September 22, 1999 - < F o cu s 2 > ®he Fortiani» ©bacrwer t h e Page 7 N O R T H W E S T F IL M C E N T E R “Ina country with a severe housing 1999 marks 40 years since government guerilla. Espinosa con shortage (where people exchange Fidel Castro led the revolu­ ceived of the film as an accommo­ dwellings rather than sell tion that altered a political dation between “serious” and “popu them as their marriages landscape that reached far lar" art, as an attempt to combine beyond Cuba's borders. Ironi­ movie entertainment with a subver­ break up and reform) apart cally, it is also the year that sive critique of old forms of movie ment-swapping is fueled by Fidel's likeness is now in Ma­ entertainment. The result was one heartthrobs, hearth-lust and dame Tussaud's Wax Mu­ of the most widely seen films in sexual and social aspira tions. In HOUSE FOR seum. CUBA: INSIDE/OUT is Cuban history.” (113 mins.) SWAP, a mother executes a a look at the country from TUES, OCT 12, 7 PM within and outside its borders com plicated three-way HOUSE FOR SWAP (SE as it brings together a re­ housing swap to move her PERMUTA) markable selection of post­ daughter to a neighborhood CUBA 1984 revolutionary Cuban cinema The desire for upward mobility where she can meet a better in a wide range of styles. class of boy. When her in a country where eveyone is con SAT, OCT 9, 5 & 9 PM sidered equal is at the center ot daughter gets engaged to a guantanemera Tabio’s clever satire and one of fast-talking man, she begins CUBA 1994 Cuba’s most celebrated comedies. another round of swaps to GUANTTANEM ERA cel ebrates the contradictory nature of a country’s politics and its people as it follows Yoyita, a Havana singer who returns to her small hometown after 50 years to rekindle a long lost love. The kindling turns so hot that her love, Candido, dies with their embrace. This daring romantic com edy then turns to the business of bringing Candido’s coffin back to Havana, a road trip full of misad­ ventures as Yoyita and her growing entourage run head-on into the staple of Cuban life: adversity. Star ring Mirtha Ibarra, Conchita Brando, Raul Eguren and Carlos Cruz, “the film’s target is mindless, pig headed bureaucracy. The weap "The Day You'll Love Me (El Dia Que Me Quieras)'' will be ons it brings to bear against it are playing on Friday, October 8 at 7:30 PM and Thursday, October 14 at 7 PM. romance, sexuality and irrever ence." (110 mins.) MON, OCT II, 7 PM THE T h e N ’T o u c h B a n d P R E S E N T S win them a dream house. And of course no sooner is the plan in place than the lovers start swap­ ping partners. (103 mins.) ARE YOU UNMARRIED? If you are in a relationship and have chosen not to get married, we would like to interivew you for our book. We are an unmarried couple who are writing a book about people who choose not to get married or are unable to get married. We would like to interview you by phone about your thoughts and experiences. We will respect your limits regarding confidentiality. To learn more or ,o arrange a time Io ^ ' — ed. m il Dorian and Marshall at 1 -800-513-6999. adventurues of JUAN QUIN QUIN (LA AVENTURAS DEJUAN QUIN QUIN) CUBA 1967 THE ADVEN­ TURES OF JUAN QUIN QUIN is set in pre-revolutionary Cuba, where the flim-flam, jack-of all-trades hero lives by his wits and ekes out an existence as, vari­ ously, a farmer, altar boy, bullfighter and cir­ cus act (as Jesus on the cross, no less). Godardian Intertitles, animated sequences.a dn comic strips further enliven the anarchic pro ceedings. An encounter with cartoonish imperi­ alists ultimately turns the hero into an anti- Im m ediate Openings lor interne m w vacations and holidays available. WPM and com m unicate well. Experience a p •-‘T • iros V u ,,, „ „ t essential. E arn $7 to $9/hr. l u s , ____________________, Call 24-hour Job Hotline at ___ i Student Week PSU Multicultural Center Atwater« Restaurant & Bar US Bancorp Tower, 111 SW Fifth Ave September 2 3 . 1999»Thu: 7:00 - - 10:00 «V September 2 6. 1 99 9 M t Olivet Church Saturday Night Coffee House Sun: 7:00-10:00 «* 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd. The Green Onion Restaurant October 2, 1999«Sat: 8:30-10:00 a» 15 SW Second Ave M t Olivet Church Saturday Night Coffee House October 16. 1 9 9 9 ÂDC M t Olivet Church Saturday Night Coffee House 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd. December 4. 1999’ Sat: 8:30 - 10.00 ~ Uve performance KMHD EM 89. I s “Home Church Saturday Night Coffee House-. 7 ¿If . X . . V -■ '-r (503) 245-4479 ext. 452 or 453 I I I I I I I coupon One ' I any regular 6”or 12” sub sandwich* Jimmy Mak'» 300 NW 10th @ Everett November 26. 1 99 9 Fri: 9 :0 0 - 1 :00 m •Nor valid with value Menu or Combo Mea l IM ™ - go OfddMy Concert Sokoi BlosserWmery. -pprt^sprrff-cru,,- lu n e ^ > (503) 797-2639 or Human Resources at $1.00 Off Sat: 9 :00-12:00 «« 8501 N. Chautauqa Blvd. November 6. 1999«Set: 8:3010:00 - Market Decisions Corporation Equal Opportunity Employer _______ * , j. N O SALES. Please present Ä i i i ■■■ . 1 V Ä T'~ T Mt coupon before o' de^ 9st’^ i ''/ n ^ s e i e s l ^ X Nor good m combonatron with any other | S I Ä - __ ________ J -. ..'7 '..zi •' _ Z í'í “A -