u t 2 2 0 ,0 0 0 p e o p le , b e c o m e s e f fe c ­ tiv e O ct. 1. A m o u n ts re c e iv e d are b ased on h o u s e h o ld siz e , in c o m e and e x p e n se s. F o r an in d iv id u a l, the m o n th ly fo o d -stam p a llo tm e n t w ill in c re a se by $2, from $125 to $ 127, i f the in d iv id u al has no oth er in c o m e o r e x p e n se s. T h e in d i­ v id u a l also can e a rn m o re - g ro ss in c o m e to q u a lify m u st be $893 a m o n th o r less c o m p ared w ith $873 Sten, the only C ouncil m em ber to vote ag ain st estab lish in g the Beech zone tw o years ago, said he was “pleasantly surprised by the w ay this has gone. I f y o u ’re ar­ rested and th e re ’s no room for in­ carceration, it m akes sense to ex ­ clude.” He said that in two years “there d o e s n 't seem to be a ton o f evidence that th e re’s abuse going on.” D u rin g p u b lic te stim o n y the week before. R epresentatives o f the Boise, H um boldt, K ing, Piedm ont and W oodlaw n neigh b o rh o o d as­ sociations, the C o alitio n o f Black Men, Portland Com m unity C ollege, Jefferso n H igh S ch o o l, an d the Hope and H ard W ork C om m ittee spoke in favor o f the prop o sed zones. Jack P aulson o f K ing called for a six square b lock addition to the Beech zone expansion to take in a critical area on the north C oun­ cil declined to approve this request. Piedm ont chair B etsy R adigan said that drug houses these days are “ less likely to be rentals run by clueless landlords than people w ith now here to go but back to m a or grandm a. T he tools have to change w ith the problem .” Several speakers, m ost o f them law yers, opposed the zone as a threat to civil liberties and discrim i­ natory in its operation. K elly Skye o f th e M e tr o p o lita n P u b lic D efender’s O ffice said that the w rit­ ten inform ation given to those ex ­ cluded is confusing, as is the map o f the zones. E xclusion puts m ost treatm ent and drug-free housing off-lim its to recovering addicts, she said. F ra n c e s O ’H a llo rh a n o f the and turned the copies over to the worker. He then grabbed the originals and left the building. The employee called other K inko’s stores in the metro area and advised them o f what happened. Eight days later, M errigan en­ tered a K inko’s in S W Portland near Portland State U niversity and at­ tem pted to m ake copies o f the pass again. He was confronted again by an em ployee who saw him copying them. The employee, Amy Thornton, took most o f the copies away from Memgan, who fled the copy shop, leaving behind the original pass in the photocopier. The employee called the police who discovered Merrigan at a nearby res­ taurant. Merrigan was arrested on several forgery counts and possession o f a forged instrument. He has spent the past 35 days in jail - the reason for her practice. V Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician 425 NW 18th Ave. • Portland, OR 97209 • (503) 228-6140 ARMACy F E A T U R IN G NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN & C O N V E N T IO N A L PHARMACIST L ■ )•. A TED AT THE • : . NATURE $ NORTHV'E CONÇU PR B O O H ES FERRY FA N Ri.? A i A