Page 6 Focus September 22, 1999 September 23-29,1999 IN P R I N T N osotros The Hispanic People Of Oregon Oregon Council for the Humanities; 1995 E dited by E rasmo G amboa and C arolyn M. B uan What Id o is valuable just because 1 am who I am. Aries NOSOTROS T H E H IS P A N IC P E O P L E O F O R E G O N This is a good week to exam ine your connection with other,. Ego vibrations are not as firm and so the extended self is more evident Family, friend,, workplace, community, nation, humankind will all ,eem a part of you. Use the time to appreciate all of theae. J//irmahtwi I g, a t thanks f ir my link to people. Scorpio Taurus ESSAYS AND RECOLLECTIONS i iM 11 n m t IA5MP GAMIUH WO 4 u u m s M »1 n ni ism » m 1 HL iHtf Ü0N cAH NCR t a » IMF Mt ML M lU'S Libra Cluing it alone ism« what vou prize mo<, but you might have to find joy in Military task, this week. Be two people - the one doing the job and the one keeping the doer t om- panv Promote a conversation between the two while the job is being done Affirmation: I am my own good friend Listen to the voice »peaking from within the week. Smile first to signify your happiness in receiving the message Don’t try to translate the message into lan­ guage. Simply enjoy the mood, knowing that it isspeak- mg of wonderful aspect, of you. Affirmation: The most wonderfisl part of me need not he translated into words. Electric light is produced by generators that are some­ times underground. ITri. week think of your personal spiritual power as a hidden generator giving light even to those who take your existence for granted. Affirmation: I find self-acceptance as a hidden source of light. Gemini Look for a person with whom you can form “the odd couple” this week. An alliance with someone vwy different than you are will add what you are m issing It can only be brought by som eone who thinks very differ ently than you do. Affirmation. 1 open myself up Io an attrac Feel those creative vibes They’re for real. If you've rested well and are refreshed, creativity will flood through you this week. It’ll make you flexible, agree­ able and understanding. I f , your option how you re going to use creativity to benefit your self and other, Sagittarius lion of opposites. Capricorn Affirmation: la m a mood master Cancer You more than any others know the value of the past Your problem has always been creating fresh starts. Start ing clean without the past hanging on Is certainly im­ possible for you this week. However, by seeing the past in a new light you can bring freshness to the present and future. Affirmation: Past hardships art steppingstones to a joyous present. Leo “Whv Do Fool, Fall in Love,” Frankie Lvmon used to sing The real tools are those who do not fall Life is a school and love i, its best teacher Your vibes are calling to yon this week to think fondly of all the love you are now giving and have given. Love itself make, you a better you. Affirm* tion. 1 find gfory in the rich emotions cfmylffi. ab o u t the s ta te ’s H isp a n ic e n tre p re n e u rs. t a time when challenges to im Nosotros also features a special collection of migration and multiculturalism personal narratives, gathered during a two-year, dom inate the Am erican media, this statewide oral history project. From this rich new book from the Oregon Council blend of essay and story emerges a picture of a for the H um anities offers a variety com munity with deep roots and a promising of perspectives on O regon s m ulti­ faceted H ispanic com munity. Like future in Oregon. Copies of this book can be purchased through the the C ouncil’s highly successful T he Oregon Council for the Humanities in Portland. First Oregonians, Nosotros contains OCH is located at 812 SW Washington St, Suite 225, essays by a host of writers. Their Portland, O R 97205 or call 1^)00-735-0543. topics range from Spanish explor- A ers and va­ q u e ro s to analyses of m o d e rn g o v ern ­ m e n t p o lic y , from expía nations of traditional c u ltu ra l c e le b ra tions to ex­ aminations of works by e x c itin g new artists, from ac­ c o u n ts of m ig ra n t cam p life to success s to rie s fo r the brighter 1 am naw. Pisces People will wonder about you this week. Vhe mys­ tique created by your smile will make them ask: “W hat» up ” When you tell them you don’t know, they U think that vou do know Your ability to enjoy without know ing is key to your charm. Affirmation: I am amused by l riddle of life if I remember it is all good. Sale! Sale! Sale! “14 Slinky'H air ^Malibu Çirl AMOUNT NAME C1TY/STATE/ZIP VISAD MASTERCARD□ CHECK□ PHONC CARD# Aquarius It', your sense of spiritual freedom that make, you so attractive this week. I f , your ability to embrace the future now that makes other want to be with you. 1 he bright picture o f what h a, not yet unfolded gives you your glow. Affirmation: The more I think about time-tocome Virgo fern Lid'0^1.1 lo v e o f j a z z — Isay I don't want to be in charge Feel good about yourself because of your ability to work hard. Results are important to you this week, an you may not see how your work is getting you to where you want to go. Look deeply into what you are and find joy in doing it for its own sake. Affirmation. Public radio KMHD depends upon support Irom listeners like you. Beep the luU spectrum of law on your radio. Contribute now! Mail to: kmhd, Mt. Bood Community College 26000 Si Stark, Gresham, OR *7030 ADDRESS If you’ve gotten deeply into your personal vibration, over the last two weeks, you’ve noticed that your leader ship abilities have been needed in a wide variety of ac­ tivities. You can extend the range by being modest by seeming not to want to lead. Affirmation: People laugh when TMail Tolish & lipstick $1095 99' «Hair «Products 'Braiding Hair 99* ‘Buy One - g e t One ‘Free CM rS. Q ’«Wig&«Hair Care Center 707 «N'E Tremont • Portland, CFR 97212 EXP. DATE SIGNATURE '89. (503) 281-6525