I>age A3_______________________________ -— Mandatory 10-digit Dialing Delayed Eight Months 9-2 1-99 (S alem -A P ) — O re g o ­ nians will have an extra eight m onths to get ready for h aving to use area codes in all phone num bers T he sta te P u b lic U tility C o m ­ m issio n to d a y d e la y e d u n til O c to ­ b e r o f 2 0 0 0 a re q u ire m e n t that p h o n e u se rs d ia l te n d ig its - in ­ clu d in g th e a re a co d e - fo r ev en lo c al c a lls three code area. T h e area in clu d es P o r tl a n d , S a le m and m o st o f the rest o f north w estern O regon. C o m m issio n e rs said th e y r e ­ lu c ta n tly ap p ro v e d th e a re a co d e d elay b ec au se p h o n e c o m p a n ie s a lre a d y h av e sp e n t m o n e y to te ll c u sto m e rs ab o u t th e o rig in a l d ate o f th e ch an g e. T e n -d ig it d ia lin g w as to h av e sta rte d n ex t Ja n u a ry 30 th . B ut so m e P o rtlan d area b u rg la r alarm c o m p a n ie s sa id th ey co u ld not c o n v e rt all th e ir c u s to m e rs ’ s y s­ tem s by th a t date. T en -d ig it d ialin g is n eed ed b e­ cause a new nin e-sev en -o n e area code w ill take effect for new phone custom ers in the cu rren t five-oh- FDA Approves New Breast Cancer Drug Bv LAIJRAN NEERGAARD_________ O T he A ssociated P ress W A SH IN G TO N (A P) - Breast cancer patients w hose tum ors have spread to the lym ph nodes w on a new drug today that prom ises to im prove their chances o f survival over one com m on chem otherapy. The Food and D rug A dm inistra­ tion today approved Ellence, know n chem ically as epirubicin, for treat­ m ent o f node-positive, early-stage breast cancer. Some 180,000 American women chem otherapy best for each indi­ vidual case. The more lymph nodes w here can­ cer has spread, the m ore Bram w ell e n c o u ra g e s try in g E lle n ce . F or w om en with few er cancerous lym ph nodes, she lays out all the differences and lets them choose. “M any feel the short-term toxic­ ity is w orthw hile even if it’s a sm all absolute benefit,” she said. E llence w ill be av ailab le in m id- O c to b e r , a n d w ill c o s t a b o u t $12,000 for a six -m o n th course, the com p an y said. are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. About 75,000 o f them need "ad­ juvant chemotherapy” after surgery for a tumor that has spread to the nearby lymphnodes under the arm, said Ellence manufacturer Pharmacia & Upjohn. T ypically, doctors choose b e­ tw een two types o f chem otherapy. O ne is called A C, containing the drugs A driam ycin and cyclophos­ pham ide. T he other is called CM F, for cyclophospham ide, m ethotrex­ ate and fluorouracil. For patients and doctors, all this m eans is m ore choice in picking the Cemetery To Move Grave Markers & Caskets Some Have Been Misplaced Since 1996 PO R TLA N D . Ore. (A P) - A na­ tional cem etery will relocate 68 grave m arkers and eight caskets that were m is ta k e n ly m oved by groundskeepers in 1996. W orkers w ere ren o v a tin g the W illam ette N ational C em etery when grave m arkers in four row s w ere in­ advertently placed one grave site re­ m oved from their correct location. The m istake w as discovered last m onth w hen cem etery em ployees opened a v eteran 's grave to bury a family m em ber. They found a sec­ ond casket w here only one should have been. Because o f the m isplaced m ark­ ers, eight spouses w ho have died since the original m istake occurred were placed in the w rong graves. total grave sites involved in this ... well, it ’ s an absolute m ess. M y m other is very distraught over this. M y one outstanding question is: W hy did it take them three years to discover the problem ?” Evans said Devenney told him that such a mistake has never happened before at any o f the 115 cemeteries in the national system. Devenney said the error occurred after heavy rains during the 1995-96 winter when crews went into Section Y o f the cemetery to repair weather dam ­ age. Cemetery crews routinely make such repairs during drier sum m er weather. Devenney said no decision on pos­ sible disciplinary action regarding the incident has been made. The m arkers w ill be relocated to their c o rre c t p o sitio n s on T h u rsd a y . "W e imm ediately sent all 68 families a letter apologizing and notifying them o f the error,” said cem etery director Lucy D evenney w ho, so far, h as m e t w ith f o u r fa m ilie s . ’’The fam ilies have been w onderful and supportive o f us,” she said. "They understand that people m ake errors. But w e’re not m aking light o f this; it should never have happened. O ur em ployees feel a lot o f rem orse and g rief for these fam ilies.” M ichael Evans, w hose father, H arry J. Evans, is in one o f the m ism arked graves, said the m istake had deeply upset his family. ”1 feel horrible about it,” he said. "W hen I found out that th ere’s 68 September 22, 1999 ÿtortlanô ©bam ier Robert Gassner Joins United Way R obert G a ssn e r re c e n tly jo in e d U n ited W ay o f th e C o lu m b ia - W illam ette as a ca m p a ig n m a n ­ ager H e w ill c o o rd in a te fu n d ­ raising cam paigns in insurance and investm ent c o m p an ie s an d labor o r g a n iz a ti o n s . P re v io u s ly , G a s s n e r w o rk e d as a s p e c ia l p roject m an ag er, fo cu sin g on e d u ­ cation issu es, fo r tw o su c ce ssiv e governors o f W est V irg in ia H e recently ea rn ed a m a s te r’s d eg re e in public ad m in istra tio n w ith c o n ­ centration in n o n -p ro fit m a n a g e ­ m ent, from P o rtlan d S tate U n iv e r­ sity. G assn er liv es in N o rth e a st Portland. U n ited W ay fu n d s 150 health and hum an service program s that stren g th en s fam ilies, in v est in p o sitiv e e x p e rien c es fo r ch ild ren and yo u th , en h a n ce se n io r in d e­ p e n d e n ce an d m e et e m e rg e n c y needs in M u ltn o m ah , C lac k am a s and W ashington C o u n ty in O regon and C lark C o u n ty in W ash in g to n . Secondhand Smoke Threatens Children Oregon Children Exposed Unnecessarily to this Toxin A k iller lu rk s in o u r o w n b a c k ­ y ard and its n am e is seco n d h a n d sm oke, ac co rd in g to an in te rn a ­ tional h ealth o rg a n iz a tio n ’s w arn ­ ing to parents. S eco n d h a n d sm oke serio u sly d am ag es th e h ea lth o f alm o st h a lf the w o rld ’s ch ild ren , acco rd in g to the W o rld H ea lth O r­ g an izatio n (W .H .O .) Seven hundred m illion children breath secondhand sm oke produced by the 1.2 billion adults w ho sm oke near them, according to a report pre­ sented by the W .H.O. at a recent conference on health and the envi­ ronm ent in London. The report de­ “ W hat is positive about this op­ eration is that even though w e found a 20% violation rate, that still means that 80% o f the drivers are abiding T he goal o f this o p era tio n w as to be m ore visible to com m ercial vehicles that travel the seco n d ary roads in ea stern O regon. Evidence show s that secondhand smoke alters brain developm ent in children and accelerates their onset o f heart disease. Parents who d o n ’t stop sm oking should protect their children from secondhand sm oke by never sm oking around them in en­ closed spaces like the hom e or the car, according to Patron. The O regon Q uit line, a toll-free telephone call, is cessation-counsel­ ing service available to O regonians. To quit tobacco for good, call: 1- 877-270-ST O P (E nglish), 1-877- 2NO FUM E (Spanish), or 1-877- 777-6534 (TTY). Feds May Fine Oregon for High Food-Stamp Error Ra SA L E M , Ore. (A P) - Federal o f­ ficials have threatened to fine O r­ egon for m istakenly giving som e people too m any food stam ps and s h o rtc h a n g in g o th e rs la st y ear. In a letter to state officials, U.S. A griculture Secretary D anG lickm an estim ated that O regon m ade over­ paym ents o f $22.6 m illion to some food-stam p recipients and underpay­ m ents o f n early $4 m illion. That gave Oregon an error rate o f 13.4 percent in fiscal 1998, exceeding the 10.6 percent national average. G lickm an said that if steps aren ’t taken to fix the problem , the state w ould be fined $1.4 million. Jim N eely, deputy director o f the state A dult and Fam ily Services Di- ODOT Conducts Vehicle Weighing Operation in Malheur County O n S ep tem b er 8 an d 9, the O r­ egon D e p a rtm e n t of T ran sp o rtatio n ’s M o to rC a rrie r E n­ fo rcem ent D ivision h eld a jo in t S atu ration W eighing o p eratio n in M alh eur C ounty. W orking w ith the F ederal Internal R evenue Ser- vice D iesel in sp ectio n team , the tw o departm ents w eighed 401 co m ­ m ercial vehicles and perfo rm ed 23 safety inspections. A fter w eig h in g 401 trucks. M o­ tor C a rrie r E nfo rcem en t O fficers issued 80 citations, w hich am ounted to a 20% v io latio n rate. Included in the 80 citatio n s, 16 w ere w eight vio lations, 41 w ere O D O T au th o r­ ity v io latio n s, 12 w ere size v io la­ tions, 7 safety v io latio n s, and 4 oth er infringem ents. As a result o f the 23 safety in­ spections, enforcem ent officers put 7 d riv ers and 8 veh icles out o f se r­ vice. T he tw o-day ev en t produced an o verall vio latio n rate o f 20% , a 30% d riv er violatio n rate, and 35% vehicle v io latio n rate. Inspection and w eighing opera­ tions took place along H ighw ay 201 north o f interstate 84, and south o f 1- 84. along H ighw ay 95 betw een Jor­ dan V alley and the B um s Junction, and in the cities o f O ntario Nyssa. A nother team w as dedicated towards m oving betw een various locations in M alheur County. M ost o f the en fo rce m en t o ffic­ e rs ’ tim e is d ed ica ted to the in ter­ state system , w here a less than one- p ercen t v io latio n rate is achieved. tailed the im pact o f secondhand sm oke on so m any children that it "c o n stitu te s a su b stan tial public health threat." In O regon, 19% o f w om en use tobacco during pregnancy, exposing the developing fetus to a mix oftoxic and carcinogenic chemicals. Among children in O regon, 24% live in hom es w here they breathe second­ hand smoke. A s a result o f inhaling secondhand smoke, these children suffer from increased asthm a, bron­ chitis, pneum onia and Sudden Infant Death Syndrom e ju st like children in the rest o f the world. by the rules,” said D ick Carter, Mo- to rC arn er Enforcement management at the Farew ell Bend Point o f entry. vision, said Tuesday that the errors occurred partly because o f the state’s aggressive efforts to m ove people o ff w elfare and into paying jobs. M any o f those people remain eli­ gible for food stamps after becom ­ ing em ployed, and it's more difficult to calculate how m uch they are en­ titled to, he said. N eely said his agency expected to hear back from the USDA later this m onth, and he hoped it would allow O regon to spend the $ 1.4 m il­ lion on im proving its system track­ ing food-stam p benefits, instead o f paying a fine. A key law m aker said Tuesday he was concerned that it was the third consecutive year in w hich O regon’s food-stam p error rate has exceeded the national average. Neely said the state ’ s welfare agency was seeking to recoup the money. “Som e o f that already has been re­ collected, and w e w ill continue to pursue those collections,” he said. "W here most o f the food-stamp errors tend to get made is with w ork­ ing families that have fluctuating in­ come and resources, and therefore the food-stamp benefit changes," he said. Still, he was hopeful the state’s w elfare agency will com e in below the national food-stam p error rate this year. “W e are putting substantial re­ sources into im proving paym ent ac- curacy," he said. Now you can find us on the world wide web www.portlandobserver.net A t le a s t t h a t ’s w h a t the control system com puters at Pacific P o w er'sG ad sb y pow er plant thought. It was actually a Saturday afternoon in early Septem ber 1998. An off-line generator at the plant w as first on the list for D avid Register's generation Y2K team to have its com puter clocks set ahead as part of testing for Year 2000 readiness. David, the Year 2000 Project M anager at Pacific Power, is in charge of ensuring that every piece of equipm ent at Pacific Power, from fax m achines to pow er substations, functions as it should January 1,2000. That day at Gadsby, everyone w ho w as gathered around the m onitors held their breath as the hour finally flashed 12:00a.m. And then ...n o th in g happened. The unit w as w orking exactly as it should. Smiles quickly replaced the serious expressions of the test team. In the w eeks that followed, the generator continued to o perate w ithout a hitch, even as its clock w as set to other year 2000 test dates. So there w as no need to test the other identical pow er units at Gadsby, right? Wrong, the team decided. They continued to test everything. M inor problem s w ere found on the other tw o generators, b u t they were quickly corrected, as retesting verified All system s passed the tests w ith flying colors. "H ere is a success story in tw o folds, says David. "First, w e verified that system s will perform as It was just before midnight, Dec. 31,1999. expected in the vear 2000 and second, by finding small glitches, w e confirm ed that our testing strategy is the right one." " Because of w ork like this, o u r custom ers can feel confident that we will be conducting business as usual on January 1. 2000." A nd beyond. David Register an d Pacific P o w er's Y2K team. Taking the m ystery o u t of the m illennium . You can reach us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, just call 1-888-221-7070. # PACIFIC PO W ER A PacifiCorp Company Making it happen. f n i i MWSW M M I U » * » T . ' -, j »¿J