Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 22, 1999, Page 22, Image 22

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September 22, 1999
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of colds. In som e cases, if you are able to get a treatment or start the herbal formula soon
H ere in the U nited States w hen som eon e catches a cold, they rarely think about
running to an acupuncturist. H owever, in C hina it is a com m on practice to seek he p
enough vou can ward off the worst of the cold. Even if the cold settles in, acupuncture
or Chinese herbs can ease the sym ptom s and shorten the course o f the illness.
from 'Traditional C h in ese M edicine (TCM ). T C M , which includes Acupuncture and
Chinese H erbs, is used as a primary health care system by on e o f the world s largest
N o on e has really proven exactly how acupuncture works, but studies have shown
that acupuncture can stim ulate the body’s ability to produce endorphins, the body s
natural pain killers, and even raise the bod y’s white blood cell count, an in|d ic‘do''o f
populations, the people o f the People’s R epublic o f China. ___
From the TCM viewpoint, it doesn’t matter ifyourcold comes from a urns or a bat
a healthy im m u n e system . Thus, acupuncture appears to strengthen the body s
infection Rather, it is believed that acute illnesses usually arise hum an “external pem toous
influence" (EPI). EPIs correlate to the exposure o ftoo m uch cold, heat, wmd,
im m u n e system , w hich in turn helps the bod y to better com bat the cold
drvnessO nce the EPI invade, the b x fy .it often makes the person ro have-svm^oms much
like itself. For example, some person s a,Ids hare the symptoms of chilb and clear p
h i addition to acupuncture, there are several forms of Chinese herbs available to treat
colds In China, dried herbs are boiled until a potent tea is formed. Here in the United State.
Ibis person has a “cold” cold Som e have fever and burning sore throats; das L s a n ^ - n d
a varietv ofherbal pills that areeasier on the palette and suitabusvlifestvk-are available lh e
important thing is to match the right formula to the person and his or her symptoms, wtuch
is why an acupuncturist or Chinese herbalist can be very helpftil for someone with a cold.
a “hot cold" Ckhere have profuse phlegm and these petjple are thought to havra damp
Yet others from a dry cough and these people are thought to have a dam pcold Y eto tb rs
from adrv rough and flrere pet^le have a “dry œ k i’ ForYhose w
t a
j e
trequenth. antf/or have m usde pain that moves around, this is ronsxlered a Nvmdv cold .
q b ere are acupuncture treatments and Chinese herbal fotm ulas for all these lands
attempt to eliminate internal toxins. Over
H ollis “H olly” T shinL i Yap Bliatout is a Licensed Acupuncturist with a Masters
in A cupuncture and O riental M edicine and Doctorate in Acupuncture (Sri Lanka).
Holly Bliatout
H er clinic is located at 133 N E T hird in G resham . C all 503/492-1100 for an
Lie. Acupuncturist
appointm ent or consultation.
helps prevent severe colds. Other supple
directed to Prafulla S. Morris, N.D., Med,
ments that can be effective in reducing
cal Doctor o f HealthCrest Quantum Heal
load o f toxins depletes the immune system
and provides a favorable environment for
cold symptoms are Zinc and combinations
ing Center. Call 503/699-2547. An tx
virus or bacteria to grow. Therefore, keep­
o f antioxidants and bioflavnoids.
Proper diet, along with some herbal
: 4
ing the body toxin free and maintaining a
healthy immune system are generally con
* <*'■
sidered to be the keys to avoiding colds.
Herbal and nutritional supplements
. tv
against colds. Nevertheless, any herbal
treatment should not be continued for a
p a tie n ts through a dve rtisin g and store
long period o f time without proper guid
scree nin gs to
ance from a Naturopathic physician.
A ll o f us have experienced the runny
nose, sore throat, achiness, maybe head
against the common cold are Aconite,
ing on the symptoms and their severity.
llim Cepa, Arsenicum, Bryonia,
Some blood cleansers such as red clfr
Eupatorium Perforatum,
ver, burdock, sage, etc., can assist in clean
ache, etc., that announce the onset o f a
ing toxins out o f the body and can make
cold. It is the most common illness known.
Is the cold caused by a virus? I f so, why is
the whole treatment more effective.
gets a cold?
Many o f the symptoms o f a cold come
from our body's defense mechanism at
work. Symptoms are a sign o f the body‘s
juices helps to eliminate toxins and stimu
reduces kapha. Dry ginger and lon g p ep
digestion, and pacify the doshas.
removes problems of health by restoring
per (pippali) im prove digestion, assinnla
W hen good health returns, you want
to n . O ne’s constitution (prakriti) is m ade
tion and m etabolism
For a vata type cold, there m ight be
to b e careful to follow the diet and daily
up o f vata, pitta, and kapha These are the
dryness and m ucus m em branes with little
Ayurvedic constitution for optim um
doshas that control aU the functions of the
m ucus and in som n ia Three drops of
digestion and prevention offuture colds.
body . W hen the doshas are out of balance
sesam e oil in each nostril (nasya) once or
Q uestions on this article m ay be
twice a day can h elp Licorice root tea directed to Prafulla S. Morris, N .D .,
improves circulation and helps reduce M edical Director o f Ayur-Ved Samhita
Ashw agandhaandshatavari(l/4teaspoon
power (agni) as the cause o f the com m on
each) boiled in milk and water (1/2 cup
cold. C old , dry, and w indy weather lead
each) with saffron, ginger, and cardamom
to a vata type cold. C old and wet weather
help increase the resistance to vata type
lead to a kapha type cold. Ayurved works
cold. Avoid yogurt, cheese, and tofu.
In the kapha type cold, m ucus is
abundant and accum ulates in the upper
part o f the body. Favor fresh, light, dry,
warm , pungent, bitter, and astringent
foods. A void dairy, oily, cold, heavy, sour
and salty foods. Bread m ust be avoided.
she needs your help.
Your e n th u s ia s tic
endorsement of Dr. Failla’s practice to family
and friends enables her to concentrate more
of her time building on her education base
to even better serve her patients - the
reason for her practice.
routine that m atches your individual
m ucus in the upper part of the body. C enter for Perfect Health. Call 5 0 3 /
and kapha along with reduced digestive
restore balance in the physiology.
To continue this level of commitment and service
ofhealthandwelTbeingfrom India. Ayurved
quickly to pacify the vata or kapha and to
performance through her individualized Chiropractic,
deep massage and specified stretching techniques.
the guidance o f a licensed Physician.
Questions on this article may be
im purities from the b od y, stim ulate
Ayurved view s aggravation o f vata
attain your pre-injured health and peak sports
should be considered and treated under
with lem on juice, fresh ginger and honey
finally, svmptoms.
injuries just sustained.
She devotes 100% of her energy to helping
conditions such as influenza or allergy
Avurved is the original holistic science
toward correction of chronic and traumatic injuries,
A short fast is good for kapha people. Tea water several tim es a day to elim inate
o - -----------------
p u b lic
such as nagging shoulder pain for instance or auto
more than 5-7 days, then other similar
late digestion.
Vitamin C at the start o f the season
in on listening, detailed diagnoses and working
etc., depending on the specific symptom
picture. I f cold symptoms persists for
Drinking more fluids such as water,
herbal teas, soups, and organic vegetable
organizations. At Dr. Failla’s practice her focus
Homeopathic remedies trigger a
strong healing response from the vital
seal are effective cold fighters. Other use­
force to restore balance in the physiol
f u l herbs are y a rro w , eyebright,
eclecampagne, and elderflower, depend­ ogy. Homeopathic remedies effective
it that not everybody exposed to the virus
many Physicians spend a part
f of their work weeks and time seeking new
the immune system a fighting chance
body's healing mechanisms
Herbs such as Echinacea and golden
Northwest Pharmacies.
avoidance o f alcohol and tobacco, give
body’s immune system and strengthen the
. - Ä
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are available for purchase at Nature 's
and nutritional supplements and the
have a long tradition o f use in treating
and preventing colds. They nourish the
r i
tensive array o f Herbs and Homeopaths
su p r e m e
h erbal
fo r m u la
(rasayana) for treatment and prevention
o f colds is Am rit Nectar and Am brosia
(found in health food stores), a full spec
trum antioxidant com bination which has
Chiropractic Physician
over 1000 tim es m ore antioxidant power
than vitam in C or E.
It is important to drink plain boiled
Dr. Marcelitte Failla
42S NW 18th Ave. • Portland, OR 97209 • (803) 22841140
Prafulla S. Morris