Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 29, 1999, Page 12, Image 12

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A Weekly Publication from
^ o rtía n b (Ohserurr
Nobel Peace Prize
Adolfo Pérez
Esquivel Brings Global Vision to
A rgentine Nobel Peace Prize
laureate and human rights advo­
cate A dolfo Pérez Esquivel will
share his struggles to achieve eco­
nomic ju stice in Latin A m erica
and his current cam paign for glo­
bal econom ic ju stice during Ecu­
m enical M inistries o f O regon’s
Collins Lectures in Portland, O c­
tober 3 and 4. R esponding to his
talks, O regon religious and p o liti­
cal leaders will frame those issues
in a re g io n a l c o n te x t. P é re z
E squivel’s talks, at 7 PM Sunday
evening, and at noon and 7 PM
M onday, will focus on the them e
o f “Jubilee: A new era for Justice,
Forgiveness and Freedom .” The
lectures will be held at First United
M ethodist Church, SW 18lh and
Pérez and Esquivel is a key
leader o f Jubilee 2000, the w orld­
w ide cam paign to cancel the debts
o f im poverished countries. Pérez
Esquivel received the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1980 after being im pris­
oned for challenging the injustices
o f m ilitary dictatorships. Prior to
arriving in Portland, he w ill re­
ceive the Pacem Terris Award from
the Rom an C atholic Diocese o f
Davenport, Iowa. Pérez Esquivel's
talks follow the Septem ber 28-30
m eeting in W ashington D.C. o f
the W orld Bank and International
M onetary Fund to discuss the debt
cancellation initiative.
R e s p o n d e n ts
P é re z
E sq u iv el’s opening speech Sun­
day evening, entitled “Forgiveness
and Release: W hat have you done
to my sister and brother,” include
U nited Church o f C hrist Confer­
ence M inister Rev. Dr. H éctor E.
López and Dr. Patricia Rumer,
O regon liaison to Jubilee 2000/
M onday’s luncheon lecture on
“ T he G o sp els and L iberation:
Challenges for the New M illen­
nium ,” will feature the music o f
Rev. John Pitney and responses
from O regon state Rep. A nitra
Rasmussen (D -11,h District), third-
generation farm er Jim B ronec,
L a k o ta tr ib a l m e m b e r A n n e
S cisso ns, and youtht from the
A m erican Friends Service Com ­
m ittee and the International Stud­
ies P ro g ram a t L in c o ln H igh
The Sum m it is a jo in t effort by
students, educators, adm in istra­
tors and com m unity m em bers who
have taken the in itiativ e to better
the education o f L atino youth in
M ultnom ah County. O ut o f g ro w ­
ing concern about the high L atino
d r o p o u t r a te , C o m m is s io n e r
Serena C ruz and S uperintendent
Ben C anada in itia te d the first
Sum m it in June 1999. T he goals
w ere to w ork d irectly w ith the
com m unity to find ideas and so­
lutions. The first Sum m it provided
the o p p o rtu n ity for c o n cern ed
m em bers o f the com m unity to em ­
brace th e ir respo n sib ilities and
m ake com m itm ents to support
L atino youth.
A fter the issues w ere p rio ri­
tized, the com m unity asked that
the Sum m it reconvene in order to
carefully review and research all
p o te n tia l ideas and stra te g ie s.
This O ctober, participants o f the
Sum m it w ill determ ine what goals
and resp o n sib ilities our com m u­
nity, schools and fam ilies w ill on
for the 1999-2000 school year.
W ho can attend?
A nyone who cares about the
quality o f education for our grow ­
ing L atino student population is
invited to attend. AT our first
Sum m it, over 300 teachers, p ar­
ents, students, elected officials,
agencies, business representatives
and com m unity m em bers w ere in
attendance. O n -site im m uniza­
tions w ill be provided until 7 PM.
Spanish translation services and
child care will be provided for the
duration o f this event. P lease
Mexican Independence Day
B y L uis M achorro _______________ __
C ontributing W riter ______________ __
A lthough m any people in the
U nited States believe C inco de
M ayo is M exican Independence
Day, it is actually celebrated on
the 16th o f Septem ber. The prev i­
ous evening, M exicans gather in
p lazas th ro u g h o u t M éxico and
som e locations in the US to give
the Grito, the cry , o f independence.
C inco de M ayo is the M exican
celebration o f the Battle o f Puebla,
a battle that took place betw een
the French forces o f the Archduke
M axim ilian and the M exicans on
M ay 5, 1862 near Puebla México.
The M exicans won this battle, de­
feating, this tim e and for the first
tim e, w hat was then the most pow ­
erful arm y in Europe.
A t the tim e, the French Army o f
N apoleon III was considered the
prem ier arm y in the world. It had
enjoyed recent victories through­
out Europe and Asia. The French
expected to m arch form the port
city o f V eracruz to M éxico City
w ithout encountering much resis­
ta n c e . P re s id e n t Ju á re z sent
troops, u n d er the com m and o f
G eneral Ignacio Zaragoza, a M exi­
can born in T exas, to Puebla to
confront the French. The M exi­
can troops consisted alm ost en­
tirely o f indigenous soldiers. G en­
eral Z arag o za’s troops, outnum ­
bered 4,700 to 5,200, w ere se­
verely under-equipped. La Batalla
de Puebla
raged on for tw o hours, after
w hich tim e the French were forced
to retreat to O rizaba. D espite tre­
m endous odds, the hum ble M exi­
can Army defeated the m ost pow ­
erful fighting unit in the world!
O n the 15 th o f Septem ber each
year, all o f the governm ent o ffi­
cials from m ayors to the president
o f M éxico celebrate the famous
“G rito de D olores” with crow ds o f
M exican people. The G rito from
M éxico C ity is broadcast on sev­
eral Spanish language television
stations throughout the US. The
G rito was incited by the “ Father o f
the C ountry” , Don M iguel Hidalgo
the p riest o f the small town o f
D o lo re s , n ow c a lle d D o lo re s
H idalgo on what is now the M exi­
can State o f G uanajuato. M iguel
H idalgo y Costilla, a priest, called
to the M exicans to take arm s
against the governm ent o f Spain.
At dawn on the 16th o f Septem ber
1810, he rang the bell o f his church
to let the people know o f the need
to rebel.
W hat H idalgo intended - and
accom plished - was to launch his
flock against the Spaniards, those
bom in Spain and living in M éxico
who had been exploiting the wealth
o f the M exican people for three
hundred years. W ithin a month, he
had been joined by more than fifty
thousand men, mainly Indians from
the poorest levels o f society. A t­
tracted by his religious m agnetism
and by other, less noble m otives,
this m ultitude devastated the cit­
ies o f San M iguel, C elaya, and
G uanajuato and were on the point
o f entering M éxico C ity w hen
H idalgo ordered them to retreat.
A few months later, in July o f
1811, Miguel Hidalgo was tortured
and tried by the Inquisition, con­
dem ned by the civil authorities,
and executed. But by then the seed
had begun to sprout. It took the
form o f a long and violent social
earthquake lasting ten years until
M e x ic a n
a n d
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1821; alm ost w ithout precedent in
New Spain or the A m ericas: the
M exican W ar o f Independence - a
truly popular m ovem ent led by
arm ed C atholic p a rish priests.
Thus beginning a long tradition o f
radical priests in a highly conser­
vative C atholic Church
In 1910, one hundred years after,
on the eve o f September 15, Presi­
dent Porfirio Diaz, who took part in
the battle o f Cinco de Mayo (be­
tween the Mexicans and the French)
stood on the main balcony o f the
National Palace, and rang the same
bell Hidalgo had rung in Dolores. He
shouted several cheers or vivas as
they are called in Spanish: “Long
Live the Heroes o f the Nation! ” “Long
Live the Republic!” Below him, in
the zöcalo or main square that, from
the days o f the Aztecs had been the
ceremonial heart o f the Mexican
Nation, a hundred thousand voices
shouted in reply “ ¡VIVA!”
But why had the President de­
livered this grito on the night o f
Septem ber 15th, rather than at
dawn on Septem ber 16th, when it
all really began? Perhaps because
Septem ber 15 was the Day o f Saint
Porfirio (a Greek saint o f the fourth
century) and the birthday o f Presi­
dent Porfirio Diaz.
S a l v a d o r e n
F o o d
Pupusa De Queso
Cheese Pupusa............................. $2.50
Pupusa De Chicaron Y Queso
Cheese and Pork Pupusa............. $2.50
Yuca Sancochada
Plántanos Fritos Con Crema
Fried Plantain with Cream............ $3.75
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