Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 29, 1999, Page 11, Image 11

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September 29, 1999
orila nò ©beeruer
ID l a n a R
From the so a rin g , South
A f r ic a n r h y th m s o f “ He
Lives In Y ou,” from the Tony
w inning m u sical The Lion
K in g , to th e h o p e f u l ,
h e a rtfille d anthem “ U ntil We
M eet A g a in ” to the p layful
cat an d m o u se o f “ S u g a r
F re e ,” from m id-tem po, u p ­
tem po and b a lla d s, EVERY
D iana R oss at h er a rtis tic
p e a k , d e liv e rin g g o rg eo u s
songs that are c o m p a ssio n ­
ate, co n scio u s, and m usically
ex p a n siv e .
In a rem ark ab le career that
spans o v er 30 y ears, D ia n a ’s
It goes w ith o u t say in g that
the adjectiv e sta r has becom e
so m e w h a t u b iq u ito u s . So
o v eru sed , and o fte n so lib e r ­
ally ap p lied , th at w hen it is
a c tu a lly a p p lie d c o rre c tly ,
i t ’s som ew hat s u rp risin g . So
to avoid any such shock or
co n fu sio n l e t ’s m ake so m e ­
th in g clear.
D iana Ross is a su p er star.
A ll o f w hich is e v id e n t on
DAY, the brand new c o lle c ­
tio n o f so n g s fro m D ian a
Ross and her firs t CD since
1 9 9 4 ’ s tr iu m p h a n t TA K E
DAY w as e x e c u tiv e p r o ­
d u ced by D ia n a R oss and
indeed her s ig n a tu re so u lfu l
s ty le is e tc h e d in to ev e ry
g roove. W orking w ith D iana
on th is e x u b e ra n t CD are a
v e rita b le w h o ’ s w ho o f
so n g w rite rs and p ro d u c e rs,
am ong them E ric C arm en ,
D e n is e R ic h , R ic W a k e ,
D ia n e
W a rre n ,
M a lik
P en d leto n , D aryl Sim m ons,
C h u c k ii B o o k e r, and A r if
M arden.
Sale! Sale! Sale!
“14 Slinky H a ir
SMalibu Qirl
Wail Tolish & lipstick
'Hair Troducts
'Braiding 'Hair
A id a
to announce the triumphant re­
turn of Tiki, the gentle, four-ton
pachyderm, who won over Port­
land audiences 10 years ago.
Performances of Aida will be
at the Civic Auditorium (SW 3rd
& Clay) from October 2,4,6,8,9
at 7:30 PM. For ticket informa­
tion, call Ticketmaster at 503/
790-ARTS or the Portland Op­
era Box Office at 503/241 -1802.
A Giuseppe Verdi M aster­
One of the most magnificent
Italian operas ever written, the
production features the dramatic
sound of 100 voices, along with
Portland’s favorite elephant
It’s hard to imagine a better
way to usher in the 35,h Anniver­
sary season than with Aida, the
grandest of all grand operas. W ith
an internationally renowned cast,
ravishing costum es, towering
sets, thrilling choreography, and
the unbelievable sound of more
than 100 people on stage, Aida
provides the ultimate theatrical
experience. Since its incredibly
successful Cairo debut in 1871,
Aida treats audiences to a vivid
combination o f larger-than-life
sp e c ta c le , w rapped tig h tly
around a delicate, unforgettable
love story.
Amid the splendor o f ancient
Egypt, the beautiful Aida walks
an emotional tightrope as she
tries to balance her love for an
enemy general with her alle­
giance to her father and country.
Aida is directed by by Port­
land Opera General D irector
Robert Bailey, who directed the
Company’s last production of
Aida in 1989. Portland Opera's
Music Director, Louis Salemno,
conducts the Portland Opera Or­
chestra and Chorus, along with a
cast of well known vocalists. The
C om pany's celebrated chorus
will p rovide several o f the
production’s highlights as it de­
lights audiences with Verdi’s fa­
mous chorus music. In addition
to the musical and scenic won­
ders, Portland Opera is pleased
a b s e n c e fro m th e m u s ic
scene only m ade her fa n s ’
hearts and ears grow fonder and
after one listen they will be re­
minded that this diva’s style is
unm atchable. Her fans will
agree that this album is well
worth the wait.
Now armed with an em o­
tional new television movie,
Double Platinum, and a power­
ful new CD, EVERY DAY IS A
NEW DAY, Diana Ross is ready
to tell us something that we all
know, but which bears repeat­
ing. Diana Ross is a singer.
Diana Ross is a super star.
D iana Ross is ours.
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A P o r t l a n d L e g e n d