Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 29, 1999, Page 6, Image 6

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    September 29, 1999
Page A6
(Ehv ÿ o rtlan b ©baeruer
Fire and Your S afety
B n M ike B e il
Pom i
R is i 1 1
The usual public perception o f a fire
fighter saving lives is the classic picture
o f the rescued being earned out ofbum -
mg building in the arm s o f the fire fighter.
Some firefighteis have found that w e
have a better opportunity to sav e lives is
before the fire starts through fire preven­
tion inspections. Saving lives through
fire prevention inspections is not cel-
ebrated in the spectacular fashion like
photograph described above.
Tragically a man lost his life in a tire
that occurred at Scotty’s Tav em located
at 7830 SW Garden Home Rd. in south­
west Portland, August 24, 1999. The
victim w as smoking in bed on the second
tkxir, which started the mattress on fire.
He w as found in the laundry area on that
floor. Ironically on August 4, 1999,
Inspector Ernie Booker performed a fire
inspectionofScotty’sTavem . Inspector
Booker report saysto'Discontinuesleep-
mg upstairs immediately, and to remov e
all bedding”. The report was given to
ow ner at the time o f the inspection.
The victim ofthis fire should not have
died. The victim should not have been
sleeping in this building, The fire should
not have happened. Inspector Booker
triedtopreventthisfire. Heexplainedthe
situation through his experience and
knowledge o f firefighting the fire codes
and his reports.
Kinkel Pleads Guilty
K ip K in k el h a s p le a d g u ilty on
all 58 c h a rg e s a g a in s t h im in the
T h u rsto n H ig h S c h o o l s h o o tin g
case. S e n te n c in g w ill ta k e p la c e at a
later date. K in k e l, w h o is 17 -y e a rs-
old, is too y o u n g f o r O r e g o n ’s d e a th
Jury selectio n in K in k e l’s trial on
ag g rav ated m urder charges w as to
b egin next w eek.
K inkel, 16, is accused o f fatally
shooting his parents at hom e in M ay
1998 and then driving the next day to
T hurston H igh School in Springfield,
w here he opened fire on the cafeteria,
killing tw o and w ounding 25 others.
T he defen se h ad said it w ould
argue K inkel suffered from insanity
o r a dim in ish ed m ental cap acity due
to ex trem e em o tio n al distress at the
tim e o f the shootings.
C hannel 2 N ew s crew s are on the
scene and m ore in fo rm atio n w ill be
p o sted as it beco m es available.
Hiker Missing Near Mount
Hood Found
9 -2 4 -9 9 P O R T L A N D , O re. (A P )
- A 3 8 -y ear-o ld P o rtlan d v e te rin a r­
ian, m issing in th e M o u n t H o o d area,
is in critical c o n d itio n at a h o sp ital
after b ein g a irlifte d from the base o f
a 50-foot cliff.
F ran cesca G o o d w as fo u n d u n ­
conscious T hursday, said H ood R iver
S h eriff Jo e W am p ler. S he w as taken
to Legacy E m anuel H ospital & H ealth
C en ter in P ortland.
She had lain in the sp o t for about
50 hours before the A ir F orce R eserve
helicopter lifted h er out in a sling.
G ood w as re p o rte d m issin g T u e s­
day after failing to re tu rn at m id -d ay
from a sh o rt h ike in the H ig h P rairie
area east o f M o u n t H ood. W h ile she
w as m issing, te m p e ra tu re s ran g ed
from n ear freezin g at n ig h t to the
P G E lS E E D
m id -8 0 s d u rin g the day.
W am p ler said G o o d ’s sister, a
P o rtla n d -a re a p h y sic ia n , h ad e x ­
p ressed co n cern for G o o d ’s health.
G o o d recen tly learned she w as hy­
po g ly cem ic , a condition that can lead
to confusion an d disorientation w hen
a p e rs o n ’s b lo o d su g ar drops.
S e a rc h e rs from P o rtla n d M o u n ­
tain R e sc u e fo u n d G o o d late T h u rs­
d a y a fte rn o o n .
A fte r G o o d w as reported m iss­
ing, a s h e riff's d eputy found her un­
lo ck ed ren tal c ar at the L o okout
M o u n tain trailhead w ith a large p las­
tic bag o f trail m ix, a bottle o f w ater,
a T -sh irt and socks left inside.
T uesday afternoon, a tracking dog
fo llo w ed a tra il from the c a r to
G u m ju w ac S addle, a v iew p o in t w est
o f the trail that G o o d told a frien d she
intended to take. T roxel estim ated
that G ood w as found about a qu arter
o f a m ile from the site the dog found.
G ood, w ho m o v ed to P ortland
from the C h icag o area a cou p le o f
years ago, w orks as a re lie f v eterin ar­
ian at the D ove L ew is E m ergency
A nim al H ospital in Portland.
T hree w eeks ago. G ood told the
U nion C o u n ty s h e r if f s dep artm en t
that she h ad been threatened by a
m an w ith a knife in the E agle C ap
W ilderness in north eastern O regon.
She said she fled from the m an and
w andered in the forest for three days
b efo re finding h er w ay back. She
called p olice using a cellu lar p hone
th at w as in a b ack p ack she had
dro p p ed w hile fleeing.
Celebrate Y2K
with a
I h e future is in your hands. Or could be. In
the coming months, grab a shovel and volun­
teer a few hours as a Seed the Future tree
planter. You'll be making a contribution that
will last long after January 1, 2000 Trees deliver
clean air, water and unmatched beauty and
livability to the community.
PGE is the presenting sponsor of Friends of
Trees' Seed the Future campaign, a five-year
effort to plant 144,000 trees throughout the
Portland metropolitan area by April 22, 2001.
In three years, more than 10,000 volunteers
have planted 85,000 trees and seedlings.
The Time Is Now....
C opies o f die A lliance’s Prelim i­
nary Five Evaluation o f the Im plem en­
tation o f the A lbina C om m unity Plan
Monday, October 4
this docum ent An updated and finalized
version will be presented to the Portland
City Council in November 1999. This
Multnomah County Board o f County
Commissioners, public and community
service providers, and neighborhood and
GAM E Cascade Plaza
5:30 - 7:00 PM Open House
4134 N Vancouver
5 30
Can you dig it? If so, join your neighbors and
help usher in a new era of green for the next
century. Call Friends of Trees at 284-TREE (8733).
PM Community Meeting/ Discussion
(SW Comer o f N Williams and Skidmore)
Monday, October 11
OAM E Cascade Plaza
PM Advocates Implementors
4134 N Vancouver
Forum-discussions with public and
(SW Comer o f N Williams and Skidmore)
community sevice providers
are available at the B ureau o f Planning
at 823-7748. Extra copies will also be
available at the October 4th and 11th
W e need your feedback. The Albina
community is vast, complex, and diverse.
N o one organization or group o f activists
has been and is going on within it
You can share your information and
opinions with us in any o r all o f the
following ways:
Attend a comm unity meeting
on either Monday, October 4 or October
11,1999,and joindiscussionsofA lbtna’s
recent past and shaping its future.
Invite Alliance members and
Bureau o f planning staff to attend a coffee
ormeeting. W ecanexchangeideasabout
the effectiveness o f past community de­
velopm ent identity new challenges, and
design strategies which reflect our priori­
ties and best utilize our resources.
Put your comm ents directly in
this docum ent Phone, mail, fax. or drop
o ff your notes and Z or marked-up docu­
ments by October 15,1999 at any o f the
locations listed on the first page o f this
Volunteer. Contact us at any o f
the above telephone numbers if you be­
long to an organization which could help
us implement the AlbmaCommunity Plan
or you would like to join us in our efforts.
The keys to success are the ownership o f
the plan by the comm unity, the creation o f
effective and efficient implementation
partnership, and the acquisition o f re­
sources necessary to can y out the plan.
Your comments will incorporated mto
information will also be shared with the
P o rtla n d P lan n in g C o m m issio n ,
business associations, organizations, and
Portland General Electric
P E O P LE ,
C lo s e y o u r c u r t a i n s in room s w h ere su n lig h t
m ay be a d d in g to it. A nd keep the lights off d u rin g the
day. T hese are just a few of the su g g estio n s C urt
V angstad, a Pacific P ow er energy representative,
gav e to a h o m eo w n er near Yakima, W ash. The
w om an, a retiree w ith a lim ited incom e, h ad called
Pacific P o w e r's cu sto m e r service telep h o n e nu m b er
for ideas to keep her h o u se cool. It w as a p articu larly
hot su m m e r an d C u rt w an ted to help.
T he w o m a n w a s w o n d e rin g ab o u t in stallin g air
co n d itio n in g , b u t sh e w as h av in g tro u b le ev alu a tin g
w h a t h er h o m e w a s alread y e q u ip p e d for - and
w h e th e r sh e co u ld afford it. H o u se calls a re n 't a
u su al p a rt of his job, b u t in this case, C u rt m ad e an
a p p o in tm e n t to visit the w o m a n 's h om e to talk m ore
ab o u t h e r en erg y u se an d see w h a t could w ork.
W hen he got there, C u rt saw th at it w o u ld be
exp en siv e to p rep are the o ld er hom e for central air
co n d itio n in g . H e reco m m en d ed , instead, m any
low -cost, sim ple th in g s sh e could d o to cool off
the house.
T he b est use of a fan, for exam ple. C u rt th o u g h t
she could set it u p n ear a w in d o w to d ra w cool air in
the m o rning, a n d then reverse it to blow the h o t air
out. T he w o m a n th a n k e d C u rt for his tim e an d said
sh e 'd see if sh e co u ld get h er old fan w o rk in g to try
h is suggestions.
C u rt d id n 't leave it at that. The
next w eek, he retu rn ed to her hom e
w ith a floor fan a local com pany
had d o n ated .
R em em ber w h a t it m eans to give, an d get, good
service? C u rt V angstad does. A nd so d o we.
Can’t stand the heat?
Would you like more energy saving tips?
Call for a copy of o u r“ Bright Ideas”
booklet. 1-800-222-4335.
A PacifiCorp Company
Making it happen.